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<br /> ''''�J�^�•�, 4 That in the �vent Mort9agors fail to pay when due aay taxos,
<br /> ��- . �, l )
<br /> ,�� t rental charqea upan any leaaes aosigned as additicnal security for
<br /> ;, ,,. ;�.,�:,.SE�: this mostQaQe, lieas, judqment�, or asses�ment� lawfully assessed �ja�__
<br /> aga►in�� the proparty herein mortgaqcd, or .fail to maintaia _ _ _
<br /> � � '� � � inaurance as hereinbefore provided, MortgagQe maY make �ueY� payr►ent ��-_�--�=--�
<br /> '�' � � or provide suah insurance, and the amouat paid therefor shall ----
<br /> �'� � �i� ; . become a part of tt►e indebtedaess seaured hereby, due and payable s �=�.�::�>•�a-
<br />� '� "� �•�� imneaiately, and shall bear interest at the curreat rate of the � .'�r} . ���*?�-i:'
<br /> �:�� � �� • MortQaQee at the time the MortyaQee makes suah paymant.
<br /> .L+. „ � —�_�,.�,�'_
<br /> • � (5) Z'hat in the event Mortgagor defaults in the payment of said =—�_`-----_-;
<br /> • "' ' p rinci pal swa, or in the repayment of any additional advaaces made -- _ _
<br /> fi . a s h e r e i n provided, or o f any in ter e s t t h e r e o n, a t t h e t i m e w h e a -=_;���—
<br /> � the eame shall be due, ar with respect to any ca v e n a n t o r c o n d i t i o n M "
<br /> hereof, then, at the optica of Mortqagee, the entire indebtedaess =��•='"4=`-=—
<br /> '��' secured hereby shall forthwith become due and payable, arid the ,,,�;;�=��;�_.s__.v
<br /> .. � Mortqaqee may immediately foreclose thia mortgage or pursue anp iF.�xp...�,_-_..o::� —
<br />;;''�;:;� - � � � ��� other avai.lable legal remedy. In the event of any action by �_ � T_�
<br /> '�� MortqaQee to enforce collection of the mortqage debt, the Mortqagor
<br /> j " :�
<br /> " �� " ° '' • agrees that aay expense inaurred to proaure or extend an abstract � . , . ._
<br /> of title shall, when paid by Martgagee, become a part of the debt � �
<br /> �;;;:,�. . .�,,;;�. �
<br /> ;:• ;,: . � ,�.�.. � . �. secured hereby, and shall be pa i d by mor tQaqo r t o q e t h e r w i t h a l l ,q-�
<br /> �� ' such action. �`"�.� '
<br /> • �, .. „ , of the taxable coats of :;�.'r:_i,,_�,w',,��
<br /> ;����:
<br /> ' .,��:':1�1„I�.. .. .• ,�� .
<br /> '��:�� �� (6) That in the event action is brought to foreclose tY�is mortqaqe � ,;-, ;.�., �, •
<br /> ' � � "��� for all or any part of the debt secured hereby, the Mor�gaQee ahall t.�,�,��prM"�. �
<br /> - .. �. r...^_�T_��;'I �_•..-.-, .. 2
<br /> � be entitled to immediate possession of th� r►���qaged p:.amises, and �
<br /> �' ' the court, or a judge t�ereof in vacation, may appoint a receiver �?sdT�°r,�,,•-•;,����
<br /> � �:,4�S•,.�:•'.+:.i1�`'.; . .
<br /> �:�:�<�•..�•�t�'�"�.�',,•, ssion o� said pretaiaes to aollect and receive rents � � •���
<br /> . .,.1 ,. to take posse r r.':�`
<br /> � •. •,,;�;.,:., . ,,. ,..,. , .
<br /> � ,�,�:::, ;<��' :•:,;!• and profits arisinq thereframj and from any moneys so collect , � ;,,
<br /> ' to pay taxes, provide insurance, make needed repairs to � �;�A•,:
<br /> ' '�''' improvements upon the premises, and �nake any other expenditures �► ,-. . � -'�;�;^�
<br /> • s � � authorized by the courtj and apply any sum remaiainq after the �� ��"��'���
<br /> „ payment of such authorized expenditures upon the mortqa�e C ,,�_,
<br /> indebtedness. � �� ,�'"
<br /> . ,;: .. . �
<br /> , � (7) That failure or delay of Mortgagee to exercise any of its �, .';,ryr�':-- �
<br /> ��';-,;;��. ;;�,`;'��,�' , rights or privileges shall not be construed as a waiver thereof, ; „ _.
<br /> ''��'� "�`� th�t any act af Martgagee waivinQ anY sPecific default of Mortgagor '' -
<br /> • ''�'�:q:,;,�;�n;•��,�,,��g..'.� ' .'
<br /> . , ,..;, �.,, shall not be construed as a waiver of any future defaults; that ia ' � ,'�•, ' ; �,,t�:;;:.,: T-�-
<br /> ,., ' �•�':;;:•-•� case of default in the paytnent of any notes, installments or ; ,� .�• ;.}:�Z--_
<br /> �,.,•f_, ��-�:;v�';:�=:-•
<br /> �;:.,�.r�;�,;�i:,�t,�:,;;� interest, or in case of payment by Mortqagtee of any lien, judgment, , .','',;L�;�,';'ri�,_
<br /> � :'";`•�'�;.� " tax, insurance, coet or expense, said Mortgagee shall have the '�:i_���..-
<br /> :�;:;:,�:-:'•�,;:'' ... , privilege, without declaring the whole indebtedness due and :. ..
<br /> � '' �'' +�;, . payable, to foreclose on account of such specific default for such ` ��',��,�
<br /> ��s , ;�,;�� sums as are in default and such foreclosure proceedings may be had .:
<br /> � � ` °;' and the land described herein may be sold, subject to the unpaid ��.
<br /> J . ,.• ��:i� ��
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