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. . . � yµ:..; ,1r, ;,rx+�x t� . , -� ., .'Fr .. , ., ..i5...t' ic;:y__.__ <br /> �j�;ii�.�4�L}�4}t:-�.'�yY.. . ��.�`K'iP.� i.Ull!'\,. . P�["-e� '"_ _ . . <br /> �.:��Yr�nI�rYM - .���.___ _- _""-_.'_"`."__ <br /> .,y, <br /> I � "w - <br /> \ ` y:�-._. . . �J�.� <br /> � ._r� f <br /> . . ... . . ."'_"'_.�L.r. Sa..e.. . - - <br /> , . . ' ' � , ��� _.���.�..._ -_ --'•�—".'_ <br /> . „�.—___ �"�_"�� <br /> ' ."" �_.�r.. �'�" . . ....-._" <br /> . ��..�Y� _"" . _ . <br /> . ��,'_.T�-_,-�,.,.-. ___.-"-__. <br /> ADJUSTABLE RATE RID�It 91- 1029�i1 !�`� <br /> ���,;�- <br /> • ll Yar TrawtY Ind�•RUeGp�) ��"'-�"- � <br /> , ,, , . . 91' �,.' •- <br /> �, ;°aY,''4, • 7HISADIUSTABLERAT8RID8Ri�nud�lhb 7tF1 �yp� IMIeY ,19 <br /> • .f �� .� ,.. °. Deed of Trust� ot So�w�ity Deed(lhe"SecuritY <br /> •, .,;��• ,•� . oud i�incorpanted into u�d�ha11 be d�+ned to anxnd u�d�upplement �he Man{�e, <br /> � � Instruma►t")ot tne ume date�iven by the undeni{tud(the"Batrmver"1 to sacure Bonowe�•s Adjutt�bb R�tc Nde Ithe"Note")to HOMB �,�,��?._�._ <br /> : �r,�t:�4s..;..� ,� �.. es.. a.t <br /> .. .,t���;. ,.., . � '�NO3 LOA.y/19&OCIATION OF ORAND IBLAND NB�iIA$KA 11he"l.onder••�of�Iw�am°d��e+u�d coveria��he <br /> -.-' 't t •' "°_"' pn,gerty deicribe+d in the Security la�trument aad located�t: _ <br /> � =�---- _ <br /> ...... -... �- -----_:___-�__ <br /> ..f�-�' ' R� �� 1935 West 12th Stt98�� �-ra�r� T-�-��,,.i� coon3 - — =_ - ---° <br /> _ 1'... � .y u <br /> t:.a; • _ (Properry Addras► —-_ _ <br /> • � — <br />'�� • „yi'� . ,• 'X�IF�71� l'Ow1�M pro�hlor��Ilowiq fot cluqa Ir iry I�tttal mti ��d r1 �10111YIr ,�,.;..�....:...�.—_-'., _ <br /> . -�, „,. ��.rib rote�lw Il�lu�Ye uwrt wy 1�1tra1 nt�air elu�qe�t Mr oM tl�e ui .. y <br /> . � . �1r���dlMsulw�nwlrwtpqa �•`�------_ <br /> • '°" -- <br /> �,' « „ , � �,r.- -- <br /> ., ADINTtO1+ul.COVHNANTS.In addlUoa[o th�e covenaaes wd�qaeemeocs made io ihe SecuNty lastn�mene.Bonower uid I.encle* ��'�- '..��-`.- _ <br /> . ., �a.�,��...... <br /> _.._--�----•-- -----'�- <br /> •�, .' ' funda oovea�ot and asree as fdlowr. <br /> 7. ,. <br /> . .f. " • 1 A, IN'�EqFST{tATE AND MONTHLY PAYMF.N'1'CHANCFS � �_� <br /> � 9.5 �.Secdon 4 ot tAe Note prorides for chw�es in the interae que amd tbe ="""'-� <br /> , The Noto provida fo�an inidd intndt nta oi �'` <br /> ; �,;��� .'' , r000WY pi�nt�.u toUows: y <br /> .. �'.� �'':..''=� -�'°�"' <br /> , , . �..�• •• -'� <br /> � ,%-•� � � . • �. /NTER�ST RATE AIYD.iYIpN7NLY PAYMEIVT COfANGES �,, ; ',. - <br /> ' .;���<<;V.,_;�e.:.F:..'. (A11 l�r{tD�tes ' � � ._� <br /> �.. <br /> ,�..r� �i�,� 7une ,19 92 �and on�hu dayevery ,,�, T�-J. <br /> *�;. 1'he iptcrest nte I will pay may c6anQe on the fint day of �S:th•���- <br /> ip <br /> .:,.:j �,•, t w�?1 V e�uonths thetafta.Eaeh dale on whlch my interat rate couW chanae is ulled a"Chan�e Date." :"� <br /> u `�?ti``�� <br /> ,�• � i%��i.. ., (4) 771e1da[ ;,:►� <br /> �.' gesinnina w11h ths fint Chan4e Date,my intercst rate w1U be based on t+n Index.Tiie"Index"ia the weekly avera�e yield on United Swta _�T; <br /> � Trawry�ecu�ida adjwted to a consant matudty oi 1 yau�uv made av�ilable by the Federal Reserve Board.The mo�t retent Inde�O�ure �:._. <br /> -*� <br /> • �vaiNWe as of thedate4S days beforc each Chan4e Date is calCrd ihe•'Currmt Indat." X. <br /> . � � If the Indeu li no lon�eer av�ilable,the Nwe Holde►wlll ehoose a naw indo�c which is ba:ed upon compxrable information.The Note <br /> " ''� `' Holder wUl�ive me nake of th(s cFaice. <br /> .` ��;-ir 1,. t : <br /> .. . _.tu:,r <br />�-'-' ' ,;•r, -- � ILI C�1t111WO�O�C� �T'�I•`'�. •' •: <br /> t:�,! ¢M+�oo, anrl nrr3 91 [clIlHaBt ..' <br /> �'��`�-�''%• ' Betwe each ChaaQe Dpte.tfie Note Holder will qlculute my new interat rate by addiog�. �=f � <br /> .Fw.'� <br /> ����;%� goinu(_ 3_5 hi)ro theCurtmt Index and rounding to iht�arest 1/81h of 1�.subject�o thc limits stated in SccNaa 4(D)below. •'. �;; �- .:, <br /> ,-. �y�`' ' <br /> ' ' This rounded aunount�vill be my new interat rate until the next Chonge�ate. � ' <br /> � � � The Note Holder will thrn deternnine the amount of the monthly peyment Ihat would be suificient to repay in full the principal 1 am �y,• r� " <br /> i; ., expected to owe on that Change D�te in substantfally equ�l paymenta by the matudty date at my�ew intercst rote.The rault of�hh calcula��on '��''' + <br /> .r��..,a..-: .4 <br /> '•���';;; , � wfll be the new amount of my monthly payment. <br /> � <br /> .. :" . . (D) IJ�IUOwldneatlUt�Cb�r�a . <br /> ' � ' 7'he interest rste 1 am required to pay at ihe first Chan4e Date wlll not bc greatcr than 11 .S N� or lat tNan ; .;i'.%�t„',; '�� - <br /> ��k';�;� 7-5f1 � interest rote will ncvcr be increascd or dcereased on any single Change Da�e by morc than +�•�^ �°T�''Bnt , �'��''�'' '� _ <br /> i "_���' i;h�.�,�� ,�: <br /> ' �.j�from the rote of interest I have been paying for the preceding twelvt mortths.The minimum interest rate on this loan wfl!never be •,}�;�ti j._.� <br /> . �� F,_�ifl qi and the muimum interat rate wlll never be{reater than ����—�• _= <br /> . =..� <br /> ,. „ (� E(fecThe IMte of Ch��es f � <br /> My�cw intaest rate will become effeciive on each Change Date.l will pay the amount of my ncw monthly payment beginning on the �nt <br /> , rr monthly paymem date after the Ch�n�e Datc untU the amount of my momhly payment chan�es aQain. • _.�,__ <br /> � � lFl NodceoY(Aaa�es 'i'--- _� <br /> � i � Tde Note Holder wiU mall ordeliver to me a noNce before cach ChanQe Date.The noiice wlll advlse me of: '' ��'•'-'�' <br /> ^ (i) the new interat nte on my loan as of the Change Due; �r. '�"�- <br /> � • (ii) the amount oF my monthly payment fallowina IAe Change Date; �' ' }: � <br /> s ; �•_'�'"����,;�� (lii) �ny additional m�ttMS wh�eh the Note Holder is required to disclose;and ' "'' 'i?`��'' '��� <br /> • (��1,'�'� pv) theaddreuoit0uaavaciationyoucouldcontactre�ardinaanyquestionsabouttfieadju�memnotfa. I ;�'•'4�:r� .�'�• . {' <br /> ti;+ , 1�'�.,;,�+.i��: <br /> i; <br /> •- B. CHARCFS�LIEN5 � .. ;���.' � '. , . <br /> • Unitorm Co��enant 4 of the Securiiy Instrument is amended to read as follows: � , <br /> �, (�pu�p;Y,,ixp.Bonower shalt pay all taxes,assessments,and other charges.fines,and imposi�ions auributable to the Property whxh mey ' <br /> �� attaln a pdority mer this Secudty Instrument,and leasehold payments of ground rents,if any,In the mwnner provided under para�yapfi 2 hertof . <br /> or,if not pvld in such maaner,by Borrower making payment,when due,directly to the payec thereot. Borrower shall promptl�fumi�0 Lender , ' <br /> all notioes of omouots due under ihis paraQreph,and in the eyent Borrower shall make payment dfrectly,Borrower shall Dromptly furnish to ;� <br /> Le�Mer receipts evidencing such paymmts. Borrower shall promrdy discharge any lien which das prioritY over thle 5ecucity Instrum�ot: <br /> ' h�wever, 8orsower shall not be required �^discharge an> such her. ,o lon�as Fiorrowee:lal+hal! �grar ir.wnting�o �he paymem o•i�he ,;� <br /> � ebGgation secured by such lien in Ihe manner ncceptahle to Lender,(bl�hal."ir.geod(aith comesi�u:h!ien�h},or defend a�ainat enlor.eme nc of �� <br /> � auch lien in,ICQaI praeeding+which in thc opinion uf Lender operatr�o pre�en�the entorcement o�ihe licn or forfciture of the f'ro(x�syor any <br /> � part thercof:or(e)shall securc from the holder of such lirn an agreemenc in a form�a¢oytaccory to Lender subordlnal�ng�ach I�en tay ihis <br /> � <br /> � . , � $ecurlty Insttutnent. <br /> . ---- --, -" - t►4lt�0er aetrnnincs inri aii v� aur��e���S:.�: .�:.r.";:. .:'�"�''-=��"='�!'-!•=h mav AIfAIII a nriorftv over lhis SecuntY Instrurnen[. . <br /> • � Lender sfu!(give Borcower a nothe identifying�uch lien. Harruwer cR�l�.acctify such lien or take une or more of the xt�ons set forth a6ove <br /> within ten days of the Qivia�of t he notitt. <br /> � C. �IOTICE <br /> UNtorm Covenont 14 of the Secunty f nsrrumcnt is amended to read ac follows: <br /> 11. Nodce.Exetpt for ony noticerequited under upph�able law�o bc gnen iu anather manner,lal any notia tu Borrower pruv�Jed tur m this <br /> Security Instrument shall be�ven by dell��ering i1 ur hy mailing ft by Iin1 dutis m�d 1013orrower n1 the Properly Addrr+c ur a1 wrh��Ihrr�ddrns <br /> as Borrower may daiQnate by noUce to Lender a�provided herem,and Ib1 an>•noure w LenJer tihall be givcn hy�litst cla.,mail�u l ender'. <br /> address stated herein or to such o�her address as Lender may designate by notice w Horrower as pro�iJeJ herein. Any nMi.c pro�idcJ for i n�h�. <br /> Sceunty Instrummt shall be damed to have been g��en to Burrower ur Lender when gnen m�hc manncr Je�ign•ru�J hrtem <br /> . � <br /> ,. ! � <br />