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<br /> / .� � .�y...1�� t�Fi i � f +/ y.i tt�� T!��� ' �f, �r/+ { i'� .�""
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<br /> `��ry;;, t :'+�y ,,� "•.: _
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<br /> ■YR'�
<br /> � �. .._.Mr u�..� . . !l�.•V_.:.... .____.
<br /> �.
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<br /> .y1.�."i�tl�..�!�i'�"_
<br /> ;, , . .. . ���,A� 91-- �02923 �,. ..--:��.:;:_-...v_
<br /> ,f ,s.•,.:�,,;
<br /> , .• ;, . . .ti;; _-..
<br /> �r' �d:�.���-„.. Rob�rt I. 8�nn�r aad D. Diane Sannor� Huob�nd and _-��';�'`L,�:=�
<br /> ' :� •• . 71�M Mort�p N�prd t�ta bitwMa�—
<br /> , �`h ��. 1, ry wif�. �aah !n bi• own right aad a� •powa of tho oth�r (�,nl�,���or•')wd rY:.'- �
<br /> ,. ... , . , .
<br /> s�•.�-__
<br /> • Fivo Point� Bank� Gcand I�l�nd, Nebraoka (�����•Nortpp�"1� •, �� .
<br /> ., ,+
<br /> .�.�.__ti_- _.. _` _ _ �. .�,,]e i F,.�.`,.��.
<br /> Mort�or b Indebt�d to Mor1p�In th� pdncipd�a�rt ot�.�.�AS.�—.etrldenaed by Mortg�or'�nat� � . :Y�. ;..
<br /> � ::r.r.�..�va��..
<br /> d�wd Mev I 1. 1491 (Iwraln"Not�")providln�for ■ n►enl�ot dncl �n4lnf�r+�t,aith tM b�l�no�ot th� �. ��-�=
<br /> P Y P V� -:y'�;`� ,.�n7+-a�c+�w�`
<br /> ' iad�bt�dnar�It not aon�r p�id�duo�nd p�y�bl�oa Julv 28. 1994 , ' .
<br />� 'Domure the p�ymentotWe Nou�wfth interat u pmvided thoreln�the p�yment o[tll other wnu,witb Inten�e, ,
<br /> Rdvanaed by Mort�ape w protect tl�e wcud�Ydas laroby�m eort�Qe wed conwy to Mottq��eeeth� lollovin�descdbed _ ....
<br /> � , W� Mottp�ot coaWa�d h�nin�Mort�ar .w �*.'�
<br /> ::�,�._�:
<br /> property loa►t�d ia u'�t CouatY, NNuasluu . °,_, _�' r,��, ..
<br /> t -- . .
<br /> �-
<br /> Lot Ona (1) in Blauvelt Subdivision, being a part of the West Halg ,:..�....
<br /> of the 5outhWest QuArter (W�SW�) of Sectian Two (2), Township Eleven
<br /> , �psr•;c: �.
<br /> � �f:� ��� a�., (11) North, Raage Tau (10) We�st of the 6th P.M., Hall County� Nebramka � ,�k�..
<br /> , j.fis;«; {�
<br /> ":`��y:,,;� .. � �w�. ..
<br /> • '- '� '{.:�i�� ;�; '_t: . — _
<br /> ';i:F�i' - ... 't� � -�.'ti1r
<br /> }. �• �i.:,� �.,
<br /> ,��r.' '�� �, 1,\S'S�.��h
<br /> .� � '��. � ' ,'���`'�"�.�-
<br /> _ ' ` ,ii�."•"�
<br />' , i. . , � ������``•
<br /> �n; � ' :}j7' _,
<br /> ;�, ;.. , • � �T f �.�
<br />. �1.� . .. �'Yi'4I
<br /> i , � . !'', ..��.•^���
<br /> 1 ' ���:--. - ToQether with dl buQdingi�.Impmvements.Axture���traea.�IIeYa�P�ew�y�. e�sements,dahu,privilegea and : . ,..:''",�,:
<br /> fssues �nd pro0ta rev,ersbn�and remalndera ,,
<br /> . . �-_
<br /> appucte��ncea located tbereon or In anywl�e pertainin�therew��nd tha renta, �
<br /> ' theraof;fncludinQ�but not Ilmited to,he�dng and coolin�equfpment and weh peraond proDor�Y W������tached W the A
<br /> to be a put ot the�est+te seeured by ehe'llen of fthb Mo��e�nd vl ot tMe tore�oinQ bela�rete�ered to tieren n the � -�
<br /> .;, .��
<br /> , . ..p�,pPeetS'��• :
<br /> l
<br /> Mort�or NrlhQr conv�n�nte and a�ree�,wfeh Morl�Qee,�s tollows: I
<br /> � .. . 1, p�yp�p� To p�y th�Ind�btednecs�nd the intarQSl thQroon si proWd�d In thb Mort�e and the Note. , '�'
<br /> ,
<br /> � , 2. Tld�. MortQa�or f� the ownec o[the Propercy.h�s the dQht�nd�uehodty to mortaaQe the Property,and ,
<br /> a�enu4 th�t the Ilen crel�ted heteby is�flRt�nd pdor Ilen on the Roperty,except a may oth��wl�Iw wt torth Iwroia. f
<br /> • ---- -i_� n..�..�..� Ca..�noa unA Lenn �
<br /> • 12I 7Ue Property i�subject W a MottQ��e whe[eln. � ,
<br /> � 4 We Mor�ee.rernrded�t Book ,P�ge otthe MoK�e Records ot uAt � -Caunty�� �
<br /> � 'i ' Nebaslt�,wbich Mort�r�e b�Ifen p�lor to tde Ilen ereated hereby.
<br /> � t, +}'}. O Otder pdor Ile�or eacumbru�ces:
<br /> +
<br /> � ,r;;:
<br /> .. �
<br /> , �
<br /> �� .� 9. TucQS,Atse�meets. To pay when due dl Wees.specl�!�sseuments�nd dl other ch�es apfnst the i'roperty
<br /> ,;.� �� md,upon wdtten demtnd by Mort�aee,to add to the p�yment�requlred under the Note secured hereby,such unount na ,
<br /> , . ..,:� :�
<br /> . puy be�utdclQnt to en�ble the Mort��to pay such t�uces,asseaments or other charQes as t6ey become due.
<br /> ; y � < 4, Io�unnce. To keep the improvements now or heredter located on the m�l e�tate desctibed 6ereln insured
<br /> ' t,�alnst dqnaQe by flre'and such other hwtds as MortQ�ee may requim,{n amounts and with companles�cceptable to the
<br /> � �' '' '�!` MortQa�eQ� wd with lose p�yable to t he Mo t tgaQee. le case ot loss under sueh policies the Mortg�gee ie�uthodzed to
<br /> � adjutt� collect �nd compromise, in Ita discmtion,dl cldros thereunder�t ita sole option. �uthorizedtoeitherepply the
<br /> a ` proce�da to the re�tontion o[the Roperty ar upon the indebtedness�ecured hernby.but p�yments hemuader shvi con-
<br /> qnne•upW t6e sum�s�cu�ed hQrtby ue pafd in tull.
<br /> ' b. O E�crow�or T�ucd and lawruice• Notwithatandfna anythins contained in ponQnpha 3 md 4 hereot to the '.
<br /> oontrary,Mo�or:hdl pay to the Mort�a�ee at the time ot p�yin�the monthly fnsWlmenCs ot pdncipal and Intereil,
<br /> one�tvrel[th ot the yeuly Wces,aisessmenta,hazard incurance pmmfutns.and around rent�p[ my)which m�y �ttaf�a
<br /> '-•--.,..._._.�e....��t..�.�..►t�Av Iho Mnrfaia�.711!�lOUIN6 i0 DNa fIUII I1k'
<br /> pdorfty ovet Nls MorcQwQe.U!O RRVn�iAy r+w.w.�.......»�-�—. --..--_ w ..
<br /> held by t6e Mort�gee without interest and applied to the payment ot the Items In reapect to whlcA sucd amounu were
<br /> ' de�OSlted.'11�e aums pa�d to Mort�gee hereunder�re pledQed as additiond setudty tor tFie indebtedneu cecured by thia
<br /> Mort�e.Mortgagor ahdl p�y to MortQ�ee tUe�tnount ot uiy de0ciency between the actu�l taxes,assen�nents, insunnce
<br /> premluma and ground reats�nd t1�e dQpasita her�under within 10 d�ya atter demand is tr�de upora 1�Gortga�or rnquestlnQ
<br /> p�ymQnt thereot.
<br /> � g, gepair�NWnt�n�na�nd Ure. To promptly repair,restore ot rebuild any bulldin�or fmprovemen�noa or
<br /> � henatter on We Ptoperty;to keep the Property in�ood condidon and rnpalr,without weste.�nd tree from mecf�aaic's or
<br /> � oth�r Ikiu not expressly:ubordlnated to the Iten hereot;not to make,sutter or permft any nuia�nce to extst,nor ta dimin-
<br /> ish or fmpair the value of the Property by any act or omission to�ct:and to comply with dl requirements of I�w �ith
<br /> respect W tht Plroperty.
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> � - —
<br />