_ _ . �: _
<br /> _ . — -- -
<br /> . - � , � _ - -- — - - - - - - - - ,,.,
<br /> t` ' �;�-_ -- —_
<br /> :�s��. : - - �e=�'',�. __' _ . _ ' - _ — — . _
<br /> r t!': `'�� `r� �
<br /> ___ — �._.._�..
<br /> NE�� t - _ � �.. �il.: -- . . _ , - .. . . ' �.. � ..' .: ' ...�,..�. - -- - .
<br /> =��:�::�::;� _ . . . �1-- 1Q�a��:� �- .-
<br /> - - ,p�i�vw may specify for,reiast�taneot)b�s�te of we FroQa�tY Par�u��°�Y�P.a`wa d sak c«w�nod ia ttis � ,
<br /> � Security Ia�nana�a(6)enarl►of s Ju�a�aifaicing ttus Sec+QitY 1�� '�liose ca�ed�dons�e thu Baiawer: (s)
<br /> , , pn}s Leoder ali��ms wldd�tt�ea wauld be due under this Secutity Iasuumau sad the Noce as if no accek�ation�d _ .
<br /> -��. ax�rtted:(b)cum�y defuili of aaY.otl�a oavmmts a agne�k)P���P���uind in enfoocing Uus Sa.'�aitY
<br /> - - Tnaaza�nen�iocruding.bu not imoiud fo,reasortpbie�ttans�ys`-#c��td t��s�2su�as Lendeo�y.ieuonabl�`. .,` . __ __ -- -
<br /> ' tQ assuEelhat ii�e liar►of�his Se ' ��S righu in the P�perty and Bonuwa�s obtigatian[u P�Y�
<br /> � _ _ - —� tt��op tetdstaiamenf bj` " -- ' - - - . _ .__
<br /> _ suma secared �ihis Sawiry instr�ent §haU cae�tinue �ei�n8ed- B�x.aw�;tttts� -
<br /> h
<br /> Insmm�t idd ob�iai�s_��Y�rem�in fWly offaaive as if nu aQOetaation�d ac�vtred.. However,tbis
<br /> - ' rigi�t rotem�ta�e s6aD n�lP�Y�9�hF�e�'�cdeIa�ttaat under�19. �
<br /> _- L'. Stk aE 1�1�1e`��/R�1d�a Senias '[1w Nae or a parti�l intaest in the Note(tu8etb�e�wit6 tlus SecmitS► .
<br /> �ns�t)�sy Ae�d aeea mae times witl�t prior notia to Bbrrower. A sale may result m a ct�anga in th�et�ity
<br />-- . (iwown ss tbe"Lwa Serv�ae�thit coHects moethiy paym�ents d�uade�tUe Nou und this Secvrity Inst�umem. 71�e also
<br /> �b � A
<br /> ' may t�ro�oc rt�ne changes,of the Larn.Setvicxs'v�mtated to a sale of the Nat�. If t1x�e is a cb�u8�of the I:�n��r* .
<br /> xi
<br /> . Bcxtvwer wiU.6e givea wcitled noi�te af the�ge�n aaad�nee witb Paza8�Pb 14 a6ove andapplicable taw.:'�rootice .
<br /> ' T'�e�sta�ihs��ad�o£thenewLaaaSecvir,�andtheaddtesstowhichpaymeotss6ouldbemade..'i'hertnticewUh:;%;,:, - .�_�- _ -
<br /> � aL�contaiaa�y atf�infa����PP�bte iaw. , .. - '�_ , - _ --
<br /> 7� Hs�rdoias S�A!Ai�i�s Bormwer�not c�se or Pemtit the P�:a�.�e.disposal:sca'aBE*or�etease Qf em�' -
<br /> ' ��a�t�'it:.r�e gco�e�cY- BaroWer sha11 not do.na allnvir an.yvi}e eLse to do,aayt6inL aff�;,� "�,�•�•,�a=-
<br /> #i�t's.tn viol�ti'c���'�_�#�taw 'Ibe precedin8 two seMeaces sYm4I ao�:�pi�►to.the p�u�,- —
<br /> ' st�ac tbe Pmperty�o��'��{l��r�+��H��Substanoes thai ate generaity mo�t�bCaPP�P►T� �?� ��� �-----
<br /> ' .. :.. ,. . • _
<br /> `. �:
<br /> �' c+esidentiat nses aod W��;�'�1?�Y�-�.�f any investig:ttion.ctait�detaand:�awsuit ar ot[te�a�t?��5'�!.a�'�,: ., r
<br /> � Bormwec shali p��-�,��ilY�;'..,�i�x., � � ��S Su6sWnce ac`.�i�:• ,r�'
<br /> •"� rnemmmtat or re8niat�,Y':.?�tx�§�'°•s��'�'�ts�tat:�in8 the PertY and � r
<br /> : ::, 8 j• -Y t�iiu�+'i°�.dSF ��R�wer leams. or is�.�d bY anY 8ave�nmetiiat,:�a`.�;;, F-; _-, _�
<br /> : :r .''': law of"w6icit Hor'mw,et:,.i�s:�eWal`i;; � ° .�::•.-•---
<br /> ,•'� a Y e;��1r btlKr t�auun of anq Has.aYdOas Subslance zt��g��P�Y is neass�iy;Borto�s�x;;;,;;. �._,
<br /> f�t�����, k . ����•K"y� � aC[IOGS III�Wl[�E�V��..SW. .T � r, 'xs� _
<br /> ��E . As uud in t6is pata��c°..�t► "Hazardo�s Substances ait those subsWr�c�es'iii��ed as roxic ot harrcdous substance��' �
<br /> -,�'.x•F � E t;;,;' ar fauowin substa�es: gasoline.ke[osene.�ther�ble or toxt�peuofeum produeu.�?- . _. :�'� . ; �� • _
<br /> Env'ira�nental La ai�i�e g and radioactive matenals. ' �t`•�,
<br /> � �•.•�.•' -,'` F
<br /> .'___ . .��"'`.., � }��;mplaG2e salvents.materials containing asbestos or�3ehYde. wheie tlte is l ' � . �� -s`{� _--� - -
<br /> . ��:•s='�:,�;s used in this parag�apli�,'`�nvironme�ttal Law"means fede�si laws and iaws of�i.j�iisdiction pmpenY a'��''-'�. :,.:�'. . _---
<br /> , `k�°`_`���'�` that telsu m he�Ith,safelY a environmental pt+ntecpoa. ' � • , :'�':::':�'. ' ' __
<br /> . ' ::�_'=,�`'� NON-UNIFORM CdVENAN'f5. Hamwer and L.ender fiuthec covenattt and agrce as foltoais: . �.:'�. :. • �+. :;��.,'��_Y-
<br /> 'T �;�,: Y aotke to Borro�rer prlor to acodesa�6un fotb�ee�•�''P'�°4'�=,u.. r ��` '
<br /> t� , . 21. Aecekratio+ct�SemediGS. I.ender sl�utt�. . ; "��„
<br /> �u � y�-.
<br /> < ;",;�.'.;:�::`i: bm�eh ataay coraa��srs8�'ankat te this$avMa�91�an�at Ibol oM prlos to s�ece1erntion aMe�c� ��,a�ca.���, ,-.., 1. �t=�',�
<br /> . ; ,-�- -.•.���t��i�avides ahenrise). The eo�iioe sYail specify: (a)tbe defstWt;(e3 the�ctton req�� " � :
<br /> .:, ' -.•��.�'• �- delsai�f. :i.'�e,i�'�tMa�30 dsys tran tbe date the aafke is given to Hotro�ver.by wbrch tl�e�It�usf 4e � , � �`,`1. :;•'. �v =
<br />`•, -= `'. • • t�rei;.�E�P�tau"lurt'to care the detaWt on ar betore the date spa3fied in t6e notict�p result ie aecekatioa Q€ ,. .; ' . �'
<br /> The noNoe si�/tiirt6er iaforn�BorraW "' ,Y�'
<br /> .,r_%x''_/� tie sMCRS.'�i�?�:����9 Iestramenl Aad sale otlbe Property. �!`�'[` �:. tt '�` "°�"tP`'`:_
<br /> � _ f, ,
<br /> `� "' ���� aod tl�e t to brla A MQ![ACt�OR t4�S'Slf�IIIC 1101t-l7i�llR'E O�A��YII'ar:� 't �.� :;,:::'Y f _ .+;�,��r�.-
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<br /> � � in`�` `;;�,<`' , �� � a Y '�
<br /> x �;; ;": ` . �,.,� , ya�y athes�tease��sovrer to accek�atkin aad sxt� I[the defAUlt is nai:iacted on ar 6efore the da speci �,E-,,..,,. : �;°,x;���� -
<br /> :�• L. t in tull otal!m�ins secured by Mis Security tnstrument +s�rz � . ,, i� �,_
<br /> � t6e not�ee.l.ender at�is�tion mAy n�luire lmmediate pA� '� �nitted by applicabk law ;;`� �f ' �'��` �
<br /> � " . • �S': ;. ..�' -. witt�a�t tartUer demanA aed may invoke the power ot sale and aqy Mdercr�medies pe. _ _
<br /> ' 'r`"• : l.ader sb�il be eatitkd 1;o collect all expenses iocut�red in pursning t6e remedies Pn�ided ia this paragraPb Zl, �:u ;=t�,,c', �
<br /> � ,,�...',,,/ ,'.. ., ,; re .,... _
<br /> • k�• incfaAias,Dot rwt limitti�to.reasonabk AttorneyR fees and costs of titk evidence � E .
<br /> .:..�-: ': :..�._.� If t6e pmver ot si�¢ is invoked.7Yustee shall reoord�notice ot AeTault in each coairty in y�dicb�nY pul of the �,:_ : •
<br /> �,i ° . � : • � `P�+opesty is Iocated Aad sf�all mail capies ot sueh nMice 1a tbe mannee prescribed by app1ica6fe taW to�a:r.t�wer nnd to •
<br /> �r., , . • T1�15[CCC�1"dJl+`!��'Pu61iC ;'� .
<br /> � �. •. , �$e dAer persoRS Prescri6ed by applicAbk law ABer tLe time required by applicAbk law. �;' , . .
<br /> ':^-=_��..� �;. ,. •. m��c�s�le to the persoas aaA in the manner prescr1bed 6y applicabk taw 71rustee,vritbaat demaa7:+m�Borrower. !,. ` .
<br /> ; �� . , ".� -�,.:� ' ��if�e Property at pu6lic aadion to the highest bidder at!he time and place and aader the terno�s��,a�°•.. .
<br /> �!;;:� :' ',st1R�u�re�itsak in one or more p�rcel9 and ln any orQer 7lrustee dete�mines. 'Ilrustee may pastpone sak oi all os�a�
<br /> -;� -. ; ,:'� . � :•
<br /> ., �,, ,. -r.::�� , , ' ,�c�:df,¢,�he Propert�by PubUc an�ouncement at the time an�piace at�ay previousty schedakd sala Leader ar t�i�:;;i:' `., ..'„: .
<br /> �esignee inAy pa�'asetlfe Property at aay sak �, ,. �
<br /> � �. t._j....:i .. ' . • � � � ��' pet` . .
<br /> . . � . , tJpon receipt os payment of the pNce biA.'I�rustee sh�ll deliver ta 41�apurchaser 7Yustee's deed�.+vsnveying the . .y� ,
<br /> �" p r o p e r t y. T h e r e c i t s�t s i n t h e 7 t u s t a's d e e d s b�1�b�PrimA facie evidence aY the truth af t�e siate�ui�:made 16ereio. � 'j �
<br /> ��' y � 7tustee sliall appty the PraceeQ4 of fhe snk in the tollowing urder: la)to all costs and e��+�i;�j��x�i�ing 1 6 e PuWer � '•r� o,�
<br /> � U %rJ'J•�,��'�y-_,
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