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. ' y . .r u.},., . , , . . . .:T:,r.•'.•��'Sh��}�/f."'tr��"S�'���.. � _ - ,, r� J• �sr.k= �_ .�. _.: ... . <br /> � 7'"7'��• <br /> � . � ' �i' r,, s t�!. r i� ' <br /> fY�.1ni�'• <br /> .. ' 1 � . . . � �r ��� . �S -'�S���C' __— . <br /> � ��i�.�� .;�i�����b� .7R/� ,` 'y� r�� '�_ �yf..�,.�tn_l.� <br /> • •1�. 'li.w: � ��-. <br /> ' , .. ;.�� �11 w��i�ol�� M'd����" �Mrun�t rwl A�o��Iro � " ;��;,; . <br /> � a�orro�lb)arer Nq.�fa�l�d�r�r oM�r ee*11M�l�ar�ro�te) dl�i�wwd io�q�� . <br /> � ' Lrltw�e4 in�lin�,Mit adt Wit1�d b,ru�orYe�IMomey�'ten; and�df Woe� woh �aio�w iw�d�!�te�awUly. . <br /> � iwNY�Ip�e tfMt O�e�IiaN d d�is 8�ctiriqr�Mw�n�t.L�fer��hq ia d�e P�syr�uA�ono+�r�o6ii�der'b _ d� <br /> �u . <br /> nw�.+a.redby ad. 5ea�ity�c � sa�twe ond�.�ea. vpos ieiNfaie�eeat e�► ea�.. �M. . <br /> �utraeat aaaf dre ub�t�t�xwia�sre4l�esoby=Aa1t t�eso�in tblly etfeciiva as if ao�ealaadCa had acutral. Hnsvatru.�s , <br /> tl�Ic�r�irMMb rWl nol il fb e�e d aooelaYim atder�r�raph 17. • .. <br /> 1l�. Sd��f Nalq��t►J�wr�do�a•7i�No�e or� inte�t M the Nole(tased�er wrjdi d�is 3�aKky . <br /> Iap�aeat)a�4y be�oW aaa or�t dme�rridroul�pk�aotta a�. A u�le msy rpwlt W a ch�e ta dM adqr <br /> (ivw+�A�Iho"I.a�n ioe���u!t .. . prynbM�dne u�wla tha Nale aud ihi�3ecurity Ia�tctmwenl. 7�ans�ho <br /> nMy be oue�r moc�a�,a�A�r 1�i� �� . 1Me/to�s�le of dro Now. If tt�ene lt�chMtae at H�e Lo�n Serviuet�, <br /> . Ha�mw�r�wi116e�iNen wRiqoo aotiae ai�bo cir�tlgp in aooad�ooe wlth p�r,yrwp614 above aad yipiica6{e l�w. 7Uo AqNoe <br /> �i!{q�ta tbe nnna and addtess otthe aew La�t►.5�rvioer uid the�dd�o w which p�ymtnta i1wuW be m�de. 7be notiCe wf U <br /> abo ootwip�ay atlKr iafarmstion t�oqaited by� . law.� . <br /> �0�. H�ru+da�s SNbN�oaw Bam�w�er !not c+�use ar pennit the prcyenoe.uap.¢i�1►a+d,cto�e.or telesie d�ny <br /> Hat�udow Snhruu�oe:oa or in tbe Propotty .84�wer eb�ll not d0. qor�w111mK e�lte to do.�upthlnf at�adin�the � <br /> Pt�operty tluit L in vlolM�oo of�ny Envn»ame�tal:l.�w. The prooedidg two.�eptsnaa�l�l not�pply to''d1a p�eoee,we:a' � " <br /> surqe m the Pnopauty of smW qMandtles of H�zrrdous Subst�+11wt�,gen�iraUy.r�aCo�niu�d to be�ppropriMe to obro�y,l �.,;�,.•,_ <br /> , retide�ti�l nses�uid to��ot the Property. � . : . � <br /> Baror��ll pra�Ux give I.ender writorr nodoa M.suny irnaNg�tion,cWm.dQir� lawauit or od�er�ction!►Y�uY <br /> aoVe�ameoW ar[egul�ty s�ncy M priv�ta p!!rty inw�lving the Pm�+esty uKl aay FGi�iR Su6vaaoe�W►viwr�n�fal <br /> Law ot wrhicb Borraw�t h�s un�itl ktmwbdgo:� If Borrower la�us,ar � nodfled by my �ovarmaaWal a r�e�ul�tory <br /> wthorlty,that my remov�l or atho�i�rcmediatiap of wy Hv.ardoua Subapu�oo�atiqg tbe Propaty ic peoaswy.Horrowar <br /> �b�ll PrauPdY aka+�Il t�ece.asary rert�al acHans in accad�nce with FAVirau�nW i,�w. <br /> As usod'u►dii�P�µaPh?A;"H�z�rdous Su6swwea"�re those�u6�Uu�oas doMed as toxlc ar haz�rdous wbst�noe�by <br /> Fi�virn�undual Law and the fdbwing substanoes: gasoUne, kaosene.ather flammable or Wxic ped+nkum p�roduclt,wzic <br /> petticidw�nd hefiicides.volsdle solveau. materials conuininy a:besws a fan�uldel,ycie,and MioqCtive�b. As <br /> used in thia�aph 20."Ervlronrnenta!I.�w"rneans feden�l l�wa ad laws of the jw�is43ctlon wbee��ihe Pr�party i�laaued <br /> tlwt nlate to hallh.ntety a emlro�menql protoc6on. ` ' <br /> NON-UNIFO1tM C�OVBNAN'I'S. Barrower and L,ender fwthet covenant and�nee as foUow�: <br /> 21. Aooder�tloa3 Resedfp. Leakr aMall give uotioe!o Bort+ower prlor to aooekrnNon tolbwia�Botrower•s .. <br /> bre�cb d aay oovea�at or q�a�t ta thts 3ecarity lastrameet(6ut not prbr to aooeleratloo*ader Para�aPr 1� ' � . <br /> o.les sppuawe law provwe�a6en.tse�. The cpedfy: (.)tbe ad.ult;(b)e6e scdon rporlr�a to cure t6e ' <br /> ddYWt;(c1 a d�Mr 4at le�tb�e 30 d�ys f1�om tbe dsk the aotfce is glveo to Borrower,by which tbe definit a�t 6e <br /> cnred;�ad(d)t4At fAllure to curc the default oa or befare the d�te specifkd ia d�e aotke�asy sesult in accekraHoe ar � <br /> tbe wma eecured by IUis Secur(ty Iasq�umeat and ssk ot tde Property. 7Ue aotke s6N1 Mrlher taform Borr�owd�at <br /> the rIY6t to relastate aAer a�akratlon�ad Ih��ight to 6riag a caurt octlos to assert the oon�steeae d a defiolt or <br /> �sy ather defe�se af Bon-uwer to aocekratloo and sak. If tbe ddault Is aot cared oA or before the date:pedfkd in <br /> t6e aotke,Leader at its optioa aw�y requlre ianmediate p�yment la�ull of aH sums aecured by tbis Se�vrity lastrumeat <br /> wlt6a�t Mrtber denuad nnd a�ay hvoke the power of sak and aay oider remedks permlued by applkabk 4w <br /> l.eader shall be eadded to callect all expeases Incurred In pu�suing Ihe remedks provlded ia tbb par��rapb 21, <br /> Indudlog,but not limtted to,reuon�ble attorneys'fees and casts of tltk ev(dena. <br /> l�tl�e power ot s�k is ipvoked,7lrusta shall record a notke o�de�AUlt in ench caunty in vrhkh any pan of the <br /> Property is lacated And shall maU eopies of such notice In the mAnaer prescribed by appflcable Irw to Bort+uwer and to <br /> t6e other percons prescrlbed by tspplicable law Aner We tlme required by appllcable taw�7lrustee shaU give publk <br /> nodoe o�fale to the persons and in the manner prescrlbed by applicable Ipw 7lrustee,wlWout demNnd oa Borrowar, <br /> ebaU sell the Prope�ty at pnblk ouctlon to the highest bWder at the dme pnd place and under the tera�s desig�wted ia <br /> fde notke of sale in oae or more parcela and in pny oMer'I�ustee detcrmines. 'IYustee may postpone sWe of all or aoy <br /> paroel ot We Property by publk s�nnauncement at the time antl place ot pny prevlously schedukd sde. L,ender or its <br /> deslWtee may purchase tde Property at any sak. <br /> Upon recelpt of payment d the price btd,7Fu�tee slwll de8ver to Ihe purchaser 7lrusta•s deed conveyloQ the <br /> Pe+nperty. The recltals in t6e 7lrostee's deed ahall be prima�ACie evidence ot the truth ot the statemeafs awde thereia. <br /> 'IFustee shall apply the pro�eeds o!Il�ee awle in the followiag order: (a►to all costs aad expenses of exereis�t6e power <br /> FaflnJO� 9l90 I/wR�S�Apugesl <br /> c <br /> J '~ •��.�, • �+ ��4 ' '�.'.� ,�:I.� u �� � • <br /> l,e ._..�� � - '� l^ ' ��\��'�a��t�+��if� .ti 1ri,� .����� �� � . 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