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Thr insvra��carricr providing the insur.erxr shall be chc�sen by Bvrrowcr su6ject tn Lcnckr's <br /> appmval which shall not be unneaconably withheld. �f garrow�r fails to maintain�ovcrage d�cri�a���.��r may�at <br /> L.ender's option,obtain caverage to pmtect[.cnder's rights in the prop�ny i���ance with paragrapF�'7, <br /> All insurance policies and rcncwals shall 6e acceptable to Lendcr s�nd thall includc a stundard mor�gagc clause. (,��r <br /> shatl have the right to hold the pqlicies and renewals. If C,ender rcyuircs.Borrower shall prompHY BivC to i.ender all rrceipts <br /> of paid premiums and renewal nptices, In the event oF Ios.e,Borrower sha11 give prtm�pt np���to�insut'ance carrier and <br /> Lcnder. Lender inay make proof of Iqss if not made prompi�y by gorrower, <br /> iJNecs L,ender and gorrower othcrw��ag���W,ry���g �nruran��pn�dt shall be app�icd�d r�ct�tion ar rcpair pf <br /> the Property damagcd, if the rrstoration pr rcpair is econ�M���Y (���blc and L.etrders s�rity is not les.scned, �r�hc <br /> rcstoration or repair is not economically fcasible or l,end�r's ��;;fl�y would be lessened, the insurance pro�ted4 shAll be <br /> applied to the sumc se�ured by thic $���ty lnstru►»ent, wheth��a na thcn due, with any ex�ecs pa�d tn g��p�ycr. If <br /> Bvrrou+er abandons the Property, or dces not ancwcr within 30 days a notice from Lendcr that the insurance Carrier huc <br /> offered to settle a claim,then L.ender may co��e���h��n5u�P�ds ���may u�c thc procK�d4 tp rcpair or r�cstare <br /> tht Property or to pay sums securcd by this 5ecurity Instrument.whether or n�then due. 'i'he 3(1-day p�rye�will 6egin when <br /> the notice is given. • 31- <br /> Unless Lender and Borrpwtr othcrwice a�rce �n writing,any app�ication of�ds �o pry���� 4ha�� not extend or <br /> pastpvnc thc due date of the monthly payments r�cferred to in parrgraPhs 1 antl 2 or changc thc amount of thc payrnMts. if <br /> under paragraph 21 the Prppeny is acquirtd by Lendcr, Borrpwcr§ right to any insurancc pplicies and pror�{S �sulting <br /> from dam�ge to the Property pnc;t�t,yG acquicition�hall pass to I..ender to the extent of the sums serure�hy�his Sccuri�y <br /> instrument immediately pripr to the acyuisition. <br /> b• Ckcupancy, Preservatinn, Maintenance and Protectian o� the Property; Borrower's Loan Applitation; <br /> Leaseholds, 8orrower shall ocrupy,establish,and use tF�e Propeny a5 Barrower's principa�residence within s]xty days atter <br /> the execution of this 5ecurity Instrument and shall continue to otcupy the Property�c ga�w�rs p�nc�p�� �sidenee for at <br /> least onc year aRer the date of occupancy, unless Lender ntherwi�e agrces in writing, which consent sh�ll n�t he <br /> unreasonably withhcld,or unlcs�cxtc��u:uin�!circums�anccx Cxist which nre heyond Bormwcrk contml, Barrowcr shpll not <br /> dcstroy,dmm�ge or impair thc Pm�erty,����H,���r pm�hy���etcrinr,�te,or�ommit wastc on the Pmpcny, g��u,pr chall ' <br /> be in default if any forfciture�ction or praceeding,whether civil or crimin�l, is begun that in Lrnder's good faith judgment <br /> could result in fnrfeiture of the Property er othcrwice matcrially impair the lien cr�ca�ed by this Security Instrument or <br /> Lender's security intercst. Borrower may cure.uch a default and reinstatc,:►s providcd in paragraph �g,by raucing the nction <br /> or praceeding to be dismi�sed with a ruling that,in Lender's€ood faith deterrnination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrowerc <br /> interest in the Property or other �rtu�erial impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security <br /> interest. eormwer shall also be in default if Bnrrc7wer, during the Ic�an applicaticm, gAVe materially false or <br /> inaccurate information or statcments to Lender(nr failed to pmvide[.ender with any material inf�rmation)in connection with <br /> the Ioan evidenced hy the Note, inrludin�e, but not limited to, reprrsentations ConCerning BormwCr's pccupancy of thc <br /> Propeny as a principal rcsidence. If thic Security Instrumcn�is on a Icaschold,�ormwer shall comp�Y wi�h all�he provisions <br /> of the lease. If Borrc�wer acyuires fee title to the Property,�he��y������������tle shall not merge unless Lenckr agrces <br /> to thc mergcr in writin�. <br /> 7. Protecfion of l,ender's Rignls in the Pruper��'. If f3orrow•cr failc ta perTi�nn �F� rnvenams :u►d agrr��nts <br /> containcd in this 5ecurity lnstrument, nr thtre is a Iegal pmceeding that may significantly affect Lcnder:s rights in �hc <br /> Property(such as a proceedin�in bankrup�cy,probate,fnr condemnation or farf'eiwrc or tv enforce lawc nr rcgulations),�hen <br /> I...ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary Ip pmlert th�v�j�nf� p��nY�1-�nder<rip_hlc in the <br /> L.ender's xtions may include prayi4g am wmc cc,nved M a lien a-hi�� ��ic �rt�- <br /> m�'���'°���ftes�t!��� �g-� Seraritr Ie��� <br /> �der tfss pur,y�a_S-�'dr�ec�t Isa��r�o dn qn_ �n ��r���-'��Rtr pi,;e a�i�w <br /> Am•att�ountc dicbttrced by L.tnd�r under this par��ra� 7 chall hecome additional dcbt of Bormwer serured by ihis <br /> Secunty Inscrument. Unless Borruwer and Lcnder agree to other terms of payment,thesc amounts shall bear interest fmm the <br /> date of di�bursernent at the Notc rale cmd shall be payah�p, N,rth interest, upon nolice from 1_.ender to Borrower rcyuesting <br /> payment. <br /> K. �1or1Ra�;e Insurance. 1(Lendrr reyuired mortg:��;� insur.�nee as a cc�ndition of m•rking Ihr lo:ut ucurcJ hy thi� <br /> Securily Instrument, Borrc��ver sliall �;ry 1he pnerr�iums re��p��� �i� n�:�intain the mcirtg.�ge insuranre in effect. If, fiir any <br /> reas<m, the ntort�age incur,�nce cuv�rag� rtyuired hy Lender lapxcx or ceatieti tu he in �rr���. R<,m,WC� ,hall pay the <br /> prcmiums reyuircd to obtain cove�;ific substanti:�lly eyuivalent to the mort � c insurance prcvinusly in eff�wt, at a rost { <br /> subztantially cyuivalent to Ehe cost �o Bormwer of the morcgage in�ui;�nce previously in effcct, fmm an al�ernatc mon�eage <br /> insurer approved by Lcnder. If substan�ially eyuiva�ent mortga�c insun►rxc coveraEc is nnt availahlc,Borrowcr�hall pay to <br /> Lendrr cach month a sum cyu��l to one-twclfih of the yearly mortgage insur,�ncc prcmium heing paid hy Borrowcr when the � <br /> insurance cover,�ge�apse�or ceased to be in cffect. Lendcr will vecept,use and rctain thece paymrnts as a Icns reserve in lieu � <br /> of mort�age insurance. Loss reservc payments may no longer be reyuired,at the option of Lender, if mnngage insurance � <br /> covcr.iGC(in Ihe.imount and for the pericxJ that Lender rcyuires)pm���rd by an insurcr appmvcd by Lender ag.�in becomes y9 <br /> available and is obtnined.Borrower shall pay the prerniums reyuired to maintain mvrtga�ee insurance in c(fcct,or lo pmvide a <br /> Ivss reserve,until ihc reyuirement ti�r mortgaec inrtur,�nce ends in accordance with any written agreement hetween Borrower <br /> and Lcnder or applicable law, <br /> 9. Inspectinn. Lcnder or its agcnt may m7kc reationa6le entrie�upon and inspcctions of the!'roperty. Lender shall <br /> givc Borrowcr nnticc:�t the time of�r pric>r tn an intipection specifying,eason:�blc cause fnr�hc inspertion. <br /> (0. Condemnation. The proceeds of any awarcl or claim for dnmages,direct or conseyuential,in conncction wiih nny <br /> Single f-amily--Fannie Mnc/Freddk M�t UNIFORM INSTRUMF.NT--Uniform Cavcnami 9/90 lru,�r_P nf6�u,qr,�) <br /> � � rfe�t�a►e,�Ne�r porm��n�� <br /> � , h Ort1er Gtl:1d10Dd'1P�190 O F.0 e167941171 <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> r F;' <br /> f <br />