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. , . . -.�ti:: <br /> - .:...-�, .� . �I'1�t�!/'�I��� :,� � .. . .8.. i ,�,..,,...����: _._._�� � - <br /> °�= - <br /> .a .---- <br /> � ^ . �_;�,=,=--- <br /> � il.AM�IN�MI���1���iM� tMM��b b�rM 11r�r1 d�r�lawaM:w"- _-•.:`.�: � :.� <br /> �rMM�.r�r�wN.�MiMl�rr�t�wll�Mr�►�*N�M�MMIw'MI�IMMAI�!��11�r�[��-,- __- � .�j._ <br /> _ �i�►�iiMw��l�wyww��.�Y+M11�rs'�Ai�tnow�A�� f"x, ._ -�t� <br /> tli 1(��Y�1��M w�/�tN+rMMiM pw�At���,NrMiM/r�MMo��f�Y�.��p�r,_ ::,._=.-- <br /> *wM r�Mlw itiinllM�I�h�IM�i M�n��r i.Th�t+��h�11iw�t4 Mwrr�f Mb�f 11�l1'�M�I�f�� '��== <br /> h�rhr'��M�li N�IMM i�p�it+�iM 1!�MM N�t��f Tiwf�nl tlr MN�w�N�t�1�►MINt iM��Mili�wlr�iM�M�° ..'"", <br /> wa�wl A4MM.�M shall�r bTi��wrN��ia efddwNar�NNiM t�owM tlw/r�y�M s�N,wi��1,..1��.4_" <br /> �f�/'!��iI�NOr IMfio�b 11N hnll nqlind Iw IsM1�NeM lMOiM 6�AIAr 1M�d 1K f�oN��►71tiifM. . .� .. " ti.., * <br /> M!�N�N�p�ef�uch N�a��r 6�nq��ind M►tw�id1o��th��iw af li�tia�f o�twiit..iil�tio+�f Ditw�lt iri�+�l '� <br /> S�M ha�q M�n lM�n a n��r'�d�M►�aw.T�wt��wiNiwt d�d a�Tnrtfer.�haN�1M h�1�i��a���MI M�i�w. '".: <br /> s tnsl.r�o�r d�wwiM an tl.dd.ana a►��t�.a�i p�oo.d�st�noAd in f�id Ue�ia ot 6d..a�piMic.�ef fon ro tlNl�t 1ti�w.lMi�., . <br /> diw rrin`wib iaaal�isM�ld e+oMy of IIM Wt�d Slaf�s at th�tin�of saM.1M pw�ao�dretin0 tM�aM�1�h►an�l owN 11�1r 1Ut '� <br /> i,u.�.r�,,los,�w,iM aw w..fir tr ti�.u�fil it shaM u.w�1+kh�ane.In w.�r wob oa.,eeNa iF palrei�t iri w� <br /> w i����'�rl�A��M Nr tiw�wi�Mo�Mp�oi�hd f�1M�nNs p'�1d�.if 1M taN b pKlple�/kr M�r tM� <br /> �111�II rll���IF���M in tM IiMia�d Sdr.�ia MNrwt fMoii M�w tiw�e�omnr a tM eri�lnal Not�p o l�N. <br /> � TfY�M fA��qAl,�11I�11K N 11N pUfC�OS��li A��t01111R�t��M�M1y f�!lld.IYf MI�NIOIIf 011r�M R tlIMt01My.�'�M�K <br /> ��.�1!At11��11 1�M�IId 0�011�IflG11�ff 0►�ON���!CM�li�f�0�1�M 11Y�I�I�p 1MIfM�.�/INM.Mli��� <br /> ri�iMliM Trwtt�.wa1►Oad�aR 1h�saM. ' ' � ' <br /> 1r1.NMNn Tr�ufN s�Nt purwaM to th�po�s I��ia.Trusf��UoN app��11'*�PracMds eI fh��eN b poNwk ef 11M psh d�� <br /> �yrcEsi�g tM pow�►o#sab ad of th�sab.�q.without limitotion,the pitijjlm�nt of TnistM's ha i�ear�d.rl�ieh Tn�h�'t Fi�e�MN r� <br /> in�M a�paR��xcMd tl��orowiq a�ouMs 6�d upan 11w,omoint s�a�nd I��bl1�n■��Y���s/M���w M/M riio� <br /> — — i'nr�+of:�+d tiwn to tt��:z4 f��s�l�)�'aa3 ir��-�ar3�ti�xt�a3. <br /> (c)Aftr payinp ftw it�s sp�ciN�d in wbporapraph(b1,if Mr'+�ak is b�T�stN,ar tlr prop�►court adMlw�d Ionclown wi1�IR <br /> N th�iah i:punuont ro�udielol iarebsur�.th�procMdi of soM shdl b�oppli�d in tM andn;la�d i»lowto tl+��oren�nt�f= ..�,!;�:.,;,: • . <br /> , .. . ,. <br /> (1) CostofarywidmaoftitNproaR�din�tionwlth�udisawandofatynwei�rpMirMltQ��ptiidt. , ,' �,��,,,1 •,r��; _ <br /> (Z) Attom�s f�s, � '; , , t , '��_ <br /> l3) IUI su�as tiMn suur�d hm�b�q ' ,.' ; `. ' <br /> (41 �+�br fint dMdt,mortpoq�s,cr otM�flei�hold«Yr�d � <br />- — (S) 7h r�mdnd�,H anp,to MN pKSan ar persans Mpallr�ntitMd tiNnb. � <br /> (dl,If 1M B.mflciay of�hls ueed af Tnnr is a badc os Mftn�d b�wbraska low,o�r star.m�m conra�n.d�n an�►on�r s.ctian of N�s dNd ! <br /> , iwtwithstadkg.lh�B�ficith►sholl not be�ntifMd to reuiw a tak�ad d�btor shoq aot b�obltpot�d ro pry ar piw,�1►aonh:sion qf 1� � :; <br />. m�M.porwr of ottorMy to caiF�ss iudpment,Pow�r of ottam�to app�ar for a borrow�r tn a iudkial proce�dinp ar oprMn�nt to Pof�„!4*� <br /> _ of collation of the utto+n��:'f�s,unbss wch act:of oollution would not otherwise b�,p►ohibit�d b�N�6roska law.Provid�d,hovwwr,tiidf <br /> ----- — thi�a�cNon doea not appl�r to tbe TrustN fN r�fwnd to In parapruph 6(61..���d�d fu�fher,thot H�i:parapraph sholl not appl�to thk Q»d of <br /> ���� trust,if the Ber�ef kiary is not o banlc. <br />== 1�. Ad�qoM1 Ma�ritr hat�t� iti�Kp�nse.will exacute ond ddivK to th�B�rwfkiary,promptly upon d�nad.such srcu�i- <br /> '��� t�r instrunents as moy b�nqulr�d by B�r�fklory,in fam and wbstonee sotisfoctory to B�fkiary,eowrinp e�r of th�Prop�Hy eonvewd b�r <br /> — thl�t1Md of-tnnt,whkh s�curity inshum+�ts shall M additiooal s�curity fa Trustor':faithful p�rfornwnce of aN of the terms,coverwMs ad <br /> — conditiona of this Dred of Trust, fhe promi:sory.wtss suured hereb�,ord any oth�►s�ar'dq instnrn�nts�xuut�d in conmct(on with this tron- <br /> �. �'-;r':�, � saetbn.Sueh instrun�nts shaN be reeorded or fllod at T�ustor's expen�. <br /> 13, A�hnM1 d Sroat�r T�wtM. Benefkiory may, from tiow to time, by a written instrumens execut�d and aknawtedpsd by <br /> y�.�• B�ficiory,mailed to Trostar ond ncord�d in the county or countias in wbkh tlw Property is laated and by ottierwis�campl�irg with the Muvi• <br /> ''`�' sions of tM opplfcabla laws of th�Stot�of Nebroska,substitute a successor or successars to the Trosteo nom�d h�r�in a octinp h�reunde►. <br /> •14. �etMM.Ber�efkiary. ar its op�nts,repnsentatives or woricmen,are auN�orized to eMK ot an�reasonabk timt upon or in miy po�t <br /> � '"`��" of tM Propety for tM pupose of insp�ctinp tlw same and for tiw purpose of p�rformGq any of th�act:it is auth►o��d to perform undK tM <br /> �;- t�rms of th�Dead of Trust. <br /> ;;�k�.�.`k 1 S. OpiM t�f�neMa.Upon the acurrence of any default he►eundtr,Btrofitioryr sholl hav�tM optian to fanebst this DNd of Tnnt in <br /> - '•w fh�monn�r provid�d b�law fa tFw foreclosure of matyapes on real property. <br /> - . ' ;''� 16. F�YMr�a i�MMNeMry t�Mf�w�h�.M�forebearante b►r Ben�fitiary in�xercisinp any ripht or rem�d�h�r�und�►,o►othKwis� <br /> ���`P�`,'..' �: offorded by opplkabt�luw,sholl rat be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of amr such right or remed�.likewiss,the woiver b�B�ficlory of <br /> ,�,.j�. d�falt of Trustor und�r thls Deed of T►ust shall not be deemed to be a woiver of any other or simila defwtts subseque�ly acurrinp. <br />..:���.b::%':::_' � <br /> ' —�''�`����� 17. Teahr NM R�d.Extension of the time far pa�ment or modific�tion or amorti:ation of the sums secur�d by this Daed of Trust <br /> :��'�;�`''�„ ",'�; pranted b�8enefftiory to any suct�ssw In interest of Trustor shall not op�rate to releose,in any manner,the IfabNity of tFw aipinol Trostor and <br /> "+"`='•�'' � ' Trostor's suttessor in Mterest.8eneficiory shal I not ba required to conwner�ce proceedings against such sutcessor or refuse to�xtand time for <br /> ���:'�,�n"•:.'�':'.�:•.;� payment or otherwise modlfy amortization of the sums stcured by this Deed of Trust by reoson of any demand made b�the ori�inal Trustor and <br /> '� e,',; v: T�usta's saeessa in intarest. -_ <br /> �'�^ .' '�S 18. MMibei�ry'� Psww�.Without affecting the liability of the Trustor a any other person liable for the poyment of any oblipation herein = <br /> . �i�:.t�.:. ; . <br /> � ti�.�,�;.;, ��;,{,.f.�:: nwntion�d,and without offecting the I(en or charge of this Deed of Trust upon ony portion of the Property not then or theretofwe released os <br /> •. ���,�-'r"-'�:��;,tiy.�,�t?;�;� s�turity fa the futl omourd of oll unpaid obllpotfans,Beneficiary may,(rom time to time and without noticQ,(i)relQasa any person so lidble,l�il _ <br /> � �:+.f;���'���,;.F;�;�;i�;��` extand th�moturity ar aMe�any of the terms of on�such oblipotions, liii)qrant other indulgences, (iv)release or reconver,or cause to be ,. <br />_,l�i p,:., ;'r , <br />:�;�i, ;�.. +i�v,;�,••t; rete��d or reconveyad ot on��ime at BQnefkiory s options any porcel,portion o►all of the Property, (v)toke or releose any othe►or add'A�ona� _ <br /> �,ti,�.fi��+�: _ <br />:;;.�. ;4•,;•.•;,�r,,,,,�, suurit�r for any obl'ipotion hanin mentloned,a(vi)make compositions w ather arrangements with debtors in►elation thereto. _ <br /> '.� ��k�c;'r�tST'r s;;; 19. irflie�ABr�as.Upon�Qqtwst of Trusta,Trustee at Trustee's option,pria to reconveyontQ of the Property to Yrostor, moy make � <br /> ,�. .,,n,�;�. <br /> ,. fuhx�odvances to Trusfor. Such future advanees,with interest thereon, sholl 6e secured by this Trust Deed when evid�nced by promissory <br /> ` - --— __- +�ar.+e6�a 1101Q=f10f1110 ff10f 301tl 1101@S Or@ SRCU�@0 IIBIBD�Ii�OVIGfO 1t10t 0f no tirliC Slqli fIw SECUreu principai,iuiurtl uuviph:ni,i.v�iiw,wiiy�n:.a w- - <br /> l t`!Fc '»%��' <br /> i :,c �, vanc�d to protert th�secwhq,exceod on aqprpote p►incipol omount of S �_____. - <br /> � - . , �� ; <br />,'-�' ''� Z0. R�awve oew �witN.U ur�lton re cx:t of Beneficia stati that all s�r:�,�acursd hrrcb havc becn id,artd ^surrender : <br /> — ��� �F of this O�ed ofrTrust ond the Not pto Trustea for cancellation and rttention ond ment b T�sta of Trustee's fees�T ustee shall <br /> :�r��,:°.:,�.:.-,�.� ��r r <br /> �.���r;.����, , <br /> �,.� :4,;�!�iP��� r�conv�r to Trustor, or the person or persons legally entitled thereto,without worronty,any po�tion of the Prope�ty then held herewider.The <br /> -. ,,,.,, :^''^ recitals in such reconveyonce o�any mott�trs or facts shall be conclusive praof of the truthfulness thereof.1he yrontee�rc any reconveyonce moy • <br /> ---���k�;�`�.{y b�d�scrib�d as"tA�persan a penons Ipol�r entftled thereto., <br /> �.�.W x..s:n.,'.:c�. - <br /> u: <br /> T . <br />_-- �� ;,��• �F. - <br />�� ";4• � . . _. <br /> ; <br /> . , <br /> � . , . . . _ .._ .. . . . . � <br />