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- _ --_.___..���' _""�""'""_ . � . -.�---- .- .- , .� : . :-�"'..:. -- _ <br /> . ., �"' �` • . ? <br /> yipiir�hie 1�.s�,Y-�Y��[��'�� �a ot tl�e!'�+opetty Penr�t to re7f pe*'e�d�b ee�MN�Ila�1ia �•� <br /> - �� -_ . , S�c�rity la�o�tt a tb)p�y ot�,�laplMR c�f�#W�r� `�ibow a�io�s:�tSt�Gvi�.wiiz�y . � <br /> pq►s 1.ender�11 wa� wF�ich ti�a► w�ould.6e dNe ae*r:ddl 8earrity'l�t and Ibe lroM�r U np aor�i�ra�ii� Yi� , ,. ' ; . <br /> o o a�u�e d:N)cw�a an y defaalt of an y ahet oovaq�nn ar�ro a t�:(o�MY�+�QxP�ieerered b a�dbKiry�Ai�� . ., <br /> • In�tnpnaK,includin�,6nt not limitad to�s�e�aud�ie anonbys'fee�;�(d)qka s�Ch +iction as Landef'maY ro�olt�Et!' <br /> requine w s�ue+e thM tha Ikn d thi�Securlty impwNaM.I�aderti ri�fa d�e A+op�rty wd Hortowerl�abii�Mion wp Ibo <br /> wnu �qcurod by th� 5ecudty Imbumaa �lull oa�tue t�dMOYeA. Upon riinrhMnknt by �arorwr� lhts �i�ia�tky ; <br /> in�tnnrian aid tbe obli�a�ecwai iraeby�iwl�!fao�in fiiliy effacQve�Unar�cceWatlon!ud occut�d. Hawtve��rfa <br /> �i�fit�o ie�tue�hall not�pQly ln the ca�e d�cal�entian uader pwap�ph li. <br /> !�. BaN d Nalei�Ke ot I.o�Swvtar. 'ILa Nate or s p�rti�l intaeat in�he N�(�wHh W s S�wity <br /> In�trwnmt)un�y ba akl oue ur maa tim�wldia�et prior rotioe w Bamwer. A u!e m�y re,�utt in a ch�a in Ifie at�dty <br /> (�norwt a the"I.a�►Serviar")th�t coQects moMhl91�Y�due undcr tba No�e and tblr Security lnwunwit.7Lae da <br /> m�y ba one or maoe chaagea of tho Lo�n Servlcar unrabted w��alc oP tha Note. If thena!s a�e4a�e ot tbe[.o�Savioer� , <br /> Bormwcr wW be Qivrn written notice of the cban�e in accoid�nce with pragaph 14 nbove md�pplic�bb l�w. 'iLa aatia <br /> will u�ue the namo and addr�af the new Lom Servicer And the�to wldd� prymaita Wiould be made. The�o�ioe�iil <br /> �k+a�oatain�ay other information raN�bY�PP�ceble lsw. <br /> �A. Hmrd�u Sub:t�aoa. Horrower dWl not cause or Qermit the p�r.sence.use,di�po�l.swrKe,or[iek�e af�ey <br /> Naxridous Sub�qa�as on or in Ihe Propaty. Bormwa s�li �wt d0.oor allow wyone eJ:e W do.iay� dt'adns die <br /> �1ro�pe�y that Is ia violatioa of Any Environment�l Iaw. 71ie pr�aooding twa scn�enoe:sMll pot�pplr w the <br /> e�+�o oa thc Propeiqr af sm�qwntit�a of Fl�z�rdons Su6wu�es th�t x�o g�a�a��row�oir�od�o be�wopiaMe to aamY <br /> raidentW uses md�oo naumt�nar�e ot the YtoQeitr, ', . � . <br /> .. <br /> �i#a��:i�1l�pevmptly�irc lt�dec riiuea mtice of'�qv i�o�l�7iaa�rd���pd.4waait or'olher�►ctac�a by�ny <br /> G�..� �vrrmnentai a re ,latory.�,�.cy'��r'sv.:N.�iaL:�.�?.:� Tf��Fiilj.�c.'iiy&�.3:�{}t�i�a:urds}xr:;"�s�c at�_st�a! :,; ; <br /> ��� ...Lnw ai'�al{ich#iarrower has s�ctual knowkdge. If Boitower le;�rns, �ls.potf�Ci fiY ai�v:�a�asw►�Y�•!ar x�c&��Q�Y ': <br /> `-_ ±.-.� '• authar�ry.4hat ony rcmaval or oQiar rcmrdiation nf anY l�la�ardops SubatanGe 9FfecN�g the,'Proper+y i�:necesasry.��wer�: . , . <br /> _ -';� . shall P!!�P�Y lake al)necassary remedial actiane in accordance w111��nvironmenRal Law. � � . '. . �: <br /> _.::-:— .4v uaed in this paragrnph 20."Nai�udaus subarancea"are dwse abs�ncd dcMed as tox�c or dazardauf�substaAO�s�by',.��.::,.��:. , <br />-"�;>;,� EnvKOnmentel Law and tho foiiowing aubstancea: gasoline,kerosene.other flainmable or toxlc peuoleum pcuducts,tbxic <br />� pesdcidcs and hetbioides. volatile solvenus.materials containing sutbestos or for�aaldehyde,and radioacUve materiali. Aa <br />°z� used in this paragraph 20."Environmental Law"means fedeml lsws and I�we of ti�e jurisdlati�on where�the Propeny ia located <br /> '��„r,,;�,� that relate to hcalth.aefery or environmental protection. � <br />--=��a-_� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and La�der fwther covenont md eg�+ee ss fdlowa: <br /> —_ — 21. Acoeleratton; Ite�aedles. L.eader ehpll glva notke to Borrower prior to�ccderadon �dlowi�Borrower's <br /> �; breach of Any coveapnt or agreement In Wis 3ecurlry Inotrament(but not p rlor to wccelerntbo under para�ph 17 <br />_ nal�ss apg!!cal�!aa pravldes etlssmfxl. T�r�o!!es sds!!specilp: (e?t!�de[eutt;lh?th��tw+��d w cure the <br /> de�aulti(c)w dole.�ot leas th�n 30 d�ys haa l6e dnte tde aotke Is glven lo Berrower�by whkh tue de�init must be <br />�'°' cured;rnd(d)thwt b{lar+e to curo the defwlt on ar be�ore tl�e dAte apeclfled ia tl�e�otice m�y re�ult W�ccdsrrdou of <br /> -� Ibe wms secured by Ibfs�ecurlty Iactrumenl ond ede of the Property. The ootke sbdl flirlber In�orm Borro+rer ot <br /> the�ipl�t to rclntWte afler occeknlbn�pd the rl�ht to brin�a court�etla to+�ert tbe non�exWence d�detwlt or <br />- �ny otber de�ease d Barrower to�ccekratloa and anle. U the defoult la nat cured oa or be�ore Ihe d�te�pecl�ed is <br /> Ihe rotke.Lender d it�opllon nwy requlre Immedbte prymenl la tull a�pll suau eecund by t6ir Security Inarument <br /> witbout �unher denwad And nwy Invoke Ihe pnwcr d snk nnd ony other rcmediea permftted by �ppllcabk Vw <br /> I.ender shall De enlltla! to cdlect �11 expense�c Incur�ed in pu�cuing the remedla provided in tbb paa�raph 2l. <br /> Including,but aat Ilmlted to,re�.sun�bk Allorneys'tees s�ad costa of t(!k evldeece. <br /> ��: If the power of sale Is Invoked�7Yustee shntl record a nMtce of de��dt In eacA county in whkh�ny p�rt ot the <br /> - � Property Is IocWed and shpll m�il rnpien of such notice in Ihe mwnaer prescrlbed by�pplkAble law to Borrewer�nd to <br />� the other peraons prescribed by ApplicAble Inw. Af1er the tlme requfred by appflcabie IAw.'IFusta shqll give pu61k <br /> ' aot(ce of sale to the persons and in Ihe manner prescribed by applicable Iww_ 71�ustce.without demand on Barower, <br /> ,,��� •; shs�ll sell the Prope�ly At public Auction to the hlghest bldder at the time and place wnd under the terms deslg�ated in <br /> °"� ti Ihe potke oi sale ia one or more parcels and in any arder'Ilrustee determines. 'Ilrustee mpy postpone isak of all or any <br /> �r, ��� , `�'�i+� � parcel at lhe Property by public announcement at the tMne And pince of any previau¢ly sc6eduled sale. I.ender or ifs <br /> = M,:s Y��K''�';��" designee may purchase the PropeMy�+t any sale. � <br /> �;� -��, � • :�' Upon recelpt ot paymenl of the price bid.71�ustee shall deliver lo tMe purch�.ser 7lrustee s deed conveying the <br /> ��. '��,�;�;;;�;;'� Property. The recitpls in the'IYustee's deed shall be p�ima iACie evidencr of tqe truth af the slatements rrwde tberetn. <br />- •� t��•• •� •�'. � 7Yu�tee shAll apply the praceeds of the nale in the foltowing orde�: lv)to all costs and expenses ot exercising the power <br /> `�!y. �ti 4���,'(..�. <br /> .i�'• <br /> :`� ' � dr' <br /> '�', •o <br />. r-t "� "' �.>. . <br /> 4�..- ', <br />.. '�" ' _ _. . <br /> ' •t - ' Mi�rmJ021i 9190 qw.F�s���n�.o�r.�� <br /> . �J _ ' <br /> �; • i <br /> � <br /> �4�.k.. . . I <br /> u. � . `. . ..•h•w.w�., . ,'-Y . .,.--�-^r--i�----�� " '---�- �.N:� .:[��;+7R:�'..o.:� .r...�•---,-_. . „ <br />. p t:; � .. . . - - _ . . <br /> . � . :_ , . <br /> . . . <br /> . <br />--:,':� �L�'..��:iE_a'•,:•:_.;.;+„d_ - , r.�q - _ ..�'2'._ .,'�t���:- <br /> ` _' _., __,--,.__.- ' _'' _ _' _ . . . . ._ . . . _. _ _ __ _ --_- _ _- __ _ - <br /> . _... .- . . _ <br />..-,-..a� �. --*-r---- _-._ ...._.. . . , . . .. .... �:..._ . 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