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,�;,. <br /> . z <br /> 99- ��s�3s <br /> ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br /> THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER is made this 13th day of r�tay , 1999 ,and is incorporated into <br /> and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage or Deed of Trust(the"Security InstrumenY')of the same date <br /> given by the undersigned (the "Borrower") to secure Borrower's Disclosure Statement, Adjustabie Rate Note and Securiry <br /> Agreement(the"NOte")t0 COMMERCIAL CREDIT CORPORATION <br /> (the"Lender")of the same date and covering the properry described in the Securiry Instrument located at: <br /> 304 S SYCAMORE GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 <br /> (Property Address) <br /> THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE AND THE MON'I`HLY <br /> PAYMENT. THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT THE BORROWER'S INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE�'IME <br /> AND THE MAXIMUM RATE THE BORROWER MUST PAY. <br /> Additional Covenants. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument, Borrower and Lender <br /> further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES: The Note provides for an initial interest rate set forth in the Note. <br /> The Note provides for changes in the interest rate and the monthly payments,as follows: <br /> The interest rate Borrower will pay may change on the 24 month anniversary of the Date of Note and every 6 months <br /> thereafter. Each date on which Borrower's interest rate could change is called a"Change Date." � <br /> Beginning with the first Change Date and every 6 months thereafter, Borrower's interest rate will be changed to the Index <br /> Rate plus a margin as set fo�th in the Note. The"Index Rate"is the highest prime rate published in the Money Rates column <br /> of The Wall Street Joumal on the calendar day immediately preceding the Change Date;or, if the index was not published on <br /> that day,that rate on the next prececiing day on which it was published. <br /> ALTERNATE INDEX: If the Index Rate is no longer available, Lender will choose a new Index Rate which it believes will most <br /> closely approximate the former Index Rate. <br /> LIMITS ON RATE CHANGES:The maximum and minimum interest rates during the life of this loan are set forth in the Note. <br /> MONTHLY PAYMENTS: Principal and interest shall be payable in consecutive monthly installments. If the rate of interest <br /> changes, the number of monthly payments will not change. The amount of the monthly payments will change to the monthly <br /> amount needad to repay the remaining unpaid principal balance plus interest as changed in the remaining number of <br /> payments, assuming that all payments due after the calculation are made are paid as scheduled. The�rst change, if any,in <br /> the monthly payment amount will become effective on the 24 month anniversary date of the first payment due dafe. <br /> Subsequent changes in the monthly payment amount may occur on the payment due date every 6 months thereafter. <br /> Each new payment amount will remain in effect until the effective date of the next payment change. <br /> DEFAULT: If Borrower fails to pay any payments when due, Lender may exercise any remedies permitted by the Security <br /> Instrument in the case of default. <br /> By Signing Below, Borrower accepts and agrees to th terms and covenants contained in this Adjustable Rate Rider. <br /> (%�1 � E-' � ' Seal) 1��,-�z,�/n � //�/L���'�2, (Seal) <br /> -Borrower -Borrower <br /> zsssa-4 �/sa Original(Recorded) Copy(Branch) Copy(Customer) <br />