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1.. . � �� ........_....__-"' _.......�el=' <br /> — '- . .�. �tY. -i ' • '",.. . .. .. .. _ . � .J-.Wa��1. y�Li�•t�et�i�-�_-Y,_ <br /> i+ -'ti .1'�,f; .',-�s . . "2 •7�7 <br /> q � ..' .r - .'1. ''rY�''°'•r_ <br /> �a ��= - . . . . �`r• ��.A ^�-:.:'T,{=z-- <br /> 3 ;i��;+:_ - <br /> . _;:r,_ <br /> !. G�e�Mo��Tfr�prnaeeds ol �w�or c�la d�m1��d or�oeM�O�MMW.M�011�IANI�� <br /> �norotf�IMck►pdtlM � .orPM_�.rlM�.ptl0roonw�nabli�uil r,_,� <br /> — �shiBL.iD�bLMtefw: �" - -•'•_-�,_�__....,�.--,'�� . <br /> -- . <br /> M�h.wn►�a.�ow+.�i�qatn.Pr�epieh►.w: _'�_._�a�- . ._ -io�� —�.� <br /> •�om.�.o��a.a�"�...pi1di+�e.�rb.�d��n.:�i��i�o��,n�ua� � . , <br /> eM+ wn�►r,umarnwnNC �.c�.aaTn,��n.�NwM�O�� a �o� . <br /> ar �ww a� �mn�.w.wy��i�i aw.a�kq,ww��ara+�i.�roewi. <br /> H Ih�Rra�y is�by 8o�naw�r.a N MMk�nMa by t�n�irl�sore�ow�r�1 M�ao��tr 'li�� <br /> aw�M or aMW 1�Clw�tor d�nvp�,�ortnw�r IWs b rMpw�d b L�nd�r wi11Nn 30 d�p l�Mr�d�b M�oh eoMOr Isiw�iM, <br /> -_ ��' tand�r�satpliorl=adbCOlqdana�PP�Y�O�oRMdr.alL�nelK'saplkr�,N��JO�Mbr�atan{IdralbhOpMrj►�rlo <br /> th�nwry�NCUrrd Oy Nts ONd M Tn�f. <br /> Unka�L�ndfrend�roiwrall+KwM�apn� wcA�ppNCatlonalp�aoMd�bprie�+IpM�MWnot�lMdor <br /> oo�fDan��au dsM ot 1h��tx�ty inslWr�nls r.Na.a t��qnpr�pNt 1 aia�h�no��or a�Mq�If1�ra�ne ortuoM , <br /> imlbt <br /> �a son���w....�.F�t.nsio�a+n.rin�.broeym«nor�nod�oatla�aw�orar�ionam..ums..oir.deya,+. <br /> OMd o1 Tnut prane�d try L�ndM b a+�r wccM�or in inMrott ot 9on�owu sMN nOt opKaM b iM�M�,in�ry nirf�Mr.M1u <br /> li�bilftyollh�oripki�l8a�owvand Barrow�Pstucc�s�ors InNr�st I,�nd�r�haNnolb�qti�dboo�w►apDOMdit�t <br /> ay�q wdl wccsstot tx nh�M b�xlerxl Hnw ttx plymant or o�NfwiM�nodtf�iinOAizMiOr�0!�M Wny MCUerd by ylir <br /> DNd ot Trust by ro�san ot�r d��d n�by fh�orlpinal8orrowK and Bonow�'s n�oowors In i�Mn�Mt <br /> ,,. Fo.b.���..aa..Ma��aM...11nY�ore.ara�es ay l,�na.r in.xuasY+o.ny�+ane a rom.d,► .ar <br /> otliuwi�s aRard�d bY yrMkY�I�w,sA�M e�oe b��waiver of a th��x�d an�r wdf dpM a nnMQ��4� <br /> ia <br /> h�r <br /> prora,ranM,��.p�ynNraae�x..oroa��l�sor�w�by►L�ndK.hN�naaawdwra�«aws <br /> acqlerals tlN metu�iy of Ih�indibMdrnss s�cured by qNs Omed d Tnmt <br /> - 12.II��Ns C�Ifw 1111 rNn«1Ms provW�d M thla Ds�d d Trust an di�Mnct�nd cumulaMrli b arnr olh� a <br /> - -- r+�n�lyundsrlhia0e�ddTnatadbrd�dbylawareq a�dm�ybe�ais�dconcur►�fl�h�drpM�niiyb�iuoo�My <br />_Wyrt: - — 1�.�uc�sr��ndANiPr1MtM�J�ointand�Ll�bltl�;CaPIfO�M.Tfr�f�batld �Li�+�rNncafdfel�! ' , ., <br />_�::;s- � ---_ - s i u d i�inci.and lher►�fib i�reunderst�il tnure W.Uia reepectly�ssaccsasoraand�W a►�d Sr,rrorwr.sui�j�ttb <br /> .s= �� • theprayinionsotpa►apr�phl7hereoLAllcovrnanfsand�rebmenbMBo►row�rshalihelolnt�I.TNI4Captiont�tld <br /> - ' he�'rnpa of the Puspnph�QI thlq ae�d M Tnut u�lor conwni�nc�only and u�nat b be w«f b Inb►P*a drllr�e th� - <br /> provliions her�of. <br /> 14. NoYc�.ExceplfaanynodcerequiredunderapplicebtelewtobeplveninanoMN'm�rlMr.(�)Iutyitotksb8or�ow�r <br /> -.'��, provldedforinthlsDerdofTr4s�ahallbsqivenbymaillnp suchnodcsbycsrdNsdmaflsddnsoedto6oROwaratfh�ProMry <br /> Addrbs�a at suaA oNbr address�S 8onower may deslynate by notice W LeiM�r�s provid�d h�rNn,and(b)u�r notle�to <br /> . terMnr�halleeqhronbycerNB�dnwll.refum�ecelplrequwted.toLender'sadd�eatfaMdher�inwbauchotl��dWws� <br /> �aid�r msydesipnsqby notic�to Borrow�resprovldedhsrefn.Mynoticsprarld�d forin thfs ONdof Tn�stihall b�drMn�d <br /> ,.,.', to h�ve bsen yhrsn to 8orrow�or Lender when qiven in ttis m�nner de�Ipn�bd her�in. <br /> � •14.1 "Rpunt for NoUCS.Trusto►�nd bsnellelery requeat tliat a copy of�nyr notic�of dMaull and eoNce of f�N m�tM a <br />-;: executed by Me Truetee punuant!o th�provlslooe h�nof be sent W tl�e T►ustor and B�n�Nci�ty at thdr rpp�cqvr n1aiN�tp <br /> .. , (c,. ' addresws sst ronh above." <br /> �y� _ `- '_ fs. UnMonn W�d W Tnak Gow�eNq 1,aw;$�wraWqy►.The form of deed of truet comWnes unifonm cov�nantt ior <br /> - °Ir F�� nafio�ai use and nvr�-umbrm covenants wlth Ilmfled varlauona by�urfsdtcdon to Conetituta e unifomt tocu�i1y ImOumaAt <br />'''`` • „•�'{�1'���i��t i• h ovent Ihat an��.This Deed ol T►uef shall be yovemed by the law of Ihe jud�dfctlon M whioh tlte Property is located.(n <br />�y,{:�' .•yy�*t,,.#.; y provleion or clauee of thie Deed of Trusf or the Note conflicts wNh appticaMe law,wch conplct�hafl not <br /> ��rc aflecfotherprovlslonsofthieDeedofTruetatheNotewhichcenbeglveneHectwithouttheco�tNcdnpprovtsions,andfotl�is <br /> x r u.,,•.,.i,�� end fh�provislona ot the Deed of Truat end lhe Note are declared ro be seversbls. <br /> t�';s'�;�"�����,;ti,t±*�,',3�.io 1d. 9onow�r'r Copr.Borrower ehall be lumishad a conformed copy o1 the Note and ol thi�Deed ol Trust at th�tln�d <br /> " �°" i•,����->��� ex�cuUon aafterracadedon hereof. <br />'��':'j; `� .�,�:,�;.�:.".,h`;;.�i'';_,4 ts. Tnaa�rdth�P 11aum <br /> f, �•.�.v .�,�v,-:,�t.., ro1�r1p; ptlon.II all or any pan ol the property or an fnterest iherNn is sold or hanstened by <br /> _ � <br /> «��"• BorrowerwllhoulLender'apnorwnttenconsent,excluding(a�thecrearionofaNenorencumbrancesubordinatetothisOs�d <br /> '���"�f�„�.�'i�,�r���`:������� of T�ust,(b)thee�eat�onof a purchase money aeeunty intereatforhousehold eppliances,(c)a t►enafer bydevieedeacentorby <br /> . .� ,t�;,+::�r�; -� .'� • o redon ol law u <br /> ��(#�y.� , pe ponthedeathofajointtenanlor(d)theqrentofanyleaaeholdintereatofthroeyeareorlessnotconteininp�n <br /> — optlon to purchase,Lender Lender's opdon,declere all the sums secured by this Deed of Truet to be Immedietelydue <br /> ��' ��t'S'� `} �� �=�� ' and payable.lender ahell heve waf�ed suCh oplion to acaelerate il,pnor to the sale or hanster,Lender and the��to <br /> 1��.:'�7 t I ! 1 y <br />,•A�;•' � �,:"�'Iji+�7�'Y'-���,;�y'���?'��4 whom fhe Property is to be sald or Ira�slerred rttach ayreement�n wnHng thaf the credit oi 8uah persOrl1s:ed W <br /> :''�; � �tj1�'.::'• :.;,t::.;:�•••.•��� LenderandMettheinterestpayableonlhesumssecuredbythleDeedofTruatshallbeat�uahrateaeLendellhall�queef.lf <br /> �' �'•'�,3+�•f.y',;'';:;�r:,;�"':4.;. LenderhaswaivedfheapbonroaccelerateprovidedmMiaparegrephl7.andd8onoweiasuaceasoriM�te�eethesexecuted <br /> �., ' i�,.,,,:�'�4•..� <br /> t `;;:,��< <,;:��,_,,,•�,y;;�i awNftenas9umptionagreemenlacceptedinwruingbyLender,Lende►shallrelet�ssBorrowerlromallobNyadonsund�rthls <br /> �� <br /> ., . :':�;;?�;;;,r,•��ti�•.;;;,,,��;t}1 Deed ol T�uat and the NotO. <br /> �,�r�(,:.,��-+;• r ,a� II Lender exerdses euch option to acCelerate,Lender shall mad Borrower noGCe ot aCCeleratlon In accordenee with <br /> �w <br /> �� �`���'���' ��' ' P 4 P p penodolnotlesslhan30deyslromthedetethenoticeismalledwithinwhich <br /> ,U!r':�. `,i.,; ,:,,,- e�� �e h 14 he►eof.SuCh notice ahell roWde a <br /> �;;;z�,,: ' • :�.;;�,��s� Borrower may pay the tums deCla�ed due.If 8orrower lails to pay such sums pnor to the expuatlon at such period.Lend�r <br /> ":r•;:' �'- �����1�; ,. TAy,W11hOUf}urther notice or demand an Borrower,�nvoke any�emedies permffted by pa�agraph 18 heteof. <br />. `- . 1 :C�fn!''•' <br /> ;.,;�;v;c: •,, : NON•UNIFOpM COVENANTS.BorrowK�nd L�nd�r IuAh�r cov�n�ot and ayne a�lolbw�: <br /> , �:�;�:;. � '': 1!. AccN�raQon�;fl�rn�diss.Except as proaded in paragraph 17 hereol,upon Borrower's 6reech of any covenant or <br /> '� egreementot8orrowerinthie0eed01Trus�includingthecovenantatopeywhendueanysumsaecuredbythiaDeedofTrusL <br /> �:y�� , Lenderprio►toeccelerallonshallmailnoticetoBarowerasprovidedinperegrephl4hereotspecityt��:�1)thebreach:�2)fhe <br /> � • ectlon required to cu reauah breach;(3)8 date.nof less then 30 days Irom tne dete the nollce 1s malied to 8orrower,by which <br /> �*��•�•' such b�each must be cured;and(4)that la�lure to cure auah b�each on ar before theCate specilied in the notlCe mey result in <br /> • � � •accelerehonofthesumssecuredbyth�50eedofTrustandsaleoHheProperty.TFfenoticeshellfurlhetinforinBorrOwerolthe <br /> , nght to reinstate aAer acceleratlon and the righl to bring a court act�on to asse►t the non•existence ot a de18uN or any other <br /> ' detense of Borrower to acceleration and sale.111he breach�s not cured on or belore the dete apecllied In the notice,Lender at <br /> � lender's optlon may declare all ol the eums secured by this Oeed of Trust to be�mmediately due end peyable without lurther <br /> � •'� _ demend and mey mve+ke the pov�er ot,^.ala and any other remaJ�as petnmtttid by a�ticabte law.Lendei shal{ix�nnliNed to <br /> t � � ColleCt ell reesoneble coats and expenses incurred�n pursumg the remediea prov�ded m the peregraph 19,lncluding,Dut not = <br /> Umded to,►easoneble altorney�s fees. <br /> x �� tl the powe►ol sale�i�nvoked.Trustee shall record a nouce of delauU�n each counry in which the Ptoperty or sOme pert r= <br /> _ thereofi=IocetedendaheltmedCapiesolauchnallcemfhemannerprescnbedbyapplicablelBwtoBorrowerendtOth@dhe� Y� <br /> ° �"• pereona preacnbed by appUcable law.Afler Ihe lapse of such hme as may be requued by appliCable law.Trustee Sh811 glve � <br /> publlc no6ce ol sale io Ihe pereona and�n the manner prescrfbed by applicable law.Truatee,without demand on BonOwer. - <br /> '° shellaellthePropeAyatpublicauctiontotheh�g�eatbidderatthet�meandplaceandunderthete►msdea!gnatedinthenotice u <br /> of asle In one or more peraels and in such order aa Trustee may determ�ne.Trustee may postpone 9ale of all or any pa�cef of <br /> � �„ ,.: , the Property by puWic announcemenl at the tlme end place ot any previously scheduled sate.Lender or lender's deeignee �. <br /> � .• may purchase Me Properly at any sale. m <br />- Upon reeeiptof(�ymentof the price bid,Trustee shall delner to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveyf the PropeAy aold. - <br /> ThwrwCdalslnfhartr��aLr'ad�d•6ellwn ..Ia.. .....d�....�....�_......._....__�.�__�--�-°---'�-. _. <br /> �,., . . '. .- ' "".__'___' <br /> �• . ' � . "" --"--••--••-•••••••.••.��:•^•:.....v:�r....v�...a�•...ou���.v�u�oawm����a���itMVVttf1WI�.�1Y:►tOQiNM11a�I�llr '—. <br /> i � the proceedaotthesalem the ldlow�ng order:�a1b all reasonable costaand expr�naea ofthesale,includinp,butnotllmfted to. <br /> Truttee'sfeesofnotrnarethan_. %olthegrosssalepnce.reasonableattomey'steesandcostsofdNsevldence: b <br /> _ �� � ' ' , Ib)b ell sums secured by this Deed of Trust.and(C)the exceas,d any,to the pe►son or peraona IeQally entltled dt�roto. <br /> � � 19. �owK'�RiqM b R�Mattl�.Notw�thstand�ng Lender's accelerahon o1 the sums secwed bY thfs Oeed of Trurt, �� <br /> �: � � „ 8o:ro+xorshaHhavuttsonphtiohsveanyproceedingabegunbylendertoenforcethsDeedofTrwtdisconHnwdatanytlme � <br /> ut <br /> pnorto the earlfertoaccur o1(f)the lfflh day betorethesale o1 the Property pursuant tothepower olqls contelnsd in the Osed <br /> „ of Trust pl)antry of a�udqment enforany this Deed of Truat it(a)Bonower pays Lender all sum�which would be then due . <br /> ;i • under fhfs Desd of Truat the Note and notes secunng Future Advences,d any,had no accelentlon occurod:(b)Borrower <br /> cura ell braaches ot any other covenants or agreemenls ol8onower contained in this Deed of Tru't(c)Barower pays all � <br />, ; �� ,�,� reatonabllexpensesincur►oclbyLenderandTruateeenforcingthecovenantaandepreemenbo}Bortpwerconhfn�dinthfa � <br /> � � � � DNdotTrusl�ndmenlorcmpLender'aandTrustse'aremediesaaprowdedinparagraphl8hsroof,including,butnotlfmlhd <br /> ` %�t. ��y�' to,raosonable�ttorney f lees:and�d)8orrower qkea auch acdon aa Lendar may reawnpbly requlreb aawre that the Ifen of <br />'1 •,t:;,�. Mis Oaed of Trust lendm's Interest in the Proparty and 8orrower'a o6Ngetlon to pa1�the eums secured by thfa Dsod of Truot <br /> . ahall conUnw unwnpafred.Upon such payment end cure by Borrower,thfs 0e�f of Truat and the obli�atbns aecured hsrebr <br />- • �hall►�In m full fo�ce and eM�ct as if no accelerahon hed xcurred. ` <br /> v ,� "i <br />