,�� _. .. _._ . __ _ - .:�;�___ �
<br /> , � ���k� . � ,
<br /> ,,
<br /> : '7�;�rr�ti.•,��.. , ...� ,,,. =_�'::._
<br /> �;c. • :�.�•��...:... ..._.....,.
<br /> :.�_ _ _ _______ . �—-
<br /> ' . . �
<br /> , , ; 91'"" 102819 --_ -.
<br /> `�:'+. '�
<br /> , �
<br /> ��a.-� ' U�Il1�CtN1Ye unce►n licu ul'cundcmnuti��n.or�n��ny+►a.+en�a,�r,�
<br /> ��=-::--
<br /> ctx�dcmnation ur ahe�lal:in���f�ny pun u1�hc Prupeny. Y ---------
<br /> `;•,,'%,, : xhull he p•rid Ia l.cnder.
<br /> ' ��� "' In the event of u IMAI tvl;ing uf thr I'n�p�n)'. ihc pnx��ed. .hull he u�lird t�� tiw• ,umv +ccurcd hy thi�+Sceurity
<br /> '� '� '^�'���k��' In��rumcnt,whc�hcr��r nut�hen duc,wi�h uny cxrr,+(+ai�f tu Borrower. In�1�rvem of:�puhiul �aking ��f thc F'nq►rNy in
<br /> ::•:ap;;:a.� p� Y,
<br /> which the fuir mtuke�vulue of ihr 1'w n immcJiutcly txf��re�hr�ukin�e f�ryual t��ur�reutcr�han thr aronunt nf ihe+um� _
<br /> •��;w. ���'^. ,;ecured by this S�YUriIy Inytn�mrnt immeJ�aiely bcfnm the tuking,unle,ti Harrnwcr an�l Lcndrr o�hcrwi.e ugrcc in wri�ing.
<br /> , .� ..�- tlK: �um�.,rcwr�ta�ltunuunl of hc*um KwuaJ immcdantely tx:li►h�tl�m�iig!.1���d b)h1 hr1fair m.ulrthc�lo`I�i f'the �___-:--__ . -_ .
<br /> "��:, � ..� f r u c i i u n: l u l t h e t t u
<br /> .,1�': ';, . pa,perty imme�liutely bcfom thc �ol:in�. Any h�lunrt ������,�iutcl�t+eti�i n the tukin�i.hlrti.than�ihc�umi untud!th��+un. -
<br /> '- ' ''' property in which�he fuir�iiurket vulu�of�hc Pm�x: y Y ��a.�:;:
<br /> - -- ,ecurcd immcdiatcly hei'orc the �uking, unle,+ B��m�w•er ond i.emkr othcrvvi,e agn� in Hriting ur unlc�. ���r�uhi� luw �W,-._
<br /> . ,•. � , othenvi�,e proviJe..the p�eedr.hull 1►e upplird to ihe�um*,ecured by thic S�curiiy In�trumen�whether��r nn[ihe,umh un �H��
<br /> _--_ :�,:r'�.._. Ihen due. � �3 '�'._�
<br /> .. ";,?.7•'� • UROWI•f.or iP.ufter nolicr Ny Len�kr�n Hnnuwer thul Ihe cundemnor��tt'en cc��� �.�,�,.,;,,�;�~'�"
<br /> �'F ,�•�� - �. If thc Pmp�:ny ia ubundoncd hY s - •,
<br /> ._v��� �u,!S� �•..;.� .. nn uwi��d ar xnlc u clulm for dumuge+. Burrower i'uil,u�re+�xmd lu l.endcr wiihin�0 Juy+�ticr�hc du�c. !he ncxice i�Kiven. �R �`
<br /> -TT_K,, ;,•�. ...•.. ' Lende� ie uuth��rfzed w cullect und upply thc pnkred.. ut i����plinn,either�u m.iaruti�m or ropuir ol'�h� I'a�ny or tu�hr �'K-�r�s --
<br /> -_��: . '•.;�;°� ,-.'.'...� : s�uns ticcured by this Se�u�iry In.tnimen�,whelhcr ar not�hen due. r r �,,�_—_
<br /> Unletis Lender und Bom►wer oihenvi.e ugree in �*riung,cu►v applira�iam��f pnx:ced.u� rinci ul ,hall nu�er.¢�n�1 ar o IY�� "- -
<br /> '"r?: -�•:� ',•s•. pu,�p,rn��be due du�e uf the m�mehl?��w�mem,rcf�rred�u io parageaph. 1:md=or chungc�hc unH�un�ul.u�h pav nknt.. �-
<br /> ��r.
<br /> ,':s,s " • 11. Borrowe� \d ReleASCd: Fa'be'u�a� �!• �� 1ot A «�ver. Extentiiun nf thr iinx far F►a}ment or �„�
<br /> --- � �T�.1-. •
<br /> :; �;, m�x1iGcuiion of am�x1ixutim��t the,um.•rcun�d b?�his Securit� (n�tn�ment grumeJ by Lcixk�tu:my�urcr..ar m inter�,� `,e
<br /> •,..,,. - uf Borrawr�shall not�*rrut�to Rlca.c the liahili�? ut��he original Borm�er ur e�urawe�:•ur�r.u�n in intere,�. Lcnder ' :..,,�y�s'�d��
<br /> ',Mr,�fi � .•,;;,��,��i•. �hull not be required to�on�mencr praceeJings:�gnin�t;u�}� •urcc..ur in i�terext or ntu.�lu r+�rnd timr fur pa��ment or ' �y�,t'� =-_-
<br /> _:,'"t" '�z`;i%::�t`�i.r. .. utherw i,e modify umoniza�h�o��i'the.ums.e�ured hy th�.Securi�) In��rumen�hy m�,on ul'any demanJ n�ad:b>ihr ari�inal . �;�:.
<br /> „.�..�. '•,.`.t.3.
<br /> ..�� • Barruwer�x Borcower:succe�+��r.in inten+t. Any iorbea�anre h� Lender ia excrcising:u�y right or rerned�• ,hall not he u ;,:,,�;.
<br /> _- ,- � , - wAiver of or preclude thc exerci.e of m�y right or n:mcJy. -
<br /> 'tiF� ' 12. Successors and As.�igns Bnund:Juinl�nd Severs�l I.iadilitv:Cu-�Ignerg. Th<«�vcns�ntx und ukrcem.nt,uf thi, -
<br /> . • .` . Security Im�n+ment shuH 6inJ und hencfi� thc+ucce,son und as.ign.ut'LcnJer unJ Borruwrr.wMj�ct to Ihr pm�i�iam ai ��b'T';_
<br /> :` ,� puraFruph 17. Barrower:covenunt.and ugrcemenls,hull h�Joint und xeveral. Any B.�rrow•er whi�c��-�igm Ihi. Srcu�i��• �� �v..
<br /> • , '�� In+tn�menl but does n�n rzrc'ut� unJe�rthe trrm��of hi.Security Imtniment�b1n�noi�xnon ly ahllgu�eJ w�.�y t�h��um. �. Y�+.�>:. _�.-
<br /> Borrower+intemst in ih�Pm� y �,-- �
<br />, `, �,�"�' ` . • tiecured by�hi+S�wurity In�lrumrnr.and Ir►agrecs ihut LenJer und any c►�her Borrnwcr may ugrce to extcnd.m�xlil).forbc:u - --
<br /> , or muke uny uccommocisnion. wi�h rc�eunl u��hr �erni.of�hia Securi�y In+tn�mem ur the Note v►i�hout that Borrower+ ;r 5.; , ,I-
<br /> — � � consent. . .��h<<� �o a luw W hirh ;el,muximum laan }_�;��•1?�r••i!�},y�•:
<br /> - - :,,�;Y -- 13. Losm Cha��. If 1he loan kcureJ by tb+. S�curl:}• tn•.t^an:ens i j,.
<br /> �f '', vi�l...
<br /> rhurge+.und Ihut law i,tinaiOL intcrpR�ed,�th•rt thc imere����r inh�r I�,un rFurge�c�,,,�:t�d ur t�Mc collcrled in connecuat <<) �-
<br /> Y .',,' '"�";%�r � with the loun caceeJ Ihe�rrsiitted limrts.thrn� �o�►+�ny�u�h Inan rharcr�hc+ll h� rec9i:�.J hy the umaunt neceti�a� ta*reducc -{'�1��,��a--
<br /> . , �"�;:r . . . ' Ihe�htu@e lo lh��xrmitted limit:and(bl uny,um,alreuJy r��llec�ed fr��m��m�wer which exceedeJ pe��nitt�d limiq,�cill he ��M---
<br /> '� �'�• '� �� refunded to Burrnwrr. Lender muy chcw.r tu mu{.r�hiti refund by rcdac ing the principal uweJ under the Note or b��maAin�u ���� _J
<br /> ..�� :.,: ,_ . �.r-�
<br /> ' , �:;�a , o direct paymeM ta,lBarmwer. If a rrfund rcduce�principal.the reJuc�ion will lx�trcuteJ a.u pani:�l prcpayment withaut uny =----} _
<br /> ` � • " prepuyment churge wxlcr�hr Nntc. Q ' `' � � ��
<br /> � 1 4. N o t i c e s. A n y n o t i c c t c� Born►wrr pnwidcJ titt in thi, Sccurily In�Irument ,h;�ll lx giv�n by Jclivcrin� it or hy �yL�
<br /> � mailing it by f in�rla++n�uil unlc.:applicuNlr luw requir�ti uu u f ano�h�r m�t hi x i.Thr n u t i c e,ha l l h e J i�c w�e d a�t i x�P r o p ert y . ,.. �_
<br /> � � Addresti ur uny o�her udJreti.BoROwcr detiipnut�s by notice u►LcnJer. Any natice�u Lrnder+hull tx:given hy fir:+t clu,� ,�
<br /> ►. :' ., m•ril to LenJer's udclre�.�iated hcrcin�,r u�+� ���r���rc,.LenJcr de+ignatc,hy nuticr tu Hormwrr. Any no�icc pruviJed for Y _ _
<br /> t ��zsar.a.-
<br /> t ••.}.':,,+., in Ihiti Securi�y In4lrumrm :{hall Ix �kemeJ i�� h�rvc I+cen given to B��m�H•er or l.ender whrn given n�pmwded in �hi. _ �-�
<br /> . . � � , ,_.,,.,�,r,. parngruph. .ocrrneQ b Icdcrul lu��• and thc luw ut'ihr �r`°'`-;��f
<br /> ,',•,::,,. �c
<br /> . k :'•�,�.a;:�::'ti:', .`• IS. (:o��crninR I.aN: tievrrobililv. Thi. ticcuri�� 1mtn,men� tihull he �. )' ..
<br /> ,�.,;'.:'r:�•';5�.•. 6 � ,`.;'1;,
<br />- • �.��R.;.,. �u• jumdiction in which ih�F'mhcrly i�lixa�cd. h�Ihc c�•cnt ttrit uny pri��'i+iun ar rluu�c of thi+Sccurit�•Iminiment or thc Nutr
<br />�.i�,:,;� ..,. r>r `t��:�.:,.�„ .,. l
<br /> ,,f�,,''�,;,_ ,.;��. ., :,.ti •�, conflict+withs►pplicubl�law.+unc�ontlict.hallrnHal�l'cctuthrrpruvi,iun. uf�hi.S.ruri�yln,ln�menti�r�heNatcwhich�u�� �- ---- -
<br /> t. . • .. ,v.;'�;: •, J,ti,';:, be given efi'ect withow ihe contliclinE pnwi,inn. 7ii thi� cnJ thr �xYn�itiic,n.�►f ihi,Srrurity In.lrument anJ Ihc tiote urc �
<br /> p1•`".;� . .. � � . declured t��he sevcrahlr. � ��� �'-
<br /> � ._r:�.,"i:..` 16. Borrowe�'�Cop�•. Buiu�u rr�hall Ix�i�•rn anc cunfunncJ rupy��I'Ih�Notc:mJ i�l'Ihi.Securiiy In��rument.
<br /> '� � . "t,:. • > P�
<br /> 17, 7YansPer oP the Property or a Neneliriul IMere�t in Burrow•er. If uU ur:m• ut uf ihr PmFxny ur uny intrrc+l in ., �;,
<br /> .. � , it is sold or tran.trm�l ���r il'u Ixnctirial in�cm.� in Borm���r i,.ukt m tran,lcncJ:mJ B�xm��cr i, not u nuwrul�r��nl , ::-��'
<br /> � �".a' . . wiihou�Lender's priurµriucn comem.Lrndcr may.ut i�,uptiun.rryuirc immcdiatr pa)•iuent in (ull ot'all.um.,rcurcd Ny ..`
<br /> ,, i . .. . .
<br /> this Security In+trument. Huwrver,thi.upti��n,hull nut Ik�xrrci.rd hy LcnJrr il�rxeni�e is prohibitrd by trJerul luw a,ot' .�i_'�`.
<br /> " the date of thi.Securiry In.trumcnt. _
<br /> If Lender excrei+c.thi,�►ption. L�ndcr.hall give B��rruwcr nuticr ol acrcleration. 'fhe nr�ei.e,hall providc u periuJ ot� •.;�.,' _
<br /> • ' nat terti thun 30 duyti Fn�m the datr Ihc n���irr i,deli�•�rcJ ur mailcd a�ithin ��•hirh R�,�rr+nvir mv.n pay all+um�,crureJ by�hi. ���;; .._-
<br /> Securi�y In.uvment. U'Borr�,wer 1'uil, t�� pay th�.r ,um,priur to thc�rpirae:��n i�l thi� pen.xl. Lr�xler m�y invol:e uny �.� .
<br /> :;..., n:medieti permittcd hy thi,Srcurity In.trumeni��ithow furthrr nuti�e��c droman�or�B.,nc�+�rr. � � ,
<br /> ,�.f 18. Barrow•er+ Ripht to Reinstate. U Hum���cr nxrt. c�n.ain.•�.,n,la�i.m.. ��,rr�►aer •hrll ha��r ihr righ� ��� huve
<br /> , ,.�•��,�,, , anforeement of�hi�S�curi�� hi,trwn�nt di,r�mtinued :n am �ime pr�rr:• rM.�a:•;+:r��f: �al 5 da���I�ir+uch uthcr�ri��l a. P
<br /> .,•�;1I.�,"�'' . tiiu�lc l•rmd� •Mannlc\Iur FrrJdw�7u l\IFt/R\I I\�INI \IF:�� :iul��nn('���roam. 4,411 qvcr J„�n i�,�_r.. '
<br /> ,.1•);,��J.• •
<br /> '�.:,5'; � ' ,
<br /> � ��. „
<br /> .4n� '
<br /> , ,.�
<br /> .� ' �1" ' . , ��� • - - , . � .. �. . .
<br /> �+.. . . , , .. , _ . ,
<br /> . , , -_.... � �:�'!','?� , a -.. , �. , ,
<br /> . . � ,. . � ' i . .
<br /> ._ _ � : ;:,_ • • . .
<br /> }
<br /> �� i
<br /> ,
<br /> ' - -
<br /> . �_
<br />