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<br /> NORt�A6� .
<br /> ,� . ` � bt(lRTGAti�I.QAN NO. MI 954 FNA`
<br /> < . .. � , . �__
<br /> - -- . ---�mio't�LE.11�N�YTHF.sEPRFSEM'S:1�uc OEN[+�IS Q. HAMCES AND JERI HliWKES, EAC4� IM WIS ANO HER _
<br /> _ _--- _ --- - - ... . _. . .
<br /> '� -- 04iN RIGHT lli� A5 �POUSE OF��IG'�f 6�FfEii. � _ ---- -_ _ _���._
<br /> , .,.
<br /> - Mortp�or.whethtt oaeot mo�e.L►coattdetation o[tbs wm ot �-�-.
<br /> e-.
<br /> " _=' fIGHTY FIYE H!li�REQ AND HOl1� ------------------voLt.�►tts �
<br /> -----------------------�_����- - T��a���..
<br /> �' b�t�ed to s�[d mortpjot by'the FquitaDk Buitdina�nd Wan Aswci�t�on of Cnud Island,Neknska.Monp�ee.upoa � share�of stock of •:�=�=.�_ - -__
<br /> . . �y; _ ,���
<br /> 9id ASSOCIAT[ON,Certifiate No.HI 854 FHA ,do fieceII}�gant.oonvey utd nwtt�unto the s�id ASSOClATION tbe folloxit� .
<br />� � >� � des�ed real esnte,dtmted ia tWt CouetY 1�IeDnst�a: � _ . ; -�-''"'�=^�^--�
<br /> � .� ' _ ~ �'����_M�
<br /> r j5��. . F i`.`t.�i'siiti�SY ..
<br /> '��„a���, *: � � ifESY 293-�EE'i � � Ii�lt�r."S, dIF iNE S(it�81-� ' ` -�°�-�E� QE �!!E EE��s^T.-�-F!€ I!!E �!!'[N-- . '� •'�."
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<br /> y s:. /
<br /> i�1i.-t�i. y '�Fi� �. GP��7.'��..�+• �S�/�•�1 �7GR101�W���1 � 9�'uY^_•. CLG�G�� \�{/�R E�AI+�E �ibLYE GfEST Q� THE ti[tf P�IT• �e;Y �(. .^�� 1.�.�.5
<br /> W
<br /> ��=�:y�, � :..1HE I�INE (9) ACREs BEIN��TNF:���E�ffi IN 8E1�[C SS. Pt�E �4 �� 4lAl� �Q!lNTiE 0� RE- i 4 ,
<br /> '��`�'�} ���`�` n,-`= � �. �OEIDS C{lN1EEYED '�II OTI��H: ��Bi�L'�',.,��,�tE Tf�ACT A8EI1fE �IE�Cl�� FIAIOL+'1��A.6iffi"!1t @F 243 FEET ;,, ��,�� :
<br /> , � ,, ..;�.� ., - . � .,�"°..
<br /> , . , ,�, �. = ��. �� A!� 4 INCHES A�D OEP7H RUNirING N��i�F.3d�lE &OUTH LINE OF S�1I� SECTIOK,.�-�L8 �DS. . j;f,,� �� — -
<br /> L�S�• .. . . -.� _ . � . , . . . ... �,�Lf��f r ,ra Jbva`r
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<br /> `�3">,; , <�r� f� �: . � . . ' ' ' _ 4�,"�� ,`�s'
<br />' .�r�FS'��'{- f S�� ;`� , . . ' . . • - • . " li;�''�i�'r"`� .
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<br /> t' �tcS ( i{.•t`. ���_ �t. � ' , � ., ; ' -r . ..:.':; �' �'' , —
<br /> Irfrt{(tt° n. i ...j,.5F�� ��:;; � , � .,1 . ,...�. ' } ;. . . . ., � ` �T • C�f - —
<br /> ��' �`F� .,��qcf. f }-�`tF � �r- �� . t � . a- ' �`
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<br /> '•�S 1 � . .`:�,; ,..:'swip�t�s�:y�ades,:�ti!pa"zts.atl�1{w�.:�ws aw�a",It,.E1��:i1F;,.�+'r.ux<»3Jiring;andplumbingandtivatertquipmtntaadacassodastheieW,p�iip7.navcs,. i?nt�r{%.i;=
<br /> i;',".��;;•" �.,', �'s} ` •��:tJdp�andi:fii:t�zturosa.��e�:tt�.�:raaR•x��-T.:^t��r��ra�.�,edtao�usedinconnectionwiiilcsai�r�ostate: . . ' � ;.• ;�."�,f,,;,,,��
<br /> � - . �
<br /> . ' • .<< ' ',.'t.dad whereu the sald mortgrg�.;5aasreca aa�e docs hec�'by�ee that the mortg�gor shaU and wAl pay all taices and as�assmrsits levied or = [F '•. ' '�'�"•'
<br /> . ��`;,� �� • �upon said pamises and ug�ai iius mortgage anQ tbe bond secu�ed tfiereby before the samc shail become dolurqurnt;to fuicush appruved r' ° r`'
<br /> � r !;.�
<br /> � �� � ', insunncc upon�he buildings on s�id premises siluated in ihe sum of 5 8 500.aQ paYabte to safd ASSOCIATtON and to deliust to said '. ,.,. - _
<br /> � - � . , � �i ASSOCIA7'[ON the policies for said insaranx:and not to commit or porm�t�ny wasu on or abnut said p[emisas: °�.��.1-�: `.�_
<br /> . -.�1- � �.�;....
<br /> • • In ase of defauit in the performana of any of the termsand conditions of this mongage or the bond securcd Acteby,ehe mottgagee sha11. � ' ,�_
<br /> ` • on dem�nd,be cntitled ta immediate possession oi ihe mottg�ged prcmises and the moRgagur heteby auigns. transiers and xts over to t he ; , . ___ ;�
<br /> - mortgagee all the renis.«venuta and income to be derived Prom the ma�tgaged premises during such time u tho arott��e indebttdneu shaU remain �: . � ►
<br /> ' w�paid:and the martgagee atwll have the power to appuint any agent or agrnts it may desire for the purpose of repaimtg sud ptemises artd antinB " ,';•
<br /> • �� ihe�and collecting the rents,revenues and income,and it may_Qay out of said income all expenses oi repairing s�tA premise�and neeessaty i ,
<br /> • commissions and exprn ses incuaed in rentiag and rtnnaging the same and af colteeting rental+ therefrom: the batuta rem�i�tin8,if any,to be • �
<br /> • . '. applkd towud the discharge af said murtgage mdebteQness:these rigl�u uf tha mortgagee rtu�Y be exertiseA at any time dutina 1he esistence of sueh - . -
<br /> ;�� default,ir�espective of any tempnrary waive►af the same. `
<br /> !_.;".
<br /> . =� �� � These P�esanis,however,ate upan the Cartdition,That itlh�said 111artgagat sha0 repay sat�1 t:r��on m before the m�tutity oE said shaas by ,
<br /> �; . .� .� , pavment:pay monthly to sai4 ASSOCIATION af Ihe sum speciRed in Q�e Band ucured Ferehy as interest and prirtcipol oa s�idloan,ua or 6efom
<br /> �.r�. � ' dse T��ntieth day Ui each and ever5 month.until satQ toao is fulty paid:pay alhaxes and assessrrwnta fevted against ssid premise�andasr tlusMorcg�ge � ,
<br /> r . , � .
<br /> ' " ' �,,t��+�.r.�Bond secured thereby,befb��e delinquency:turniqh appemred irtsurartce uyon the building�ly��reon fn�he sum of S$,5gj�,�� paYabk
<br /> � '. �, ;;�; � ::.' �+�,.��'AS50CIATIUV:repay tu�.�'t:aSSOCIATth�upon demand all maney by it pa�d for such ta.3c.�;assessmeals and iasivaaaa wtth intetese,at � :.
<br /> �„:e.�r•:... :.::,t?pa•maximumlegalratelherrontil�iFrCateofyaymrntaltoPwhichblurtpag+orherebyagreestopay;pe4miittp�vv�:�or•saidpremsx�S�Ctepandcompiy . ��°i
<br /> ,...,.�
<br /> , ,...
<br /> � { gond fut S 8 5OO this d� ven by►tse sai� ]o�tg,aBor ta sai .J1SS{1GIl1 . :r-i.��
<br /> � �,�_ . �`f„����s�.',�,"�'��v�fiL�a11 the agceements and conditli.rcs a€ re , .QO Y N► � d 'CI4�i and wmpty . :
<br /> :' ,r!r�t•;•:
<br /> � `"� •;°r •? •; i,?w�3ii:z:l the requUemencs of the c;WUS�tution an4 ByLaws af satd AS5�ClATIOV:then these persrnts shaU 6uom«'t�uL ar.3'void,-all:erwl�e thry �;'',�� .'�r;%;l;:;.,
<br /> '.; '�: ,:'s�11',�in io fult fiucc and maa`br farecl�sFd at Ihe opssar�of Y�t�said AS50CIA'f'IQV aftar f�itufb Pui fhr�t'rrwr�ha io`make any a9 said � ,,;��'•,�,..• ;, ; ;.1:�'�,t:;'..
<br /> . . . . 'p.a�r'ments ur be'threc monllis in artea's�in m3king said nur�trcl}paymears,or to keep and comytqtiviiF tQe a�eamtnts an Caadittorisbf s�id Brncd: � '+ ;� ��;�}� --;
<br /> • • {' ad0 Mortgagor,agees to have a receiver appainted fi�rthwi*.h ir.such fotectasute practed�ngs. • • . - . , �,,..:
<br /> `�,�•' ' - �` ' tf there is a'ny change in awnerahip of tF"r roal estaf:mc+rtgag�t�f�erein,hy s�Yi�r othsrwlse,then the entire rem�lning inEebtedness txr�.b k ' ,-, , , .;;;.y:,�:'--.
<br /> -�;i`.;° � 1 s��d zhaU.at Ihe o tion of The Fquita0le Bu�dlng ar.d La�n A4soClacion of(;rar,d t�tand,'7ebia�,become immcdlately due a�dyay,aDte avlthaue
<br /> � •', 4�r'';'' ' {u»h�,notice.andtAeamount rzmuinin due vndees�idbpnd an0anyothet6ondforar.-}.a3d"rfdonatadwnceatnadethersssnder.shall.fromihe �������� �
<br /> `f�!`'}r' � da��uf exerc�of said option,bear in�erest at ehe ma�tirr!um�l_3a��tai:e,and�his munp,�ge�^ay�.�.t0�:toreclosed to satisfy tL•e ammunL dae on s�ld }�;•;•�� :.
<br /> �i%''r�}i.>':;#��• �� � isohdcand any uthet bond(or ads�i3ion�1 advances,t5^�t�tes,n�J'.f all�wns paid by said The Eqciy�`b1a�suitdln8 and 1aan Assaebt3on oYCrand t�tand. i"•�;�'
<br /> � • + � N�fir�sica,fur Insurance,taxesanda�essmenti.ar.�s+l�str�:ti.��attt:r�tortcha�ges,with lnterest fwrt�oj�. frar�da�a9,p�y�n'. ao the m�ximnm ,;,,:,••�,..
<br /> ' . � ' � tegal rate. � � . �. °,;
<br /> �`�` ' (�`�, � � As provided in the Kund se�ss�ed hereby,whiir tAis man�t«mains in effect the ma�i rp�.aee�y h2rta4'¢�r advance addiil6Aa1 sums to the �. .:, '���,,:,.
<br /> • �';�trf::1+, mpkers ot said Bond,their assi�*sa+�su:ceunr�+n intecest,wStci,Au?�saAat)be withtn the seco.�y di thi�mo�fg�ge the szme a�3fi��emdsotlgln�lty ;�.,,
<br /> •,� ';.}��;,.;.,;, sec�ued�hueby,ihe total amoc:�c oe1 psincipai Sebt rtot td exceei�ae 3ny time the nriginal•arorar oF ttfi�mortgage. � ��;.; �
<br /> sl�_ � :
<br /> ,_ , , Qated this �5tl� '� daY oF May S.f�..D4 91 • .
<br /> ,.. .ir:�,� . f '' � �
<br /> • ' n s es r
<br /> , � �. ' ,;;!�f�;t � ' � A ' � ,.
<br /> �':�: Jerf Ha kea �
<br /> .''�i'F�+''
<br /> . •,..
<br /> _ ' t =.�'�;`.'-+;:-;�:',. S7ATE dfi N�BRASKA.�ss. u,f ihis - 15th a�y ot May tg 91 .betuie me.- - . ��:'�-. .
<br /> :` ,','.'" � ' CQUN'iY OF NALL � ,
<br /> - � the nndtnigned.a Nutary Public in and t'oc said Cuunty,�ually aura ,
<br /> ��;�.;�:_ .��...', . . ,
<br /> . , petutfs 0. Hawkes aara Jeri Hawkes. each in his and her awn right, who pe�n�ly��tq :
<br /> �. � r and as spnuse of ea�fr► other -
<br /> , � , • ! , � me to 6e 1he idemical petsonS whose name S eTe affixed to the abuve insttumen as matsg�gor 5 and'ti118y s�raaHY. '
<br /> � ,,.
<br /> ;:,:__�.�_'.,� ; -.-:•_;::-'- -- .-- ._..___ ackac�wkdged tfie sauF inmume+t!tqhr th9iT voluntuy aat and deed. :, _ _� . _ _._, _ . . ___._._ .---
<br /> �,.
<br /> , ;� � . � WIT�iESS my l,nrtd aad�otui�l5eal the date afures�id. - f � � .�-'y - . _ -`� - -
<br /> � �ty Commissiott expire! �I- %3 `•/` � � � t '
<br /> . � .I� fJ, " � f � ""�
<br /> e.i.s�iu ����~� ;i f.., _ . `� . � : .
<br /> i �1bOrarM► t�l�l
<br /> . � .
<br /> - ,:1. .
<br /> . .� — __ __ _ _
<br /> .. = - - - .�-
<br />