-����� �:�.�.�....�.II.r , a�: _
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<br /> _. .. ,..�
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<br /> ,.: ,,..- . .
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<br /> �- � _ .. _ ___ _—__. _--- --
<br /> �1�
<br /> _���� 91-1o�9i1
<br /> =t
<br /> ���� wcr of awie rontai�ed in this
<br /> applicablc Inw rtuiy�cify for roimutemrntl befon sale of ihc P�openy piu�wat ta swY Pp
<br /> � gxurity lnst�umenr,or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing�his Securlty Insaument. 71�aso coaditians are thot BMrnwer. (s)
<br /> •'�_ p�ys (,ender �I� cums which then would be due under thia Security Instcumeot and the Notc tu� if no acceleradon had
<br /> -'`'' aa:urnd:(b)cures any dcfQUlt of any other cavenonts ar agrcementa:lc1 psiYs all eapenses incwrcd in eoforcing�hia Secut�ty
<br /> _'.��.._
<br /> lnsuumaiti ittcludin�. iwt not �Imited to.rc.asontble attamays'fees; and(d)takeg such action ns l.ender may reASOt�biy --
<br /> - — � roquire to acw�e thu the li�n of thia Security Inswment.I.endcr s rightx in the Properry+u�d 8orrowerk abligAtion to pny the
<br /> _�" - sums socuned bY this Socuney Insuumcnt ;hall cw�tinu►: un�hangrd. Upon rein�tetement hy Borrower. thia Security �
<br /> - — lnctn�ment and the obligwlons ixund hereby sludl remwin fully effective as if no acceler�tian hud occuRal. Hawever,thi�
<br /> �_ ri�ht to�einsqte shall nd apply in the case af acaler�tion under puagraph 17.
<br /> -�---��--- 19. S�k at Nde;Chan�e ot I.oAn Servia� 77�e Ndc ar a puti�l intcrtst in the Note(tagether with�hic Secu�iry
<br /> - .�,,;,� ��spument)may be sold one or more�imes wlthout prior nodce ta Barrower. A sale muy rcsuit in a change in the entity �
<br /> �{cnown as the"t,oan Servicer')that collects manthly payments due under the Nae and this Security Instrument. There alr+o �i�.-'
<br /> "�:'":;,;?:R'�.��;:..: may be one or more changes oi the L.�an Servicer unrcial e d to A sa le o f t he No te. I f 1 h e n i s n c h a n g e of the l.oan Servlcer,
<br /> == --� Borrower wUl be given wrinen notice of the change In uccardanca with parugraph�4 ut►ove and s+pplicable luw. 'Ilie n�tice ___ _
<br /> --- "`=`'sb1'i�';."� i
<br /> = will state the name and add�ss of the new LoAn Servker and tha addtess to which payments should be made. 71�c notice will =�=�
<br /> ----- ���s.���.,,:',. �lso oonuin auy otha iniormation requirod by applicable law. �-
<br /> u
<br /> � ��u gqbst�nces. Borrowcr shall not cause or pertnit 1he pneseme.use,disposul,storage,or r+elcuse of anp m-: _
<br /> �,�e:
<br /> �—_--°":���=.�`?�� �do�Supstances on or in the Property. Bornawer shall nw do,nor allow anyone else to do.nnything affecting tAe �,-
<br /> -,.��`.Ma=�::.w._�._``.�'; p�y tl�t is in vloladon of any F�vironmentel[.aw. 'R�e preceding two sentences shall not apply a the p�seix�e.use.or �!�'�
<br /> " `. . . ,,� 5�,�ps t�e pf�opetty oP small quantities N'Haaardaus Sub:tences tha[are generally recogaized a be apptop�iatt to�orm�l �.�
<br /> ��;V�`:��'''�`. residentiat usxs and to meintenance of the�tc�eriy
<br /> _ __ __v�:�����3�_.
<br /> - `,���_�.,�_:;�..� • Botrawer spall promptlY give Leader a�iten notice of any investigation.cluim.demand,lawsuiII ar�ther aceion by any ��
<br /> �='.;. ���' i � govemmenlul ar regulawryr AgencY a'Pri�at�party involving the H+operry and an�r Hazardous Substaare or Environmental ��:
<br /> -��'�°�'',::`~�, ' Luw of which Horrower llws actual knowledge. IF Bomower kams. or is aoti�ed by �uy govemmentnl or �ulatary l�.,_
<br /> „���,�••",. •,;:; • �s nriesaat Borrower
<br /> _ �.x,•,- .,.•� ,�. BUiFlOrlh'.that any rcmoval or other remediation of any Haza�clous Substanc-e afi'ectiag ihe NropertY ' S'.
<br /> - _ ahall promp�ly take all necessaty t+emedia�actions i�accordan►'e with Enviro�meata0 Lu�v.
<br /> ,��?� ��`�` As used i�this paragraph 20."Hazardous Subswnces"are those substwx�es degine�l+�s toRic or'hazardous substances by _;=�_
<br /> ,:•�4:•�i • Environmental Law and the fdlowing substances: gnsoline,kerose�e,a�fie�flamrnabie vr te��:ic petroleum praducts.toxic �.;-
<br /> ��`, ;�%�,�, pesticides aad herbicides. volatile solvents,melerials conteining asbest��a' forn�aldehyde,unc3 rAd}�active materials. As �-
<br /> --- - � '�� k��;� used in thie pua�'aph 2U,"Environmental l.nw"means federal laws and Iaws of�he jurisdiccion whesP the QropertY is tacnted
<br /> _ . ,'�'' . that nelate ta health,safety or environmental pmtecaon. --
<br /> - �• ,r�'�r..� —.
<br /> -_�.�.� "'� ,!� NON-UNIFORM COVENAM'S. Bormwer and L.ender fu�ther covenant and a�ee as follaw•s:
<br /> �.y Zl. Acceleradon;Remedies. I.ender slwll give nodee to Borrower prbr to accelerntivw ta�ilawing�orrower's
<br /> — '�f^ " Nb G..
<br /> ='"�-'----��5.��. nt in thts Security Inctrument(but not prior to Accelerr�tian�ader paragraph l7
<br /> �.:��
<br /> b:cacls a!uay covenae!o�'eg�'et'mt' —
<br />-•=�`��-��'� � unless applicnble bw provides ot6erwise). The notice shall specity: (A)the defAalt;(��ae a�tiwa requi��io care
<br /> :;�;:.�' „r. deT�uit;(c)a drte,nd less thwn 30 days irom the date the notke is glven to Borrowes.by wh3cG the dePwult must be �
<br /> ` � 'F"'� � � ' cured;And ld1 t6at foflure to cure the default un or before the dute specifled in the notice may result in acceleradon of �5..�,
<br />-_- ' '; .�.�., ... . ... _.__.
<br />'"';�y� ' � � the sum9 secared by tdts Securily Instrument and sale of the Property. The ndice shaU fuMher inform Borrower of �.
<br /> m
<br />-'�:•`�� '�-�.�i,^�`��,� ' „ '';,,: lhe rigbt to reinsfate aRer accelerat[on and the right to brMg a couM uction lo assert the non•existence ot a defs�alt or .
<br />'':'�'•��', •� ' �y{= any other detense of Borrower to Accele�ation and sale. If 1he defauit is nd cured on or before the date speciFied in _
<br /> �..
<br />, :�:.'., •�.•;�
<br /> •,.;, "`���" ' ; the notice.l.eoder ot ita option moy requi�e immediate payment In�ull af s�ll sums secured by Ihis Secu�ity nst�umen
<br /> -":' "'�'. without fl�rther demond And may invoke the power oi sale and ony othe� remedies permitted by applicable low. �- -
<br /> ovided in this ara ra h 21,
<br /> •..•���' � ��• ' I.ender shall be entidal !o rnllect �II expe�incurred in pursuing the remedies pr P � P �_
<br /> ''�''� '�"°"''�'"°'�" including,but not Ilmited to,repsonable Attorneys'fees�nd cosis of title evidence. �__
<br /> _..> . ,
<br />_:;�,,";'�� ' • �y�, ' If the power of sale is tnvoked.71�ustee shall record a natice oi deFault in each couMy in which any part o t e _,
<br /> -•=�-�.• �• •" Property is k�cated and shpll mail rnpies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable low to Borrower ond to
<br />:`,:• .
<br />':t,1r;;i �,.. .,; • ' the olher persons prescribed by applicable luw ABer the time required by+applicabte low.71ru�stee shall give publ �-••
<br /> w�-,;' ..
<br /> • notla of sale to the persons and in lhe manner prescribed by spplicoble law 7Fustee.wHhout dempnd on Borrower, r,..:
<br /> �'``'�� ��� "' '" shall sell the Property at public auction lo the hi�hest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in
<br />�,�y � `y � '1 ° the notice oi sale in one or more pwrcels and in any order 7tustee determMes. 'IFuslee moy pnstpune sale of ail or any
<br /> - � eviousl scheduted wde. Lender or ils � ",
<br /> '"'• �°.�..�� parcel of ihe Property by public announcement at!he time pnd ploce of anr pr y
<br /> '•.�' •��;� •._ , declgne.may purcbase the Property at any sale. -
<br /> , ' ''= U recei t ot ment of the rfce bld,'tlrustee shall deliver to the purchoser 7lrustee's deed comeyia6 /he
<br />.-�{:- ,�"`, , � pou P PeY P
<br />::��;�;;v�fr.� �s' ��, � properly.uThe recitals in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prlma fucie evidence ot the twth of Ihe stntements made tUerefn. —
<br /> :.�;;;�_,���,. •„-. 7lrustee shall�pply the proceeds ot the sple ip the folbwiag order: lal lo aM co�ste aad expenses of'exercisiag We power ��
<br /> ': :a�:�'o�"- . .
<br /> `�,�;f , ' ' . . --
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