_�eay .� a.�
<br /> d-- . - .. _-- _ — —'- ' --^c.- '• — __ -._,. ----_-- -. --- -- --.
<br /> �s __ - - -- - � � -��=--io3o� — _
<br /> � �. _
<br /> - - . . _ . _ . _ _ _
<br /> . � k.. ... .. . .
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<br /> � �4 5. . . .. .� � ` .�. -... , _ . - , 3�
<br /> _:�.�. _ ._ . _ . �
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<br /> ��z;i ♦ - - � , r, .- _ r'-
<br /> .''�' •: . � . �'. M�����V� •
<br /> -- EXHIBIT It � � —
<br /> �� DESCRIPTIdi: A�trACt,of land ca�prising a pafL of l.ot Faur (4� Milsa�'s . . � �
<br /> ` ' Subdivislon. situated 1n part of Section Th�e (9), Township Eleven (11) Morth � !�-;_- -----
<br /> --- - M.., -in_NdllCount,y,,llebraslca. mor�_ Oarticularly-----. _ -- -- �� —
<br /> --(�a�g�-13itie-{9j-fiics�a�tl�e=StA R. - -
<br /> -- descMbed as follars: Beiginning at a polst on the eas#erly rtght of �ay liae t �2���.
<br /> of the Union Paciflc Raitroad, sald point being �our Nundred fifly (450.0) feet �-.'.`��
<br /> northerly fro� the fntersection of said right of Nay Hne witb ttk sautherty . _,,,,�,,_ .,�
<br /> .�'+�.,, . .
<br /> - �k ,� line o1` sald Sectfat� '�hree (3), thence northerly along said Mght of Nay line. . ...•-.�:.�;�„
<br /> a distaece e�f Etgtt� tfundred Sevent,�-four (87�.0 feet, ta the northerly li�e = - ` ���`= �
<br /> �_;:-;;��=^�:`-
<br /> - - - - - - ' of said !at Faur �4�; thence deflectin Mgh� 93°IZ' and running easterly -.;_;�:�.�._,-. :
<br /> ��,,� '�-�J aToc�q."safeE rortE�ty jine of Lot four �4); a distanca of Four Nundred Sixty tro :; ;.� .;;�?_ , �_,_�:.:�
<br /> .� �`: -_-�4�..l��.feet�-fi��c� defele�ting.�i.ght 84°26'10" and.r.tmnieg_southerly a
<br /> ;, s..�:;.��, .''.:: di�tance of Qrte Thousand Three.Hundred TMenty-three aed Five Huodr�tttE�-ff,3�.t15�--- - ": j
<br /> t
<br />;:-.,�,.-.;; .�::�•,� feet ta tbe Sautherly iine of sa►id Se�tfon If�ree �3�. thence Mesteriy aTr�n -�dto �:;.' . .
<br /> N"� r`� •� tbe sautberTy�line of said 5eetion Three �3y a distaace of One Nundred t�Y - .
<br /> - -� - �- .�;:<< .. .� .�. . f;` ,. . ,..:
<br /> ::,:,r- ;.;..:.: • � {;; -; :-:<.��:<..
<br /> .._�:;�f;:- ... � " and Five 7�s (i22.5) to �a point Txo Hundred Seventy-eigF�t and Five Tenths , r`.
<br /> , ��.. '���,t:�`�. . , C�78.5j feet .East of safd�.e,ast�erly eafiraad rfqht-of-waY line; ti�en�e nartherty �;=.:;;��,,�,
<br />. ��,�;;..,, .. ,,;�:.�.
<br />. ,. .. .,. �
<br /> . . � pa�allel t.a said,ralratd r��bt:of rag line, a distance of Orte:Hundred 'Ihfe�Y-�ine ;`;'. `
<br /> �..
<br />- =. •,,�y�, . . .
<br /> .. . r.:. (239A� feet; ti�rce±��ea�it�' Parallei to the sautherly ��e�e��f saia Sectfm Thne � � r -_
<br /> .:
<br /> r:.. � , ��=
<br />. a. �3), a distance of ���d:Thi�'t]►-the+ee.�133.�� feet; tti�ence nQrEherty..paral lel . �;:,'.
<br /> to safd rallroad rfgfet'��tiaY"�Iine, a distance��.�7hree Hundred Eteven {31i.Q} _: ..,. , t
<br /> ��.��-�."'` £eet; thence Mesterty�arallei to said squtheriy l�ne of Section 7ttt�e�3?: a �'is�ance�`•-. '� � � �r�r~ � �=
<br /> �'��•- � ���:��1ne Hundred Forty five and,Five tenth� (145.5) feet to the place of begin�it�g" ' 3°q`f�' �
<br /> tr. .. , ., . � < «
<br /> - .. _;:�_....�_.� ,: .,:.'�. •�and con3�►ining 11.175-acres �1'e o� Te�s.� � , � '�-
<br /> �� � � AND a €urther tract co�Pris,ing a rt otF L`at four (4) iiilsan Subdivisiou, �� �� _ - .
<br /> � ±- � � �`�� � situated i�:'�a part of Sectian Three (3�, Tamship Eleven (ii) North, Range 9 E � �. . �
<br /> .'.�,Y`. '�� f. h
<br /> itest of the'6th P.M., in Hall Coimty, Mepraska, ca�nencing at a point One Hundred , ,
<br /> :�<<,;�; .���.
<br />� - � � � � 5) feet east of the east line of the Union Pacific ! �y�";�•
<br /> � : ��':;�; � . �� Farty-five and Five Tenths (145. ; �:,;��,� �
<br /> .�� �•. •.�' t iE`:;, . ��"; : � . —
<br /> Railroad right of rray, and Thirty three (33) feet Horth of the South line of SfCEton ;� f,�..;,; -
<br /> .� � S ��•�.
<br /> 4`�':. `.,: ��;<;; ;.��t;iy �;: T6ree (3j,. thence running NorEh a distance of ORe �tundred tMrty,.�ine (139.Oj . � _
<br /> �: •.,,�. F
<br /> ' � �o a� iran �earker; thence east at a right angle €�r a dlstance of Et�ren (11.0) feet; �
<br /> i,r +' `' ; t. ::..:: 1
<br /> " � •'� ` at a ri bt an le to the North ri9bt o� �aY of �apitoi:�.v�►ue, a distance . _ �,. . .. .
<br /> .:�<< ;,:r�,�i;.<' �: ::`Y . ,,�hence south g 9 . �.,�:,� � �f:tx=
<br /> � ��� ����,;!:�,�.1,.,:� .:`'�� ,.`: r,� �ne Huadred ThirL�r-�ine (139.0) feet, tf�ence running at a rfght��fie wes� �. ��- �f f fy�:
<br /> . •��Y,,,•, ' ,'•F- .>:.. +��ance cf Eleven���1I.��.•�eeL togetNer.�iii�h an easement aver and across a.s��t.:o� 1 ,��.�;t,i.� T''
<br /> , 1��`� . . � � '
<br /> �'grcund E����n (11) ���:����ing t��llel ta�nd on the east side of ��;��;st , ,�.
<br /> described: �ct. . , � . <r„;}��:,
<br /> . . . � f '�,<�s`.;x,`<.;:'.'
<br /> .. �, . . • • j '. �"::��•;�,�1,$r.
<br /> . `'s.;,?ri y,�. , ..•,. ' I i ' ,i� . S't•f���!.
<br /> 'jiit..-. .. ��°�'�.Y� {`�1�..
<br /> . ' `.t': . . . . .. 1 � ��l„�(" 5
<br /> ��( �..: . �' r! :,3�'�� .
<br /> . . .:i�:i'1:11,�:'� •. 1 �. .'�::.z'6 L. . t
<br /> Part of Lot Four (4) of Nilson s Subdivis1on, located are:a parE,of Sectivn 3, � � ;,� ;;,�t,:9�,��
<br /> . � 1n Townshlp ll North, Range 9..�test of the 6th P.M., more part9cutair��,¢escribed as � ' '��f:;����:.� �,<i�,,;;�;{;;<:.
<br /> � � follavs to-wit: Cormiencing a� a point 278.5 feet East of the So�i+`�� Corner of � r4rl,I.'
<br /> � �` � saia Lot 4, running thence 1n a 1Yortherly direction for a distance �s�f 139 Feet, - ..c.:::
<br /> : <•�;•
<br /> � • running thence 1n a Nesterly Directian.for a distance of 122 Feet, running.t��ce . . •.
<br /> �� � � io a Northerly direction to a .�p�fr�t a» the North Boundary i.ine of said Lo���a , ; . ,;
<br /> � " wMch Point 1s 156 feet East:�� �!�e Northwest Corner of said Lot 4, running thence ; ,�;�,,
<br /> � East along and upon tfie NortXn ��undary Line of said Lot 4, for a d�stance of 306 ' �}`ti�
<br /> ,.; i , ,��:�-;
<br /> feet, running Thence in a Sou�'herly direction, for a distance of Eighty (80) Rods, .
<br /> �� .�t. � more or 1ess, to a point 231 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Lot 4, . • ,
<br /> � :_ running thence West.��ong a�d uPon the South Boundary L1ne of said Lot 4, for a � �� .
<br /> � ` � ' � distance of 122� fee�:�is �1�� �P1ace flf beginMng. � ; ,
<br /> `� �. . �
<br /> . , , , �
<br /> . . i
<br /> �� . . . ,, .
<br /> '.7: . � ` . ' •F ' � � :i'. � � .i .
<br /> �� .,7 � •� . .: - .. • . . . . , i �1.�• ' . . � � .. - .� 1 I .
<br /> ' � Yil: � � - . . . ' � , � '
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