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.. . .. <br /> .i :� ,:r;<<:. . ..,l,..;�. -.�. .� . <br /> _ __ <br /> .r _ � i� +;`4�4��. ... ..... ... -��>�i�::��.�,...�........... _ �_ <br /> _, rirw <br /> i' . � __. __._.. �,... ._ - <br /> . .,f.,�.�;���. -^. . � ��� _.._ -- - - <br /> _ : . �•w trs• . � - - <br /> .. �- ��:.� .-. -- . <br /> . - 91-1o2s�d ��,�_._= -_--- <br /> . �� ,.�...�.��.��.�..�o,►�. -__—- <br /> { �` ��)D�faN.Lender m�y,e�ap��s Ilmlled by tejul�Non�luued 6y the 8ecrm�rY!n IMe cw of p�ymm��Nf�uUe,rpuln � -'`` <br /> '� Imawdlaq p�rmtnt In full of�II wM�wcund by IAU S�cu�ily Inarumea�if: ef t:`:•v`=--- <br /> � �__,..:.;,._^—.��. <br /> •� � �,��.., _ ,`: (1)�ow�►d�f�ula by hllln�to p�y lo Nq�ny monthlY p�ymeAt roQulrad bM Ihl�Sau�ity la�[wmon�p�lor lo or an --�--�-- <br /> ,:z •� , th�dw datt of th�nsal mon�hly qymanl,or <br /> ' py BwroMe�d�f�ula by tdlln�,tor�perlad of lhirty d�ya,to perfurm*ny otNar abU�rtions contdned in thl�Suu►Ily �.`•�:�_- <br /> .'�_ �,R'-'�;!` In�trumsnt. —.._. <br /> --- ^�,"" � (N)S�k WNfor!CrdM ApprovY.l.ender�h�ll.d pamiGad bY applicablo l�w and wiU�tl�t prbr�provtl of drc Sarclety.Kquhe = - - __- _ <br /> . ; 4�._ _ .r immod4te PYmeat in full ot dl ihe wnu secuiad by ihia Security Itu4wneat iti --- <br /> . ..M (i)All or put ot tbo Pmperry it olherwlse trwferrod(alher Ih�n by doviw ar dts�p41�by wet.wd — <br /> , � � (iU 77�e PropenY b not accupied by the purrhuer ar Qrwae w hls m Inr pdrt►vy 1fl�c a residenae,or�ho purctuser or �_,��� .,.r <br /> " � �urDeo don a�oa.'upy 1he P►operty but hls or ha ctodk lu�not bem app►m'ad in x�oorct�nce with�he�oquirementr c�'the Sea�ataty. ,�..,�.�x - <br /> ' ..'�.'.�v r'wr.�. <br /> • � (c)No W�ha.If circumstance�occur thot wouid permit Lender to tequira immodipta payment in full,buc Lender daes not '-�-— � <br /> , require such payments,Lender doa not waive it�dahts with rcspoct to suboeqyaal events. `;�` - .,�y�,:A..,.—: <br /> .., . , (d)Re�YUon ot HUD SeereWY.ln many clrcumitances rcaulallonc issuad by tho Seeretary will limit Lende�'c� � .`. � . a <br /> �'•'" ' the cuo of payment dafaults,to require immediotc p�yment in iull and forccluie lf not paid.This Security las�rumont daes <br /> ' � �ot wthori:e acetlenUon or foreclosure i f not perm itt e d by re�ulwdanc of t„e Secrct a r y. �-�'=�'-'�"� �- <br /> � � . `� _ -: -- _ <br /> . ' lp, Rdnqteant. Borrowec has o rlQht to be rcinstpted if Leadar hus raquired immediwt¢payment in full becausc of ;ta� � <br /> ° Bonower'�tdlure to pay an amaunt due undcr tho Note or thie Secudty lastrament.Tbis ri�ht appNos even after forcciosure ��"�,--" <br /> . r.� � 4,.� . <br /> _ :' Y i. _ .. proceediogs are instiwted.To reinatate�hc Security Insuument,Borrowar sfiall tende�in a lump aum all amount�requked to ,s��;;..� <br /> ��c�' '�. bdn�Bonawer's aecount cunent including,to the extent they are obGpations of Eorrower under this Secu�ity Instrumcnt, � -` <br /> ;`.f��; foroclosure coscs and reasoneble and customary attornoy's fees and expenses properly easociwted with ihe iorecloswe ,��,_ <br /> ; .!'��'i:�., . .., - <br /> , � procadiaa.Upon rcinstatement by eorrower,lhis Secudty Inctrument and tbe obligadons that it secu�a shall remuin in effect as p �.I. .'::____ <br /> �;_Yr� � I if Lender hstd not required immediQte ps�yment in iull.However.�.ender is not requircd to permit relnstatement if:(i)l.ender hes i ; •l��: <br /> ,+:::'-,;�.+;' ,. q c c e p t e d r e i n�t a t e m e n t a f t e r t he commonament of forcclosure proceedings withln two years immedietely preceding the ! • ;.• <br /> ' ;k�,�'�" � commenament of a cuRent farcclosura prceeeding, (ii)reinstatement wlll preclude foreclosure on dif(erent arounds in the ,i,:,;•�.;,��� <br /> fatura,or(iif)reiastatement will adversely afPect tha priority of the lien created by this Security Instrument. ' �`�f��'� <br /> : ,...,, 1 .s�•:�f21�;i1:,r_- <br /> • '� • ^ 11.Barower Not Rele�sedi Forbesn�a By I.ender Not�R'aiver.Eztension of thc time ai payment or modiiicalion of '�:��r�;!'Y::+:;� — <br /> amonization of the sums secured by ihis Secudty Instrumont granted by Lender to any succesaor in intercst ot 8onower ahnU not ''�:�,:;t�+,•,,;:;'�"�� <br /> � �`; .���;= " operate ro releaac thc IiabiUty of cMc odainal Bortawer or Bonower's succasor in interest.I.ender shali nat bc rcquired to . . ,f;�: ';s��TM_ <br /> �� r��;� � coauaena proceedinas aQainst any tuccasor in interest or nfuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modiPy amortfzadon • .;:'�����.•�'�:. ,�•� <br /> " of the aums secured by this Security Instrument by rcar,on of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrowe�'s �'.� ,;��.,:::�,�:.. ���' <br /> '' ` succeuon In interest.Any forbeit�ance by Lendar in eaercisin�any riaht or remedy sholl not be a waiver of or preclude the , �,,,,, 4� <br /> �_�'_ . <br /> .. .. i. -, • � exerci�e of any rlQht or�emedY. r, �- .- . -_ <br /> 'c:;;', . . <br /> � ,�' �� 12,Succeswn+ud Aadgas Boundt Jolal�wi Severol UabWty;Co-3lguers.The covrnants and agreements oi this Securky 4� - <br /> Instrumrnt shall bind and benafll the successors and assigns of Lender end Borrower,aubJect to the provisions of puragraph 9.b. F � X=+� <br /> � � Borrower's covenants an d agramen ta s h e l l b e j o i n l a n d c e v e r a l.A n y B o r r o w e r w h o c o•s i g n a t h i s S e c u r i t y I n s t r u m e n t b u t d o e s � ,�1,� <br /> � ° not executa�he Note:(a)is co•signing this Security Inxtrument only to mortQage,grant ond convey that Borrower's interest in ; Y,, <br /> the Property under the terms of this Securiry Instrumenl;(b)is not aersonally obliantad to pay the�ums secured by�hfs Secudty �. <br /> ln�trumeat: and (c) a4rces thet Lender and any alher Botv�wer mey apree to exiend, madify, farbeur or make any , .,.,�.�,r- <br /> , �• ' occommoGadon:wi�h rcQard ta the ierm of ihis Securiiy lncerument or the Note withou� that Berrower's consent. �; • ' <br /> � 13.Notica.�►ny notice to Burr�wer provided(or in ihl�.Security Instrument shall be glven by delivering I�oi by mailiag it by ` ��• <br /> ; . flrat cl�s mall unless app8rable low requlres uec of aoaher mothod.The notice shull bc dlrccud a�Ihe Praperty Addresl or any , <br /> ' other address Borcower dcsiano�cs by n rnice to LcnJcr.Any nnuae to Lender shnH bc given by firsl cl�r+mail tu l.ender'a address _ � <br /> � � � stated hercin or any addrass Lender d@signates by natice to Burr�wcr.Any nolice provided for in�hi�Security Instrument sA411 � . •r <br /> . • be deetned to hava bae Qiven to &lrrawer or Lendar when oivon as providod in lhls �raQraph. • , <br /> 11.Go�enlnQ Law•;Rsvenblllly.Thfs Security Instrument ehwll be governcd by Federd luw and the law of the jurisdiction in ' �TK.- <br /> •- - which the Property is locaad.In the event�hat any provtsion or clnuee of this Security Ins�rument or�he Note conllicts wlth ap- j� ' �.T; <br /> � . �. . � •.:°�_,. <br /> ?� }, , pli�able law,such conllict shall not affect other prov{�ions of thls Security Instrument or the Note which can be given effect ,y�i, <br /> � � • .. without the conllictin4 p�ovisian. To this end tho provlsions af thia Security Instrument and the Note are declared to be ,_____._ <br /> aeverable. f !-' <br /> 7i.�r_��.�,`�e::- <br /> �;, �. � y�.�QV����:3° <br /> ' ., ' 13.Bomower'r Cupy.BurroWer shull bc�i�en one cunfumied eopy of thls Secunty Instrumcnt. ! ., <br /> .��r .� ' .. t� .,,?,�..i4�-• <br /> ' ':;:, �'i, 16.AMIRo�e�t of RerW.Borcouer unconJitionally assigns and transfen to Lender all�he rcnts and revenues of the Propeny. ,F,;;�`�,p,,,F� <br /> � •• ':-,r�, � •� Borrower authorizes Lendcr or Lendrr's agems ta colleet the rents and revenucs and hereby directs each tenent of�he Property �. .,., . .... <br /> ,�;% ,�� to pay the rents to Lcndcr or Lendcr's agents,Hewever,priur to Lender's noiice to Borrower of Borrower's breach of any cove- . <br /> nant or agreement it�the Security Ins�rument,Burrow•er shnll coli:�t�nd receive nll rents ond revenucs of the Propeny s�s tru�tee <br /> �:, „ for thc benetit of Lender and Bnnower.Thfs asyipnmem oi rent�;unstitutes an absulute usignment and not an assignment for � <br /> additional security ooly. <br /> . � � 1 t Lender gives notice uf brcach tu BurroW�er:1 a1 all rents reccived by Borrower shall be hcld by Borrower ati ttuqtce for beneflt <br /> . � � �•.� of Lender only,to be ap�lied ta tl�o sums s.cuntd by the Security lnstrument:(b)Lender shall be entitled to collect and receiveall <br /> , of the rents of the Property;nnd Ic1 each icnent uf tho Propeny shall pay all rent~duc and unpaid co Lender or Lcnder's agent <br /> on Lender's written demand tu thc tenent. <br /> �, � Borrower hWS not executed eny pn��as+iynmen�of the rents and has not and will not perForm 3ny �ct that wouW prevent <br /> Lender from exerci�ing i�ti righis undrr thie paragruph 16. <br /> Lender shall not be required ia en�er upun,tuke control of or muintain the Pn�peny before or aftet giving notice of breach to <br /> Bo�rower. However,Lender ur a judicially uppuimed receiver may do w at nny time t hae is a brench.Any applirmion oP reneti <br /> � shall not�utc or waive any default or inv�lfdutu any other right cx remed.v u(Lender. Thiti ascignment of rents of�he Pro�xn y <br /> � shrrll terminote whcn the debt uraRd by the 5ecurity Inatrument ic pald in fult. <br /> � , <br /> � <br /> 7'ukr?�4� I <br /> . <br /> � <br /> 5 . _ _ _ _ . . ..__ _ <br />