_ , '
<br /> �,..c. ..."' . . _ �' �- .. • '--� ..' '— - '- -- --'— - ' � —_. .. -- _ —_ _ _
<br /> . . _ . y.�:-. � _ : .: •:
<br /> . .. � _ , .
<br /> '• � L ,
<br /> . _" _ _ .� _�__. :- _ . - . . _ .. _ _ _. — —
<br /> - _. _..;�� " _ _ . .._ _ —_ _._. _ ___.
<br /> -�_ _ . ._ .. ' ' _ ' ' _ '._ . _ . . . . .
<br /> ��•����
<br /> '.�� � '_ ' " ' � _ __ '� � _ - . . ..- —_. . _____
<br /> �_ - . ..;. __. t . _ — — '_ _ _ _ . — - _
<br /> � e��1 . .. . . . .. . . .. ' . . . . . .. � . . I ���� .���������� .'
<br /> ,} . _ . . . . .. . . . .. . _ . ' ' .
<br /> � � _ . � . . . . .' ` . ` , t' ' '.. ' . " . . ... . . .
<br /> h!P�"�p��i isfo tdan ot d�n�d lM�d�t�Tiav!11�oD�.in tt�soN snd abiohd!di�x�ax b applyal!su�►PrpCNdi►
<br /> - �Ilfd�dllCWq�l�r�ron�MMCON�irtd��MM�ii�1GiM�dO��EincaNl�Waflwi�laud�PraeMd�.tlpOAl�ii1Q�lMts�cuAd . .
<br /> - hu�tand in wde ad�a 4�rwrr maYdrMrmtna a to aPDAt ait�uch fkoc�ds,atMc wcn dbuetlara.to tM rNirx�lia+d 1M
<br /> propMbuponwdscanditlonasLartdKma�l�MY�OD�"dPina�dsf�ind�0l�di+wa�nd�apo�o�M � --
<br /> _ �,.�.�.aamro•m�«+a��u,a�orw�samrae��neta�o.na�«,�a.��+r�ru�ss�aa.aaam . �_---
<br /> - — - -- — - - --- — =- - . _ - - -- -- - . �� - -_ —
<br /> � �. — T�� occ„rrance of�n Event W..._ unt�areund�r,or it ar►Y aet is talan a M�at proo�inQ �
<br /> — — __ _ -�,-�Mrhn�a�os�1�ltpa�.� . - -
<br /> ab�e[aL�nd�r'siMe[adCnthePrapa�iyLaidsreiayinibo�imdiicMforf.�66i�6�5ii6�-:— ,�
<br /> ����� TrusEOran4w�outreteasin�Tiustottromarryobi'�ation.d�anytaetWhiCh7rus�orErat �"- - -
<br /> "� - �qir�d witAwd n011c*tO ot dNe�rW uPon ��My hereot Tiu�br s1�W.i[n�diaMty
<br /> aprNd but hils b do and niiy atso do iny afMr act it deams nacessary Lo ptoteCt br a�_�=�
<br /> ` up0��dln'�indlt�efOrbyL.endar.MYtDi.enAlta!lCbstsandexpettsaslnCUrrOaanAetttt�expsn4edbYLend�rinoOnMCtiott+Kith .Yh,����,,,_,
<br /> � } 1Mexa�tis�bYl.�f�otlheioreQoinQriSAts.to�elhe►withinterestthareonatthedetautt�ateprovidedint�et4ole.whlchshalibs ;• "-�,�.;��,�
<br />.�,F-: ��� . '.-.���' ..
<br /> a00b tD Ihe ind�bbdn�s s�i.wnQ f�s[eby.Lendsr sAall eot fnCnr arty lia�l�ty,,�muse of any1hiny it�nay do or anu't 10 do ,_;ri.�w?�'__---
<br /> ; fN�surldK_ . . • :" :.•`: .,;.. : `1._'y ..
<br /> .. " =:. .�.. _
<br /> 9.l4za1d0Ya MMNW�.TrustO�shall keep.ilte:PPOp�N IR C�InP(i8rtt.e xttilt sIf ap{Nit:ebM(aws.otdinatlCes and�eautation� . . ;;;;:,�;.#�;;`If.,Rf.-• •- N�
<br />- ' rale6np�indushial AYpNf�Or anYilonmM1itF i��an(cOlketiir�ly fefertH�M ItereiR�8"EnYironmenfal l.uWS"b Trua4olr at�it . y
<br /> -_ '- keepthsP�pertytreQfranati ,
<br /> .i¢baTie�erdnusotta�dcurr�er�7F�mentatRaws(coNectivetkreteire�ta �%�"t�-.�-r��!"::°:":
<br /> f5?:. �.�.�r�..r.�_.,.-
<br /> `; � �xan as"HSnrdous M�eer�ats"!�Tmstor herel�Y'warFa�sern�feA,�santsto I.ender that there aro no Haucdou�Maceri�is aa or ��`:.:: :?. `:'_;:_ :�. ,;:
<br /> nnQetfhsPropaly.Tre�sforhsreti!►a�rsesioindemnHyari�hofQh�rmtexsLenQer.itsdiredut�efficets.emptoyeesett�ts�+ar� ,
<br /> l,. �f i srry succasaoa ta ierxlsrs intereat.irom and aSainsE arriE�d eJt d�m�.�e�toaces and IiabiGties arlsi�g in conneetiodwifR , � _.���'r�.__
<br /> tM ptElOnCQ.1u�difposai tran=Dort atry 'fi" fram Gr ebOUt ihe PtQQetly.TfiE FCREGEIIG[C� +lt��F�t�r�.
<br /> ,.,''.'. '�s.�° t ',•' . Ot Of Hb1i�dOtlS-IY181�li${Sr9R,r..(i�9►- (�,r�X'4
<br /> �` j , °E .
<br /> .. .�• �i��� : r'_� ....�..;., � ., , "' . -� . � . �j �� [i���..
<br /> 1S`tJi�i[111Et�ECONVfsYANCEQFTHISOEEDOFTRUST. ,.•:;�: •,•;;.r;r.-,,1... � z:• F,t: .,;__, r.f
<br /> �, . d IIMM�fTtusWr hereby assigna ta Lert�t ���,�t�q�lt�.��dita W tha PropertyF.prurided tt�'i�usoor E ��,��,�,;���i�
<br /> °�'%� . :�.1�MI�Ir11M1f � '�9z ti�
<br /> %� f�;�• . �. F.t[reneeurroncaofanEventotDsiautthereurtder,l�.�i��thsLz4t(n"��:i�ltiidsucf�renls.tsauesandp5d�asihey �� sF =-
<br /> �il��
<br /> •�r� . : .. dy�s�rd DsYaDte-upon tAs occunence ot an Eveatgt'G�rfa�:�'��i�ic?naY.e�ia:ie�sn person a by aye�cr�+:vr withoue � �' �: �i�� = e--
<br /> .;j�� �:�eGtioti Ot prOCeedinp,oi Dy a roCMver epqatnb�k��soutt atrd`wltllout f�eyysrd t+D the adequsCy Ot ctS 6�u.�'s�!!.eMe► ' -
<br /> � ,: onofB�eProperty.oran lhereQf.ar?:�ownnamearfnthenameofthsTruabe�anddaar►��uvhichit +��-=-
<br /> . _:,_f':'-..5�.�, upG�Al�;�PO�Si�Sii YP� tl�ereofortno?,r�fherein. �� � • `' � ."W-
<br /> ' �x,g��ar0esirad��topreservethevalue.markek�bjTit.ydrremabitiryo�thaPropeAy.or.arrypart ,R•,-,-
<br /> �
<br /> ` >�•� . � 'ina�se t�se irtCOme therehom o►protbct the secu�ity hcx��nd,witA or without faking possassion oi the Propett�..�tor or ��, �• � `�'c�:k!=�=-�_
<br /> ,.. --- -- plherwise cogect ths rents,iswas ana proCds thereof.irt��those past due and uapaia.and app[y the same..�.�'s1s and � � � >�< �r++----
<br /> � y � � expensesoi�tionandcottecNoni�ctudingattomeys"te�s:uponartyindebtednesssecuredhereby,allirrsuchordra�r�{S3.erider `� � , � -:. `�.�
<br />` .� msy determir�7Ae entming upon and taking possessian ot the PropeRy.the cotlection ot such rents,Issues anA profits and th�,:;'._; ' ` t ,f 4,r`s��_�,
<br />' �::�. � � , 8ppticatlon thereaf as aforesal0,ahall not cure or waive any 4et8utt or notice of default hereunder or invatidate any act done in`..;,, _;. t ,;�,�, '(�-�• ,;)<jyyy y�:•
<br /> .. S,.',..� . L".3':I,Y(1•����.••.:.'f.�.�'t
<br /> � •;,�f� •.;,,,,_ �esponsetosucAdefaultorpu�auaMtosuchaoticeofdefauttandnoNvithstandingtheCantinuanceinpossessionatthePropertyor ';� :` � r �,�.�{�y �� F�v_
<br /> the coltection,receipt and appttcaUon ot�ents,issues ar piz�.rs.and Trustee and Le[:�:�s��a1►be entiUed to exercise every dpht f �' �� ���r-����°.•� � , ;.�
<br /> `;;�';,,,;. . provide0 tor in any oithe Loari tnahvumenb or by taw upaR.a�uRenca ot any Event ofD�1f�inctuding without timi�aQn the right ;� !�"�{'����p? ,, s f�=-
<br /> t
<br /> .� to exercise the powar of saie.Fu�ttrer.Lende�s.nghts aR�*�=ecfies under this paragraph gizall be cumulative with.and:m"rta way a' , . `'�u�. �; � ;''�u:
<br /> �`�_.
<br /> � . . Iimitaiionon.Lender'srightsanAremedieswx�er�i�?t$slSl�mentolleasesandrentsrecordedagainstthaProperty.f.arsd�Trus6ee • t `� ` `r _
<br /> � . . and the receiver ahall deliable to accoun4n�Iyi irtr,;Yii�et�nts actuatly�eceive0. , ' i s- ` _-
<br /> • 11.ErwMs W DNwN.The toltorrirtg s�lt;�cr,n��i��?t.�peat of Oefault under this Oeed ot Trust !'` , . _
<br /> ,_�. ; ,.. . (a)Faiiure to pay a�sy inslalfinent���r4",7'���r.'f�"t of any other sum secured hereby when due: . ��". .1 ; ��s
<br /> / (b)A breach of ordefautt urtder arry p��tisianl�r!,�i�1f in tha Note.thts Deed ot Trus�any of the toan Instatil�o�Qi any s �
<br /> ., othertienorencumbranceuPonthePra��►ly: �:.�.�.. `` '. : :' i, . � , '�`
<br /> '- . (c)Awritotexecutianorattachmenlis�anysimiiard~'ocessshatibeenteredagainstTrustorwhichshallbe�ars��+ierrEan;-, i .�
<br /> ` ::r;�..: `, � � the Property or any poRlon thereot or interest therein: . ' ' ,, , � .��
<br /> ���: .� �, _. . (d)There shati 6e Gted by or against Trustor ar Borrowe�an action under any present or future tederal,state or othea � �
<br /> • ,�:;,,. . atatute,law or resulatlan rerat��g to bankruptcy,insa4vency ur other relief for debtors:or the�e shalt be appolnted any trustee. ' �'<<��•�tf' ,
<br /> '���� � ,. ,
<br /> =•�„��at�� - receiver or liquidatar of Tru��r Borrower or ot a0 arany pan c1 Me Properry.orthe rents,issuesor profAS thereof,orTrustor ��'`,�r�Y:.;,,,
<br /> •r t,. F4; ,
<br /> �u<.
<br /> .:��,-5�;:1+7t, �-'' �. ot 8or�ower sheil meke any�ij�:l?�.{a�assignment(or the benefit of creditors: c•<,}+,��;%��tL .-. ,.
<br /> �i;,, ,r.�;;:
<br />- , �{����,Z=S•�;� ,�,`;�-�.`� (ey The sate,danster,��;^�;�a:�i�4#!';n�conveyance or fuRher encumbrance of a11 or any part ot ar any i�teresl in the j,.':.%�:;,��E +� .
<br /> '•:;;;�'��. ;�f t�'°4'�'•�� ;:;'!..•ty't': ,�� properry,either vOluntard�ta:iir�+�Gl' '�utiGt�ly�:without the express wntten consem ot Lender,provided that Trustor ahail be �ti�' �
<br /> ! �:r;,?er�•..,
<br /> ,.':{::'�i�S •j rjz1.'"f•`.�;' f:r1�r�;�, permittedtoexecuteatea�c:�`;!�[����JiS;�tnatdoesnotcontainanoptiontopurchaseandthete►m►fwhichdCaenOlexCObd i: ! ` �',,.,;f(��,`zs,
<br /> " `'S�, tS��: t..t... , , . . � ,.`�� f!f y�i7'i:
<br /> � . r.;�t '4�?1-t , � 'OM yEBP, ,'� ... , ".r:' '• . • .; . .,,�. � .
<br /> • �'4��"t'4'{��'� � (11 Abandonment o��r9re�h'tt�'3[�;ar.,.:. �`.,. ,, �:. ;;,..��s, ..
<br /> ��'!+�Y-!``� � (y)HTrustori9notasii;�r�v��u�f:*J'ri3,i�RCe§r�fG,!,fiansfer,assignment,comeyanceorencumbranceoirra;�!ftanatotal '��� f
<br /> �n�f'4';?;�"�
<br /> , ' .:y�t4,,�,
<br /> • 01 percent of�d a Corporal:.r1;.�issued and outstanding stock ot(�f a partne�ship)�total ot percent et � �-. � . , . .
<br /> .' • � partne�ship lnterests durtng the period f�is Oeed ot Trust remains a lien on the Property. . � ..
<br /> ''{�;��t�t �• �Z,p�;Ace�aypnUppnON�yil.IntheeventolanyEventofOefauttlendermay.withautnoticeexcepta9requ1re4�, : :: „ . ,
<br /> - �:;j�,���j1:c.: taw.declaro ail indebteEnes�secured hereby to be due and payabte and the same shall thereupon 6ecome due and paya6le ''� '
<br /> �1,�iiG�4�i�.; without any presentment,demand,protest or nat�ce oi any kind.Thereafter Lender may:• . • . ,
<br /> •.�,s'�/::l•`f�;:���.;�';�„ � (e)Oemend thet Trustee exelCiSb th�POWEfl OF SAIE granted hereirs.and Trustee shall thereaker cause Tru�tOr$ . •-
<br />. <<:�,::. � ?;�:,�,r:�:.�;'�;;ti;ti ,. , interest�n rRe�P�opertyr to 6e sotd a�dlfle�RCOCeeds ro hq�stnbuted,all in 1he manner prov�d0�ln the NebrasNa Trust OEeds �
<br /> ( �; r �.`���`{ ` Act �� •� : � � �
<br /> t �,�,� : •; � • �,����;�i ','.� .
<br /> .�� . (p}.�xxtziSe+any�d�a1f;�4gt�fb�+ny�!lti�i to�?�an�e,of the Loan Instrumenta or 6y daw upon ocCUrrBnce of any Event of
<br /> ��"�'����'� ;�,..' �� � E]E(auS����• r .. . F � .
<br /> � '• • �.,, � � . : . {� �aiism�ath.e3nec�Ip��ta�tnrectose��st�¢e�'u�Truatasamortgage.appomtareceiver.orspecif�caflyeniarceanyoltM
<br /> ,. ..; ' , :txivg�8i71�h�aY. ,� : , . t. .� . :..,. . .,
<br /> , � � � • ,`�)•f.•! . • IVa r�meQy Rere+rn cvRt�rred�Wsaii•o�re�v4d'1p Trostee or�ender�s intended to be exctusive ol any atAar�emedy ttere�n,in the :
<br /> � '�,•. ���% • ,'•�� loan In�trumertts•erby law Rrci�iited Cr pei��iHf�d.but each sha�i 6e eumulattve,shatt be in adQ�tionto e+rery uther�emady groen ; -
<br /> ' ••�<<;`;;?��:t`����,°�����k l hereunde�,in tnA Coan Instryme��lsilr now 4,r.h�reafcer ex�stmg at raw or m eqwty o.by statute.and may be exercised cancunently, 's, .
<br /> ,,�;;,:,,�r,:;,;:•,;,,��;�i,t. IndepenEentlyors�tccessiiafy::.:'•,'; �
<br /> t
<br /> ��i•:��.;j'�. :4'''���4", t3.T�N�The trustee imi�resi n at g� t�me w�theut cause,and tender maY at azry Ume ana w�thaut Cause appolnt s � `..!
<br /> �'���:;9 i succesaOr m substituteTrust�ei T ustee shall nolbb Haht�ta any party.inClud�ng without limitation lender.Barrowe►.Yrustor or any � ��st'.��°, �
<br /> � � � �'� i purchtse�otthe Property,tOr any 1099 or damage uniflSS due to reCktess or wllitul misconduCt.and shall not be required to t8ke any G� '����'! ,
<br /> acUOn in Conneadan wlth the ento�cemeM oi th�9 Oeed of Trust unt�se�ndemn�Ned,in writing,for at1 cests.compensaUan or �� '�
<br /> �. .
<br /> ' ' • expenseS which may be assac+ated thgrewAh t�atld�bon.Trustea may hecame a purefis58r pt any sale af the Property({udicial ar ;. .
<br /> _ " � . under the power Cf sAfe grgnted herecnf,postpona the s31e o1 a►!vr 8r►y porGOn ot tfie Property,t�pravlded ay��w;or setl the ; ,
<br /> � Ploperty as awhole.,or in separate parceis c►tots as R�us*.e3s Qiscre�on. �
<br /> », ��td Exp�l�pr.In th�event T�ustee selts tn�P�oDefry Er�+exerc�se of power of sais:Trustee shelt I�e entiUeO to apyty
<br /> any aate proCCe�s 6rst to payment a!a!�costs and erpenses olexerc�s�n�power at s�1�Inciueing al�trusteds tee�anQ tendei s �'
<br /> andTtu�teesattom y�ncurredtoextentperm•°�db�/app'=�ab=e�aw.Inlh�ev�eatBOrrowerorTrustarexerc�sesa�r� ?� . ,
<br /> eystees,actuaic
<br /> � _ iipM pravidea by taw to cure an Event a!betaatf,tenaer shair ee en�r,:'td t�recover 1tQt�T�ustO�at�C49b and e�{iease!BCtua.y i �
<br /> • • . ' incurred as 8�esu�t ot trusto�'s deta�lt irtctu�ing wahaut I�m�lahAn ai[T�uSteg's snd�tturneys tQq,to t�e exttnt permet!ed�y i: '.
<br /> � ' •, . . eppuabte faw. '-
<br /> 15. FuYw AdranaM.Elpan�equest ot Borrower.cender may,at�ts tipystn. make aQd�t�or�at encf t�ture advances and re-
<br /> '�---- —='�._:..:� .� �,
<br /> ___ - _-- -,.-----• - •-- -
<br /> .. . �GElLO$QIi17REr$uL'FT�r3fiG�bfH}l�df�iidRC&S.itiit#Lsi126;85lth8t£8-�:S�:i:`-��5..�`C1-'Cd�E*_�i9Q£�d4t !!!St ��+0 M!�- --- - ,•.. �•
<br /> ' tltaOnfiCip2i8Yfs0UntO��n@irtQE�!QdReSS3@GLtEdbytNt9Q@Cd0lTtuStRQ �R fuQ��QSun'tSBQvalltf'tltpptOtECtth85Ctut�tyOltl"�4
<br /> � O�aQof Trust exueQtl►e origirtaiprine�p�ta+ttoantstate+f r.ert;r..trrS Z�•_�SE3E3.dt3 wn�cneva��s qrrater. �.. � .
<br /> • . - _ � - , _
<br /> . �, . " , ; •
<br />,.� , ,J, 'r . . -. _���I . � .._—_. . ---
<br /> t _. --- � -- - --_ ..__. __ _ . —- -----
<br />