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_ --- <br /> . ..7.�.�.....--- <br /> . , ., , '� ., . - . <br /> 7�OQI�7'�R�VBI1i a111M 1����o�v or Mi�N1�r weclNl ao the p�opww.�t!W e��,�M�or4 . <br /> �.��. �ua �u�`�awm�a 's��y�M�,��e��a�+��..� - . . <br /> �soRROrvB�t�ovBIVAtVTS dae eanower is IaMfi�uy�eiied or n�c aute I�cnby ooaveyaa�n+a h..die rijhe pi ptinc . <br /> aad ca�vay the�qp�ty�nd tlu�t the Propaty it wiarcuunbaed�excxpt fa encwnbta�toe�of r000�d. Barow��w�rrWs aed <br /> Mi11 deia�d�mehliy die titN a die Propaty a�ain�t�II cl4inu aa0 daa�,wMaot to my maan6n�noa d rocad <br />� TE�3 SECURI7'Y QVS'IRUMEIVT oombines unifc�m cove�wqi tor wtlon�l �ue and non•wilfarm oovauata wGh <br /> iiaiYled v�rlatioro by juriWictian ta�amlitwe a unifam�ocurity ia�aument c4vuin��al p+uperty. <br /> UNIFORM C�OVBNANTS. Bormw�er uid Lenda eavm�nt a�d�roa as tolbws: <br /> 1. P��aent d PN�cipd Md IateroN;Pnp�lmc*/a�d I.ate Cb�r�ea. Borrowu cf�all Prompt�Y P�Y when due tbo <br /> �of and iatar�l on tho debt avldenood by tho TVaro�nd au►y p�epaymau�ncl l�to elutltes due under 1ho Nole. <br /> Elwd�tor'ltixa�d I��oa Subject to applic�ble I�w ar to a vnitten waiver 6y Lea�der.Nwmwer chall pay to <br /> ����Y��Y WY�u m duo wider tho Nao.undl tho Nae i�p�id in f1�11.a aum("fiu�ds")for.(a)yeuiY <br /> wca�nd Rssessmenus wUicb nu�y atuin priairy over�hie rity insuument�s�Ikn on the Prope�ty;(b)Yeul y leuehold <br /> P�Y�nu or ground �ents an tbo Prope�ty. if any: (c)yeul�y 6�zsi+d a property insur�urce prcmiums: (d) Yeuly flood <br /> iasur�noe p�niwn�. if any;(e)Ye.a�ty enoctg�ge insu�noe preaui�ao�s. if rmy; and(�any su�s p�y�bla by Bormwer w <br /> �.a�aa.�aaord.nce�en�t�e p��o`��n 8. in lien ai'�Ae p�ra�eat of n�ortg�g+e insirance{Kemiums. �t�ese <br /> i�s am called"F.scrow Aiaoos." Lender ta�y.u any time.rnlle�t and 6old firds in an a�aounl not W eac�d tE�o nouiaura <br /> aaiwunt�laader far:federally reWed matg�gc lou�may requine for Barwarrerk e9now aceoiw ueder Wo fodeial itail <br /> F.stMC SdAenndit Pw�a Act of 1974 as amended fran time to eime. 12 U.S.C.�2601 et stq.("RESPA").�tnoil�er <br /> i�w dW�pplia w the li�od�mets a ksser amoun� lP w.I..ender�w► any time.collect�nd bold Hmds in�n unount not w <br /> e�cm�! thc lesssr a�os:e� L,en�kr�r est3mate the emo�rot of R�ds Que on the bas4e Q!'ru�rent date ead ieas�able -. <br /> atimatea of oapa�dipare.s d'futum Escrow Items or dt�erwise in ucardance with applicable IAw. <br /> 77�e F1u�ds st�ll be Ircld in an institutian whoee deposfts�ne insw�ed by a fedeml agency. insdumentnliry,or ent�ry <br /> tincluding l.ender.if I.ender is such an institution)or in any Federa!Homo Lc�►Bank. [.ender shell apply the F�nds to paY <br /> +ti�e Fscrow Itema. Lender may not chat�e Bomnwer for halding and applyLig the blmds,�anuaUy analyzing the escrow <br /> aocotm�or veritj�ing Ihe Escrow Items.ur.!ess I.cnder pays Borrower intercst on the f�ir�ds c�nd applicable !aw permlts <br /> , l.aider W make xuch a charge. Howe�•er,l..ender may requi�Borrower to pay a one-time cpargE fa an inde.uendent real <br /> estate tau�porting service used by l.enrler in connect�on wilh this lowi.unless applicabk law p�ovides otherwise. Unkss an <br /> agrament is m�de or�pplic�ble law requircs inte�st to be paid.Ler�der sFwll not be reynired to pay Barower any interest or , <br /> earnL�gs on tho FLnds. �orrower und Ler�der may ugree in writing,however.tlwt inte�nest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender <br /> ahall give to Borrower.without charge.en a�ual nccountiag of�he Ii�nds,showin�cudits and debits to the Funds and the <br /> purposo for which eLch debit to the Funds wa�made. 7Ue Flmds are pledged ps additla�al secudry for all sums securod by <br /> this Security lnsuvmen� . <br /> If the Pliinds held by Lender exceed the amounts pertniued to be held by upplkable law.L.ender slwll aceount to <br /> Bonower for the excess Funds in accordance with the requircmeuts of applicable law. If the artwunt of the Funds held by <br /> l,ender at any timc is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due. Ixnde�may so notify Bomnaer in wrlting.w� <br /> auch case Borrower shall pay to L.ender the amount neoessary ro nwlce up the doiiclency. Botrower shall make up the <br /> deficiency in no more than twelve monthlw payments,at Lender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums s;cur�d by thiR Security Mstrument.[.ender shall prompUy retund w Borrower any <br /> Punds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 31,Lender aha11 ecquire or sell the Property.l.ender.prior to the acquisiNon or <br /> sale of the Property,shall apply uny FLnds held by 4ender at �he time of acquisidon or sole as a crcdil against the sums <br /> secured by�his Security Ir�suument. <br /> 3. Applieation of�Aymenta Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all payments received by Lender under <br /> psragraptis 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to ru►y ptepayment charges due under the Note:second,to amounts payable under <br /> puagrupb 2;third,to interest due; prfncipnl due;and last,to any late churges due under the Note. <br /> 4. Char�es; Lieus. Borrower shall pay all�nxes. assessmen�s. charges. Mes sind impositions attributable to the <br /> Property which may attain priorily over this Security Inslrumem,end leaschold payments or ground rents.if any. Bomower <br /> shall pay�hese obligations in the msinner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay�hem on <br /> time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under <br /> • lhis paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly,Bortower shall promptly furnish to I.ender receipts evidencing <br /> the paymen�s. <br /> Bomower shall promptly discharge any lien which has prinrity over this Security Inswmen�unless Borrower.(a)agrees <br /> ' • in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner ucceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the <br /> lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal procc�edings which in the Lender c opinion operate to prevent the -- <br /> enforcement of the lien;or lc)secures from the holder of the lien an ngreement sa�isfuctory to Lender subordinating the lien - <br /> to this Securiry Instrument. If Lender determines thnt any part of the Property is subject to u lien which may uttain priority . <br /> over this Security[nspument,Lender may give Borcower u nwice idendfying the lien. Borrower sh�ll sotisfy the lien or take <br /> one or more of the actions set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of notice. — <br /> S. Haaard or Property Insurnnce. Borrower shAll keep�he improvements now ezisting on c�rcaRer erected on the _ <br /> Property insured against loss by 6re,haxards included within the ierm"extended coverage"and uny oiher hazards,including �`- <br /> floods or flooding, for which I.ender requires insurnnce. 'I'his insurance shnll be maintained in Uie amounts und for the <br /> Fo►m 3�28 9l90 I/wR�2 nj6 pnRa.rl ' <br /> _. . .'—___'--jYGS___�.—___.-_v�TC����T T;�;'f/1��qT�\)'1�K,�t.t��'��,'� }rt'"� ... <br /> .5 � .n-'�t"�,���..f 1 • f;1', .1 1` 1�r l. .1 , �1�.. ..� i�I '� - ..., �r- : � � 7 '��.� <br /> '(Pr��t . �u, I�-Xl+r?'. E...,�:1� ��, h . (�y'�.� . : Sj��i�; 'ti[ ..�� 7�����`:';.r. ,.�y��} 1 . y�� .1.'t )S _ <br /> _�J(� , t..� 1�.. •.'f 1��::'�`�'�` -- � l..�- i .•r�.:�.. . � . �. .. ..1�51�t'��r..M,PVw��'llf �1 14 s _.(y ..L }.. N 1��:. <br /> ,'i�v�:��.cnuitb;!� t�:l�ru���.t__�:L;?i$t '!a :,�LU�b:t.,ii�'}��I,�Y.,'. iti�ti+�r�� A.L1.1� �i,��., i�Ge::i+ib{,1� <br /> .-- itDs��l' .�— �� — : -- _ 1 - i- - .— -� ��:.. . .r,(-n -- . -'`f -..z.�- ---- �.ii - -- --. . <br /> �`^]6!]'L�i N� � V `�++5��4 r � ti}�l'� Il '. _ _ •\� ��� "' ; ' � <br /> — S�IU''ri�! si y � , �1 �� ,� �� ' ,l- `�y1 ' � � - <br /> �.�..,., � �jr 4 �, � , . , t�1 • . • <br /> -��V�1F+° > ; .�L : ' � i �v} 1- , h�ri::• - ' .� ,�' '•�' �r•,� � .• . ,' , - <br /> Si '- Nr..0 •. �� 'l ' .l !��• �r f?) - � <br /> ��'"�.P a.. M�j-.,—.1: J , . _ . . . _ .. . , "\l�t I - .. . . . .. . . , <br /> - -_ - .^RC"ri�5��• ,�Il��f .f. _ . �• �.•� � . - . <br /> �.�."st �. .-�� - r'., A�r; - . ., . .. . ��.,.'il�. ri l�r1i`I,Ik'" _ , � , <br /> .� i� � d . , . . •� � � � f� . . .• . . <br /> ����n5v o� .., .` ti • .. . .. t�`�}7��`4ri�� r .,�;,�' �na �:�wC�:.C"�". 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