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<br /> _ (D�der N�brasara Trust Or�ala Aot)
<br /> �``�a. ` DiOii �I.L 118J1 BY TiQSS �A�33g31'PS t ------
<br /> ��� TH11T �118, 1�11 part of the indebtednese secured by the Trust -
<br />'��+�. �. � ,�a�. Deed executQd by SOPIiIA T. STROHL to CL11Y M. ROGERS as Trusteo for
<br />;:-:; . ��°� � the benefit of AVCO FINI�NC=AL 3E�tViCES INTERNATiONl1L, iNC., the
<br />, ,.• . .
<br />'• .� ,. Y Beneficiary named therein, dated ]►pril 9, 1987, and recor e n --_�
<br />' � ' �'='. the Rall County Glerk�s Offico, Graad Island, Nebraska, aa
<br /> � Document No. 87-101976, has been paid, and said Beneficiary has �-�-- ----�
<br /> � roquo�ted in writing th�t this Doed of RQCOnveyanco ba axoautod
<br /> � , nnd dolivered as confiraed by izs endoresment below.
<br />�l' '
<br /> . _1.:: •
<br />. � T�RBFORE, in consideration of auch payment az�d in accordance
<br /> -• . �R
<br /> � � � "'"`�: with the r eat of the Beneficia named therein the undersi n�d '°"�'" '"'
<br />: ..� ��;�,.:.� .•, ecN rY � 9 �!:�' •.�;;�;;`;:
<br />�. . , �� ',;;;��•' , as Trustee doea by these presents, grant, remiae, release and ��.•��,� ,.,,_.,
<br /> � ��!'�:! reconvey to the person or porsone entitled thereto all the � -,�;;�,-.
<br /> � �� ' interaet and estate derived to eaid Trustee by or thxouqh eaid t i��:•:�
<br /> ` y ' �� Trust Deed in the �olloKiaq deecribed premisee but only as to ouch �"' , "''.
<br /> �i;,. --_-----
<br /> ;��;��..c- premisea: =�-�-
<br /> .,•, �.'.'.-,�"
<br /> ��fiV�� Lot Five (5), in Geer Subdivision of Lota Six (6), ��'"��=-•
<br /> . •;,.:_: • ��:F� �.. _
<br /> � � �''iw,�,��s• �'t:_
<br /> ; ',f,���.� • �'�',t4,�.' �� Seven (7) , end Eight (8), Garrett•s eubdivieion of j� ,_
<br /> ' �r,;,' ���,�.-
<br /> '����::r� � �;r.;: •..� � the Northeast puarter (NE 1/4) of Section Nine (9), � �•;--
<br />� ' � � � ���`����•``� Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) Weat of �
<br />� ,. -. ':^=`'�:,� - the bLn F.�i., Hall �oun�y Neb�aska. _-- ,--�
<br />