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_ �'• j. �,..�,-�:�.����1fl�='�%�'•rvr:-r'�'_,..;_:�'.�... .... .._'"'°f�F31 ��. � <br /> � ., � ' �, . _;•9'- <br /> � p1��1,W�!�1M�fl�d f0�ll �.Of OY��iM AAIOIpIt 0��IIOb pAyM�. ���OIr OMOMd OMR M <br /> —. _i��4���al:ly¢!�r*i}��lat�j eAer.,�►�±.ti,f�s�Io�and�.9�ity Lr1��1.YY�rN�r��►� � <br /> ' .�" i lYu.Iweder iara�►odl�t/ve��nd iAaMs+rMl�a�e��r dN�a�l�e�►• " , .:� <br /> !� �ir�i Nr Aoa1�eM�at D�bt. • <br /> t�)Od�M. 1wndK,p�r.except a limited by repd�oia�i�ed bY IbeSecrot��r�ia tM a�utpaymad d�M�. <br /> ia Nq of�ll aau�acind bJr di S�crrky l�we�we�t v <br /> �(l)Barro�i��bY R�ilin�to p�y_in t�ull any�o�h1Y P��b7►dil�Sacwity Latn�et pior <br /> U( j'Ban�wer�defl�iul Fy fd���pariod d � . . <br /> dNya,to pa'lo�m my ad�ablipdom oo�taiM�i�IW <br /> (b)S�k�t�k Appta�al. I.ader�ll�if p�rmftood DY+�pP�ic�bb U�w�nd w�h't6e p�ior+�pnov�l dtlr <br /> ��:.�.��anediae p�Ymaic in full of ap tha wnu�ecurod by tWs Savrity ina�u�aant if: ., <br /> U ar put of tba ,or�bd�icW interou in a w�t ownin��ll or put d d�e plrope�ty.i�ald ar <br /> od�nvl�e uamferrod(od�t6m by devi�e a�de�cent)bY tUe Bamnwer.wd <br /> (ii)Tho PtopertY i�nw uocuPied b9 dte P��a�er ar�ntee u hi:ar ha prU�cip�l raidet�oe�ar�be pwdueer <br /> or ooe doa sa aocupy the Pna�perty but t�is ar iar crodit bn not 6eea appioved ia �ccond�ooe <br /> w�tbe rcquiranent�of d�e Sacictay. <br /> (c)Na W�Iver. if ciiaan�wiooc occur thRt waWd peneic I.ender w oequire 1m�a�ediatc paysa�t ia iWl.iwt l.enda <br /> does aot requiro suchpa�y .Lend�r Mw not vraive its dQhq wfth�ecx w a�b�errya�t a+nanu. <br /> ot NIJD�USecrot4t7� 1n many circurtuqnces regW�on�i�sued by 16e Sacre�ry wi111iatiti�t L�a�dcrti <br /> ia <br /> dgjua,�c�ae af paiymau rkfiiulp,to�equ�e imrnediqa pRya�t ra fWl md faeclose ii aotpdd. 7'hn <br /> Secwity In�trument docs aot auttw�iu�cvela�dan or faeclo�w�e if not�mmil�ed b�►�1+ido�'n d ttie Sea�ry►• <br /> (e►ll�e�l�Nat lapured. Banower�grna thu shwid d�Saauity�oat aad t6e no�e axwed tMaeby a�ot <br /> 6o eli�ibla far iiwur�uK�e und4r the Mational.Housio�Act within �' 8 mu�lthe �D�D <br /> dua hxaof,l.ender may.u its optian wd notwlthstanding Anything in i'lvograph 9.reu��,ire immodiaoa p�ymer►t ia � <br /> full of aU uaas secwed by this Security Insduma�� A wriuen awemant of a�y authorized agait of the SxrcpuY <br /> daDod wbaequrn�w 8 111ontl�s from the date'h�neof.declining to inwro this Security <br /> L�uumau and�he note securcd ttkre6y,ahull be deemed oa�clusivc prnof of such ineNgf6iljty. NotwlNnnndMS <br /> thc forcguing,�his optian may nat be exeicised by Lcnder wMen thc umvdL�Wlity of inwrance i�wkly due W <br /> Leaderh fe�lw�e to remit a mongage insuru�ce pmniwn to ihe Secoaary. <br /> 10. Rei�tatemeaA Borrowar has a dglu to 6e reinstated if 4ender Ins�quirod lmrr�edfate p�►yment in fuU bocause <br /> ot BorrowerS�fdlw�e w pay an emount due wider the•Note or�his Sxurity Inxdume�u. 1UIs rlght�pplks even aRer <br /> fc�eclosure procadin8� are.insdhrted. 7b rci�utate the Security Instruma�t, Bo�rower shdl terd�.�r in a lump wm pll <br /> amoupts required tp bring Homawer`s eecount curr�nt the extent they�re obligadans of Horrower w�der thls <br /> Seeurlty Insuument,foroclosurc costs aad reasaiabk and custan�ary aaomeya'iees rn�i expc�� iy�ssoci�te3 wiih <br /> the fmacloswe praceedlng. Upo�reins�atement by Borrower.�hie Se�ourity Inctrumem and the igations tlwt it secu�s <br /> sqhhWl remoin in effect a4 if Lender h�ci not royuLrd immediate payment in full. Nawever,Lendcr is not roqulrod to permtt <br /> �einstatemcnt if: (i)i.ender has accepted rcmstatanent after�he commencement of foreclosura procadings vv�thm twa <br /> years immedfuely preceding the e�ommencemrnt of a curnnt foroclosur�e proceeding, (ii) rcins�aternent wjU proclude <br /> forcclosure on diffec�ent grauodv in tQ�e future.or(iii)reinstatemcnt wjll adversely affect�he pdodty of the lien crcated by <br /> this Security InsMUment. <br />- 11. Isorrower Not R�teased; Farbearnace by Lender Not a Waiver. Extenaion of the time of payment or <br /> modification of emortizat[4n ot the sums secured by lhis Secu�ity Instrument gra�ued by Lender uci any suaxssor in inu�eat <br /> of Borrower shell not open�te to'retease the liability of the original Bo�rower or Botrower'a successor in interest. Lender <br /> ahall nc�t beroquircd to ccrr�mence ptu:eedfngs against nny successor in intcrast or rcfusc to extend time for payment or <br /> qherwise madify amoniasuion of t0�r suma secured by lhis 5ecuriry Inswment by�+eason of any demand mede by the - <br /> original Borrower or Borrower�s suceesscxs in intercst. Any forbeamnce by I.ender in eae�eising any right or�medy shall <br /> not be a waiver of or proclude the excrcise of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Suocesson and Assigne Haundi Joipt and Severpl Ll�bility;Co-Signers. 77�e coveiunts and agreements of <br /> titis Security Instrument shall bind und benefic the successora and agsigns of Lender and Borrower.aubjat to the provisions <br /> of Peragrnph 9.b. Borrower4� covenan*.s ond egreements shell be joint and severul. Any Bornawer who co-signs ihis <br /> Socurity Inswment but dces not execute the Note: (u)is co-signfng this 5ecurity Insnument anly to mortgage. t and <br /> convcy that Borrower�s inte�est in the Propeny under Uie�crms of this Security Instniment;(b)is not personally ob igated to <br /> pay the sums secured by thia Security Inslrument; and(c1 agrees that 1 xnder nnd an�r other Bonower m�y agree w extend, <br />- modify,forbenr or make any eccommalutions with regard to tiie tertn�of this Secunry Inswment or the Note without thnt <br /> Borrower's consent. <br /> 13. Nodas. My notice to Borcawcr provided for in�his Security Inswment shall be givea by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by first cless mail unless applicable luw reyuires use of anaher method. 71ie notice shall be dirrcted to�he <br /> Propetty Address or uny other uddrexs Borrower designates by notice to Lendcr. Aav natice�o Lender shall be given by <br /> tust class mail to l.ender's addrcss stated herein a smy address Lender designutec by notice to Borrower. Any notice <br /> vidod for in this Security Instrumem shell lx deemed to have been given to Borrower ar Lenrler when given os provided <br /> ��i14�Governfng Law;Severabillty. This 5ecuriry Ins�rumcnt tihull be governeJ by Federnl luw and the luw of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is locuted. In the event that Lny provision or cluuse of this Security Instrument or the <br /> Nut�cuuflicts with appficable Is►w, such contlict r:hs!! nut affert rther pmvi�i�n� �f�hi. Cecurity In4tn�mcm or the Note . <br /> which can be given effect withoul lhe conflicting provision. To thfx end the provisions of this Security laswment und the <br /> Note arc d�.clued to be xevernble. <br /> 13. i6a►rrower's Copy. Borrower shull be given one confarmeJ copy of thi.Security l�+strument. <br /> 16. Axsignmenf otltents. Bormwer uncanditionully�ssignx und transfcrs to Lender nGl�he reMs unc!revenua�of the _ <br /> pr+opetty, Batrower authorirxs Lender nr Lender's agents to collcct 1he rcnls anci revenues und hereby directs ench tenant of j:, <br /> the Propeny to pay thc ren4c to Lcnder or Lender s agents. However,prior to Lender's noiice ta Borrower af Borrowerti v; <br /> breach of nny covenant or agreement in the Security Instrument.Borrower shall callect and receive aD reMs and revenues of �� <br /> 1he Propetty as tru�tee far the bene6t ot Lender nnd Borrower. Thia assignment of nntx cons�i�utes un absc�lute as.signment = <br /> and not an assignment tor udditionul securfry only. _ <br /> If Lender gives notice of breach to Borrawer: la)all rcnts received by 8ortower shull Ae heldby Bonawer a+trustee -_ <br /> for benefit of Lender be nppiiea�o �ne sums secured"oy►ne �ecurity instrument;io>i..ender snaii o��niiiicti iv - <br /> collcet and rcceive all of lhe rents of�he Propeny: and Ic)ench tenan�of�he Propeny tihall pay nll rents due and unpaid to : <br /> I.ender or Lender�agent on Lender's written demand to 1he tenant. - <br /> Barower has not ezecuted any prior ugsignment of the rcn�s and has not urul will rat perform any uct that would <br /> pevent Lender from exercisin�i�s righ��wnlc+this Paragrapl� SS. :. <br /> Lender shall not be reywred to enter upon, take control of ot maintain the Property befon:or ufter giving notice uf ;� <br /> breach to Borcower. However, Lender or u judicially ap�ointed receiver may do so at any time�here i�a breuch. Any <br /> epplication of rents shall not cure or wuive any dc?uult or mvulidnte uny other right or remedY oF Lend�r. This vsxiEnment '. <br /> of�nts of the Propercy shull terminate when the JeM secured by the Security Instrument is pmd in ful l. i <br /> I/+aRe l.�f 4 pngttl � <br /> [' <br />