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QAAl1D •• ��'�R14�Ira,.���xa,_ <br /> � �.. <br /> . �.: <br /> '�?R�t `UF 7xusT.INad.tMi. ].3'i'� a.y 19�� --- ._;���,:,- <br /> ��3i(�d�called 7R�S7OR.whaa�ddies�it�.��;OR, Gl�J1lU�1 l�i�ii� bla 666u3 .�a �',, <br /> ..�, ,j,�t+bY �- �s ��::p�����wsrs�.wn�.aa�.jaiieao �nc�o��►s �r, sz. izo aw�e�►;'�. s�4,� <br /> . .a' 14z5 N t�VEBBCI�oRD���'.��:!•�t 1�.8'�f�Bao'�.Nc¢rs.t!capa�.��an. nen�wtier.c�uea eBrreFtcU►RV.wbo.s '.ad�a.i� . ,� <br /> � .� <br /> Wi77�FS.9�TH:'Ib�tTnwufQRAMI'5,G'Ol���'�S,BFLISANDWAfl�3ANT��'qTRU3'f�.E.IN'IR�13T,WITNPOW�tOPSAt�:t�tii�+rio{ • ,,�,: <br /> d�O�C�IbOd PIO(IErty.11tU�bf1�11 ��• �� �ltCWQty.�VO�I ' � ' • .r ��� <br /> '��' :.. . , '.t!„ :' '. ;�}1�,;���t <br /> LdP 1roUt (4)♦ HIAQt Q�$ (1)� OOBDA 3UBDIYIS$'�Pl IN 'TI'1E 9dl1HEAa1' Q�'� �' '� . ''!a;ri,;`` ;�+. <br /> NOR�IIST Q�JARTER. QE' 50GTIaN �nl�l'PY TE�tBE Y�3). 7.�188IP ELEVEi�I (11) NOEi'l� ' '` <br /> RAtJGB T�1 (10) f�ST, OF �B IAMBHt 3IICl'H (6) PRINCIPAL !!F'.RIDIIIN� H11LL OOI�A'Y �: . � ..•,;, <br /> �ii�A�itA- .�� ', . ..1. <br /> �.;.`i; , <br /> . • . � � � � '�"i� � <br /> � � .. , . , 1 - , , ' -�-.r� <br /> • �. <br /> �7 <br /> w�etberwithellbuildingsandimprovcmenw�wwanc�rcaflerenected�hereonundallscrcens,awninge.xhades.sturmx�shandbNnds.w�dixa�iqg,digpting, <br /> plumbin�,gae,clectric,ventiluing,rofrigcr.�ting und afr-conditioning equipmeot uscd in rnnnecdon�hemwith,all of which,for d�c purposeolthis tiad <br /> of 7tus4�hall be deemed fixturcs and aub�ecl�n the I�n hercof,and Ihe hereditaments nnd appurtenances pcnaining w theproperry above dcs�:rihed,and <br /> �11 sUeets.luies.alkys•pusa8es•ways.waters,wAtcrcoursev,ngh�s.libeqics andprivileges,wha�cavertbcreuMO belonQ ni aor in anywiseapppta4dn� <br /> and tbe revenions md mnalnde�s,all of whkh is rcferned a hcrcin�ker�ihe"p�emisei'. • <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tNe above-dnetibed prcmises,with�he appunenances and fix�urc�.unto�he said Beneflef i1s suocessors,�utd avsigns. ' <br /> faever.for thepurposes�nd uses hercin s��fonh.frce ftom all�igh4s and benefits wider and by virlue of any Homestead�emption Lawa of the Snro <br /> of Nebnska which may be enxted,which said rigMs ond benefits Ihe�a►id Trorwr does hereby ezprcssly reisarc and w�ives. <br /> Trustor dso assigns to Beneficfary ali rcnis is.vues undprofi�a of soid prcmises,granting the right to rnlixt and uso 1he same,with or witAout tdcing <br /> possessian of�he prmises,during continuancr of defuult hercumkr.ond durfng conlinuance of wch default nuthorizing Beneficiary to enter upon s�id � <br /> premises u�dJor to collect and enforcc thc Kamc wi�hout regaM to adequacy of any security for the indeMedness hereby securcd by any I�wiul merng • <br /> including nppolntment of a rcceiver in�he mm�e of any pany herclo,and lo apply the same le�s cats and eapenses of operation atd rnlkcUoq.includin� .• <br /> ieawaabk attomey's ices,upon ony fnde6teAne�x sccurcd hereby,in such w�der a4 Beneficiary ms�y deurmine. . . <br /> FOR THE PURPOSE OF SCCURING:l I l�'.dornunce of each ngreemeM ot Tn�stor cantufned hercin;(2)PaymeM of'the principal sum;wi�h inoercst, <br /> ius providad in accordance with the tetmi nnd provislona oi a Promissory Note/Lo�n Agreemem (hereinofter refemed to ag"prom{ssory nWC"1 dated <br /> APRIL 13. 1993 ,herewith exeruted by Trus�or and payable w�he ordcr of Beneficiiuy,in the PrincipAl sum ut <br /> � 13.150.45 _,und having the date of ita final payment due i�n h�av 13 f ,21�3 ,p�a,veatended, <br /> defined ar rcschedukd by renewal or refinance;l3)Paymem of any addi�ional advances.witM interest Ihereon uti may hereaiter be loaned ey 8eneficiary <br /> rn Tn��rnr io a maximum sum of S 13�150.45 wi�hin I S years from Ihe date of this Deed of Trus1; <br /> however,�his puagr�p�daes not cons�itme pcomminnent by Beneficiwy to mal�e fu�ure ndvances:l4)The payment of any money Uwt mny be advanoed <br /> by Ihe Beneflciary to'i'rusWr forany reason ortolhird panies,with interaxt thereon,wherc the amounl*ure advanced lu pmtec�+he!�ecurity m accordance <br /> with the rnvenante of this I�ed ot 7Yust:l5)Any renewal,refinoncing or extension of rakl piomiasory note,w any other ogree�r+ent tn pqy which mey <br /> be wbctituted thcrefor. . <br /> All paymeets msde by Truslor on the abligaticro secured by this Deed uf Trux�shall br npplitd In the fMlowing�rder: <br /> , � FIRS1':To the payment oF�axea and assctsmen�s lhat muy be te�ied�nd m9�essed ugainxi naid prcmisas,i�►vurunce pnmiums,r4pairs,and all wFrcr <br /> �c�and expcnses agrced tu be paid by afie Tna�q. <br /> S COND:To tlx pay�qeot ot 7nknea�due on�id Mrn. <br /> THIItD:To�he paymeru of prinoip�rt.. <br /> 7vt uYrn�c�7�alc ccr11D t7'V lIGdCM. TOI ICTAp�Ct fYIV F11(�NTC A N11 ARRFFC•111 Tn IcMn mirl m�micea inw�rrl avainu losti hv fi�e nnd <br /> .....�....�... ......��......... ..�.�.�....'--•_"•-•-"'---•--"-•-'--'--•---••-•------. .. . . . <br /> otNa haunds,caswtty and contlngencies u�ao�he(ull value of all improvemen�s for�he protection of Heneficiiuy in such manner,in such amounts,and <br /> In wchoomp�nka�8eneficiuy may f�omt�mato time approve.und�ha�losspnoeeedsllessexpense Beneficlary'sapUon.beapplied <br /> on stW irdebtednea�.wMher due or not or to Ihe rcs►ora�ion of soid improvements.ln event of lou Trustor will give Immediate notice by mail to�he <br /> BeneticWy,who mry m�ks qoof of lo�if na made pra�tly by Tnutor,ond exh insurance company caneemed is hercby authoriud and direc�ed�o <br /> m�ko payment for euch bss dfrecdy to the Bene6ciuy imtad oF W the Tnutor.121 To p�y ull uues�nd xpeclal assessments ot any kmd Uwt have b�en <br /> or m�y be leviod ar atsessed upon sald premises,and to deliver to Beneflciary,upon roquest of tho Bentficluy,the o(Ficial�eceipt ahowing payment of <br /> NI such wa u�d assessmana.(3)In the event oide(aulc by Trusta uoder Pars►graphs 1 cx 2 abuve, ilsuption,muy(a)plare w►d keep such <br /> insurance above provided for in force thraughout the life uf lhis beed ai Trust and pay�he rc�.conableprcm iums wid chuge4 iherefor;lb)pay all�wfd <br /> taxes nnd astesantents wiUwut detem�ining the validity thereof:end lcl pay such lienx and all such id s6ursemenl�as shall be deemed a part of�he <br /> indebtednesssecurcdbylhlRDeedofTruslandsha116eimmedialelydueandpayablebyTrustortoBeneflciury.t4lToprywhendueunylienonthrpn�ny <br /> whkh is�cnior to Ihc liea of Beneficiary and,notw��hsnndfng ony ri�ht orop�iong�n ted by ony aenior lien a hy ssy xnior lienholder to pemni��he <br /> priaciql balmce of such senior Ifen to increue,Tmstor wfll nw pemmt 1he principal balance of any seniw lien lo increase above the balance u��he�imc <br /> of lhe m�kingoFthia'RuM Dad untillhis Trust Deedehall have been pnW in full.(SI To kap U�e build ings andother improvemenl.a nowcxisting or hereaRer <br /> erected in gnod eondltion and rcpair.not to commil ur suffer any waste ur any use of xeid pnmises cont�uy to resWrlions of nti�ord or�rontruy to law, <br /> and ro pemiit Beneikiuy ro cnter at all rc�.tawble�Imex fiu ihe purpos�uf in�perting Ihc prcmices;not to remove nr demoli�h any building thercnn;M <br /> Q60171(NEV.2•Ot�NE •OEHERAL USURY UW �� ��� '�•_' • <br />