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_ � _.. � ry�,I ' � . � • .--__ � - - �- '.� -- � <br /> – S ... . . '�. <br /> —`�:'. . ....:L - <br /> ... __._��..�, . �s�o�a�r o��a Mo�u+ 93����'a' <br /> '• 7Hi3 ABSIQNMENTOF I�NTB RIDER I�m�d�and�x�cut�d tht� 7'fH d#y ol apRT� �10..93__.and 1� <br /> ������p�nd���p�dMrtNd to am�n�ana�uppl�nt th�Mo►tpap�a D��d of Trud,A�nlnaiter nt�rrrd ta��th� <br /> "8�qxtly In�trWn�nt". ot th��arn�d�t��iwe bY th�und�nlpn�d� h�rdnaft�r at�rr�d to a� 9M"Borrcwer". to aaur� <br /> �� - - ._ ._ . . ���•�alt�!!�r tefer�+ed ta ae!he"Note".to NOME FEDERAL BAViN3S ANO LOAN ABSOCIATlON OF <br /> ' aRANQ i�l.ANp�h�Nn�ft�r nhm�d to a�tM"l.�od�r",of th��artw dat�and oowtirp tM P►�Y d�sarib�d In th�S�ou►Ih► <br /> Irt�trwn�nt and IoaatM�ax <br /> • 19Q2 W CHARLES GRANp ISI.AND, NE 89803 <br /> I�Y Add�as) <br /> _-��� WITNE98ETH: -- <br /> WHEpEl1g, gor�pw�r pnd I,ender iuiw�pned thit any�t��nd Prollts Ntrlbut�bl�to th� propedy�bould aondltut� <br /> •ddlflaMl Mcudty to tl�L.�ntIN tw 1h�paYnwnt af th�Nato; <br /> NOW, U�p�Nd thd 1M Soauri�r Inatrom�nt sh�ll b��nNnd�d hM�bY�nd dMm�d 10 Inolud�th�tollowfnp <br /> • P�oriYlo��: <br /> i. Bonow�r Mnbr.b�olut•ly�rtd unconditionally a••Ipns�II <br /> nnf�� It�uM and proflh of tIM prop�ty to B�rNitol�ry. ��ndsr �hall h�w tlN ripht, pow�r �nd �ullwrily durlRp th� <br /> oontlnuMno�of th�BoRUdty IMtrum�nt to ooll�at ih�r�nt�,lauq�nd profih ol th�P►oP�rly and ol�ny p�rwnal prop�hy <br /> loat�d th�wn wifh a wltAout t�klnp pa�ulon of/1»P��My dhoNd h��by.L�r,how�wr,Mr�by aons�nls to <br /> �oww'�oolMotlon�nd nt�ntlon ot�uah nnt�,luws�nd profil��s tMy�oorw and b�aom�P+�yabl���o lonp as BonowN <br /> t� wah tlm�,in dN�ulf wllh nsp�ot to paym�nt ot�ny Ind�bt��s�ound Mt�by,a In tM p�rform�na of any <br /> _ �---� �a�mmt l+�ut�r. -- <br />_—__--:_-. ---� � <br /> �, AepointnNnt ef R�oslwr. 11 arhr �wni of d�fpuil in respsat io !h�S�cu�lty Instronlenl�hnii h�v�oaaurnd A _ <br /> oontlhulnp, I.�nd�r.�s a mt!t�r of ripht�nd wNhout notlae to Borrowe or�nyone ol�iminp u�da�Borrow�r,�nd wNhaut <br /> np�M to tM v�lu�of 1M trost d�t�te or th�IM�nst of tha BoROw�r th�nln�sha0 fnavs ihe rlpht to apply to any aouA h�vinp __ <br /> �ur��dlallon to�ppalnt a►�Iwr of tfn propKtY• <br /> 3, Rlaht to fbss�selon.In casY of default In the payment of the aald prinotpd Note o►�nts�sst,or any pa�n thereof,�a It <br /> sh�ll m�tun,a In tM o��s of fallurs to ks�p or pe�fom�any of the aovamnt�o�apreemants aontalnsd In ths Securfly Instnr� <br /> mmt, th�n th�I.�r�. Ib �ucceators or�sslpns, shall be and Is hereby authatzed and empowered to take Immediate <br />_ posNtslon of th�uW pnmisa ihar�ln dssoNb�d and to colleat ths r�M�therofrom,�nd to�pply the prooesda ther�of to tM <br />- p�ym�nf oi Ih�Not�. <br /> 4. Aonllodlor�ol iMnts.lsews��Pr,yllts•All renta colteated by Lender or the raceiver$hall be applied firat to paym�nt • <br /> ' of ih�costs of n�n�pMiNnt o�1h�Dropa�tY�nd colteotion of�ents,Includlnp,but eot Ilmited to.►ecelver'�teea,premiums on <br />..••:�au� r�lwr's bond��nd r1�a�on�01e�ltanel►b�eea,and ihan to the suma suomed Dy iiw SaOUtiiy tn8irurrtsni. Lendar a�sd!!te <br /> = — ----- <br />