. � - �•��[i�i: ������.' . , ._�.. ,t�? y- r �._..:.,--_. _ - -
<br /> � w( :� r� �..�
<br /> .- '�'!'1�1I� - ` —
<br /> . . - '�' .._ _ . . .�... .�� '��,;Y'� ---- -,-. _- .—Y_
<br /> . ... . ��1: . -�"h.. _. ......:.........
<br /> ' ..t..M•ii. " "_'_ - __ "
<br /> " �1 .�. ��.�_t_� ..r-_"
<br /> ��y i r
<br /> � � 91-- �02930
<br /> .� NLt�� .'----___'..
<br /> s 1 tM P►op�rhr I�w qit�n or d�m�0�•L����II h�v�q�opGon,In Ib sot�and�bwlut�dl4ontipn,lo apply a�l auah ProcNd�, _
<br /> � :L�, dt�►d�duatlno th�rNr4m�II co�t��nd�xq�►nMh�nowr�d br It In conn�otlon wllh woh Procn�do,upon�n�Ind�bOsdnea tsaured
<br /> ..�i, ,;. I��by and In�uQh order��l.�nder mar d�tarmin�,or to�pply�II�uoh praMd�,�Itu�uoh d�ducdan�,to the rqtorstlon of d�
<br /> `^�"���y�' P�op�rty upan woh eoedltipn��s Lmder mNy d�ts�min�.Any applic�tlon o1 ProeMds w Ind�btrdnns thall not exton4 a poupon�
<br /> 1�`t,'.+�''j�.":_—
<br /> _ i' th�du�dst�ol�ny p�ym�nt�unqer th�Notn,or oun�ny dd�ult Ih�r�undu or h�r�und�r.My unapplled lunds ahall b�pald to
<br /> � . Tnutot.
<br /> - - j ••,f --���------ � 8. pwkrrm�na�by L�da.Upon it�a�cuurrence af an Evant of Detault heres,nder,or t1 any ect u tww�n ur��gal procNding __ i_s.� T___
<br /> ! � comm�nolld whlah m111nrl�lly afleat��and�r�Int�re�Un tho Properry.Lmda mYr in ito own diaGrotlon,but without obNpatian to do �--�-: -- - --
<br /> ;��'`���� w,and without notlas ta or demand upon True tor an d w l l h o u t r s t�a U n p T r u�t o r I r o m a n y o b l i g s d o n,do an�act whioh Truetor hes
<br /> ^'�� aprs�M but lallp ta do and may alao da�ny other act It dwmA n�c�tsary to protect the aecuriry hereol.T�uetor�hall,imm�dlataly
<br /> ��.�T "°--�-•s::_:
<br /> ;�.,:• �� " upon demand ther4for 6y Lander,p�y ta(.ender ell costs end expanees Inaurred and aums axpended by Lend4r In conneadon with y L A-.�A ..
<br />�i;• ' lhe�x�rolps by Lender of the forepoln8 ti�htp,topether with int�rost thppon et the ddault rate providqd in the Note,whtah ehell be � ' L��� �
<br /> F�4� ••W�+� • �d d e d to thp Indebtednoa sacured fiareby. Londer ah�q not Incur my Ilabillry becsuea of anythinp it may do or omit to do ___
<br /> f ,r . .. harounder. �,;""r ��.� _.:�
<br /> ,��_r_� �':� °. g, H�1�nlqu�M�q��U.Trustor shall kaep tha Proporty In compllance wlth all epplfaable lews,ordinanoes and reyulations �—____ ,_
<br /> - � =�-- �- - •• rolatin8 ta induetrlal hyglene or envlronmentpl protection(cdtectively rpferr�d to herofn aa"Ernironm��lal Lewa'7.Truator shall _. _
<br /> ' •"`� keep tha Property►tree tr4m all wb�t�na0s deemed to be haaardou�or toxia under eny Environmentall.awelaallecUvely reierred to
<br />� .�w� �� hereU ae"Ha=ardoue Materiala'7.Truetpr heraby werranb and reprasenta tv Lender thet there ere no Hazardoua Materlala on o� �,�'�v;����
<br /> under tha Prope►ry.Truetar hereby aprees to�ndemnlly end hold harmleat Lender,ite dlrqcW►a,oNloera,employeea and apents,and
<br /> • `' • any auaaeesom to Lender'r i�tareet fr4m and apainat any and all claim�,dwnages,loaees and IIabllitlee arleing In connecdon with ; �,,,�n
<br /> �== • �� ' tha presenoe,uea,dieposal or trenepart ot anp He�erdous Materlala on,under,irom or about ihe Properry.THE FORE(301NQ
<br /> . ;'�`��`:', - :- St],RNNE RECONV�1fMIGE OF THIB D�EQ QR TiiUST. �;'"�""`___ --
<br /> ...II.'.Y.. • '
<br /> , �� • 10. Msipnm�nl of R�ntN.Truetar herebp aealgne to Lender the rents.Issuea and prollte of the P►operty;provided thet Truetor � �`�
<br /> � �� `� shall,unNl the oeaunenae of an Event pf De1auN ha�+aunder,have the ripht to collect and retain auah�ente,feeuae and protits as they
<br /> ..x.� due and a eble.Upon the oacurrenaa of an Event of Delault,Lendor mey.either in peraon or by ayant,with or wlthout �,.,�.•_•_� ,=
<br /> • become p Y
<br /> brMqfng eny actlan or proaeeding,or by a reaeive��appo ln t e d by a c o u r t a n d w i t h o u t r e q e r d t o t h e a d e q u a c y o f i t s s e c u r l ry e n t e r ,r�,�=�,:
<br /> .e.,, ;, • t� --
<br /> � upon and takq possesalon ot the Propertp,or any part thereof,in ite own name or in the nsme of the Truatee,and do any acls which it �. -
<br /> � '.h�' ,. deema neaeeaary or desirable to preserye tha veluu,ma�ketabiliry or rentabihty of the Property,or any part thareol or Intereat there�n, ��[i�fi�:+=4.--
<br /> increaae tNq Income theretrom or protaat lhR eecuriry horeol end,with or without tekfng poesession of the Property,eue tor or �'���'-
<br /> � �• 4 ''°'�• ° otherwise colleot tha renta,ieaues end prqfile thereof. includinp those pael due end unpaid,end aqp�y the seme,teas Costa end ��;y.:;�y�t,,tL�
<br /> ' expensea of operatlan and collaatian inaluding attorneys'laea,upon any indebtedneas secured hereby,all In such order es lender ��, . .
<br /> R ° � mey determine.Tha entering upon and takin�posseesion of the Property,the colleotlon of auch�ente,issues and pro}ite and the _���----- `
<br /> • ° _ �� . appllceNon thereoi ae e/n�eeald, ahail not cure or weive eny delault a ndice of default hereunder or frnalidete any act done in �;��.;;:.
<br /> � � tesponse to suCh delpult or purAUenl ta such notlte ddelault end,notwithstendlnp the continuenae in posseasion of fhe Properly or -_
<br /> -- �'' • the co!lecdon,teeefpf e^d appliaatlon of�ents,Issues or pro0ts,and Trustea and Lender shall be enutled to exercise every ripht �
<br /> `'�J•�.^ � ',� +i`.`��i'� p►ovided fqr in.any ot ihq Loen Inshuments or by law upon oceurrence of eny Event ot petauit,inciudinp wiihuui limliailon fhs rlgh! »',-.��.; .;---
<br /> . .ir- rr�.:_
<br /> �� �' �' � 1;,;.; , to exeroise H+e 9ower of sele.Further,Lender's rlghts and remedies undar Ihfs paragraph ehall be cumulalive wlth,and In no way a _
<br /> ��''�'•�' ' " � � limitatfon on.Lender's rights and rwnediea under anyaselpnment o1 leases antl renta recorded eyeinst lhe PropaAy.Lender,Truatee
<br /> � . � • ' and�he receive�shell be liable to account only for lhose rente acwally received. _ _`�'�� ~
<br /> � 11_ �w�s oi DNauIL The tofbwlnp shall conarilute an Event of DetaWt under thfs Oeed of Trust _�•-�W.
<br /> � .� (a1 Fallu►e to pay any inalallment ol prUcipal or Interest of any other sum secured hereby whan due; �-.�'';:�,k,;
<br />:�,` r, �• �b) A b�each of er default under any provisfan contalned In the Pfote,thfe Deed of Trust,any ot the Loan Instrumenta,or any �:--t'„r
<br /> ' oth4r iien or encumbrance upon the Property: . �.". 1-��=�
<br /> �• .�•� (C) A wrlt of execufion or eRechment or any simllar prpcess shall be entered againet Trustor which shell bocome a lien on .�.�:,�;r��,_
<br /> r;:;:��:, . . „� �-
<br /> ,;�yi�,�z, ihe Property or any pohion thereol or Interest the�eln; `'�'`"
<br /> ,'.,�•1'�' " (d) T here ahall be liled b y or e galnst Trustor or 8orrower an actlon under any pr�sent or luture tederal,state or other !
<br /> ' �,��
<br /> atatute,law or regulaUOn relating to bankrupfcy,Insolvency or other re�lpf lor debtors;or there shell be appointed any truntee, !j ::,�;.�•
<br /> � � •. �f�,:.;�°�� receiv�r or Ilquldator ot Trustor or Borrower or ol all or any part of ine P�operiy.or the rente,Iseues or pro4ts thereof,or Truetor � . ..
<br /> � � ,��r, o�6orrower ahall make any yeneral assignment for the bene0t ot Creditors; �' �
<br /> '' �, �, ' ;ti,�r,;;! (e) 7he salk,transfer,lease,asslgnment, conveyance or luhher encumbrance of ell or any part of or any interest in the ,
<br /> ;�;�. , : , Property,eithar voluntarlly or involuntarily, wlthout the expresa wrNlen consent of Lender; provided ihet Truetor ahell be
<br /> . ����:�•. ,� permltted ta exacute a lease ot the Property that does not contaln an oprion to purchase and the term of whlah doe4 not exc9ed �--.,..p„,.
<br /> ;� ` :':+;;�'n-. • • ons Yeer, � '�`•� . -
<br /> , ,; ,` ,,
<br /> i •'� t .;,;,:',..�y�; (ry Abendonmentoltne Property;or , �
<br /> � �•�y,'•, ••;;,�_;%� (� If Truetor fs not an fndlvidual,the fsauance,sale,trenaler.assignmen�conveyanae or encumbrenceof more then a totel i
<br /> :'�:,, � ,
<br /> ;;:l��..�;;:. , ..ti::.
<br /> /;�:s)i��": � of percent of(N a corporatfon)ita issued end outstand�ng s1ock or(if a partnersh�p)a total of percent of �; .
<br /> ' ''`:'' pertnershlp interests during the period thls Oeed ol Trust remeins a lien on the Property. • , ;'�� c
<br /> � ' � 12. R�medler,AoeNualbn Upon Dd�ult.In the event of any Event o1 Default Lender may,wlthout notice except as required by _____:
<br /> . •�',f. '��r,:, law,declero aU indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same ah811 thereupon become due and payable � Yj_,�
<br /> - ����;�•�.' withaut any pr4eentment,demend,pratest or nolice of any klnd.Thereafler lender may: � ��•t'.`;,�„
<br /> `�.,�,;�°,,, (a) Demend tnat Truatee exerciae the POWEH OF SALE granted hereln,end Trustee shall lhereaRer esuse Trustor's ��.;,;;r�
<br /> • , interast In tde Property lo be aold and the proceeds to be distnbu�ed,ell In the menner provlded in the Nebraska Truel 0eeda �.,
<br /> AC� ,
<br /> � (b) ExerCiee eny and afl rlphts ptovided for fn eny of the Loan Ingtruments or by law upon occurrenCe of any Event of ,
<br /> �,�;'.:.",� , Delault:end � ;
<br /> (c) Commence an acUOn to forectose thfs Deed of 7rust as a mortgaye,appoint a rece�ver,or speciticelly enlorce any ot the
<br /> covenan4�hereol. '
<br /> No ramedy herein Conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender�s�ntended to be exclusive of eny olner remedy herein,ln the ,
<br /> Loan Inetrumenta ar try law provided or permllted,but each ehall be cumulat�ve.ahall be�n eddltfo�10 every other remedy given
<br /> hereunder,ln 1Ne Loan lnstruments or now or hereafler ex�abng at law o��n equity or by statute,and mey be exerC�Bed concurrently,
<br /> independently or suacessively.
<br /> � 13. Truolu�.The Truatee may resign at any t�me w�thout cause.and Lender may at any time and without cause appomt a
<br /> aucceesor or subetilute Trustee.Trustee shelt not beiiable to eny pa►ty.�ncluding wUhout I�m�tahon Lendar,Barrower,Trustor or any
<br /> � punchaser af ine property,fo�any ioss or damage uniess due to►ecktess or w�ulul m�sconduct,and aha11 not be reqwred to take any
<br /> aCtfon in connection w�th the enlorcement of th�s Deed o1 Trusl unlesa�ndemmtled. �n wnung, far all costa. compensaUOn or
<br /> - — - "�...,r�tie o..v,u.tu��ud�r.�al nr
<br /> . ` —._ — .. 8Kp8n666 WhiCh mey be 8880C�at@0 tnerewRn in aaa:cwn.7rusiea muf uei:'vmc u jrii��`o'w:o��s w.�--...._. ._�- -..-- - .
<br /> • under the powar ol ealg granted herem).postpone the sa�e of an or any po►aon of the Property.ae prowded by law:or sell the
<br /> P�operty ae a whalg,or m separate parcets or lots at Trustee's d�screl�on.
<br /> td. R�N and�pw�NS.�n ehe event Trustee aells 1ne Propeny by e�ereiee ol power ot eale,Truetee ahaN be enutied to apply
<br /> � any sele proceeda f�ret to payment of all co�ts and expenses ot e�ercising power o!sate.�ncluC�ng ell Trustee's fees.and Lender's
<br /> end T�uet�e's anomey'n 19e�.eCtuelly inCUrred to extent Dermittetl by eppliCahle 18w 1n Ihe event Borrower or Trustor exerC�ses a�y
<br /> ripht prov►ded by�aw tn cure an Event o1 Delault.Lender shell be endtled to recover from Truslor a�l cosls and expe�ses actually
<br /> incurced ae a raoull al Truetor's default.��Cludfny w�thout�imitel�on all TruBtge's a�d attorney's tees. to the extent permitted by
<br /> appllCeble Inw.
<br /> � 15. RuWt+�AdvancN. UpOn requeat of Borrower.Lender may,at �IS opt�on meke add�t�onal end luture advances and re-
<br /> advanCee td B[frrower.Such advanCes a�d readvanCes.wfth Interest Ihereon.shall be secured by thfe Deed of Trust At no t�me Shell
<br /> the pnncip�18m0unt 0�the mdebtednesa seeured by this Deed of Trust.not mclud�ng suma advanced to protect the secunty ol thia
<br /> Diled ol TMUB�aMCe6tl tf�e onpinel princlpal emount sWted here�n. or 5 � , wh�chever �a�ceater.
<br /> '
<br />