�I o. ..� _ `�l•'�lr�.Yi�N.t�+_.�.. 3�t".T��.'"11:t� t , .,,�^;'.^"... ''ira L r. _ . _-. -..----- �
<br /> �Yrt:.it'�..'1\'MN�W.r-.`►w.4+14r'1W�..N�t+4+/i-v�'�^) . ---- -- -
<br /> � i fi . .•)�� Y��!�4�{`Rl�!fNrt'm�f�.. .. . ' ' _ _.__. _-- __
<br /> . . � •.�. r.4 . _
<br /> 1 "
<br /> • � '
<br />._� - -__-�—J.a __ _ _ - T'-- _ - __
<br /> �• �l i..w...... �i W�- ��.�...���_ _..
<br /> . ..u.""��•�..._., .�..�__
<br /> ... ----W�i�i� " '"' _ _ "" _ -_ �f4.
<br /> � ���� � 91-102869 ���`=�"W��-.=.--
<br /> .. �• ���. �•GfO��II I01 A�UW O�Df�l. �_^:��::�.�_-
<br /> (U D�fwh.Lender may,except a limited by re{uVtlon�Wued by the Sccreury ia the cau of p�ymen�det�ults.rpuin �^';%.�,_-,�.:t�--_
<br /> :� . . Imm�di�te p�y�aent in full ot�II sums secured by thi�Secudty Inurumeat if: -
<br /> :�' �",•:. ,, (i)Borrower deiault�by f�ilina to pay in full�ny monthlY pnymeAt roquired by tbi�Security Instrument ptlor to w on S�a--`"."
<br /> , , �r,,�„--��
<br /> � • ' ths dw due ol the next monthly p�yment, or �:�•�`'.� --- m`
<br /> . .}a'k%+'A'� � (H)Borrowa defaultt by fdUno.ior a petlod ot thiny d�ys,to pertorm any other obliWtbns contdned in this Security �; .r:._:--
<br /> &'"�� - -
<br /> , �` � : Imtrumrnt. '' �_�_:_ -
<br /> �,,:-�„, , (b)Sak Witbout Cred(t Approv�J.I.ender sh�ll�ifp�m ided by�ppliabie law wd aith the prkx�pprov�tl oP Ne Sacteaary.t'e9uira `" �`' "' _- -
<br /> .;"�K.. . faunedlMe pqmwat in fWl oi all�he wms txwed y6 thl�Security lawument if: :•3:_rE,�--=----
<br /> .�"�`:,.,i;!�':�'�-:5.�_-s�
<br /> .� �� (�)/W Of�!1 Of(h6�IOPEIIy�3 O1�1�IW�iO(I�11ifEffEd(d�1Ef itill��ttY�iO Of�� (�10 B0ITOWCl.Nlld • •;:, � ,..
<br />�; h y� (il)The Praperty is no1 oocupied by the punhaser or Qranteo at hi�a her prim�ry 4I rcaidenoe.u�the pu►ch�ser or ���w—�
<br /> . � . . . �nurtee das w aocupy�Frc P�apary b�hir or hes aedb h�s nat bean�ppmvad in a0000dmoc wkh rhe roquirnn�of�he SocRtuy. R:�::�.;rt Y�,F-�-�=•---
<br /> , �r'F'�y''d�s-
<br /> ' (c)No W�Wa.IP circum�tances occur thAt would permlt Lcnder to requirc immediale paymont in full,but Lender doa noi ��'�"'""�""
<br /> -i. � requiro such psymeats.Lender does rtot rvatve iu d�hta with respect to subxquent events. �,-__:_--_ __________
<br /> • '"� (d)gqdaqoM ot p�Tp Secreeae�.la maoaJr ciQCwnatmces repulations issv,ed OX che Secretary wlll limtt leader•:ri4hls,in �r��
<br /> the case of paytaeat deiauhe,to rcq�ire feneaediate payment in full And forecW6e ff not paid.Tltiw Secvrux lastrument doa d,_ _
<br /> ' ° .« aot authodu acoekruioa or forecbsure if not pe�mitted by rcQuladom of tAe Secrctary. -"
<br /> �iT,�,�.-,___� .
<br /> '��` ' ` � 10. Retrlatewe�t. Horrower has� o�ht to be reinstpted if Lmder haa required immediate payment in i'ull because of - _
<br /> i�:'�-:l:7 Y/!_n..—'_
<br /> -.;.i._11 i M �.� '1 • � ('.:.'�._,'
<br /> ,+y.�; .. ,; . , Borrower s failu�e to pay an amount due under 1he Note or this Saudty l�utrument.This d�ht applies even atter foreclosurc � .•.,,• ,�;�-_�
<br /> :.._ � . . praeedinQs�re instiwted.To ainstate the Secudty Instrument,Borrower ahall tender in a lump+um all amounts«quired to ''�:;-``"�-- T�__
<br />%}''ii,1. .i� A ."' ..::a,:,-•=.— _
<br /> brinQ Borroaer'a�ccou�t curreai i�cluding, to the extent they sue obUQations of Borrower uader this Securiry Instrument. • ��r°.'. "
<br /> i' `.:�, , • ,:�;.' foreclosure costa and reasonable s►nd customary attorney'a fees and exp¢nses properly aswci�ted with the foreclosure :t�'---
<br /> ;;.; ' ^� �•� .:t�°�c,',' p�oceedin�.Upon reinstatement by�c+rrowe�,this Secudty Insuument�nd the obli�dons that it secures shall remain in effect� ;..;,:.�
<br /> '."� �. ;`ci�L+`�� if Lender h�d not�equired immediate payment in fuU.Howeve�,Leader ianot requircd to permit reins�a[ement if:(i)Lendcr has �:��•;'°� —
<br /> ' accepted �efnstatemeat aUer the commoncement at foreclosure pcoceedin�s within two years immediately preceding the � ! '+`t����
<br /> s�_-..
<br /> ' . commencement of a cunent foreclosure proceeding,(ii)reinstatement wiU pTeclude foreclosure on diiferent �oundr in the l:'n�:''A�:==:
<br /> ; ;�ni;;i...
<br /> future,or pli)reinstatement will wdversely afket ihe p�iority of the lien created by thia Security Instrument. ' }r. �
<br /> �...,>��`�__"�°°�
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Rek�ed:Fu�be#aaace By I.eade�Not�V�a1re�. Eateneion of chc time of payment or modiflcation of "�' '`""�'� "
<br /> ' unortizallon of the sums securcd by thls Security Instrument grantzd by Lender to any successor in interest of Bonower shwll not ����?!1��K`� :
<br /> � • operate to reteaae the liabflity oi the ori�inal Borrowcr or Bonower's successar in inurest. Lcnder sball not be required to �,;�.;�. .,,;��
<br /> � commence proceedinpa aQainst any�ucceuor in interat o�refuse to e�tend time iur payment or otherwise modify emonization : �•� • �
<br /> �� of the aums sa.�ured by this Secuflty In:trument by reason of uny demand mnde by the oriQinal Borrowe�or Borrower's , ;,C�
<br /> ��,• ' successon in interest.Any forbearance 6y Lender in exercisin�any ri�ht or remedy ehwll not be p waiver of or preclude the <asy,:L �
<br /> �:A'_'..�_ �
<br /> - � .; �;•' ---.�:��:� exetcise of my tiaht or remedy. ��'---�;� "�Ay[;.K
<br /> . '' + _,— .. `��"� .
<br /> ..... i . ;�
<br /> , :tr;; i:�;�: '••.�': ,.:�ti'.•r,'t.
<br /> r '� �';` � • •+.ti:,..• • 4.5uccwon�nd AadQu�Bound;Jolat wad Se�ernl IJ�bBUy;Co•Si�aen.The covenants and agrecments of thia Saudty
<br /> ' t '�pr.r,•:;' � .
<br /> Inatrument�hall bind and benefit the succa�ars and a�.+igna oP Lender and Bonower,subject to the provisions of paragraph 9.b. .� ,
<br /> 1��. �': � Bonower'a covenants and agreements shall be J oint and several.Any Bonower who co-signs this Saurity Instrument but daes '•�
<br /> ' t : not eaecute the Note:(a)is co-signing thfs Secudty Instrument oaly to mortyage,grant and comey�hat BorcowePs interest in ',;.r, ",s;:"�, �ti
<br /> `1•� ` � the Property under the terms of this Security Inslrument•(b)is not petsonally obllgnted to pay the sums secured by this Securiry �`!' ,
<br /> � Inatrument; aad (c1 agrces that Lender and any other Bonawer moy agree to eatend, modify. forbear or make any ���i'i'���:� •.;�,'�',ti'".
<br />. � ' accommodations wlth reQard to the term of thia Securiry Instrument ar the Note without thot Borrower's conunt. .�•f,`-;;.;'.;!�:::
<br /> � 13.Notica.Any notice to Burrower provided for in this Security Instrumem shall be�iven by deliverina it or by mailing it by ���'��'" '`.�'��"
<br /> • . 8rst class moil unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Propeny Address or any ,:;, � `
<br /> .,-� other address Borcower desianates by noticc to Lendca Any notice to Lender shal7 be given by first clus mail to Lender's address ;;...• ._...
<br /> atated hercin or any addras Lend¢r deaignates by notice to Borrowe�.Any notice provided for in thb Secudty Inatrument shall <<;::� :''�.�"`�
<br /> be damed to have ban piven to Borrower or Lender whrn�Iven as rovided in this paregraph. ' ��'�t'�''��.k:;r,..__,
<br /> , i. P ! �'�._
<br /> � l�.Goreming Law=SevernbllUy.Th)s Security Ins�tument shall be governed by Federal law ond the law oi the jurlsdiction in ,�;.'„�� �" _
<br /> . � . . whlch the Property is located.In the event that any proviafon or cl3use of tMs Security Instrument ur the Note conflicts wfth ap-
<br /> . plicable law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Secudty Instrument or the Note wMich can be given effect
<br /> � without the conflicting provlsion. To this end the provisions of this Security Ins�rument and the Note are dcalared to be ;�---•--
<br /> �� • ' severabla � -
<br /> . �� � .T'r�,e.�'•
<br /> - " ' � ,i:,r• • �_�;:.��•��,.,.�.._
<br /> '..;5�,,�,,ti is.Borto�er'�Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of this Secudt lnstrument. `-"''u`
<br /> .' t y � . �s"''v)S°�1�
<br /> . • �t / � ,{ •.����.� _
<br /> ,t� �� ' •� �• 16.As��meot ot Renu.Borrower unconditlonally assigns and uansfers to Lendcr aU the rents and revenues of the Propany. �" �
<br /> ' • Barrower authodzes Lender or Lendet's agenta to collect the rents and revenues nnd hereby direc[s e�efi tenant of the Propeny :• *�'k. .�f�t
<br /> �� � ' ' `"�.�t�i;•� to pay tAe rents to L.ender or I.ender's agenls.However,prior to Lender's nodce to Borrowe�of Borrower's breach of any cove- '�' , . "
<br /> �"���,�r' nant or apreemen t in t he S e cur i ty l ns tru m e n t,B o rc o w e r s h a l l c o l l e c t a n d r e c e i v e a l l r e n t s a n d r e v e n u e s o f t h e P r o p e r t y a s t r u s t e e � • �
<br /> � ;,,..;, . -,,,,�;. :, .
<br /> • f�r tiu beaefit of I.ender an d Borrower.T h is assfgnment of rents comtitutes nn nb�olute assignment end nut an ussignment for ,
<br /> addttlonal security only. � , •
<br /> !'' IP Lender giva notice af breach to Borro�ver:le)all rents received by Borrower shall be held by Borrower as trustee Por benefit , '
<br /> '�'�� ' , " of Lender only,to be applfed to the sums seeure�f by the Security Inslrument;(b)l.ender shall be entitled to collect and receive all � ,
<br /> of the rerns of the Property;and(cl each tenant of�he Property shall pay�all rents due and unpaid to Lender or Lender's agent !
<br /> ' • � on Lender's wriuen dtmand to the tenant. ' ' `
<br /> ;�•(r.. �.
<br /> Borrower has not executed any�prior a.��gnrnent of the rents and has not and will not periorm any act�hat would prevent
<br /> , . l�ender from exescising its right�undet this paragraph 15. � � "�'
<br /> Lender shall n�z be required to entcr upon,takc control of or mafn�ain the Ptoper�p bel'ore or after girin¢notice of brench to ',
<br /> Borrower.However,Lender or a judicially appuinted recei�•er may do so at any timt�here is a breach. Any application of rents
<br /> ' sha0 not cure cx waive aoy de(�ult or invalidate any other righ�or remedy of Lender.1 hi�aaa�gnment of rents ot the Propeny
<br /> ; • sh�ll termin�te when the debt secured by the Sceurity Instrumen^�s�aid in(u)I. .', ,
<br /> ---=- _, , . .
<br /> .. •r.'�.
<br /> . PJpr.f ul I � �
<br /> ' _ �
<br />