_y} 4 -�:3,,.�_., .— -—_---- ---.--��-'--_:T-_ ' --- '.�firy'�"n��- -- �
<br /> �.,. ..� _=—_- ":t'.0 � �. �_��._ - _ _ _ (L, -- � f - _
<br /> �.�i} ' __ _ _.�: ..T^Tar��� _ _ — _�. �_.__ ' T_ .. — "- _ .
<br /> .��F( ._._-. i .. � • � ' � . . ' ' ' . .. L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. �` _, _ _ _._ -
<br /> '3Z . _ � ' . i _ ' . . ' . . . _ _ . _ � .
<br /> :ai :.• E�cHt811` A � � - .. . , ' ' - ' . ' , .
<br /> — ; . .. �. , � .
<br /> - — � � DESCRIPI'IOtI:. A tracL af tand cai■prising a part af Lot Four (�) Nilsaa's , �
<br /> .:
<br /> � � SuQdivision sit�tailed in part of Section Three (3�, 7amship Eleven �11� Nort1� _
<br /> _- _. ltang� ltiee �3j �iest cf the 6th P.M., ie i�1lCaunty, Nebrmska, mare pariicularly . . _-�- .---,__.---.--
<br /> �.� ___�, sfescrl�La�:_f9U���at�inning at a point on the easterly ri f�t of�cay. 7ine
<br /> of.the Union PaCific itailroad, said point being�our—N u n�*i�'{$5 t f:�j �ee�—= - --_ -
<br /> �ROrtherly fraw t6e intersection of said right of �y iine>with tbe sou�heriy = - v��—
<br /> � - � line of said Section 7hree (3), thence northerly along said right of tray Nne, ���______
<br /> s dista�ce of Eight Hundred Seventy-four (874.0'fe�t, to the nort6erly line ��,,,-���;
<br /> ,. of said Lot Four (4); thence deflectin Mght 93°l2' and running easterly ����=ri���=
<br /> .• . aloag said northerly .7ine,of Lot Four �4); a distance of Fnnr:Hundred S1xty two �'�R=�:��
<br />.: � � :,.�
<br /> - _!. . (452.0�. f�ts a � r . �,,- ��:
<br /> thence d�fe�esting ri qht 8�.2� i0 and running s�t��'�Y.a :�-,_�;��, -;�;..:�.,
<br /> . . dtstance of tfne €Aausaa� Tfrriee'�Nuc��[red'ti±�n'CY-three attd��ive [�ui�E�i� .�3,323.05) •�.,;��-^:
<br /> - - ,. -.��{��r.�
<br /> ` feet tQ the Sautiierty ������f"safd Sectfan Tf�ree ���A.�t�enc��s�er'i�i.+��ong _ - -- - 4 � �, .
<br /> �� : the sa�hert line.of�saf�aE:SecLion TAre� ���.a� ���.:Qf,�re`Hundred Twen�t-t�r�. .'` '���'� ` .
<br />-`�:�. ��r. and F�ti�T#�s j122.5� taa a point TMa Nctnd�edE•��;efi,�g�:�a�d Five Tenths . : _ _� _��fs���'�-
<br /> _ ��
<br /> r,,_ : r 1�"i�`;�;�'•_�cua�_.
<br /> - (2?8.Sb` �eet East af said easterty railirc�a�-,r�g�st-�cc��y: ?��e;-thente nartherT�: �. . r �--, .
<br /> : paratle'� to saf�ralrond Mght af.�y line, a�"�i���.�tf One Hundred 7'hirty-nine� ;:.,� � �,: r��:-
<br /> " µ.� {l39.tf} f�e�=,�ce �esterly }taraRl�t ta the sou�a�'6�F°line of said.Sectf on Three � ; r, �l� u�
<br /> (3), a dfstaitc�:�,0ae 1Wr[dred T�rir�y-tbree ��33.Q���; the�ce northerly parallel � � .� ____
<br /> � � ��: . �.
<br /> to saf� �afTi�aa�;�ri� of;��y line, a distaace of Tiiree.Huad�{Eleven (311.0) - -
<br /> �.... - �
<br /> _G: :sf i��t;��.,:
<br /> � - � °` � feet; tAeace�iies�irly.gar�tel to said southerly�line of„Sec��Three(3�, a distance 4_.: . ��,,;� :
<br /> - " ' ;f..F. ' . . _ _
<br /> of One Hundr+ed'�rty ffve and Five teatAs {i45.5� fee�r�o-t.�e��lace af:beyinning , ._,.�,,;
<br /> ; �, _, ,.,:. ,. � .�:. . . - ---:
<br /> ., .;,, •=t •r� : and consaining ��.l75 acres more or less. : : . . ;. :. -.. , <�,I� ` ';�::-�
<br /> � � '� AMD a further tract caapMsing a rt of Lat F�nr� ��€��.���s�n Subdivision, � �` • _
<br /> , � situated in a part of Section Three (3�, Township ET�°���,-��srth, ttange 9' '' � '`; ' �� � '- �.
<br /> �:.,. �, ;•�. �., � � . _. . =
<br /> . Y il�st of the 6th P.M., in Nall County, He6raska, camie�cing.at'��paint One Hundr�edi;-:. ��;.�.�`:::�' f .:-. . , ��,�
<br /> �.�.- : _ • _
<br /> " Forty-five and Five Tenths (145.5} feet east of the east tiiie,�� the Un1on Pacif�irc�.:'•;:.:;-',�;;�!:; . -;- ..�
<br /> ��} �"� Railraad right of Kay, and Thirty-three (33) feet�North of ,the Soutb line of Sectiai ` ;:':';`;�:��::�� � �
<br /> , : �'� :;<' �: ' Three (3), thence running North a distance of One Huadred Thf.�r-ni•ne (139.0� feet �.:'<;;:: >.'3� � `�_ �: _
<br /> �� 1' , x � to an,�iron marker; thertce;east at a right angle for a dista��•qf fleven (11.0) feet; . �� � . ` ;,,:,�,��• .� -
<br /> � �s k��'��''.��;� then�c� south at a right-.arigle to the Rortb..��yht o� way a�-:C�L�1 Avenue, a distance ' � '-.s���,�,:%:, =
<br /> ' �"`� �,:??s'1:���.� of One:�tundred Thirty-nine (139.0) feet, tE�� runMng.��.�;��h� angle Mest a �, `���,f..- -
<br /> •''; ,' "� , .�, �. �• ��fi::•f , -
<br /> ., <"'�- � • ' • - distt�nce of Eleven �11} feet tagether with`arr:',�`a� see�r,��.sv�ir�arid across a strip of ;,' � `-- r;�
<br /> �;.r����� ° � groou�d Eleven Q$1�) feet wide running paratx�`�_�ir,`and�ciiii the east side of the last '� . `y�� - .. ". �''-�
<br />, �� �.. .. . , descri6ed tra��. • . . � � ���
<br />� �trr:!, . ,. . ', ; '. ... �
<br /> .� •rl„.',' ` � ' �.. � . �
<br /> f��i /��y�'yJ��. . ! . ,. 1 � . � . .. - ..
<br /> �i`, �� - � � � . Part of !�� Four (4j of.Wilson's SubdiWsion, iocated on a part of SecLion 3, i� , . .
<br /> �; '�4';� � in TawnsMp li'�arth, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., more particular1y descr1bed as � ' ; •� . . ����
<br /> -� �� � .-:;� �-. fa'llows to-w1 t: Cam�nc�ng at � poi nt 2?8.5 feet Fast of the Southwest Corner of � _ .,,,�. ,. . �:'
<br /> • ,��s- � i .. ,,.,. .
<br /> •:.�:�. .,.tr� � .;- :'�., said Lot 4, running thence in a 1Vortherly direc�ion for a dlstance of 239 Feet, _
<br /> ..:�Ki ' -
<br />" �,��, ��;-,•�� . �.�' " - runMng tfienc.e 3n a Westerly Oirection for a distance of 122 Fest, running thence ; . � , : �
<br />� � ::,,.,�:; •
<br />• �-�.:�� � ,�, . ,,�.�:-�':' �' � in a Northe���.�rect9 on to a poi nt on the North 8oundary Li ne of sai d lot 4, � � � .
<br /> .;� ,:.; ._ . .; ,.
<br /> .;� . Which �o�nt���.�56 feet East of the Horthwest Corner of sald Lot 4, running thence ,
<br /> � East a�ong'�ar���upon the North Boundary L�tne of said Lot 4, for a distance of 306 ; .
<br />,� . . . feet, runnir�g ,3�ience in a Sautherly direct9on, for �a distance of Eigbty (80) Rods, ; � , ,
<br /> � � � more�or ]ess,�'�aa a point 231 feet West of the Southeast corner of said.i.ot 4, r � .
<br /> �'"� �"� �� running theRr.�YPSSt along and upon the Scuth Boundary Line of said Lot 4, for a � ; �� �
<br /> .�;;;:.':°,-: ' , : . .
<br />,+ � ;�,, _�,, _, - distance qf���� feet to the Place of beglnning. �
<br /> .�:�� . [�,;ti..;,,... :t;�• .
<br />.'� �. 'f,.5:. , 4' 1� . . i'7r• .
<br /> ' .. "'{'�:ti';:_ �� ' - .
<br /> . , :,�i•.. . . .
<br />,•; .,;;;yi',;,� � �.. � . ' ,.. , � . �, - . � .
<br />:;;,i:�.�;.;:��,:� . . ; � �_ �..�� . .
<br />' t�� � � . L++ . - --- --- 4 _ .,. _. - ---�._ .. _ � i : .
<br /> ��I t� 1 � . .. . . .. . , � ' . . ,
<br /> s;ti`..r�.f.;;Yi. - � `\.:� � " . . � � � "�
<br /> ..,;�, ,.� �� � , . - . , ,:�::
<br /> 5;: ,g,.5.. .. � ' , , , , .;: " . .`•Iti. ' �
<br />::,' . � F � ' �,.� ''1 f �
<br /> � � � ~
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