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,.� , . . . . ,..� <br /> :c�. �f,.:-L.3 ��` -..��'+'�.�.. , � _ , � •^1e�._ ....t;'H,�. .. ...,..afi�;�,,,;,-t.P:.:�'����`T.� <br /> _ r� . .�,:r,. <br /> � 4� , , � , .� . . � :. r�, . -�,_- <br /> M�: Irl�k M�'M tIM�K�f�r NM 11��w�Ii+��t <br /> �,, t�.�M����r rwi� � <br /> 1M!!�����N�4��NwM�'r tlwwl.wM»���d�yr�Mir MM�Mrinw�riMnMl►arM�M Mrlw�� <br /> ____ �frnys7�c�a��.�f�i�oNn�il��,.o..ii�.i�►i�.�i:ii�ti#��I���ii_. �� _.�_. <br /> tl■N 1M�w�rlw��w�I��W wNM�f M�K�AI�1.wal�t�r�IN�rf�1►IiM.1M�wf1�..�elldM�►w��Niif ... <br /> T�w1��+�NN�i�Mr1Ms�f i1�M oM i�■o�1lw�rM�Th�s�I�N IMr�►tlM�rw�►ef��f 1A�PI+�j�q M'N MeMieirr��� <br /> Mrrfy b t�M I�M rM�M�it wpA T�MN DNd d T�wt aM tIM NM��r wNt ad w�t�IIM►dua�wNMe�1'wM�Mw� <br /> �rl l��l�r.�1�iliww►t�TnM�t o Nri11M�Nio�sf�MaN�I�.fie�M o�'�M'ro�rh t�M�M��T�.w tw�. � .. <br /> ��i�iMMr sMla i�tA��r�trM b�t Nw whicA�i M/rip 1NM far nooN M�t Troq�. <br /> N11Ww tM M��F s�h ti�a��r M nwirwl�r low foWwia�tM��r.+�rdottoa o!slotia of O�a�h.aid MoRic�ef DrF�M e�NMi�p��f <br /> f�y#Mri�►���s r��d�iy IaN�TniqM.wifMwf i�wi M Tivaer,tiqN t�N tM llvp�rh i�enr K�n peeit Mi M��Mr <br /> �Troolw�►I�M�6�tM da1�and a�th�tM�i aed�loo�d�ti�rd b�aid IioNa of SaN�at pubiie aueti�n t�11r I�INIIr.11r 1K• <br /> �IpM�pI1�IN MI�I III MIN�III IIIOIMy Of Hli Ull�f�Sllll�!Af MR tjMb Of iOI�.IIN�Mff011�OII�ICf�1101IM tON�.IOf�OMII�M K* <br /> a.�n.�t.v�oa»�om itn»ro�Yn.uatp k s�M e.�pl.t.a ana,M.+�r wd+c�..notia a pa+pa�a.MoN a.�i�w <br /> bp Pu6Ne d�clorotioN thu�of by wd�p�son at th�tin»and pba lott apOoAA�d for th�saM�Provid�d.ff tM saM k pestpon�d Ia laq�r tMn <br /> an�(l l do�b�'Mad ti�dop as�0^°1�d in th�Notkt of SoM.notic�th�nof thall iw 9iwn in th� soaa monnr os tM oripinol llolie�d SaM. <br /> Ti�tN shaN�xaub and d�liv�tn tb�purchasK tts 11Md conwl�0��Y w sold.Iwt without aq►eanwnak or wortaroy,�xpns��K <br /> i�li�d.1M►�cirots b th D�d of ary mott�a faets sid b�aonelusiw proof of th�tnnhfuM»u twrwf.lln�►�w�,�p wiMwt <br /> �ilotion TnistM.mor Pwclws�at th�sab. <br /> Al.WIMn TnrtM Wtb purwont to th�pow�rs hn�in.TwstN shoN appl�r th�p►ocMds d tlr s�to pN*�o�tb cetts ad s�w of <br /> ,�__ _ ��th�oow�t of sd1 and of 1iw sd��i�np.wiii�ou"li�itatiots.ilsa payme�d e'f Taastse's kss��a�nd.wKth TnatM'c iMt siai Mf <br /> in 1A�a�rpaA��rtMd flr�q a�ounts baWd upon tl»aniounY s�dwrd AK�1►and nw�o a�ddi S PKa�1u�n en th Idlun <br /> --- tr--.-sf:ar.J 9ir�:+9n 4@r 6ia�soi Qiwt�1�t fi�f=!Mreot in tM er�ie►MN►�star�d. <br /> k)�Po1r�0����in sYbpaapr+aph @1,ff th�soM is q►Trusta�,or tM popK court and othK costt of toncbsu�t and td� <br /> if th�saN is pursuant b�dicial ioncbsu��.th�prooMds of saM sholl b�aipp�d in tM ad�stat�d b�lowto tlr parnNnt of� <br /> (11 Cost of ary wid�nn of titN proeund in ean�etion aiie��ueh saM and of onp nwnu�nquk�d to b�poid� <br /> l�) Mtom��►s f«s, � <br /> (3) IW wms thm s«ur�d h�nb�r: <br /> 6 (4) 1u�ior trust dMds,mortpop�s,ar otl�GenholdK:j ad <br />_- (S► ih��ai�dK.�a�.to th p�rsoe ar pKSOns bpoll��ntitMd iMnb. <br /> ° — (d► If tir B�ficiary af,l+his D�d of Tnnt is o bank as d�flmd b��Mb►asko law.ary stAte�+�estt comdnrd in ary othK sation of ihis d»d <br /> . �F;�;�:�;�� � notwithstandiny,�rM BM�Mi�iory slali not be aMiti�d to naiw a taka and debia siiaii o09 be o`oii9ni.xi to quy oi'�iva:anY tar�fassia�a}�adp- _ <br /> .;. r '�". m�nt,po�of attorney to caihss jalpnMnt,powK ot ottorm�to appear far a borrow�r in o(udicla)proceedMy or aprNnNnt to po�r thR a�sts <br /> - of cdhction oi the otton»ys'fas,unl�ss such ucts of collect(on would not ofherwise be profiibit�d by Alebraska law.Provldrd,howwer,�Int <br />_" :;.;,� this sation does rrot appl�to the Trust�f�e nhn�d to in purapraph 6(bl.Provid�d further,thot ihis pa►ayraph slwQ�wt typl�to this D��d of _ <br />= Yrust,if the 8en�fkiary is not u bo�c. �- <br /> ,�l.xs�. 1 q, Ai�tio�nl Su�riry I�te�h.Trustor,at its axp�nse,wUl exocute and doliwr to the Berwficiary,promptly upon dm�ad,such secui- '"` <br /> � a::,; ° <br /> if�4��.�• h i�nrn,m�rs as mar b.►.quind b�e.n.fktory,in farm and substunce sotisfactory to B�ficiary,toverinp an�of the PropKtr conw�ed b�r <br /> r' •�+ this ONd of Trust,whtch s�eu�ity instn�ts sholl b�odditional security for T►ustor's faithful parformanco of all of the t�rms,covMOnts aad <br /> cpdRions of this G�f of Trust,th�promissory notes saurod haaby,ad amr oth�r s�curity insf�tnts txecut�d in ca�ction with this tron- <br /> �;'Y�' �•', '' soction,Such instn�nts shall b��acord�d a filed ot Trusta's expense. - <br /> - '`�x"°"�jj �a�''`"'�. 13. A�Mh�M�f Sroasa► TnrtN. Bmefkiary moy, from time to time, by a writt�n instrument ex�cut�d ad odcrwwl�dped by <br /> � .�� ,e;,.�.., , <br />� .a • �������'>� B�fkiary,maiMd to Trustor and recorded in ths county or counti�s in whkh the Property is locat�d and by otherwise compl�inp with th�proYi- <br /> t�.,d��:. <br /> �.,�' �'� ,:a.��. • � sions of th�applicabk Inws of th�Stat�of Nebraska,substitute a successor or successas to the Trustee named herein a actirg hereunder_ __ <br /> � <br /> '�`'" 14. Mq�e1NM.B�rwficiary,or its ayents,representatives or workmen,ore authorized to enter ot any reasaable time upon or in any pat -.- <br /> 1!�'�?f�����"?'�. o F t h� f o r t h� purpose o f i nspec t inp t h e s a m e a n d f o r t h e p w p o s e o f p e r f o r m i r p a n y o f t h�a c t s i t i s o u t h r o i:e d t o p e r f o r m u d e r t h e - <br /> {(',' . �Y ,;:;:. <br /> :`i i1•'4'eGj�:•it•.,.i. � • �.i•���.. <br /> .���'�„�.: . • ' te►ms of the Deed of Trust. <br /> ��%�`'� "� � ��"''� 15. Opiw�to f�nd�a. Upon the acurrence of any default hereunde►, 8eneficiary shall hwe the option to forxlosa this Oead of Trust in �� <br /> ;r,w,. .,;�: ,ti...��.;�,; <br /> �'• ` ,,',,.;:,,,;i��:�:�� tM monn�r providad b�low fa the faeclosure of mortgoges on real property. — <br /> • � _�:�.����.� �'� 16, f�nrwwa Nesfkluy Not a Wdv�r.An forebearance b 8eneficiar i�exercisi m r ht or remed hereunder,or othecwise --� <br /> . . ��' j 1r Y Y Y� � v W Y -- <br /> :�''.`� �'�t;�' ��Y,;�}( <br /> .,t:,�,i�, offad�d b�applicobb law,siioll not be a wafver of or pretlude the exercise of any such right or remedy.likewise,the waiver b�&neficiery of <br /> '�-•``� o tbfault of Trustor undv this Deed of Trust shall not be deemed to be a waver of any other or similar defaults subseqwntl�aturrirq. <br /> -� _ „" •-•t j``�:?,!"'- � <br /> 17. Trwtor 1Nt R�nd.Fxtension of the tlrne fa payment or modificmion or amorti:ation of the sums secured by this Doed of Tmst �-�;== <br /> �''�'• d�'�a�! r� , ' gra�ted by Beneiiciory to any successor in interest of Trustor sholl not operote to release,in any monner,the liobility of tfw aiyinal Trustor and "" <br /> �`�° ' . ?rustor's successor in interest.Beneficiory shall not be required to cammence praeedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for f, <br /> i'.�r'};i;,,;.. . � <br /> �::�r,;::,.,�,_: � poymeM or otherwise modffy omortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand mode by tho aiy'�nol Trustor and ` : <br /> r�,:;..,rn� <br /> `�••�1�•���•�� � � �^ Trustqr's sutcessor In iMerest. f <br /> : ,. �, . .. • <br />'�' ��t��i���•. � . .�'•..: 18. l��ikk+ry's hwri.Without affetting the liability of the Trustor or ony othe►person liable far the payment of any oblipotion herein t <br /> ��. {, , . � <br /> 'r'.� ��t�, ,(,t,� ;,.,,',,;:j�,� '� mentioned,and without affectirq the lien or charge of this Deed of Trost upon ony portion of the Propeny not then or therQtolore�eleosedos � <br /> 4•�'� +tk'�%�� '' �� }ti�� `�� secuity far the full pmouM of all unpaid obligations,Benefieiory moy,from time to time and without notite, li)releose any person so lioble,lii� <br /> •�li,44��,y•. _.,:.,��.i+',,. .:� <br /> ' �' f extend the maturlty or aher any of the terms of any such obligations, liii)grant other indulgences, (iv1 releasQ or reconvey,or cause to be .. �, <br /> <�: . :'���?;a���;..•..• .,'a�:�„ <br /> �= ;•. =xy_.;�f' c� „.,�;; , :� rel�os�d a reconveyed at any time ot Beneficiary's options any parcel,porfion or nll of the Prope�ty. (v)toke or release any otAet a�eddifiaaol ;i� <br />- � �,i454�:..:.. 4`'1,. 4�' <br /> �"���; �'`�Yx'�~'• .� •• � s�turit�r for ony obliyation herein meMioned,or(vi 1 make tompositions or other crrangements with debtars in relation thereto. <br /> '' �,. S�''�d�� � <br />.;+.,'�•�, ,., 19. i�rtwo Ad�ets.Upon request of Trustor, TrusteQ at Trustee's option, prior to reconveyonce of the Property to irustor, rnay make <br />.,;,.ti,�. �'`�� ' (eture advances to Trustor. Suth future advonces, with interest thereon, shall be secured by this Trust Oeed when evidenced by promissay �. <br />— , �__.�.. �� __.__ ..-.�w�._w... ...,�.ti��.....,.;,�.�ii�ti.���Y..1 o.i.v��l 3111�f�AfIV111YFt nnt{rrkrlim�umcod� . <br />.. -f <.Y : ` .. BYiili aiumw uwu riry nv��a 7�i aawv.w mw..��y.... ...I . ��.. -.r:., . _ . <br /> , � L�r.?-.°.'�"-�a'� vannd to prot�ct tM security,exceod an aqyreyote principol omount of S_ �_______ � <br /> { ....,�...z�::.� 'r.' <br /> ` �{,:., •. �. <br /> � • "��'�-^�'' • �•�� ". 20. R�a�w��T�tM.Upon writtan request of 8eneficiory stoting thot oll sums setured hereby have been poid,ond upon surreider �~ <br /> �� �� ��. • of this DNd of Trust and the Note to Trustee {or cancellation and rQtention and u ment b Trustor of Trustee's fees, Trustee sho14 <br /> —�-".,...• ... , .. � p�PaY Y <br /> .�d....,..,., <br />=�� ' ,�,�,„ ,,, ;, nconv�y to Tnrstor,or the person or persons leyall� entitled thereto,without worranty,ony portion of the Property then held hereunder.ihe <br /> �'`;_���'�'��� � ntkds in such racom�yance of any motters or fxts shall be conclusive proof of the t►u�hfulness thereof.The granfee in any reconveyonce moy � <br /> �'^;�`.���s'� b�dKaibd as"th�ps►son a penons lepoll�entitled ihereto". ; <br /> -� Y � ' I <br /> - ''� <br /> • 17/1� � <br /> aJ,�:N.�' l . .t.-: i <br /> i <br /> r <br />_.. . •:'} ..� <br /> - ,r..:::: <br /> - � :;�:�;_ , ( <br /> . , ,, , <br /> , , <br /> �ti _. <br /> . <br />