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—���� ^ : - -- _ . ' - .:.��,�:� , -- <br /> � .: ,:, _ :-.:. <br /> �:; ..�_�.1. <br /> ���� _-- ' " = ,.�...�.,;,".:._._...-�.�,�_ — - ;-- -- ..— - -- .-�= - <br /> F ` A{- <br /> ��., � - , � .. . - ' � . . .. - . .< . . . " - . _ . . <br /> L.� — ' i _ . . , i _� � . . . . � . . . . . -.. . .. , i ' ' <br /> � � � , � � � , . ,` . ,�, _ � � g1�-� 103�67 <br /> peria�tl�t t.ende�.�u+es. 'i1�ii�e.muRiec pnv«d,�.tLe i�e slwll be�r,►bY soROwa su'6'�ta ca t.eaae � . <br /> �pp�mrF�1 wfiic1�shali nd be u�uea.s�aiaNY�'ithDetd. If�3utcovrei f3�its to maint�in co�crgge descabed abat�e.La�dtrtnay,at . <br /> Lernkrk c�ptian.���o Q��l•�deo i ri�ts u�the flrop�tY in a���ocduti�e v+ith pu�gruph 7. . <br /> - - - --p1i iasutassoe pulie�ts a�d��-a!s�lt!��w ls�r and shaU inctude a st�utidaid ait*tgage ctause. txader_ <br /> ` ___SI�II�YC lUC tf�Ilt�O IIRid fll��I1�1G3�80(I Yi11CK'�LSI. Tr LtfldEf tEQU1t�S.BORON'Ci 5�13II P��P�tY S�YC 16I.CIfdCf ilI{tl�'fi �� ,= �r-- <br /> i� <br /> �- p�mis�ie,�w,ii uq�xs�-�s��f Hwc.�atiiv.��l�.&riY P�!��to tix insurance Gvricr�d __- - -_ <br /> -` -- - - - - #.�r�l.a�des�a►Y t�t prau�ot tas.�i t ri o t i e a d e p�omptlY bY B a r o�v er. - `_ <br /> s h•r i i b�a p pti e d to�estcxation or r e p�air of ' --- <br /> Unles�lander aod Bcxrawer athervvisc agrce in wndng,inwrance P r a�'e e�` <br /> t6c Pivpeity d�E�if thC,�estarltion or�epair�s eroncKnicatty frsccibk�nd Ceadcs3 security is na icsserxd [i the <br /> - �cuotation or�epais is not economicaUy feti►se6k or Exnder�saurity +�outd De.k.rcned,the insuruncc pcoatd•���hall bc , <br /> applied W the sums sew�ed by this SecuritY It4ururt�ent�vrlxther oc not thatr due. �ith any exccss paid to 8artowcr. [f . <br /> Bo�t�au'er ab�ndo�ihe Ptupetty or das na ancv►er withia iQ days a�naice fmm I.ender d�at tht insur�nce earrier has <br /> _ Lender tnay use the w repair or�testae <br /> -__ - otf�red co seak a rhim.thea t,eadec may collect the inwrance p�acecds- �� vriQ b� when <br /> -- — the PMpcitY ar to p�y sums secu[td by tttis Scsurity lnstrumen�wfiethsr at�wt tM�due. The 3(Way Prnod Sin <br />,�� <br /> . _ _ <br /> �_�•. therwticengiva6 -- - - - -- -�rii-�r��ter�1-.�----- - <br />,��;�-� Unleas lsader and Bortower aherwisc ag�ee�n w�riimg:any a-"ppTcauon oF"pro��s trr��rincipsl <br />_t��_'�°' . pastpcme�he due date of the montNy paYme�s refemed ta in p�ragrrphs 1 and 2 archan�Ii�e amount of the pa}znenw. If = _ <br /> under patagraph 21 tDe Pro(�esty is acqui�ed by Let�der.Etatrokris rigM ta�ny inswonce Polic�ss and proceeds resutting _ - <br /> fmtn�ge to tl�e t�topecty princ to the acqui•wnoe stwll p�ss so i.tnder to the extent oE ti�!�ums setured dy ibis Security :: _ ---�_- <br />- • . Inst�ument immedi�tel,y,priarm tt�e�cqpisitiarr. - . � �'_�=,; <br /> �. 0�,,��t, 1Naintettwrce aud PsMation ot thc PropeMv* Borca�ar�s I.oan Applicatioa. `�� __ <br /> � 4e�eMuids fi�tbvYer s1�aU accupy.eatabiish.and use tite 1'topetty as 8amwer s pn�pat nesi;dence within sixty days pfteo = <br /> t6e exccutim of this Savrity Instnm�a�c an�t sh�li can6nuz to occupg�the Property us Bortaw•ers principal residence for at '� -�° `- <br /> -:::�' : m wTitin which eanseM sfiall taE 6e �- �--�- <br />=;-��� > {east aoe yps after d�e date oF a��cy. untess ��ndrt whetwise a�ree.s � E . <br /> �=---_ <br /> r�•�� ptur�tp�fabl�:withl�eW,or unkss exteraiating ci�exist wldch ate beyond Borrowers canuol. Bortowe�5hai!nat , . �q.�r°.. <br /> altn�the Ptnpe�ty to deoeriwate ar rpmmit w�.Ye an the Ptoperty. Borrowet spal! .�'._... _ <br />'�,=:xr;: destmy,dam�e ar impair the Ptupeny: __"�"�'. <br /> be in dafaaTE��ny forfe�ture action ar pcaceeding.whetfier ci��it or 6eLun thaz in[.ender's gaod iaith judpnrnt <br /> � could resuh in farfeiture of the Propg�ty ur uthenwise matedaUy impair the lien cieated bg this Security Instnnnent ar �..;,,: -- <br /> fi 1 R b causin the action ;> � .".'_ <br /> _ -' l.endei s security itnetest. Brntawer�Y cu�e sach a defauU and Ku�.s�sate.�pcovided'tn par.�rap . Y S _ _- <br /> ` . t; oc proceeding to be dismisscd witt�a ruling tha�in Lendcr's good iai�h dete�nination•Prectad�.c iorfeiturr af the Borrnwer's <br /> . �. '�• intecest�n ti�e P�pecty or oUx�snaterial impairment of the lien c�eaced.bY tbis Seearityr In�trument ar Lxnder's security ",!. __ <br /> eria .� <br />� ' inteies� Borrowe�shall al�a be ia default if Basrowec dutiag the toan appl`sc;uion process. Save materially false or • -, ��•� <br /> ;�.,: <br /> ,:::{�;;,',., ' inaccurate infom�atian ar statements io[.ertder(ar failecf to pmvide Lender�ith any materi�l information)in conneciian witb '-•'°_-•_�,=:'� <br /> � the loan evidenced by the Nate.inciwling.6ut na�limited ta. repmsentatians conceming Bnrrower's-accupanCy of the -:f:-;�-: '`-- <br /> '. � t�npe�ty�s 3 principal residence. if this 5ecunty tn�rt�aeat is on a leasehofd.Borrower shall canply with alf the pmvisions '�"": ` =: <br /> �. ' � <br /> • of the lease. If Bomnwer acguims fee titte to tfie Ptupett�:ti�e teasehold und the fee mte shall nut merge untesv[lxnder agrees .:�;-,;�.- <br />, � . ta the merger io writing. : • .�Y:;k-�_• ; <br /> , ' ,_: .�r. , ?. Pratection at l.eodee's Ri�Mts ia fhe PsoDerty. If Barow•cr faits ta paForm ihe�.enan�s aod agreement+ w.;,..:.,�M,,. <br /> . . contained in this Security 1a�uumzn�ar d�en is a tegal pracecaing that mag s��e�frcaast} a�e�.-� Lenderz rights in the }f;K-'"�.:_ ---_ <br /> pmpeRy�such at a proceeding in bank�upfiy:pro � � <br /> ,, ; bate.far con d e mm uvn or fort'eit�si�e 1 r,�x e��noe�.iws ar regulationr).then ,��„�.-�_;;;-�-�._ <br /> � �;�:'�>_. S` L.ender m do and a for atu�te�rer�.y�ece�yary•to pratect the vaTue af th•R+�peu��d II�.'v.�fs rights in the Pcoperty. '��''= <br /> � -�_ al' P �: �• <br /> . .,,_ . . <br /> •°��'�. Le�Aer:s actians may inc[ude pa}ing any sum�secured by:s lien which has paurity cozer�iii.c Security Instrumem,appearing . i�'_,: <br /> � , ;, � ,r.f��• in caurt.paying rcu+onalste attomeys'�f�and entering an tht Pmpecty ta make"a��r�. Aitiioogh Lender may take actinn , ; <br /> ` .`f`;f'�',�% under this paragmph 7.Lender daes na¢Ciaye ta do so. " ° .',Y� <br /> .,,L;.. .��' �-- <br /> `""'`''"' �y "�` An amoun�s disbuned by Lc�d�r.dnder this para�ph 7�t�all hecome additional de4�t ai�arrower�+ecnted by thic ' , <br />:;:��,:,;::i.... F ;�; -• y :...���..-°,�. <br />�`�{;��r�"�'' ''"j . .w .� : ,Security lnctrument. Unless Borro�tier�d Lender agrec to rnher term�of payment.there arfi�t�.hali besu interest from the . <br /> �.'i.;:__, <br />. ' •� �' � ' �� � ":. � ' date af disbursement at the Nute rate and�,hall be p�t}ablc,witb intcrc+�,u�n natice from Lcnder to Rarro+ver rcyue�ting , �,;_ <br /> ��"�.1�� � � � ,,;.�_. �Yment. ' � _ <br /> . d '�4�°�'r' 8. Mortgage Inst�rrac�.�if t.cnder requir�tii!r�rtgage in�urance a.a c��nditic�n nf making Ihe tta�n va�red hy ihiti _ ,. <br /> �:' �w.1.,�; , . <br /> • • ,�. .Xi!:`�g���, Security Instrument.Bortowtic't�fiaii�y'ha prcmiumti reyuired tv maimain thc murtgage insurance in citect: !f. f�r uny .. ;;.;�L,.,,-_ <br /> � f�'���'r��y�� reasan, the mort a e in�uraa��:�%ti��±°.r,g�::��yuired by 4ender laptics or ce�ases to be in effec� Borrawer�hall pay �he ,��:,. <br /> �..�'.;�t,, , S S � ,. - -.:.�;�. <br /> •. �IY .,. <br /> ;�;�� � premiums teyuited to abtain ca�;��.*^a�;yilntantially equivalcnt tn the mortgage intiurance prcviausly in effect. at a cast , <br /> substantialiy eyuivalen[[a tftr cmt td 6oa��wcr af the mn»gage insurance pre?��:rr._�.y in cffect.fram an altematc murtgage . . :f�<-, <br /> ' , . '��: � insurcr approved by Lx�: ���ubtitunfialty eyuivatent martgage inwurancc ccr;vr.i���nat availabte.BRROWff sllal)(�.1y t0 �x:�,,:•�•:. - <br /> , ta <br /> � � I.ender each month a wm zyu:il to onc-tweifth of�he yearty mortgagc intiuranrs�ir?�?:�m being paid hy Barrower when th� �,, • <br />.,��.�,; : ' <br />�,:;,.,;:. ;.-..; ,;;;,' � in.surance eovcrage lap+ed nr re��ed ta he in eifert. lxnder wi!!accept.u,r and'►�.�:these p�t,'.;i.entti as��os^.re�erve in lieu_ . ' l:•�..::.,::,•� �,. <br />. � .:t„�,z af mort�e�nsurance. L.os�reyen^pa.mcnt�may nu langer b�tt� the op�i�m at�,���s"r:r:if mort�a�e im�rr�.irc+:..:, , . ;• ,:f� f'��'. <br /> , ��,: . cbverage I�n the amaunt:md fas Ihe penaxt that l.ender reyuiretii�uv;i�,rd by a�i imurer appr»,��al�fsi:,1.etr.�er�s:.=;�bc�:�»??� ' �, ` , �'.'y';'�'i;:�:- <br /> � � (��;�� <br /> L,.r,.�• . available and ic��btained.8nrrawer ShsCL'p��•;itie pifaiiiifni�rzyu`cr�ii'�is maimain mongage in+ur.��a:1�.1�etl�i�d.�.r�t�.;�rnvi�3'c:�•� � ,+r, „7µ' <br /> -- ;;�',� • 'Insc tesen�c.until�he reyuirement fc�r mefrtg��r:I�tiv�r.»»:w endr in accotdance a•ritten s;,V{��^►eai:'li�w�a-at.i3nrrower ;;•. �f"t�f��'i" <br /> .` r� ,�, . , •� ,: ., . , ',•i';�n. . <br /> r,. , ., , and Lendcr ar rpplicabtc law. , ..�. � ;� . . Y �_: <br /> , 4"t' J �,.�j';j.,�• . <br /> � Q"� i <br /> i�,.�y�,,;.` �':+,�hat, 9 in.qpectioe. Lcndcr nr►tti agu}t�hnay makc rem�anabtr rmrir.a�sn and in�pcctiun4���!"5��.�PmpeRy.' Lcndcr.ha0 ,',�t'�1,:,_ <br /> c:��i�;�� - give Bortawer notice at Ihe timc ot'��c(jriur,iu an in�pectiun+�ci[ying reaynitablc r.iu,e for tlte�is�ti�r e;tinn. �� 'f� �:!'� <br /> ,�... ,. <br /> r�� <br /> �i It�r'•,f' 10. Condemnatbn. Thr pruu.�:+l,�ii�'an}•uward or claim ii�r dam:�gr�.dir��:t ar ron��v,uiyrli� cunncctiun�vilh:+ny � '','y,:', <br /> ;.-- •: ,c,. �::,. , ' , <br /> ��� ;`.' : 1'r.�i.�f` <br /> ' �T`^ Singlr Fmny..Y•rnnk�1•reF'►eQdic�lnc 1�IYI1N�1 f\SLRI:�1Y V S���6nrtnrm Cu�cnant. 4 49 rp,+L�•t„(��p�rc�•� �: . <br /> 's ;%�';��:: . <br /> ' �: — i71�'ii';r+'� - " r,n-.rt t:de.Rv•arN ti�HU�t.Itfr ■ � . . . <br /> 'E.." �. �N��a � - ; : rtqrY�U 1 Y1N�74:�59►!,N�I:IIV!'q:�l'If � •.4., <br /> . . _:! {�r41::y y � - � �.i�i �1�' . <br /> ;i� .. A"�!(:. , ���. ,j 1 . . i :flv:�-:�. <br /> . �,�-4' ., �:.;: _:,:... • . . 4 ',,;a.;':: <br /> . . . ;� � <br /> =�. . � ., .. • -- --- - ,�,. , .. . . .��,;:':��' . :�;�, .f��,,.;�tt.��-;- - .. --- � <br /> • . �a�:�?5:; .—�... . .t, . . "'�,, • <br /> ? • , ' , . . � <br /> ,r.�..w�"..�..�.'-.. .., . . ' ' , „ , , . . ' „ <br /> _ _ ' • — - - _. . _ _ <br /> . .;� • ,.• . � ' '' _' , . ' .. <br /> ' '`_,� • ` ' . � � � � , . • ' .' • . . <br /> :3. • _. • . � , ' ' . . <br /> , , �. . , <br /> }� ; , ' . . . � � ' . <br /> . . , <br /> l. ;�� . .. <br /> � _ � <br /> ., .. <br /> . .. <br /> J•a�.S�_ _ . .. . ' <br /> . � . �3: . . .. . . . . . . . � . - , . <br />_ •'>•ti~ .+-'t,.�1' . � . . . . . _ . � _ .. � ' . � .... .. _ .. . .. . .. <br /> � '�:�• ...... , �; . . . . . _ . . "s. <br /> . .�= _• . . . _ . . . . �, _ _ . <br /> . . . �t,'� . •' . . . ._ ' ' <br /> . „ � ,_ <br /> . t � . <br /> • { ' . �s. ( � . . ' . ' ' , . __'_. _ .. . .. _ . ___. _ . <br /> I' <br />