..+_�' • - ----- � T �� ; ,.�,. ----� - --
<br /> , �..��.
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<br /> , .�� - -- .,Y�y I I�i►�..%w..'-. �: -
<br /> I�, .�.�:! �a��..�,,�,.� .. ..,R�.=�-.s. "'=
<br /> . � - ...._
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<br /> 11 �...._, r�....._�---
<br /> �;, �--
<br /> �,�
<br /> i
<br /> .:.1 i _
<br /> 7� � .
<br /> =�: : 91-- iozso�
<br /> � tlN PrOp�rti Is�o ak�n a dan�ad.L�nd1��h�ll h�v�th�opUon,In Ib�ol�and ab�olut�d�o►Mion,to aPP�y all wch Prow�da.
<br /> "�;� dqr eNduptlnp thKdrom�11 catf�nd�xp�n�M Incurr�d by It In conn�otlan with suah Praswd�,upon�ny Ind�l�MdrnM Mew�d
<br /> �•��„e •� hK�by 41M Ifl f40h O�dK�!I.NIdK T�y d�tMf111M.or to app1Y all wah ProcNds.�h�►aoh d�dundon�,W tM rplot�tlan ol t11�
<br /> .-;— da[��'�;� �- prop�ty upon such candlHon���Undu m�y d�t�rminr.Any appllaaUon o1 ProcMdi to Ind�bt�dn�s Nwll not�xpnd a po�Ipon�
<br /> - ���, • th�du�aaq of�ny paym�na unda�h�Nou,or aun�ny dNwll th�rwnd�r a h�nund��.My unaPPll�d fundi�haU b�Ddd to
<br /> — — - T�
<br /> _� � a, h�rtsa�ep�r Lesder.!lpon the xourrence of rn Fvent of ONaull h�r�und�r,or If�ny aat Is tak�n or Ip�l proCNdUp _ _
<br /> - -- � � comm�nwd whlah mat�rlNly�B�ab L�nd�r'�Intsrut In th�Prop�rty,l.�nder m�y in it�owo dlwndun,but withoutobtlyotlor�b da ��r�
<br /> � w.�nd without notic�to or dNn�nd upon Tru�tor�nd wlthout ralNtinp Trwtor Irom any obllp�Qan,do any sot wh�h Tru�tor h�s
<br /> ` ^ �p�Nd but 1�l1�to do and m�y�I�o do�ny other aat it d�am�n�cu�ary to pro t�c t t h�wau►i ry hetsol.T�u�tor ah�ll.imm�dl�tNy
<br /> � ""°""` ^�. upon d�m�nd the�for by Lend�r,p�y b Lsndar�11 costt and sxpsn�e�inourred�nd�ums expsnded by I.QOd�r In conMnUon wfth
<br /> �
<br /> :_:���:°,�!;����;•, tl�s exerelse by land��of th�lorepolnp riphb,topether with Intsrest ther�on at ths d�fault nts provlded In ths NoU,whleh sh�
<br /> ��::��� addsd to M�Ind�bt�dnas aaund h�r�by. Lw�d�r �h�ll not incur any U�billty bsc�u�of anythlnp It m�y do or omit to do
<br /> •,,,�, h�nunder.
<br /> " � ��%�°'�*--•"� 9, H1�abow Wtelab,Truator sfudl keep the Property in compllence wlth all applicabla lewa,ordi�encea end rspulptlona _
<br /> .��:,:�r,.
<br /> ��-_.—, --: ,— r�tlnp to Induetrlal A�r�no or vn�kronn�pntal praNction(collecdvely ralornd to hereln at"EnvironmonW law�"►. TN�tot i
<br /> �� � k�p th�Propas�Mw hom au sub�ta�+cv�dwroed ta bo huardous or tox�c ur�r any Envlronmental Laws(collecdvely refenad to ---.--
<br /> — ���y`'•� ... � MnUt as"Hit�td0u�(M�1�ials�7•TrustOr Mreby wArqnq and represec�p to 4.vrKf�that thWe ara nO Hpzs�dou�MAMri�4s on a --
<br /> -•�.:, ,,._..., ��
<br /> _"_���;.'' w+dK tlN PropNl�t.Trusto►hKe�Y qrp�s to todicneity And hWd h�mntass lenckr.�b dirocWre,oMiCero�.YmDWYewiind pe�b,lu�d
<br /> — - - , any succssfors to I.enda►'s�tere9l,hom and ap�►inst�ny and all ctatms,damayes,tosss�and 8abitiUes ariskg in connectl�a�with Y-v
<br /> - H,�;,, r. ,, the prq�ree0.uts.disposal a t�ansport ot Anr Huardoua Materia�s on,under. hom oe about ihe Proper[y.THE FOREGOINa �,.,,.
<br /> — =rr�• � SUNViVE RECON1fEYANCE OF TFii.S OEED OF TRUST. _ _..
<br /> lJ.� ��• � : �Q, Astlp�M�l pl pM1q,Touskx hereby aasiyns to Loa�de�the renb,issuee and profib of the Propeoty:iDrvv�ded M9�1 Truator =
<br /> ,�;„ }(1,y �,;,.,•F;�,:�.;.��, shall,tu►pl tM occurrane�ot pn Event at pefault henunde�.hav�i 4he ripht to collect and retaNe auch►ente,iseuea and proP+ts aatheY __.„
<br /> ••;`:l"i:rn,��:�.�,. ,. . °e::��
<br /> becane Oue and payable.Upor�the occurrence ot An Event of Default,Lender may,eitAe►,�person or by epent,wlth or v�nthout
<br /> _ ; , � brinpinp any action or proaeedlnp,ar by a recei�er#Rpointed b�y a court end without rega7d ta Ine adequecy o4 Na secusi�r,enter �c��"-
<br /> � upon end fake possesslon of the PropeAy,or�ny�an tAereol,In iq own name or In the neme a1 the Truetee,end doany acts wA�it
<br /> � .�`�.��"•`5 . . deems naceseary or dasira6le to preserve the valus,markatabpity or rentab�iity ot the Proparry,or er.y pert thereo(a Interest therei�.
<br /> w,��.. ,,.�,,,:...Yc .,.: ,:
<br /> ;.`•,. Inerease the income fhereTrom or p�otect the aecurity horeo!And,with or wnhoul takinp possession o1 the Praperty,aue or
<br /> •-=� � tr;�r;;;;#i;;;;• �+�� otherwise collect the renta,ieauea and prolita thereof,Includim�those pasi due and unpald,end apply the seme,lese cosle end
<br /> �'� '�• ��•'a� '';' expeneee of operetion end coMectlon includinp ettorneys'teaa,upon any indebtednesa aeoured hereby,all in auch order as Lende►
<br /> - ' �`t'� � may debrmine.The enterinp upon and tekinp posfession o11he Property,the oollecdon of such rents,lasuea and prolita and the —
<br /> -'�`r�•�• `��:. • „ epplloedon thereof as eforeeoid,ahell not cure or waive any default or notice oi default hereunder or Invalldate eny act dona In �
<br />'-4;%��'< � '•'.�; ' respome to such delault or pursuent to euoh notlae of delault and,notwithatanding the continuance in posaeasbn olthe Property or
<br /> __=••.a���;.' •'L mg r,�itwr_.don,recnlpt end applioatlan of rente,Isauea or proiha,and Truatee and Lender shell be entitled to exercise every rlpht _
<br /> � ' � . ;,,..•., provlded for in any of the Loan Inelruments or by low upon occurrence of eny Eventof Deleult,lncludlny withoui iimiteGon itn��lyiii _
<br /> =°'��,`� �;y::��`.';�;'"', s: ' lo exercisif the power ol sale.Further,Lender'e rlghts and remedles under thls pa�agraph shell be cumuletive with,and In no wey a --- ..
<br /> r„ :..���.. .:;r... '�i � �7;:�'
<br /> .,7:, � ,+.�,•r�e,:::�;y,• :.. .. • Ilmitadon on,Lender s rtphts and remedles under any asslgnment af leases and reMa recorded apelnat the Property.Lender,Trwteo ......�.,,�., ,_,�._,
<br /> .. ,.., r:;•,•r,1t.i.;s? �,�.... ..
<br /> �:- 1.�},i,.„,,,;�,;.,h, . end the receiver ahall be Itable to acoount onty for those rents actually recelved.
<br /> •�'���` . ��•,:^'•`•�'��""�'����' 11. EwnM ol0dwlt. The tolbw�np ahell conatitute en Event of Delault under this Deed ol TrueC
<br />.:- ;`, '..i 1^'i'�{i';:��bj��i•j,,+�`���
<br /> .� ,..,•�.,y(�;,.��,��,';,, ,• (a) Faflure to pey any i�etallment ot princlpal or interest o1 any other sum secured hereby when due: _� �
<br /> � �.•��,�� t. (b) A breach o1 or delaull under any provlslon contalned In the Note,thle Deed ol Trust,any of the Loan 1 notruments,or a�y
<br /> �;'�Y- r�' +;•' oUwr Ilan or encumbrance upon the Property; ��'�`� '—
<br /> A�:�•�4�� ,� .� (c) A wNt ot exeauNon or ettechment or eny slm8ar procesa ehall be entered aqelnot Trustor whfch shall beaome a Ilen on ___
<br /> , , u .. ° ,'.• ,. , � the Property or any portlon thereof o�inlerest therein; �°� `=-
<br /> IRt'R_Vi��--_
<br /> •• (d) There shall be Illed by or agelnst Trustor or Borrower an action under eny present or luture federel, stete or other ____
<br /> � •�� � �• sfatute,law or regulatton relatlny to bankruptcy,Insolvency or other relfef lor debtors;or there ahall be appolnted any trustee, �ur,++n---
<br /> " ��� �eceiver or Ilquldetor o1 Trustor or 9orrower or of all or any pert ol the Property,or the rente,Issues or proflts thereof,or Trustor �ru��
<br /> .'•. i' or Bo�rower shell make eny generel asalgnment br tha benetlt of creditore; ��r,,:','.�T-
<br /> , - ' , � �; (e) The aele,trana(er,lease,asslgnment,aonveyence or lurther encumbrence o1 ell or any paR of or any interest In the ���~V��;�,.:•,•;; �
<br /> ,;, .,
<br /> _,.,� .. ,. : '. :� Property, elther volu�terlly or involuntarlly, wlthout the express written consent ot Lender, provlded that Truaror shall
<br /> 'l,,;,, ; ;�'�� permitted to execute a lease of the Property lhat doea not contaln an optlon to purchase and the term ol whlah doea not excQed �,J++.:.'':�;:��:�:•--
<br /> � �M`4!uc�
<br /> '` one year,
<br /> ^,.;�;.,•,�';' ti ,;;.•;,;,;o•• � (Q Abandonment o}the Property:or �' p'�''���-
<br /> �'�v� ' IfTruetorianotanln0lvidual,thelasuance.sale.transler,asslpnment,conveyanceorencumbranceolmorethanolotal �'{-�r4'�'
<br /> :�:j .. ;;�f���,�;:� c�i �r��— ..-_�:
<br />_,,;r;.: � . „ ,.._�.
<br />•-�-` ' of percent of pl a corporatfon)its issued and oulstantling stock or pf a partnership)e total ol percent ot � ,
<br />:.:.,�i;�, -• � .
<br /> •.,; y. . � - •• pertnerahip fntereats during the period thla Deed of Truat remelna a Ilen on the Property. � .
<br /> � �,:�,'�,, ° , ° . 12. R�m�dNs;ACCN�atbn Upon DN�ult In the event of any Event ol Defeult Lender may,wdhout notice except as requlrad by
<br /> �'��:�',;` �� ., lew,declare all Indebledneae secured hereby to be due end payabte end the seme shall thereupon become due and payable t
<br /> • ' ., - w l t hou t eny pre a e n t m e n t,d e m a n d,p r o t e s t o r n o t l c e o t a n y k i n d.T h e r e a R e r L e n d e r m e y. k
<br /> . , t •
<br /> � ' (A1 Qemand that 7ruetea exercfse the POWER OF SALE granted herefn, and Trustee shall thereaRer cauee Trustor's ,�.��i;•
<br /> � - �. ' . intereat m the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be dlstributed,all m the manner prowded In the Nebra�ka Trust Deeds � � :"'
<br /> •,t� A� �
<br /> .t ,. "'�'� •
<br /> '�.'i '� , . (b► Exercise eny and all rfyhte provlded for in any ot the Loen Instruments or by law upon occurrenCe of eny Event of i : •,:
<br /> Delaui�and , •,,;;;�y;'�;,
<br /> 5 � j',.��, (o) Commence an act�onto loreclose this Deed of Teuat as a moNflepe,appomt a recelver,or speclllcelly enforce any of the ,,r,::,ti...: :,�
<br /> • ��c��l/•::,; . , -��; a�
<br /> � � ��,,.;.,,. covenanb hereof. ,,
<br /> • � '}t(.�i�``?,'•�;'�•. ° No cemedy herein Contereed u�on ar reserved to Trustee a+�ender�s�ntended to be exclusrve of any other remedy rere�n,in the •':,,"„ i_ -'
<br /> ' , '� !"t, , :
<br /> %t�,�;� �i'��1����''.,"� Loa�I�slruments or by law Drav�tled or perm�tted.but e�c�^A'+al!be cumuletfve,sh�tY tre m addit�on to every other r�+dy gfven
<br />,.L;;,r,.:} :•!�'�j>,�i��'f� +r y
<br /> • �. �•+�:,:� hereunder,fn the Loan Instruments or now o erea�er exisL:�q at law or in equ�ty C►ty statute.and may tree�ercaed Co�currentl
<br /> ��'• .� �'�" � �' • ifld6�ff1d6Rtly 0►SUCCASSiV@ly-
<br />";�iY:' :,y 1'(';�}yy• . • �e , .
<br /> �, ,��,�,,+, ;-�11„��,5�, , 13. T�ustN.The Trustee�nay res�g�ae any���re wii"�o:it cause, aRd..�e^der may at any hme artd wdhoutceuee appoint a
<br /> � 1 �,�U" • successor or substftute Trustee.Trustee 9ha11 not Oe leeble to n++y party.�nc�ading wilho�t I�m�tatlon Lender,Borrower,Truatoror any
<br /> , 1���11d:,'�'..j;
<br /> �tsar;�!! : purchaser of the Property,lor any loss or tlamage unless a..z t�reCkless or w�lllul misconduct,and shal�not be requ�red to 18ke any
<br /> ' "•'�: ' ��r'�`� actfon in connection with the enforcemee�'of t�is Deed oT 7rust unless mdemndfed,in wnting,lor all costs.compenseGOn a
<br /> ..�e..��w.o.�.,e.�u�i���fo-�a�nr
<br /> '' .'�jt expenaea wh�ch may De aaaoc�atea merewrm �n addiiion.Trusiera�i�a YCMVIIIO O{IYI V�OW�o:o::"' .
<br /> �i��.�,•.� � � • under the power ot sale grented hereml:postpmne the sele ot a11 or any portion of the Property�as 0►owded by law:or sQl� tMe
<br /> ����' Praperty as a whole,or in separate parcela or lots ot Trustee's d�screLan.
<br /> � • 14. FNS and Eup�nM�.Irt Me event T►ustee seus tne Rroperty by exercise o1 power ol sele.Trustee snall be e�etled to apply
<br /> • any sale proceeda firat to payment et sil costs and expenses of exeicising power ol sale.mcluding atr Trustee's krs.and 6ender'a
<br /> , � and Trustee's attOrney's lees,eCtually incurreQ to lxtent perm�ttetl by apD��cable law.In the event Barrower or Trusmr eM�rclses any
<br /> . rlght p•ov�deQ Dy law to cure an Event ot dehulr,Lendel shell be e�titleG to recover Irom Trustor ail CostS entl expenses ectually
<br /> ' incurred es a result ol Trustor'e del�ult, mcluC+n9 wdhout Ilmitat�on au Trustee'��nd atlorney'S Mes.to Ihe eMtent permlqed by
<br /> . , ePPllcablo law.
<br /> 15. Futun AdrancN.Upon request o1 Borrower, lender may,at�ta opt�on.make add�twnai and luture advancea end re-
<br /> edvancea to BOrrower.Such advancea and re8dvencea.wflh Intere8t thereon,9ha11 be aeCUred by thls Oeed o1 TruSt At n0 t�me shell
<br /> • the prinClDel emount ol the Indebtedneas secured by thls Deed of Trust,not mcluding sums advanced to protect Ihe secur�ry ot thia
<br /> D�ad of Trust,exceed the odpinal principal em-!�!r•stated herem,or 9b.gkpp.p_nn�wh�chever is greater.
<br /> ., .. }
<br /> . �
<br />