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<br /> ��;� —,--. ._.-- - - - - - - - � _� - _
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<br /> - . . -_� . �
<br /> `` � ! � . �►n�,►a�rs►��u��e or��,►���+y�or�e�o�a�� .
<br /> � � �` � �rnmmiar�a ca)en�c��i��!6�.�3►�- '�roedrt;ons x�dw ee,mw�a: c•) �
<br /> - p�ys Lreoder ai!wm�whi�t�eo vcoutd be dua nnder�Eus Savnty�lnsawnent�d the Nae ac it oo aocele�ation hd
<br /> ocs�ta�ib)c��qY debW4 d�u+Y atber covenaots a agneeme�ts:t�1 WYs��xP��uxarted in enfacin�tDis Sec�uitY
<br /> -- - r- Ins�nou�ioctud`nnnS,6ui noi-Tuni��o.-ieasait�btC a�meYs�fas:and i�t�kes suds x�on as�s�det auy tea�ooablY _._ __�
<br /> _ -,- �ni�t�apu��cf�les�n.t�f tb�s Securit�Ltsaammt.l.eader�d�rts in the Propvty and Barower�obligatiw to psy We
<br /> — - � �nu� by tlsis�Secar►��e-a� tJg�at�it�atcasc�t� So�+awcr� ' —_- — ---
<br /> _ � f�uaieat�i tt�a��dioos aeeuc+ed hereby,stsall�€ully cftati�as if ns�acr.etauion�ad oocuned. Ho�xevec.this
<br /> �t tateins�le shall not appiy�n tbe ca�e af acoekiadan under p�ta�gcs,ph 17. .
<br /> �!�S�k aR N�le;C�e et l.o�Set�v�w '1't�Aiou a a p�wl iate�est in t�Noce(w8dher with t�is Securiry
<br /> iruawmeat)may ba soid ane a mare ome;vrithoai prior no6c�ta Bamvvcr. A sak may n.sutt in a clvnge in the eatity
<br /> {�ao�e�s tbe"Lo�n Senioe�")d�t colk�ts mncMht�►W�ments du�under tNe Nate aod ttis Secutity Iasuuaoau. 71�erc also _
<br /> may 6e aie a mae ch�es d thc Lo�n Srnnca umdated�u a s�t+e of th�Note. Jf�e is a cb�nge of tde�.o9n Savicer.
<br /> __ 9oao�ra vnU 6e given wtiaaa aatkt of tbe cl�e in aocor3�ne�with pusg�aph 14 above aed appticabla Izw..lbe mtioe
<br /> -_= w�l sqoe tbcname aod add�ess of ibe en�r W�n Se�vvicer�d tht ad�ess w which.�styments shouW be made.Ttre aotict wiil •
<br /> - - ' • - --
<br /> -alsoeoat�iinmyafhesmfacaWtio��b�►�ppli�a�btti�w - - - - �
<br /> . . - -- - -- �-
<br /> �:,�i � �R N*ar�s S�Mta■ea� Ba�mwer shall not qw.�e ar paayil:tlie.�.us�,.disposal.soxa8e.or nk;ase of an� :
<br />--"�, �do�S�ai or ia ltje Pfope�ty. Bamw�r shall not da«r�oc allow.anya�e[s�t�d�anythine�wffocang ib��
<br /> ,=-`-�'-'��1 �t11it is!rt l�'lO�t10�Of�Ily FaY1P0OR�1 l.iw 711e�A$tWO�SCtRlt1CCS 6i131I t�f }�IO iliC Q[CSlt1CG.tISC.6F
<br /> `•�'•-� S[q�$C Ofl tl1C p[qpQty/p�S171i�QUlllt�df Ral�01IS$U�S-I�C 3[t$Etl�1��j/ lfl bC�[1�1.7i�G{O RO[[mi�. ' _-
<br />-:�;y� �e.Sldeai�l uses and ta tluinteltil�CC of tbC PmpCtty. '> . , �.-
<br /> -- Barowc sfnll p[omptly give i.erder�ittca frotle�e:af aa�Ii►vestigatiaa;cTwn.dea�and.taws�uxa�othcr action.6y any �_- --_--
<br /> Swtr�mxntal a ieg�orY�Y�1��Pa�Y�I���°P�Y��Y�S cnt+°�s or F.rrvitomnattal =_
<br /> : Law of wl6ch BarmNe�das actual tuqvriedga. Ii Boaowcr teams:ar�,t�ed bY a�x3t�''��al a �egulatory "` _
<br />_ ;-',, ' " audiority,th�t�ny renwvil ar atber rea�iallon oE au►y Hazatdb�Suhstaa�e affecting the PtopaAy is necessatyr.Barower =--_--
<br />`=``� slnll prompqy Wrc.all aece�s�ryrmnednl aAioits in aocoMwnoe widt F.avhxx�ma�tat i.�w. ; . -----_---
<br /> � As used in this p�ragiaph 20."Ha7�rdous Subsqncas"an those subsmnces d�eF'uKd as i0aie or luzarclous subsances Dy • ��--��_
<br /> Fatvimnn�ental law�d the followlag subsanres: gasoline.kerosene.other fiamtnaMe or w�ic petrnkum pmducts.toaic ,}��
<br /> _----- pesticida and he�bicides,votatile sol�vents,maurial�conGtininB aa6enus or fo�o�ldehyde.and radioactive matedats. As ��.�'-. -
<br /> � used Io flus�ragaph 20"Envuonmrntal Law"meanc federallaws�id hws of the jurisdictian�vtx�e the Pr+aperty is tocaud -::�:�;,,-
<br /> ` �' ' tls�t c�elate w twl�h,s�feey or envira�unental pcotoction. . . . • "��V
<br /> f T--f��:-
<br /> ' NON-UNIT�URMCO�'L•NAN7'S.Bafrawer�dl�enderfurthercovenantvtdagtieeasfollows: ~�'s`"'=-
<br /> � �, 2l.�Aeodera8or:Re�edk�. i.ader�sbW�lr•e aatice to Horrowdr Prioe to acaeteratiao tdlo�ias Borrow�p''a .:'�.=_";:
<br /> ' bce�cM d an►eove�t ar�t irt t�k Senrity ins�eieat(bat aot prior w acodentiat a�dec�ragcspl�17 ���,.".,,� -
<br /> } . '�s applicable bw pr�w�es diel�e� 1Le sAtiee stisU��: (s)tie delsoth(b)tie scti4+�����c�rr tbe ���� _
<br />`",:` _�' ' defa�M:(c)�dM��ot kas tlia�3p d�s fi+as fhe dste tlre aotioe is Sire�to llasrowe�p;�iitU tbe dda�N�rir , �__ -
<br />-`....I"� ,� ���y_
<br /> < <, eMred:a�d(d)tht t�iirre to core tl�t de�i�u110o ar bdore tl�e dxOe specitied ia tlie aotkti�say+res�lt ia sooder�da�ot'. ��, r�,� _.
<br /> �i4 �� t6e s��cared 6y.tAis.$ant�tY It�unust a�d stle d 1Me P�a�at�. T�e�otioe s1aQ,li�i�ther i�fora Earra+ra at -- °_
<br /> :;�i:.;� � t6e r�t to neinsate�it��1cc+e�ecatton amd t6e r�¢t to bri�g a coart actiar ta�sseri tiie�oa�istewoe ot a de�a�lt ar •�::
<br />::�:�� �'- s�atbar dek�e af Bocco�rer to�mle�tion aad sala Ii tbe de��Wl is Aut�arsd on br betare tlie date specifkd 1n� _�.'
<br />.'^',''.4, .. JrfL �t"�'__
<br /> tbe natkwL"ender at its option mav t+e�uiea immedisite payment.io fuU of sll s+ue�sea�red bi this Secarit�Iastran4eot _ . 3,=s_,
<br />;:�,:�;:.� wifY6aa�t E�t6er deaisnd and rru���uvoke the po�re�ot sala firid pny other remcdies permitted Dy sppiic�bk taw •='� ;,°r;:
<br />;;;;f;'..- • O° h Zl• _ . -
<br /> i.e�der s1�U De eetHted to cdk+et�II espeoses incurred in{wesatna the re�eEdks providcd in tMtc PA�P
<br /> Indudi�,ent not limitcd ta.rezsonnbk Attorneys'fees aad costs ot title evidenca . � -
<br /> n
<br /> �� i!tre poRer ot s�le is iavoked,7lrastee sh�ll ceoord�notke of defanit in each ewaty in wbkb any psirt ot tbe •r �� � _
<br /> ... Propert'isbcatld aed shall m�il copies oisucii notioe ia fhe awaner prescNbM by Applicabk Unv to Barru�rer and to '".. . ,
<br /> tbe dl�persons prescrlhed by applicabk law.'°�fl�er t6e Nme requi�ed by app8cabk Isw•1lrustes shaQ gire publk :;.. {;:_`
<br /> - notict d srk to t6e persoos and in the maaner prescrl6ed by applicabk hw 7lrusteG Klthout demand on Bon'o�ver, -
<br /> . :L�, sh�U sdi tie Property At public auclion to tde 6ighest bidde�at the time and pl�snA unde�the terms desig�wtM in _. .
<br /> . :-r tbc�notice of sak in one or more parcets and ia aey order Trusta determiaes. '1lrusta mAy po�tpon�sAte of atl ar arty _,
<br /> . �•:+; gracoe!af the Pra{�hy puWic announcemeat at iGe Nmc aed plaa ot any pfe.wiousf9 schedukd ssk. I.eade�ar ita _- • .
<br />: ;;:,;< �e�aee msy pYrchse t6e Property At any sate. . -
<br />._;t;L•.,;:.;.-� , 1'�0�o r s c e l p t o f p s y m e a t o[t U e p r l e e b i d,7 b u s t e e s l w l l d e l,i v e r t o t h e p a r c b.�►s e r 7 t a s t a's deed conve yi a�the , ,.
<br />,i-;�-- t . � i�re�r�$�rc.'6e�h in t6e 7lrustee�aked slwll be prirrw t�eevidence ol the tratb of tAe statemeats nade thereio.
<br /> '���'�� � �� � P� _
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