<br /> ; _ _�. �_ ��`� � ' , — `�. ._ ;' ---
<br /> . _ ..: _�. ... �
<br /> � - -[- - ' - - - -i ' . 4 � - - - - - -- - - - - - -
<br /> _�� .` :. . . ,� . . . � �1 -
<br /> ��� �-.i .._• .. . . ,.k.� '.p,- �,-:.'- .:-. : .�� .�$ ` � 3_ ...__ +,
<br /> . . , "'
<br /> _ __� c,L.��,.,_ � ---- -.�_ ' a . - -"- -= - - -- - � - - -
<br /> —�— �----------- -- .----�-�� - - - - - —
<br /> _. -- _ - __ -- . - --- -- -
<br /> ._ - �- - -- - --- - --
<br /> .i�:e �, .. - �� , __ __ — -----
<br /> 4 � ' + • .. �
<br /> t . + . . �. . _ , - -
<br /> �... . .. . _ gi--io29�9 :
<br /> -_��-_ � 'trHtFOltlic�ovt�l�t�'rs. eara.�eranat�oorenai►eanasaraa9couows: -
<br /> 0 �
<br /> ;s � �%��bit�E PN�d�►11iM L1t�aRt�ai L�te t�r�ts. Bortower s1uU promptlY Pay wl�en dae
<br /> tBepriocipt4faadintenat oatliede�tarideoced b7i�Noteu►daaY P�Y�t andisucl�argadveander�eeNote.
<br /> t.F�torll�aaMi�� SnYjecttoappticibk4wortoawrittenwaivubyL�mdec,Qorrowersh�llpaY —
<br /> ' :' -. ' to L�der p�the�y t�lbily paymmts att dae tmder tbe NotG unti)th�Note is p�id ia f+�t,a sum i"Funds')eqwl to �u�
<br /> - • -css�i+�dtih of•(a)Ye��arlY-tues and ais�mts�rhi�taay attsin priority over tdis Socurif1► Insuument; (b�YariY �� _. - - --
<br /> :
<br /> -- - -
<br /> � � � NYments ar�ottnd reats on the F[oQetty. it'say:(c)yeulY hazard inwrs�t�-p��; and{d)Y��Y -----
<br /> �= '.` ,-_--^ _ �— -- - • •ica�areralkd -escrQAr�tem�.°-i.encks magtistimata.Ehc Funds due on the �;;;�3� T
<br /> ,- , ����C.., � _. — ____
<br /> - --,P,�
<br /> - _� bausofcumenedaaaad�essonabkapm�taoffucure�scrowitans. - - �' � —.-=-�.
<br /> �F�S a�tl be heM in sn institution the deposits or a000unu of w6ich a�rc iasuredor guaraateed by a federal or ;t �.
<br /> ' nate a�eency(inc2uding Laader if I.�nder ic such an iastitution).Lender shatl sPP�Y-the Fands to pay the escrow itans. ;�,.:- _,
<br /> a n . :
<br /> � Leader mty nW s�e for 6oldiag and sppll►inB tho Funds.analyzin8 the aocoutu ur vaify�ng the acraw itcros.uniess ���,d � ..�-
<br /> . i:,-�� Lqider p�ys BorroMa inte�est on the Funds and s bk law its Lender to malce such a charge.Borra�xr and , .
<br /> ppiica perm , • ` �iq �` ,��
<br /> - - - ' t.mder may agrx ie�v:itina that intu�st shall.be paid an the Funds Untas an agreemrnt is madc vr appti�a�6k iaw �-�`: :;�-=;�,. �u
<br /> � -'{ �.:
<br /> �=;- r+equ i r a i atemt ta h�paid.Leader shaU aat 6e roquired to pay Borruwrr any interest or eami�gs ou cbe Fuads.LeIIda f°. � .� '.-`:�°.,tr..•��.� ,
<br /> - 31u11 giv�to Borm*reG�thauECh�t'8C�ill a=ItiWl iCCOW1Titlgof Ihe FttttdSSlta�iag eiiediis and debits W tlte�undsaud thC -i:`�_J`�i�'t'_._
<br /> . _ ��`��;;Y� Purpos�for wrhicS a�ch debitta tL�Funds was made.TheFunds are ptc�E�d�sadditiona!sesurit9 for thesums seeured hY _ ;_�_- .:. ;;�,•,-_-:._;^.;
<br /> `'-k�=-: tl11sS�Datiit5►Insttumeni. ':�; - _ . :
<br /> . �r..r;� . . ents of Fuads PaYabk Prid�mo " ._ ..
<br /> , ' ,� ff tIx amount of tI�Fuuds isdd by Lender.togetker witTt Etu fudue monchtY WY�
<br /> . - - �'`y`;:�. tlitdueda�.oftheescra�ritm�s.s�sallezcaedt�amci�emtrequ�e�tapayt&ecscmwitmnswhendu�theescessshaU6�:. . :_�;; ;;;.. ':,��-�,_�;.;:
<br /> an �
<br /> to Batrorrerar c�e�ted Bcn Borrower on monthlY PaYr�s�u of Funds.�£Cfze #-;.,,:; �,:
<br /> '. �, ' ' at Baim�rer s opuou.dtber P�P�I�4+�d � ..���:
<br /> �'� � amaunt o�f the Fuads beld by I.ead�iris nnt��DaY the:esc�v�i�eoa�arhen due.Borraaru sbati pa,�to Lender anY �"' . .<
<br /> � '•t in aae'armnre ' b Ixnder- .•' � r t°,`�'` ��"'-
<br /> - f r aatamtnacessarYtomalceupt6e�► [g��sastequ�ee�i Y
<br /> '�'°f€" t in fu11 of ali su�ns sacurod by t6is Secwr�6�`H�e���,atd�t sual!p�IPUY��to$oanwa ti � q1 �,,4,
<br /> : ,<'�` ��4�s �� ' U�°P�►Y�° b 19 the Pmpaty�ds�Qi a��y,�aued by i.aida,Lender sba1)appf�i.nx�t Eaitex --
<br /> riq' i,- ,_. /!!uF`l5��
<br /> aoi�Fw�dsfoddby I.mckr.if�i�;;'xragraP g';�;any Funds hetd b�Lrnder at t.*.e�±��., �� `r'F�q��`��,
<br /> _ ' tban immed�atelg p r�to the sale of the Propaty or its acc�.4�.�t�'.•, ..., ,.
<br /> � ,;: °.-�"` �,, . :applicationasacra�tagainstthesurtusxuredbythisSecurit}�ai.cr..�,,�.�. ;= ' c � ' �.. ;=
<br /> , " '���, �; A�plic�tio�ot Payae�h. Unlas appGcnb2e laa�a.,as�r��FZ�'ise.a11 Paymenu roceived by Lendec�.��'� j
<br /> , ... __ ',�...- - ` - �s�ge�yi6s l and 2sha116e�pplied:first.to late chatges due�r.l�'_�;t:�$econd.to prepaymeat charg�s due icm,�irt'�- . �� , —
<br /> � ' �f��� Not�z�?rd to amnunts payable under paragaPb Z:faurtb,tm�l�+�r'�.?�and last.to principa]due. -:; ' •
<br /> . _ � � . 4. ChsrBe�Liem. Botrowu shall paY all taaes.��harga'fines and impasitions attributa�e tar c�e r •
<br /> � -�;�� � � � prope�ty which may attain psiority aver this Security Instr'�`,��Z�asehold payments or gtoanc(rentx��°:,^:aY• � _ -. .:"',.���
<br /> ' ' • Borrawer shall paY these obGga�ions in tAe manner pravided in�.��t��!?f if not pafd m that man��:F;Hos�awer shall � , : :� `�.�� �.`;;,:�.��,
<br /> � ' • � paY theTn on time direccly to the person owed paymens.Borrowe��'�ti,�!�.�Y fumish to Lender aif i�u-�-'�s of amounu � . . �,,�� �,E --
<br /> • `';�:;.L:.�f to be paid undrt this paragrapH.Lf.8onower makes these pa�t�%w�-'��T;�onawrt sfiall promptiY�ish to Lender '� f.`i3f�"G��.,'---
<br /> . � r. '� «< ,. ,: ,3�: ,�:. ���:
<br /> ' � � `'��� roceiptsevidencingthepaymcats._ s . ,:,�,E . � � ;`%<:.;�-. :,.
<br /> , � ,st:�;:�ays�� � , " �t, _>sf,. �....
<br />. ' r�,� Borrower shali P*�F��:��`,�r8e anY lien which is�s,�s*1:�-�y 6cec c�i.s Securii}Gastrument unless 8orrov���s:6a) ,, � � <,: -
<br />• - �'i` �-' • .. .° . agroes in writing fatb.�ga�:�;+:�:obligation secured b�x.�r.�n'i��ati�crri�r acc�P abte to I.ender.(b)cantests iu ' ._ . _
<br /> , , t �5�
<br /> �`r�• `. •-� � . faith the lirn by�.Ardd'�..�s.ag�i'rst.enforcement asthe lirn i��egal proc�ed�gs which in the Lender'a opiaian opttata to ` ;
<br /> :`.`�;: .' . ; .. � _ �*_
<br /> prevent the enfoi�sof ihe lien or forfeitare of any pari��;•€4he ProperCy:or(c)secures from the holder of the Gen an ,�,
<br />;:,, ' • . agrament satiaf'a�i��}io Le�:der subordinating thc tien to t�5ecurity Instrument.I f L e n der determines tbat nn X part oP : , �;
<br />, �. � ` the Property is subjeci ta a�'t���cfi may anain priority a�ti�er this Security Instrumeat,Lender may give Borrower a : ,
<br /> � . � ' � nodce identifying ihe;�,en.Bor�+#v�eQ shall satisfy the lien ar take one or more of the actions set farth above withia 10 days � , �� , .
<br />_ ' �' ".: oithe giving of no,tiee:: ....... :: ..`; ; . � , .. .
<br /> S. Husrdi���_;�4wn's5�a���C�the improvements naw existing or hereafter erceted an ihe Properiy � , , I .; t}
<br /> � insured against loss tiy r;��.`�.a�s�ncluded wia�6rm the term"eatended caverage"and�ny ather hazArds for which l.ender ,,. ,�..• ,.
<br /> _ , � '��0�a�i':-t.. requites insuranee.This insas:�►noz shall be maintained in the amaunts and far tho pesiods tlwt lxnder requires.Tho •
<br /> �:;•r '' ��.;:f•!}c'�r��r��"�;; insurance carrier providing th�iasurance shall be chasen by,9 t�ttower su bjee t 1a I.e n der s a p p r a v a l w h i c h s h a l t'n p t be _'..
<br /> � �, • ,� . t�F'11i�,•::� . :::
<br /> ;,r,;�
<br /> i' . •,•�r; �• �� ��'�?:p'��• � unreasonabiy withhcld.
<br /> �°• -�'�'i1;' 4����° � � ''<<} � All insura�zoe polieies and renewais sfiaii be a��tahle[o Lender an d s h a l l inc lu de�s tan dar d m a r t g a g e c i a u s e.
<br /> �'•`.�r f` '` ' ' Lender shall ha�•�th�Tight to hold the palicies and renewais.lF Lendet requires.Borrower shall prampAy give to Lender �
<br /> yti! ,t'' , '', !.., ,
<br /> • ' ' � . aU rueipu of paiti aremiums and renewal notices.ln the event of lass.Boaawer sha11 give prompt notice to the insurance . .. .
<br /> � � catrier and I.ender.Lender may make proof afloss if not made prampliy by&�rrower. � •- �
<br /> • Unless I.ender and Aorrawer atherwisc agree in wriiing.insurance praceeds chall be applied to restoration or repsir , , •
<br />• • •- �•� � � of the Ptapeny damaged,if'the restoration or repait is econamuaUy feasibie and Lender's security is nnt tasened.li'the ; � � •
<br /> � � ' restoration or repair is not economically feasibfe ar l.ender s security wuuld be tessened.eho insuraace ptaceeds shaU be � ; •
<br /> • � � applied to ihe sums cecured by Ihis Security lnsirument,whether ar not then due.wi�h any excc�gaid to Barrawer.lf : ��'''
<br /> .:1'r,
<br /> � � • • • ' Besrr�^;wer abandons the Property,or dces not an.wer within 30 day�a notice from l.ecu�2lhwt-tJrx�:�wance carrier has �� .,:s,.c�,,:.- .. •�•:'�;
<br /> � � ol�e'si�i�:o settle a claim.then Lender may collect the insurance prcueeds.Lender mac u.�rlry:i7�?�s ta repair or testare ` � �.;;��� ;'.`;;. �,;�,�'
<br /> ' the Propefly or to pay suma secured by thi�Security lmtrument,whethef or not th�aT,�.�i�•�:�v1�CaY Penod will begin � •�,+>r,''' ,�'`..
<br /> ::;:��,A ' .. whenthenoti.��given. : � �.:� .
<br /> •' ��� � �' L'nless`G��a�:r and Borrawer�ilherwi�agree in writing.:�ny appli,:�ii��i:ii��?��:3�y��Ptinc�pal shall not eatend�r F
<br /> , '�: t� ' pastQaree the du?��i:��e of thc manthly paymenls referred t�in�+aragraphs`t!:�w:�y cr::a;�i��:the amount uf the pa}ments.U �
<br /> ;..i A;;,,:`:. . .
<br /> s i��.�'""r••��•� � uer�:r��aragraph i4�he Property ic veyuired by Lender.Bai�rav�rer'�right to any insilr��,�:�x+licie�.and proceed�re!.uhing
<br /> ,�r�t�'+.�ii.
<br /> "'� '•.' ��ES;'4'':'� � , , �'��ria:�pr►age to the Nraperry pri�tr.tn the acquiait�un 4Ra1L.�-��+.i:y I.ender ta thc cxtcni;c�iJ�r cumti�ecured riy thi�Serurs�y i
<br /> �� � �. 'I �'' � ,� :.'M�1 prntr•en�imme��alci)prior eo t'!tic acyun�itiun. �:,. ,�� .` �
<br /> M�
<br /> •' .+r . �' ' ` `',�'r� 6 p'r�.19z�nandMalett�tnceo�`�u�r:Lesi�6old�. �ottowerah•r1fn,��.��'4'Ytt�3"•�iv.���or.ubyrau�ially ; � ,,,';
<br /> � ;�.'•' ,' , G. �f�57g'�the�Ptts�'tv.ailnw the P�ope�ty �to�dtd��rate or commit c�.s_.t� If this 3c�un1��Li�ti��ii�i�3.i:a;.�n a ic�.�qlit, ,
<br /> � : , . , I3;�a��zi���►il;,(:i��p�1y with thr pmvi�ionS af iqic-Iease.:�n:d}f Bttit�ou•er scyuites Pee utle�ia iJ�k:�('!3�:�?5:�iir f�.d�+�i�1�,�f�d• . ',. ; `'��� �.
<br /> • i' .. : `, , �f�i�1���f�mui'i'n�tgeunless�.enderagrecwtathemerger'i��;vritjrtg. . � . :' ,.` , ,' ,i�; , ' f �` .`.,.;t.;:�;
<br /> • - ' ,
<br /> ' - :;,1 ' � �; , � '�':'..� .���..��hu��4en ot LendePs �ti�ltts in the Praperiy;;�it��e�nsuraece. .tf 93c�rtowet fails to pet'Porni�lie� ;;'�, . .� ' ' ;,�; " t�`:
<br /> ,.',�,�`'I, . • . '•• ,. ..
<br /> � '_s;..;,��.� �CAstat�i.!��1�iiis�'��ents eemtained in�his Serun�y Inst�cini�i;i�iS ihet?e�i�n fegal ptncee�ling that m�y signiflcantty atfcYt � i
<br /> . . '.�. , . . ,: ` •r;ihi�r.�:r{�a�tt!!s,i��lhe Praper�y(�ueb as a pr�+ceeding in baut3����i:�,:l7rcfiate.for r��ndemn�tion as tn eniarce law4 ur. .
<br /> -- �- �" � �rt�iil�zions).�hen i.ender may dnand�y fut whate�•er is neci.�ss�at}'c�a�'4�trct ihe value af the Pro�+er�y and l.ender'�n�hts . •
<br /> ' " , in�th�Property.l.ender'c actiuns m�y include payipg any sitms se�:ured by a lien whuh h��priorny u�er ehtc Securny
<br /> � . • tns4cament.appraring in cuur�,psying reatunablt attorne?s Cees ead entedng on thr f'tapen}�t�•m�ke repairs.Althnu�h : .
<br /> • -Lender m�y t�kcactian undcr this para�t`aph 7.Lertderdnes noe ha�e to de�s��.
<br /> � � Any amounts disburseci by Lendes urtder this p�ragraph 1 shall bernme aitdivanal dr6t of H�mt�urr�ecured b}�hi4
<br /> , ' � � Security lnsttument.Un1ec�8arrawer and Lendet agree tn c�ther terms nf pa}�ment,these:�m��ui�tssh.�tl f+e�r�nterc�t frnm ,
<br /> -___ - ' , -����..�_
<br /> the daitr of disburscmene at the:�fote rntt and sh311 be paya6le.Nith mtrrcwt. upnn ni+uce fre*:n l.cn�fer to�nnwcr
<br /> - - - ..
<br /> - _ requestingDayment. - �
<br /> , . .. ` � �
<br />