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L. '. - � y� � - _ __ __. .- <br /> .. r�.i Yi�� ' ' .• • �' .: .. . �. Lw ✓1��l. illi{iF�- T��-'r MY..�.rU��. <br /> ...lG.i^L� ;1� . .. ��f'y^'S„�T.1'.. "�' . �.' ,,�y�. :�t'r - w.�i.�a�� . __— __.___ <br /> �� , . ia � 13'�}` �E�(�:�� iYal��•'Rh�.-.�.orw <br /> �:: r '.. . ..-. :�au�-T:,.�1i. <br /> ., .' ,. ' � '� ' . � � "' . 1n .. , . i' M+.4 4�6�f�- . ••2..Z1 . .N• —__-Y_— <br /> • , ' . . w•�.'.�ni.�_'_" <br /> . � .r .._�. _...�- :�1L-:��a�-T .__ <br /> y y!���/:� <br /> ✓ . � !S" � � " - -. � , �.�A�i�^��.'i� ��_—_ <br /> .l ' , . ., tl.v., . .. _y.: 1;� ,� w•�1 L.�h+ � .-_�� - ... .- <br /> .3J�" ' ���1��'�a <br /> . . • " ..., . •A �,..` �,� I�� e..- <br /> n � i �y, <br /> �. <br /> ' . . ' ' .i � " �' ':>� . - <br /> .. , . ,� �- . <br /> 1 .... - <br /> . • ''• ^r►�T�'�zs=._. . <br /> � , : . . �.. �.�.,���_��- <br /> �«..iw.w.u..1b11nni.i..M.�i "- ,:, <br /> ��'�T . ., A�ANClAL 36RV1CBS .. ; <br /> • • Q�+C <br /> aR.�Nr06tlSk 147903136 � " ... <br /> r.TM► umw. rwn U1Y�) . � <br /> B�O�i DOWI"J�R W B�K� 1WL8MR J 14�5 ii MI�B AQ�Q <br /> — �ons+. an .nme s000. <br /> 31? i1�Te 11iMPlltbE GQ� ISl.N�1 �NC 68e03 GR�ND IS[.i11D w3-� <br /> 'rtus t��ut��KUS�'.Morsa fttiie �� d.�r d� A�� i$93 �„ :,,••�•••��,•• g� _ _ . _ <br /> 6cneioatbrcallad �q�dd�e� 317 N 11MPlli�. GR11lID—�Sf.ND• . <br /> __ � � i�GIlOU�7(U�rf106Q�ltf{� � �I � ' � • Lst tJ <br /> a�d� N .�,R� '�L,�N�br�ka oorponlio�.MpsiMfler cwlMd iElHF�IC.7ARY.�bo�e addrow i� R . <br /> � rr:i . ��.��� � . <br /> - W�INB4SE7'H:7b�tTnWaraRANTS.CONVEYS.SEl1SANDWARRANI'S'f�OTRUSI'F$1N7RUST.WIfHPOW6ROF9AL8.IMtbYowi�{ . <br /> dMCribed piopaty.�itutled in �L �CarNy.IVobratks: <br /> -- LOT NII� (9). IA1 8tr0(xC TE�t�; (3). IN DALB �Ot�[+l S�f7L�ID 8[�DIVISIQi. I�i 'i CI't!! a'' ��_;,._ <br /> . �� <br /> _ QiJ1lD ISGADI�i 811LL CO[Nl'Y� N�11. _ <br /> v i,' , . . '�,e.- <br /> : �.:- �-- — . . � . . - � , �,s-... <br /> �.y ' . .� .� <br /> :.ew. �. � � ' -� � _ <br /> _ ' 'f�' � <br /> toae�w11ha11bui1dingsandimpmvementsnowonc�ioaftererectadUwroonandaHscrecns.awningash+�des.stom�aashandblinds.aod6ea��hting, . <br /> z�,(� ; a ,,,�:, plumbing.8es.clutric.venlilating,ref�igemting and airrondi�ioning equipmem used In ca�neclion lhemwllh.all dwhich,fix�he pwpoee of 1hit�Doed . <br /> r:. ;��.: 2. of 7Yus1.�h�ll be damed fialures and subjec��o tho lien hereof,and tho hercdilanents and�ppunenpncer:pertninina lothe p m p e rt y above desaribad.Unt1 <br /> :f' �,'`� ` �,,,.,,.• a l l A n e e t s.lanes./I I C y R.p a s w g e s.w a y e.w a l e r R,w a t a r c o u n c e s,r f Q l t t s+.l i b e r t i e s a n d p r i v i k g e s.w h w c o e v e r I h e rc u n t o b e l a n y i a a o r i n s a y w l c a�p p e r t a i n l o� <br /> ,, r! :. � and ihe�eve�sions and�emaind�.all of wldch in rrfemM Io haroinofter as the"prcmises". � <br /> r�'.r{ M,.�,>�,,+• _ <br /> T�+���� '!r1,�� <br /> ,..� j., TO HAVE AND TU HOLD�he above�described premises,wilh Ihc appunenances and flxwrra,unlo the said Beneficfuy ��s sucassoR u�d wipis. <br /> p s, <br /> � • , -,..�k�". ry�p�ts::. fanwer.for the and uses hemin r,et forth.frcc from all rights and Aenefits under and by vinue oiany Hanestead Ezemption l.�w�dtbe Sqle <br /> �� 1'`, ti4�'�•��� of Nebra+ka wh h may he enactod.which said rights and beneflts Ihe said Truata dotc heraby eKpres+ly relestse and waives. <br />- ,�,��� �.�.� ,:"..`�';�Jfi ,- <br /> �ti�''•.,;�a''..; .;• Trustw also acrignq lo BeneBciary all renls isxuec and�roflt+�oi w�id prcmises.granling the riQht to cdlect�nd use the svne.wi�h or wfthout uking - <br /> . �'�iyi;y;,; " possession of Uir prcmisev,during cantinuance of default hemwide�,ond during continuance oixuch default outhorizing Benetkiary to en�er upai�id - <br /> premises amba to collect and enfor�ce the sart�e wi�han�regnrd�a adeyuacy of any securi�y for�he indelNedne�.�hereby xcurni by any IawNl means <br />.?���, .. .,p..�...� mcluding appoinmiem of a receiver in�he nume of nny party here�o,and to upply�he�aune le�.riw�s nnd expensex of operaUon and collec�ion,inch�dinQ - <br />::`�:": - S reasonrble anomeyk feec.upon any inde6tedness secureJ such oNer ae 6eAeficfory may dNemiit�e. <br />-""�� � �i,,. � ' FOR THG PURPOS�OF SECURINa:(I 1 Pcrfarm�ce of each agrecmenl of Trustor cunlainrd herein:(2)Puymen�of the principal sum w8h interes+t; _ <br /> .::� �• ry``. --. ' as provlded io xcadance with�he termr anJ provisionx nf u P�omi.wry NoleMan Agreement(herein•rfler rekrnd to a.e"prcimiqxory note")dated <br /> ._,�.". �r�•' � <�',� APRIL 16 r 1993 ,herewilh ezeculeJ by Tn�stor and p•ryable lo the orderof 6eneficlary,in the Ptincipal sum of __ <br /> ,'h, ' ' <br /> �4'���:. � ;, 14500.39 � <br />= i `.t.``;.' ' '1„;`�.,i s _.ond having Ihc Jalc uf ilr finul p•rymcm duc��n �Y 16 1998 ,auexu�, <br />_ • ;�,_�:"�._: ;:�{',;:%�•i:. dekrtedor rcscheduled by mnewal ur refinancc:(31 Paymenl nf any s�ddi�iunal odvunce,,wNh imerexl thrreon a.muy herc�fter be loaned by Beneficituy <br /> . �,�,.�1�i�7 <br /> ' '�c;��;:.. . , ;� toTrustorinumaaimumsumafS 14500.39 .wi�hinlSyea�fromthedAteof�hisDeedofTrus�: <br />- ��°'.��` . hawever.lhis paragraph does not cons�Hwe ucommi�men�by Beneticiury�o ma�:e fuwR udvancex:(4171x payMem of uny money tlwt may be advenced <br /> '(��'����` '� � by Ihe Beneficiuy to'Y'rusta fnr xny rca.wn or to lhird panie+.vrith intere,��heRan.whem�he amouots un advanced to protect Ihe ucuriry in xeordance - <br /> � P�. J''�1.� • _ <br />_ °��• ' . . � wilh the covenents of this Dced of Ttuxt:(S►Any renewol,refnan¢inF or czten►ion of wid pnxninsexy nutc,ax ony other ogreemem to pay whicb mt►y - <br /> �!��1:` v ,. , ,�,� be substituted Ihtmfor. <br /> '�:., �..� ,('„ '.; _ <br />- ;,.;. Allpaymenla mnde by Trustor on the ubligudcx�vecured hy this D�:ed af 1'run shult he•rpplied in Ihe foltowiag order. <br /> p1it3'f:To ihe payment of�nzrs and acKSxments�hac m:�y Nc fevied und ucsessed againu uid prcmises,inauranee premiums,rcpuirn,and aN other <br /> ����. , +��j�,. ' charges and expenses agecd�n be paid by the Trurtor. _ <br />-�1� � ���,i s�• S E C O N D:To t h e paymem o f in lems t d u e on sa i d l o an. = <br /> •;r � .'���1�G'C _ ' ' - 'fHlttD:To the payment of princfpal. -.: <br /> u.�±➢ <br /> .._ ....,_ _� <br />� ----- .i:i,�::��,y�;'T� 1 V 1'KV I CL 1 1 tl'C ACl.l1R11 f IICKGVP.t RUJ 1 VRI JI l V�G�1I\I�I�J AI�U i1VRGW.l 11 I V 11CC�1 MR�!lICIIII.K.I IIIaY�C1/iZ(�111���v5>u).ac:u.. � <br /> ;4 n.: f Sr.'\',. _ <br /> i . aher hazuda,ca4uolty and contingencies upto the Pull value ot'�II improv�ments for the protection of Beneliciary in such munner,m such omiwn�s,and <br /> �'��„' . ' �• InauchcampanieeasBeneficiarymuyiromtimelotimenpprove.andthatlosspnxeedslk�,eapenseofcolleclfon)shall.a�Beneficinry'soption.beapplied <br /> ` `;� ��''` � an wid indebtedness.whether due or nW or lo the�starotiun of said impruvemeMs.In event ot losx Trualor will givc immediale nolice by muil to the <br /> �i�li�sa�:���,as:.� <br /> -- '.+ ,�v r, -- 8e�xfn�acy.who may nwl:e pnwt aT loss ii nat msdt pcatnptl 3�by Tru+mr,end etK b imuroncr rnmpany cuncernevi is herebv authariud and dir�ected to = <br />—� --�+�'�''��` n m�ke payment for surh loss diicctly to the Benefkiuty ins�eixi of to Ihe Trustur.l21 Tu pay all taxec und�pecial a�sessments of any kind 1ha1 have 6cen <br /> -� .. • . " ; or may 6e kvled or usesxd upon said premises,und to deliver�o Beneficfary.upon reyuewt ot'�he Nenetkiury,�he official receipt+howing paymem of <br /> -T� i.. . • ;:u��„� = nll such Iues and atsessmeMS.(3)In�he event uf default by Trus�or under Porngruph�I or 3 abnve.BenefKiury.a1 it.op�iun.may lul plu�r and kcep�uch <br /> „ � insurance abore provided for in fort:e�hroughou��he liFe af�hi�Deed of Tn�u nnd pay the rcu.ux�abk p�emiums wiJ cha�trs therefur,lbl Wy all said <br /> •� - • � • tpzes and assessmen4s wilMwt detemtfning the wliJily Ihereof:iuxi lrl pay.ucA lien+end ull+urh diwhur+ememti ax shull be�rncd a p�rt of Ihc <br /> �;•�• ,;j�. • itdebtednesssecurcdbythisDeeJafTrusland�hallbeimmedintelydueundpayablebyTn�+tor�nBcnefiriary.l4)Top•rywhenducunylicnunthepropeny <br />_ •' �.�•;r;:-.; .:, �; whkh is senior to the Ikn of Bd�eliciruy nnd.nolwitAslnndfng any�i�ht or o�ion�rontcd by�ny+cniix lien or by any scni�x licd�oldcr lo pennillhe <br /> . ' �,.,, principal balamce of such senior Hen w inrnea�e,71vs�or will not pemut the pmrcip� balunce of�ny+eniur lien�o fikrcux ubuve�he hrlan�r m the�ime <br /> ' ?�,; �=� : '�j` ? vflhomdcingoflhisT�ustDeedumil�hisTruuDeedshillhavebrenpaldinfu11.131TukecpthchuilJing.wiJMtxrimpmvcmcnl+n��wexix�ingurhereaflcr <br /> - , ,'"•:,., ._s erected in good caditian and repair,not to�v�mmil cx rutfer uny wwle or any ux uf wiJ�xemises�vmtrory�c�n�iricuunw uf RYOn1 or cnnlrary to law. <br /> • nnd to pertnit Beneflciary lo enter al ull rcacew►able�ime.ku�Fk punx�.r of in.�c�ing tlu pnm�+c.;niu In rcttu��c or Jrm�di�h any MuflJing thereon:to <br /> �� 26M7�(REV.�•91)NE •OENERAL USURV LAW �' ��.�.p"s'-� <br /> . <br /> :.�. <br />