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<br /> .� __ _ • ,��' ����' ,. —_
<br /> . .. . �. _
<br /> �i. =t!t9�v��,�r Y; .. • —
<br /> , ,. . - ,
<br /> , .-��:+.�,.;s.� ,-=--
<br /> . " '_ 'H. . " _ _ -"'_" ._
<br /> _o � 4 , . " 102981 —.--
<br /> � ' 91-- _---
<br /> _�, .
<br /> � �
<br /> lAting to aacounts or deposits in or certiEicates of clepoait of,
<br /> . '�r� b�+nks, eavinqa and loan' or other institutione or asaociations,
<br /> proofs oP loee, evidencea of debte, releases and satisfaction of ����•��—
<br /> - �;_ ;-.,;,;::<:�•�' mcitrtqa�es� llane, juc�ynants, security agreementa and other debts �______,____--
<br /> "•"'�}��`"� "' and obligationa and euch other instruments in wriki.ng oE whatever �---:-�°°°-°°-
<br /> .. �+.•�riit -
<br /> •;� kind and nature as may be necessary or proper in the exerciae of ____
<br /> ,_; � t_• �,,�' � tha righte and powers herein granted.
<br /> — ��:. •:��,i�_ ---
<br /> ���..�� 7. (in the event that at any time hereafter I ahould become �• `�
<br /> ` �- the owner o� any real estate)* if in the opinion of my�Caa= author- � -� �
<br /> __„`�"� .y„� ��; � ized attorney/tt fn fec� it would be in my/�acucic best interest to �.« �ti =
<br /> �--�"' �� sell aad convey any or all real estate which I/� own� said attor- ��"`'l �,��:
<br /> ..r�y.��� ,�t� �,�'•�. _-
<br /> ;� ,,.,,.,,_� � neyl�� in fact shall be authorfzed to do so under such terms ana � `
<br /> �.- ;• �.,;�,f ° conditions as believed to be fn �my�aa�sn� best interests. (Such real. �
<br /> �'`� � re�'. estete i� described as fol lows: )* -
<br /> _'N�iY.� /- 4 1 -_-
<br />...1�. '• ,A�.YM�� ..� Ir1... -
<br />• '�:f-' - �• --„�� :- Lots Fiftaen (15) and S3zteen (lfa) in Block Eighty (SO) --�--
<br /> in France's Eastern Eatension Addition to City of St. ����
<br /> ..:�>�._ ,. �:��:
<br /> Joseph. Misaouri. -_ _ -
<br /> ''"�� ° - --
<br /> . � ..,:�i ° _ -
<br /> '^ `'= ' � 8. I/�c grant to said attorney/a in fact full power and au- :-��
<br /> �� ;,,�,. thority to do, take and perform all and every act and thing what- �,iy'��;--
<br /> � ' soever requisite, proper or necessary to be done in the exercise �.�_-
<br /> . � �. of any of the rights and powers herein granted, as fully, to all - -
<br /> --�% .� . intents and purposes, as i/� might or could do if personally • � : --
<br /> N,;;,,��.�;�,:,,�,,^, � present, hereby ratifying and conf irming all that said attorney/s ��'°
<br />: • in fact shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of this ---�--- � �
<br /> _ � . �irtMC�� .--.
<br /> ;�; �", >��� power �f attorney and the rights and powers herein granted. -
<br /> � "t� , � ' ;f,; — _.
<br /> , ,.�,�..:.,;�.,, �----
<br /> . '",,a'irt�-�;:.,�, 9. This instrument is to be construsd and interpreted as �w?�`
<br /> �� ' • .' .., r�. . , _'` fi.
<br /> � � a general power of attoci�ey. The enumerating of specific items, �"'�'�° '
<br /> � ��° rights, acts or powers herein is not intended to, nor does it �,;,�;�-�_ _
<br /> . .��, , `
<br /> � �` ' �-�:���'� ` limit or reatrict, and is not to be construed or interpreted as !- -��'`` ".�.�=:-
<br /> , . _,;,.; •.•
<br /> ; � �•�r�� ••�"'' limitinq or restricting the general powers herein granteci to said (�_��'�!'^'
<br /> �• � � „ attorney/�ac in fact. ��r��'
<br /> � '� ���'�
<br /> ,,;' :i,,,�tr:. . . ..
<br /> ' �' '� .�'• 10. I/wec hereby direct that, to the extent authorized or per-
<br /> bt''., . ., . .. . .
<br /> mitted by applicable law, this power of attorney shall not be af- • �
<br /> •� .,� ., fected by my/o�nr disability or incapacity. It is my/x�sax intent ���E
<br />_ that the suthority conferred hereby shall be exercfsable notwith- , t,�
<br /> ° �• standin m /Gfull� disability or incapacf ty and that th is power of �,`'� ,,��.`'--:=�
<br /> g Y �
<br /> ' �� . attorney shall, if permitted by applicable law, be what is some- ,�..`:-�....,.:.='`�-
<br /> + � � �� � times referred to as a "durable" ower of attvrne In the event :�:'�S�1<i.t},__�
<br /> n. <5. � tha a licable law 1n effect or at an time aft�r the execution �`�'�`���'��L=
<br /> PP Y "�:�i;•,z;.�..,.�_.
<br /> � ' '' ° of this instrument does not authorize or permit tt�e foregoing ��` '�t''f'S;,'��t;'?�
<br /> ' ° dirsction to be effective, and if at any later date, prior to the .,��,.K.�;�'_�
<br /> ,�f revocation of this instrument by me�, applicable law changes, ;=�::�-:.��=---
<br />- ,� ,., a, � .� -�,.-
<br /> ,;�'�",� , •� whether by amendment, court decision, or by a change �in my/our � . -
<br /> ' t � : lec�al residence, then I�a direct that the foregoing pravisions . �
<br /> ' , „ �hall thereafter become applicable.
<br /> � ,' "' � 11 . The rights, poWers and authority of said attornay/�pc fn �,
<br /> .• :�•'•����'.' '� fact herein qranted shall commence and be in full farce and ef- ►' �. ,•.
<br /> ,� , �,.;�,, � � "
<br /> '`" � �•�", fect on the execution of this power of attorney, an� such rights, '• •
<br /> �.....,,� �
<br /> ;� � � . ;�f�•:'•�;'' ' powers and authorii.y shal l remain in full force an� effect until ; •:!r:�:j�
<br /> ,;•
<br /> " , my/aiu�cattorney/s has been notified in writing.
<br /> ' ' '��•� 11 . Thi� instrument may be executed i�n any number of counter-
<br /> � � paa�ts and all of sa�d counterparts shall constit�te but one anc� �
<br /> _ � the same instrume�cnt.
<br /> -.--_--. J __. .._........... .........�.... _ ,__. � � � _ . ,. � ,,_
<br /> �,_.
<br /> ' � , °'-� � t�� Al11YLJA wn�nLVr � rn�x.w i�aV� IICLCUIIIV ac� o�ytcaiinc uuo�uirt �nt�
<br /> � � day of May ► 19�•
<br /> . . . `' . j �"� , /� 1 +���►/�� � j
<br /> . � ��(� -G.�,,'4 -,.t�,� i_'.' ✓a�i
<br /> �fadeline C. Voss
<br /> . . *strike where nct applicable _2_ �
<br />