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.� } _ �, �. '. `.__ <br /> 1 ......- --— <br /> .�` _.�:_�.� � � � �:�� . .:_ <br /> 7b H�vB�wa To t�lq.o tbe amq� .�uato t���tWee.a Pm� at�a�or np[aeau co�tuid <br /> cane�au witb�tbe Mort�ee�t!W the MorWla h��ood.f,�bt to�dl sad oo�vey wtd pamira: tbat thh► <br /> are fne,from e�c�nnb�nc�,e�capt a�heninatt�wl�e radtedi tlue the Mo�tWar wW wam�nt sad defa�d� <br /> ��t the Iatirlu!dal�s�t all��.M4ttt���'�'Y��I����at bome�te�. <br /> �� . aU n�uinl rWit�.eitba ia law or in�quity.�ad�p.oWer coetiye�t�u oY ti�s�is aM to tM <br /> '�"�'���i1'a`' .re sucutea .na aeu.rona upa+ tn. rol�orv� ca+ait+oo�. to <br /> PNOYIDSD AL�IIAYis. Md d101e DflICOt� <br /> J �� <br /> _ Ma�ar yrea to WY w two Mort�ajtec,or order�tbe afora�td prlaeipd suen with inte�t trom date <br /> at the nte of SEYEN Pa �� l 7.OG0 �� <br /> per�aaum on tbe uap�id b�thaoc untll paid.The�id prindpRl�nd inta+e�t�h�U be p�yabla at tha of8oe oi <br /> COlMERC1AL FEOERAI MORTBABE CORPORATIQN <br /> ie OMAHA NEBRASKA . ����u� ��� P�� �e holder of tUe noto auy dmipute In <br /> �,p�d� or m�iilo� to tho MaJt�ar. ia monthly installmenu of <br /> FOUR HUNQR�O QNE AND 18/100 <br /> Dollwta ls �01.78 )� ca+aounencini on t6e first d#Y d' MARCN � 1A 93 . <br /> •ad xoadnuja�o�a thc iirst daY of a�c6 montG tl�era�fter uatil a�id a�te is fuYy ptid.eucept that.if nw:ooaer <br /> ptid,tde Mal psYment a�PrindPV aad iaterat abwll be due And P�Yab{e on tbe fir:t day cf <br /> • FEBRUAR�, 2009 :+����Y��Rermt of�a�t�ip pcom�w�ry°'°t°of rrea <br /> - due haewith acecuted bY the�id Mort�or. <br /> `��, - Thr i�fari�,to� furthec a�r�: <br />- 1.He/:he wiU paY t�►e herdnbefore provided.Privile�e i�reserved to PnpaY u�uy time, <br /> without praalum or fa.ah�e entire indebtedaeas or Auy part thereof nat las tbwn the amauat of one iatWl�aeat. <br /> - ` ar one huadred dollars.�$�`��.�).��c��'��less.Prepaymait in full�hall 6e credlted on tlte date reodved. <br /> �i'n Putid prepaymeat.othea i�an on Aa instaUment due date.need nat be credited uatil the Aeut foUowia�ia�tal!- <br /> - ment due date or thirty il�ys after suic0�prepayment.wbichever is eulkr. <br /> 2.ToQether wlth,a�a�i dm additlon to,the mant6dY payments of pr�ncipal aad intaat psyable uader the taa4s <br /> of the note sacured benbb,Mdrt�or wjll pay to Martgaga,as truster.(under tl�e tams of tWs truat�s i�n+du�fter <br />;_»�, ttatod)on tht i'�rst daY d'each n►ontb untU said no�e is fulip paid: <br />���;3 (a) A s�am a�easd��the arouad rcnts.if aay,next the premiums that wiU aext ba;ome due aad <br /> 'h'1 pay�i�bie on policies of 6rc Amd oti�hazard i�uurar�:�c;,�vcriag the martS�II�Pi�Y. Flt�s ta2css <br /> • aad assessm�nts ns�ct due on the mortgaged property Qaild s�s esdmated by the Mortgagee�and of which <br /> the Mortga�or is notit`Kd�lless aU sums already paizD theireFor�ivi.�lod by the number of months to <br /> � elapse beforc ona month pd�or to the d��1e ahen sucFo�raund rents�premiums,twces and assessments - <br />= q �� � wW become delinquent,euct+suau to be hdd by Mohsngee ia tr�st to pay said around reau.premiwas. � <br /> taxes and special aasessraents. <br /> . " (61 7'he aS�re�ce of the amounts payable pu�suant to subpara�ph(aJ and those payable an the note <br /> ` ' secured hereby,shall be paid in a sinQle payment each manth. to be applied to the foUowir�g items <br /> in the order st�ted: <br /> _ � �,�;+�,�; it) ground rents� taxes, assessments, fire and ouher hazard insurance premiums; <br />. �' r��,.�; [u1 interest on the note secured hereby; and <br /> . •.r� <br /> ,;,,��;,,w ,; pu) amortizatlon of the principal of said notc. <br /> • �'•. � �- Any deficier+cy in the amount of any such aggregnte monthly payr�ent shail, unless maek good by - <br /> �', the MortgaBar prlor to the due date of the next such payment, cor�stitute an event of do�ault under - <br /> . '4�.� <br /> ''`'���" �' �`f this mortgage.At Mortgagee's option, Mortgagor will pay a"late chprgc"not excadinQ four per <br /> i3t'._.,r...' .. .: ����'. <br /> ��;*;,,;. . :;�- "� centum(4�1i)oP anY installment when paid more than fifteen(13)days after tM due date thereof to <br /> cover the extra expense involved in handling delinquent poyments,but such"late charQe"ahall not <br /> •. r�:_:,.,.� be payable out of the proceeds of any sAle made to satisfy the indebtedness securcd hereby, unless - <br /> :.:r. ."'`.�.'�' �.ti. �� such procads are sufficient co discharge the entire iadebtedness and All proper costa amd expensea - <br /> � `° '�' secured thereby. <br /> , '��: <br />--- `,�::,�;.� <br /> +���'' 3.If the total of the payments made by the Mortgagor un�]er la1 of paragraph 2 preceding shnll excced the <br />!`"� �'"��.•.Jm amount of payments actually made by the Mortgagee. as trustee, for gcound rents� taxes and assessments or <br /> -?�•r�'R�e:t"°''�. . <br />_ , ;:;�!�: � . insucence premiums,as the case mey be�sueh excess shall be eredited by the Mortgagee on subsequent}+ayments <br /> �' •• ,;�,,.�• to be made by the Mortgagor for sucfi items or,at Mortgagee's option,as trustee� shall be refunded to MoR- <br /> :,,, --',,_,.,�.: <br /> � ��,�. =-•�-�.. �t��:•�, �agor.[C.however�sucl�manth{y pay'+rients shall not be sufCcient to pay such items when the aame shall become <br /> , • . . t.�;; <br /> .'.��,,;::� ,t,rl� due and payable,then the Mortgagor sMall pay to the trustee,any amount necessery to make up <br /> �;: �':' . ' � i' the deficiency within thirty(30)days after written notice from the Mortgagee stating the amount of the deficien- <br /> cy. which not�ce may be g+ven by mail.1 f ac any ti�e the Mortgagor shall tender to the Mongagee,in accordaace <br /> � �-;�='��Y�.+� �. � with the provisions of the note secured hereby,fu]1 payment of the entire indebtedness represented thereby.the <br /> ; � . <br />- . .�. ,,. Mortgagee,as trustee,shell,in computing the amount of such indebtedness,credit to the account of the Mori- <br />''`= �.���-�.:��+-•-':��-? Qagor any c��lit balance accumulated wnder the provisions of IQ!of paragraph 2 hereof,lf there shall be�default <br />'';v=� `1.. ;,�.��5� unda any ou tbe provisions of this mortgage resuiting in a public sale oP the premises covered hMeby,or if the <br /> '���,"":�` ��' � Mortgaga acquires the property otherwise after default, the Mongaga, as trustee�sheDl app0w,as the time of <br /> ' .�<itib� _ �_ c����;..�....«��noe nr at �he time the oroperty is othenvise acauired, the amo�ant then re- <br /> __'�-- ----.}2-ti�;..:p-.�,+?ti�v'- i1�t�VU�utc7wc'i�S�i.i :. r•_..'-._'-..- <br /> � ���<� �����{�. maiaing to credit the Mortgagor under(o)of paragraph 2 preceding,as a credit on the interest accrued and un- <br /> �:���-. .�,�::�::, <br /> .,.,.,s.., , ���?��j4 ; paid aad the balance to the principal then remajning unpaid on said note. <br /> _�r " '. 4.The lien of this instrument shall remain in full force and efiect dunng any poscponr�uent ae extensio� <br /> --�_�������r:���:`:y,�..�::� of the time of payment of the indebtedness or any pan thereof secured hereby. <br /> �zJ:.:....� ..�,:, <br /> --,��r-;.,:.,, , <br /> —�•-�-��= —��.. S.He/she will pay all ground rents� taxes.assessments,water r�ta. and other govemrnental or mun c pa <br /> �.. .--r----:=_:_-- <br /> - �- � ,:��,.,,,:; charQa,Cna.or impositions,levied upon said premises and that he/she will pay all t�ces levied upon this morc- <br /> c,.•..� tl�.�...'•.7: :-•.�,.� <br /> ,,,,;�, �;�,� _ �ege,or the debt secured thereby,together with any ott,er taxes or assessments which may be levied under the <br /> .,• � laws of Nebraska aga�iost the Mortgagee,or the legal holder of said principal noee.on account of this indebtedness� <br /> � .'�'��{. ' exapt when payment for all such items has theretofore beeq made undtr<a/of paragraph 2 hereof.and he/she <br /> � -��""'''��'� �-- will promptly deliver the of�cial rcceipts therefor to the Mottgagee.In default thereof the Mortgagce may pay <br />=� ...;, � � ' t�te sa�e. <br />