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<br /> ' „ '� `� , �
<br /> �'� , 81--102865 :��:=,�_=.._
<br /> . , -
<br /> �+ � ` the property in violat3on of any law, ordinance, or regulation� - „ _
<br /> ^� "��'„� and 8ha11 pay and promptly diacharge at Horrawer e coet and _ ___.
<br /> �~'r; , � ..,,w„�_._:
<br /> � expense all liena, Rncumbrancea and cttarqee levied, imposed or �{.-__
<br /> - :..�� . , . sssesae�t against t}ic Property or eny pArt thereof. �`-";, `±._ --_----�
<br /> . �., � J� -
<br /> . ����� '' � 6. Emii�Qnt Domain. Lender is hereby aesigned all _ { _ �
<br /> • compensation, awards, damages and other paymenta or relief � �. "r: .,�v:};�:;-.
<br />� .: � �; ' �� (hereinafter "Proceeda") in connection with condemnation or other t- � �
<br /> taking of the Property or part thereof, or for conveyanae in lieu �_,L„__
<br /> � � ' of con8emnation. Lender sha].1 be enti�lc�d, at its option, to ..T;,,,�,,,y�.;�-xA.-_,=
<br /> - . .. . .r�":_.iJ�._
<br /> . commencc�, appear in and proaecu�e in it�s own name any ac�ion or ;,,:...
<br /> _��r���.:
<br /> •� proceedinqs, and shall also be entitled to make any compromiee or f.�_,,Y�` _ _ _
<br /> settlement in aonnectian with such taking or damage. In the ;��.r;;:��,;.,
<br /> event arey portipn of the Property is so taken or damaqed, Lender " _
<br /> ' �` , .,;:;;.,,:�� sha�l have the option, in its sole and absolute discretion, to � -
<br /> � �� •, , apply all such Procee�s, after deducting therefror.s all costa and � ., � �'��=
<br /> � ;`� �^'��'•;`�'±''�`'' expenaes incurred by it in connection with �uch Proceede, upon ��"��
<br /> 1 ' � �..�..- �..; -=—
<br /> ` -°��: �,��`��;'��� any indebtedness secured hereby and in such order as Lender may � -
<br /> '�_'��. �_---------
<br /> • � ''���;:'� determine, or to apply all such Proceeds, after sach deductiona, �.
<br /> `� to the restarakion of the Property upon such conditions a� Lender �,.
<br /> , � � �+ .•.i may deterraine. Any application of Proceeds to indebtedness shall � ''�' :����
<br /> � �. •��� n o t e x tend or post pone the due date of any payments under the {., ,;;.',��
<br /> Not�. or cure any default thezeunder �mr hereunder. �''' ��' i� ___
<br /> ., �'. , -
<br /> � ' 7, Performance D�y Lender. In the �ven� of Borrower' a r . -• „- --
<br /> failure to �erform any of th�e covenants herein or mAke any pay-
<br /> � •���.'.�� ments required hereby, or if any act is taken or legal proceeding � � :
<br /> •.:;�:': �� commenced which materially aPfects Lender's interest in the � ;,, �
<br /> - � -� �'�E� � PrcCerty, Lenc�Ar may in its own �iscretion, but without obliga- '_ : titt
<br /> - ,.-.,�,r.,;. - -_��
<br /> � tian to do so, and without notice to or demand upon Borrower, and ;_„�; "
<br /> ... �.t-� �:
<br /> � wit3�out reloasiriq Borrower from any obligation, do any aat which ��,:..�.
<br /> • � ' .��;:'�.�. the Borrower has agreed but fails to do and may also do any other ���., :
<br /> .,' ;�� .,<,, �;:.•:.i act �.t deems necessary to protect the security hereof. Borrower ��' ' �. �_: �
<br /> ' ��:�;,��' sha11, immedia�ely upon demand therefor by Lender, pay to Lender .,;�_ .
<br /> all aosts and expenses incurred and sums expended by Lender in �}"v• �� � ��.";;
<br /> ..� ,y ,,,"1r;',;'•
<br /> � � connection with the exercise by Lender of the foreqoing riqhts, �; :�� �;,
<br /> �� . .•,,,_.; toqether witl� interest �hereon at the default rate provided in . �,�,t�,
<br /> � "�t' �' the Note, which shall be added to the nde tedness secured � . ;�,',;,�;�,, .
<br /> �,;:�„�^;;��:• hexe by. Len der s ha l l n o t i n c u r a n y l iabilit y becaase of anythinq ; . . �:�' ';�_ -
<br /> � ' ' it may do or omit to do hereunder. ���`'�.�"'
<br /> � .•'I�. ..'r_�_
<br /> 4�.r � . ..
<br /> �� e. Hazardous Materials. Borrower shall keep the .�•�
<br /> Proper�y in compl ance w th any and all federal, state and local ;:�°� �. •.,,�,�➢._;"=
<br /> ...�, ., r•;,,....,
<br /> � laws, ordinances and regulations relating to industrial hyqiene . , ,._,V�_ _ ;_-,
<br /> , 're`-.•:-'.;=--
<br /> or to environmental conditions on, under or about tQae Property, �,;;;:•.�, 1;,,�y,�,.,,,�
<br /> � includinq, but not limited to, soil and grounc�water aonditions. ; . ;
<br /> Trustor shall not use, generate, manufacture, �tore or dispose of ,
<br /> on, under or about the Property or transpaxt to or from the , -
<br /> � ' �����'�'� Pro�erty any flammable explosives, radi�active materials, hazardoua �
<br /> • '� , ���f����" was'tes, toxic substances or related materials, incIlu-ding, without
<br /> � �.imitation, any sabstances defined as or included in the defini- �'
<br /> tion of "hazardous substAnces", "hazardous wastes", "haza�dous ' �
<br /> � • ma�erials" or "toxic substaiices" under any Applicable 1aws, �.;,:
<br /> ordlSnances or regulations (collectively referred to herei�after •�.
<br /> •� '"� '.�•� as "Hazardous Materials"1 . Borrower hereby warrants and repre- �;�
<br /> � ������ ' sents to Lender that there Are no Hazardous Materials on os under . •
<br /> ' �I the Property. norrower hpreby aqrees to iademrnify and hold
<br /> harmless Lender, its directors, officers, employees and•aa�e�its,
<br /> and any successors t� L�nc�er's interes�, from and acyainst any and �i . �; .,. .
<br /> � all claims, damages and liabilities arising it� cvnnection with
<br /> the presence, �ase, staraae, disposal or transport of any Hazardous '
<br /> ; Materials on, under, from ar about ttte Property, fncluding, with-
<br /> otit limitatioti, (a) all damaqes directly or indirectly arising
<br /> _� .._ ..a�
<br /> � oat of the use� qeneration, storaqe or dispv�ai .,L �,a�o.M���
<br /> Materials by �orrower or any prior owner or operator of the
<br /> Property, and �b) all costs of any required or necessary repair,
<br /> cleanup or detoxification and the preparation oE any closure or
<br /> � other required plans, wtiether st��h action is required or neces-
<br /> � sary prior to or following transfer of title tio the Prnpex�ty, to
<br /> ' I the full extent that surh actic�n ia attributable, dLrectly•or
<br /> i indirectly, to the presence or use, yeneration, storage, release,
<br /> threatened release or disposal of F1az�lydous Materiels by any
<br /> person on the Property prior tv transfer of title thereto by
<br /> _j_ �
<br /> • — - �
<br />