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<br /> ,i �pp8cable lo�v may cpocify far reinstatementl before aale of ihe PrapettY Porsuor+t to uny power of sale cantAinod in Ihis --_._
<br /> ';, 3ecutity Instrunxnt;or(b)entry of o judgmen�miorcing this Security Inauument. 7liace conditfans are thu BcKrower. (a�)
<br /> - pay: lxnder�II sums which then would be due under�his Security InstNnxnl aM the Note as fi na Acceleruion had
<br /> : � �'�� cecumed:l,bl cures any defnuit of any otlkr covenents or�gneements:lc)paYsall capenses incurred in enfarcing this Security
<br /> • �`�- - Insuument. iocluding.but not limiled to, reasonable attomcy�'iees:nnd (dl takec such xdan av Ixnder may rc�.sawbly _
<br /> roqufrc ro assure�hat the lien of�his Security Instnunent.Lender�r�ghts in�he f'roperly and Norrowerk obligation ro pay the
<br /> �-� �-� -u- sums securctl by �his 5a:u�ity Ictisdvmrnt sl�al! conlinue unchanged. Upon reinuatemcot hy Rnm�wa. this Security �- ____ __ -
<br /> �•=:r;it�: '.r � I�suument and the ol►li�ationa socu�d hereby shall remain fuliy efl'ec:tive as if no acceler�tim had nccwnJ. Huwever,ihiy
<br /> ' �knr:'au�'1
<br /> _.. ...r ri�ht to rcinstate shall not apply in 1be case of occelera�ion under puogrnph 11. ---
<br /> ' ;:.. l9. Sak d Note= Clun�e of Loaw t5ervker. 7'he Note or a puAisl interext in the Nate (�ogether with thn Security _._
<br /> �'`� '''�!`-'�. lnsuument)may be sold one a mare times withoul prior notice ta Bamnwer. A sAle mAy resuU in s+chenge i��he entity --
<br /> -�_' � (known as the"Lo�Servfcer'71hpt colierts monthly paymems duc under tlu Nae smd this Sacurity Instniment. 'Ihere also � ____
<br /> ��r -� .' -_
<br /> - moy be one or more changes oi the Lupn Servicer unreluted�o u sule of the Note, If there is a chunge af the l.oan Servicer,
<br /> _ ;s_ •;, gorrower will l�e given written notice oi the change in accordatice w:th purugraph l4 above und applicable law. 71te nwice �w .,r '
<br /> -""'�; wFll state 1he name and Address of the new Loan Servicer and 1he address ta whictrpa�rments should ba made. 7'hc nwice will �__—
<br />..�.._.._..lt Y� ). .�n
<br /> .-:�;,�,,: ,� . . alsocontain any other informntion required by upplicuble law. _----� - --
<br />'N"���� .� 20. Hr�rdaus Sub�ances. Borrower shall not cuusa or perrttie the preserce.a+e'.disp�sal.slomge,or releue af any —
<br /> '�" � � � , Hazardrous Sub�star�ces on or in the Propeny. Borrower shall not da,nor ul[ow rnyone e[.�r to d�a onything af(ecting the - --
<br /> •il t_'`. �in..��_--
<br /> ::'�i'''i � �;.-.��:-�� " Propeny that is in violution af any Environmentnl l.r�w. The preceding twa scr�teRCCS shatl not app�y co the presence.use,or !.. - -
<br />--- _� •..�•�'.^. ' storage on U�e Ptupeny of sma[I quantit�es of Hazardous 5ubsw�ces tliat are�ene�Uy re�ro8nized tv be apVropriate�°namal
<br />__..�-�'_ �1lT 1 " ��_--
<br /> residential uses and to maa�tenanc.�e of the Property --
<br /> ���� - Pto+nPdY Bi 9 �
<br />--,:••.: Bumuwer s6all ve Lender written natice of un investe ation,claim,demund,lawsuit or otbee�cdoa bY�Y
<br />��.:Y,-'!"• _.,: �,___,_.
<br />- �,.._. � . .� �`�{;, govemmental or�gulatory agency or privaite party involving the Pruperty and any Hnysudaus Substance or E�evironmental
<br /> �-_
<br /> � • i�� �°n � l.aw of which Barower has Actuul knowtedge. If Barower leams, or is naified by uny govemmenu�! nr rcgul��ary ��=•�°��--
<br /> n� . � • 8uthority,that uny removal or dher remediation of�ny Hazardous Substance aQecting the Prope�ty ix necessv'y.Bcxrower
<br /> ' ��.__.
<br /> .�. y��y,=•FA � �1 p��y�e all necessary remedial actions ia Accordanee wi�h Envirunmental Luw. �?�?'�_'-`'�—
<br />��?`„' ���1 As used in this paragr+ph 20,"Hazardous Substances":�ue those substances de�ned us toxic or huzurdous sub�larnes by
<br />;'.'!�� ,��:•� ` , Environmental Luw and�he following subs�ances: gasatiane,l�erosene,otiier flamma!*!e or toxic petroleum pradu;:�s.toxic ��,�•;':
<br /> �..,,�t t,.;'' pesticides and herbicides, vala�ile solvents,materiuls con��ining asbestac a formaldeQeyde.und�dioactive matcriAl,. Av
<br />�.;;;;:�.��� .. . " used io lhis paragr�ph 20."Enviro�mental l.uw"means federol IAws and 9a�w+s o�k�he juasdiction whe�e 1he Properry•is�cx�a[�d
<br />'� � t� '_ . '.'` tt�t relute to heallh.safety or environmental protection. -�:-�-.---
<br /> •r,
<br /> -_�� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und l.ender funher cavenunt and Agree as follows: ��,
<br /> 21. AccekmUon: Remedies. Le�der shall give nodce to Borrower �dvr ta suceleraUun tollowing Borrower's ��_
<br /> _,.1� •: breACb of any wvennnt or agreement ia lkis Security Instrument Ibuf not pr3a��t�a uccele�atia�under para�raph 17 =-__,_-
<br /> •;I..l s� � - Y . UAIf84 A�1pUCAMC IYW�NOYII�fS O[IICI'WISNI.�IIC IIUIICC bI1YII bj1EC�i�': iA n t�de�'anls;ibl2he arSio�s�eqnired!u eurt the =--- -_:_:
<br /> �5�' ,�l � defAUlh lr)A dAte.aot less tbAn 30 daya i'r�om the date the noNce Is�avcn to Borrower�by wh9rh the defaull muat be ��_
<br /> ���f'�''� "�`'� � "' �• cured:and(d)that Pailure to cure the dcfault on or before the dale spacllled In Ihe notice may result in acceleration of
<br /> �--:
<br /> � ��• . - � � the sums secured by this Security Inst�ument and sale of the Property. The notice shAll Purther inform Barower d ��"`�
<br /> �- tie right to reinstate afler acceleration wnd the r(ght to bring a caura Aclbn lo assert the non-exislence d's�de7au11�x _..—�-�-��_
<br />' ' � �rav other detense of Borrower to acceleratlon and 4aVa. IP the defuult is nd cured on or before the ds�fe s�pe�iJ'ied Aa �-�„�°;°�=�-°�..
<br /> � . .a -
<br /> �`,�y;;�''��!;;, � , , the nottce.Lender at its option may require immediAte payment in Pu]!of�11 sums secured by this Security lav��umenl �'� , •-�,:
<br /> � <<��;;;, , ~ without turlher demand and mAy invoke lhe power oi'sale and any other remedies permitted by s�pplkahle Is�w, . �
<br /> ' . ',�; � �.':,: , Lender shall be endqed to collect aa expenses incurred io pu�uin�Ihe remedies provided in thk parng�aph 21. ,'
<br /> '�;:,;;�;� ^.,."�`�: including,butnotlimitedto.reasonablealtorneys'ieesandcos�4oftillecvidence. �:�,f°�''= -
<br /> �� �`, It lhe wer of sale is invoked.'Irustee shall record a notice of defauN in enci�county in which any part of the ,;;�;� `,:
<br /> _ ����..�s�{�� •• � � Property is I�ocated and shall mail coples of such notice in the manner prescrlbed br�Applics�ble low tu Borr4wer and to ::;;;�„^;„ �-
<br /> ��...
<br /> ;�•�� ' � , . . �, �i the other persons prescribed by appNca6le OA��•. �Rer the time required by appllr�ble law T�uatee shal� give public :
<br /> j,. •_.�� •1'�� ' ..,,i.• � -=
<br /> , �.. �rs. . ,.-.;c; nodce of sale to the persons and In the ma�+�er prescribed by applicable law. 'I�ustee.witM+nt�IemAnd on Bor�awer,
<br /> � �� � �' F ° ' shall seU the Property at puMic auction tn iP�e highest bidder At the time and place and under Yhe lerms deslgoAted in ;_
<br /> t,•':.•
<br /> ��•`• �� ..� the notice of sale in one or more parcels�nd in any order Trustee determines. 7lruslee may po�lpone!wle of all or any __
<br /> n
<br />;�-�;. ° � parcel of the Property by public Announcement at the lime und pluce atany previouslr sclieduled saM. I.eader or its _--
<br />�;;�:,;� . � ° . deslgnee may purchase the PropeMy at any saie. :' _
<br />�`'`•�'•�`� • . Upon receipt of payment of the prlce bid.'Ilrusiee shall deliver lo the purchvser'I�ustee's deed con��eWi�g tQie
<br /> `�'�(��'''' -• . Property. ThP recitals M the 7ti-ustee's deed shall be prima facie e�•idence ut Ihe Iruth uP the slntements made therein. ' �
<br /> 7Yustee sdalG s�pply the pro��eeds of the sale in the following order: la)to all cosLv end expenses uf exercisfng the puwer ��_.A___.�
<br /> ,�Sr ����;�rs�:z�;_
<br /> •. �G 11�( �{� �4_i .
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