. � ,� 'ix`ii��' .M'�Y+f`wr�h ..� ..
<br /> 11' � � ..:�r.tAq(�; �IMAYiI�I�`i�r',.-- __ —..���..
<br /> �. . �
<br /> I; . — .--
<br /> ' � �
<br /> � � �' � $�-�- 1028i 9
<br /> ; �.
<br /> �, TOCiETHER WITH all Iha impmvsmenls now or hercullcr ertrted an�hc propcny.und oll cuscmeniti,uppurtenwncea.
<br /> and tixlwY.�s now on c�reafter a part of thc pmpeny. All repinccmcnts und additii�n.r r:hall alxo be covered by Ihi�Secu�i�y
<br /> ��Mry,,.� �. Instrument, All of the forogaing ix refemed to in thia Security Insuument ux the"Pmperty:'
<br /> . ,t ,,.,,,,,_,.,�;;. BO[tROWER COVENANTS that Horrower is lawfully�cihed of thc eslatc hcrcby cunvcycd ond hux Ihe�Ight ia grant _
<br /> ' `-':;- ' � and canvey thc Pro ay and that the Propeny ia unencumbered,excep�for encumhn►ncer af rccnrd. samnwer wmm�ts ond
<br /> ... ,. --
<br /> ', '�'' will defend genernl y Ihe�iUe ta the Prupeny aguinst ull clalma and demand�,subject la aay encumbrunce.r•af record.
<br /> _. , .�-- �-- - �-_:�.�-
<br /> • ;. �..;, .�.� ;� THIS S�CURITY INSTRUM�NT combioea unifomt covenan�s far nutional usv und nun•unilomi cavensuxs wi _ _
<br /> limited vAriations by Jurirdiction to constitute a uniform r,ecurity insuument cavering real pmpeny.
<br /> '•'' i�,h,.
<br /> . � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borcower and Lender covenant And vgrce as fall�ws: ��_
<br /> `�"- : �'.'��`° c�'�' • 1. Paymeot of PrincipW aad lateresh Prepoymeot artd Late Chnrgea. Borrawer shall pmmptly pAy when due�he
<br />---- � z ' ° :' � principa1 of sind interest on the deM evide�xed by the Note und any prepuyment und late churgea duc unde�Ihe Note.
<br /> .. :, ' n
<br /> ,Y ti'•,:_.���� ;, 2. Flunds tar'I�e9 aad lasanuk�e. Subjecl to applicable law or to a w�itten wuiver by l.ender,Borrower xhall pay to
<br /> � � Lender on thc duy monthly paymeou are duc under�he Nate,until thc Nae is puid in full,u sum("Funds")far:(A1 yearly .sr�- ----
<br /> �4� � � ' . twces and assesamenu which may attain priority over thi>Secu�ty Instrument us n licn on ihe Pr<�peny:lbl yc:uly ka.cchold , �
<br />,�'.. ��..._, :, . Y �,:_-�.--.��_=::�-
<br />,�,„..,, - • payments or gtound rents on the Property, ii any: (c) yendy hw.ard ar praperty iogu�nce premiums; (d) yeurl iloocl ��
<br /> "�t•;; �1•r.. ` insurnnce premiums,if any: (e1 yeurly mortgage msurunce prrmiums, if any; und(tl uny sums payable by Barrowci ta
<br /> y,��• �. �' � -�-
<br /> ;•.t•' ' Lender, in accordance with the provisions of pu�agrapfi B, in lieu of Ihe paymeat of mungage i�surance premiums. These �„�
<br /> f'.,7;,, ��:; , ' • items are called"Escrow Items.' Lender may,at:u+y time,collect and hold Funds ia ao:uixwm oot to eKcced the maximum �.',�_4A_--__
<br /> F �`': '�; �j '� 4', ;;., amount a lender Por a federully related mongage laam m�y require for Borrower�s exrow accoum under the federal Real ��1
<br />�Z'�`�'�- ti 4`ir� Estate S�ttlement Procedures Act oC 1974 us omended fnxn time to Iime, 12 U.S.C.�2601 rr.re�p.("RESPA").unless another
<br /> � '�w law tQat applies to the Funds sets a Ic�ser umount. if so,Lender may.at any time,caUect ar�iJ hold�nds in nn amaunt not to ��>>' _ �_
<br /> 3;�,;;'; q*� ", � . exce��f the lesser wnount. l.ender muy estimate the umount of Funds due on the busis of current dnta und reaconable •�-''*.e� .y
<br />?' " ` �, �� esumates of expenditures of fwure Escrow Items or aiheiwise in accordance with applicuble law. �'=-'�"�•
<br /> � ��"� ' The Funds shull be held in an ins�itution ��ho�e deposi�s ttre insurcd by a federnl ugenry. instrumentulity, ar cntiry �.�_
<br /> .. -' x ,.,�` ,,,,,;�f`1�ti`?���:� (including Lender.if Lender is such an in�titution)or in any Federul Home Lonn Bunk. Lender�hall upply ihe Funds to pay �-�
<br /> ' �:"�'� . "�;. �+��'�. the Escrow Items. L.ender muy not chnrge Bonower for ho�dins and upplying the Funcl�,annually annlyxing 1he escrow ��"
<br /> . ... ;�,,�'�,�r;;'� �, n�� account. ar verifying the Escraw Items. unlesti Lender puy� Bonower interest on thc funds and nppliruble Inw pe�mits -. --_�
<br /> l.ender�o make such a charge. Hawever. Lender may require Horrower lo pay u one-time charge for un independent real
<br /> • � °�-r�`.'�;. , ' estate tax reportinr service uscd by L.ender im m�nection with�his loan,unless applicnble la�v provides otherwise. Unless an _ _
<br /> � ; ;�:�' �� ngrcemem is made ar applicuble law requires intere�t to be puid,Lender yhall nat be reyuired to puy Earrower nny intcrest or �.___.__._.
<br /> ''• � ,���+•°. eamings on the Funds. Borrowcr und l.ende�may agree in writing,ho�vever,that inlereyt sfiuU be pAid an ihe Funds. Lender —
<br />� . , .. ��.:�l,,Y �.�-,-.�n„_..�.
<br /> . .�.:��. :�r:}.!/;p�!'1i,' shall give to Barower.without charge,un unnual accounting of the Funds,xhowing credi[s and debits to the Funds und the ,:�,-..:,,_;�..-
<br /> _ `'��;�1,�� pur}�ose for which each deblt to Ihe FUnds was mnde. The Pond�ore pledged as addi�ionu!,ecurity for all sums secured by `�'"•J•�
<br /> 4'.-__
<br /> --- �. • ';,r•.,: �•,•:, , this Security Instrument. �-
<br /> - .��, ,,r.,.,, .,. �t��...�-
<br /> • �, � �, .;,,,'k;,:+, ' If the FUnds held by Lender exceed Ihe amau�us pr.rmitted to be held by applicuble law•, Lender shall uccount to T��
<br /> • :,�{t.{��•�• 8urruwe� for the excess Fundv in nccordance with the rcquirements of applic�ble law. If thr umount af�he Funds held by �R.-•-�;;,•:� -
<br /> . . ., •�;(:i���.�.y; Lencier ue any time is nat sufficient to puy the 6vcrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,und,in + : _;�.
<br /> •� ,. ���r'i.�,�' such cASC 8arrower shAll puy to Lender the umount necessury to muke up the de�ci�ncy. Borrower shull make up the ,�, ••'""
<br /> ' Z.;�, i , �C ,
<br /> � . . J �Sl�1���4tt�, deficiency in no mare t?�an twelve monthly payments,ut l.ender'.s sole diccretion. "'�j , ,i� �
<br /> � ��;c'�';�'�;•�,�,�ti,.� Upon payment in full of aU xum� secured hy thiti Security Instrument,Lender shull prampUy refund to Bartower uny �,�:�'.,.;q-;� ;.r:
<br /> � '� �;,���yr���y���{�;-s; Funds held by Lcnder. If,under paragraph :I. Lcnder shall ncquire or scll the Property,Lender,prior to the ucyuisition or --•--�
<br /> • '';�'••' �t`��3x{1'�^' sale af the Propeny,shall upply nny Fund�held by Lendcr ut the time uf acyuisitiun or xule as a credi�ogninst the sums __ : _ �
<br /> ,: .�'•��h(•����i;'. .
<br /> �•r.F r�I,;;;,':•:f secured by this Security Instrument. r"'� rrT�
<br /> ,. Y ,�:ti��i�•:�tn : � �,�
<br /> .�{�}�,�,.� ' 3. Applkation ot Ifiyments. Unless Upp lica b lc luw pruvidex athcrwisc, ull payments received by Lcndcr under
<br /> ' d:first to un re u ment ch�u es duc under the No�e;second,to umount�payAble under ,,;,�t�,,;: 5•
<br /> 2 shnll bc u lie R �,--��'1-
<br /> , .. � parngmphs 1 and pp • Y P P Y —�—
<br /> paragruph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to nci ul duc;and lu+t,�o an lute rhur es due undcr�hc Nate. �-""""°"_
<br /> pri P Y 8 d.s�.�a_••-
<br /> � � e � . .. 4. Chwges: Liens. eorrower shall pay ull taxex, as�c.smentx, charges, lines und impasilions auributuble to the �;-:—
<br /> � propeAy which may ettuin priority over�his Security In+tn�mcnt,and leaschold puymcnts or praund rents,if any. Borrower E ,
<br /> shul!pay these obligutions in ihr mnnner provided in parcigraph 2,or if no�paid in�hat manner.Bottowcr shnll puy�hem un ,�...,�+`,:�_�-L=-
<br /> ["�.� �.• ���'=a_.
<br /> �,:�r,.,:�:..,.
<br /> � • time di:ectly to the penon owed pnyment. Borrower shall promp�ly i'urnish�o L�nder al!natices of amoants to be paid esnder �y Ac,• ;;.,:..
<br /> S ,�� 1.•.•,-�,,t,�—
<br /> . ; j � , thls paragruph. If Borrower mukes these paymems directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish�o Lender receipts evldencing �p:kt�:t.��{':;,,r„::
<br /> � St . „ , the payments. •���'�. � "���
<br /> ' ���,�
<br /> , . Borrower shaJl promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:la►agrees . •���.�_ �
<br /> � in writing to the payment oi the obligation sccurcd by thc licn in a m:umer acceptuble to l.ender,(b)contes�s in guod faith the �• •° 1=,,;,;
<br /> . . • ; . 'a. lien by.or defends against enforeement of thc licn in, Icgvl proreedings which in thc Lender's opinion opernte to prevent�he { ,,,,.=.;tl�x�� "�""
<br /> i � � enforeement of the lien;or lc)secures t'rom�hc holder of thc lien an ugrcement tiatisfactory�o L.ender subnrdinating thc lien '.l� :,r;�E,� �_a
<br /> ' . ^ ° to this Securiry Inswment. If Lender determiner�hat any part of'thr Pivpeny is suhject io a lien which may uttuin prioriry �.. ;i�, ,�,• -.;
<br /> � •" ., over�his Security Instrument.Lender muy give Borrower a notic�identifying�he licn. Borcower xhall satisfy the lien or iake '''"���:t'
<br /> . ; . . , .y,,,,. ;� •
<br /> one ar more of the actions set fonh above within 10 duys of the giving of nolice. �. .
<br /> •' S. Hazard or Properly Insurnnce. Borrower�hall kcep the improvements ne�w exixting or hereofter erected on the
<br /> . Property insured against loss by fire,hazurds included wi�hin the term"cxtended coc�rrare"and any other haznrds.incluJing � '!,;,. '
<br /> . floods or flaoding,for which l.ender reyuirc� insurunce. Thi+ in�urunce shall t� �o+aen7�ined in 1he amounts and 1'or the t• �1-��`>';�.
<br /> , F , .};�;•,:'.�.
<br /> ;��1t�S, Furm W=Y 9I90 IpuRe:njA�wXes� �
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