'i� � �r,,�-�:. �__ ,_ .
<br /> `�'�''�.�IY•.�tS�b n�._.
<br /> �; � __, - " '- --_
<br /> i .. . ``�n.�-
<br /> �, . r.._ �F�
<br /> ..._v._ -ui . , . -
<br /> - , .. - :,�,�•r��!{4�u;:;•, , .. - -•_ -_-
<br /> � � if . n.,�.,. .. .-� - � - ------'---°-� .. --...—
<br /> � ` 1� ..:i�u�:aE�i�li aaY:ayr.rsn .�...'' :�--�.....rr�r __ __ _. _- . .. ;_.
<br /> ._ �.. . __ —_—_ _ . ..
<br /> `1' '�—__ _.
<br /> �' ,Y . 91--� 10290�1
<br /> n� � tiwt l.cmkr ulrex. 17x imursmco cuirler pm�•kling tha in�ur�xe�hall hc ch��n hy if�xn�wi r ruh,µct w l.rndcr'r =-�
<br /> , • petiads ml
<br /> Nppmv�l which�hall nw be unmuu+nuhly withhcld. IP B�xn�HCr fa�l,to nwinwin r��vcragr dcwnF+cd uh.v�. lxndet nwy.w
<br /> -. ,;.�;,�,. ' L�r�lcr i+optiwi,c�t+tAin c�vcrugc lu pmu�t Lrn�crk ri�thir in�he Pn��n��in wc�xJ�uxr wilh ry�groph 7.
<br /> 4 �y_M All insurwtcr pulicic�un�l nrocwalw,Iwl l l+c urcc�ablc�o l.eixkr aixl.lull in►lwk u daixl�nt m�wtFagr cluuK, l.c�xlrr ��,..
<br /> ' 4'�. +hall(wve it�e right tu ix�ld Ihc{+alicies atxl renew AI�. If(.c�xk:r rcyuimr.li�HruHCr,h�ll pn�mplly�i�•e tu l.c��ler ull nwri�H. ��--
<br /> _ ...r,".. :_:..j.�,�.,.'•• �N'�i�l�nemium+c and mrewal n�Nicre. In the evenl nf lu.�.H�wn�wrr.hull givo pnunM mqire�u�he in.unukn currirt unJ
<br /> _ L.cndcr. LctKler uwy nt:�,c�x��.f uf lu.,it nut m:sda pmmptl)•h)•A��rmwrr. �_�-_-__._-==-=_-
<br /> �. �� Unle..Lendcr wu1 Rc�m►wer wherwlw� ugr�ti•in writin�,in.ursuuc pnrccd�+hrll he upplwd tu n��orutii�n ur rrprir of -
<br /> � R
<br /> � " ' .-,; *' Ihc Pmperty dum�ged. if�hr rc�uxutioa�►r �eMir i. ec�xN�micaUy� t'�a.iMe:uid l_cnikr� Kcurity i, �aN le�+encd. If �he
<br /> ' • eF;.,�' rc+�orwion ar Rpai�i. nat ec�►m►micully (eu.ihlc ��r l.rnder:.rrun�y w.wW Ix Ir.xn�t1. �Fk ia�uraixc pr�tr�rd,,hall ik _,..
<br /> �±.'F�•Y'".`S nppli�d ta�he xumti�cured hy thi� Securi�y In.Irumenl, w•Iwlhrr ur n�N ih�o Jur.wuh �n� �xrr�.paid�o Burn�aer. If
<br /> �r.�..-,�•,�. .
<br /> �3�;314• .. . ' Bartower uh�ndon.�he Pmperty.or d�x.no�rn.Krr within �0 duy.u n�dice G+�m l.en�ler Iha� �hr in.uruncc carrirr hu.
<br /> �,,.�. ` 6i'_-�____—
<br /> ..: ; . offercd to+etde u claim,then I..rnder muy cullec��iw in�uranrc pnx:ccJ.. I.cnd�may u.�Um pnx..�d+w re�rir ur n�turc ------
<br /> `- -�'•: �''• " thr F'mperty ur to pay�um�+�xurnl by thi�S..�urity In�.lrumeat.�vhelher or�xN Ihcn duc. The lll•duy peri�Kl will tirgin when Q - -_ _ F_ _
<br /> :.�;:�:��,.:t,5�..*`, . . '•� � --
<br /> _"^':•�r"'�.� ..� .�- • Ihe MNiCe i�give[t. __ ��
<br /> _:�_�}��,. Unl�sti p.enck,�c;r�l Ek►rt�wer othccwiK-ugrcr in wrning.uny uppli�adiun�d' pukcrd��u prinri�:d ,Icull nut c�t.nd�x
<br /> -ri.�.,,�,�, � , . pon�po�x tM„d�,ue cl;�te 4►i ct1c;m�oathlY puYment+nfcrrcd w in pam�tr�ph� 1 and ?ur changr Ihe umount ul'th�paymrn�+. If --
<br /> _-'+�. �..�``� ' u�ufer P:vaBr',�ph 2L �lrr Pri►prrty ic ucquiRd by LemfcQ.&Krc►wcr:right to uny in,ue.uuti�xdicic� unJ pr�xcrd�n+ul�iog r�_
<br />.a$��,, . inim Jamage to�e Rupeety p+ri�w Ihe ucquix�tivn.trrlf{�:�.�to L�iulcr tu Itu:cxcrnt ot tlx.um�u�und by thi�S�wuri�y --
<br /> ::. .. . . : . Inslrument immed'e:�telx prwr tcr thr:r�yui,ilicx�.
<br />, `�►. .� ,. .. _ r 6. Oocupauc}: Pnsen��tioa M�i�Rc�ncY aad Pratectiun uf IMe Properly: Barrower's l.ua�n Applirallon: � _ �-
<br /> -� 1 ..• •'. '4' ��Bcxmwcr+ n�i t rr.idrtkc Kithin�ixty duy+ai'tcr
<br /> •..,. .•' ��� I.easeholds. B�n�wer.h:all occupy,e�tabli+6.;uK!utie tlK I�n�prrry' � R►
<br /> _'. ..�� ,.� . •�� •�
<br />='���. .�; •r'^;••� 1he raeculi�oi this Security Inun�men�;u�d+twll continur to�xYUpy tt�Huprn�r s.Burn�w�r;pri�o►iry� n�ickncr f��r ut �---
<br /> � .. �,��. leust �ne year aiter thr d;�te oF aceupan�y, unle++ I..rnder aherwi� agrce� in writirt�. whkh ��nr�N ,h�d! not tk
<br /> ,.,�� • , . ;e
<br /> unreusonably withheW,or unles,ex��nu•rtin�cin:um,t�xr�rxi,t whirh are I+ry�xed Bum►v►rr+runtml. B�xn�wcr�hall nut ��Y:y=;:r_
<br />::.�. - '.��.: , , .. destroy.dam�ge�x impair�he Ptupeny.allou�he Pn�pen}•lu deteriur.ue_ar rummit xa.t�on�hr Proprrty. Burn►wcr yhall �;-,-�'' :
<br /> :.r . t�in defuult if any forfritum aciion or pnKerdin�.whr�hvr ci�•il or rr�ecnn�ul. ix!u gun Ihat in LrnJ�r:�tuud fai�h juJ�mrnt ��;�
<br /> ' '; „C9i► ,. " could result in forfeitum uf the Ruperty ar whrrwiuu m�terially impadr�h� lien crcatrd by thi. S�runt? In+trument nr �_,,..,�.���.�
<br /> �'� . ' Lender ti security interes�. 8urruw�r may cun tiurh u de0'auCc aml rcinstute.a�pra�'idrd in�*ar.�graph IK,b}•cau�ing the uction �r�i;�:
<br /> � ar procecdiog to be dismi.sc�l with a ruling that.in Lend2c'.g�wx1 i'aith detertninatio�,pntrlude.ti�rtcilure af Ihr Burmwer+ Y _
<br /> . ;� �';;:w=
<br /> �,.,.,... ..� intere.t in the Pirupeny or wl�r ma�enul impaim�nl ce u0�e lien creuted by �hi. Srcurity Imuumrnt or Lender: .cwurity :r,.yl�r j_
<br /> �� imerest. Barn�wer sfiall al.�� I+e in deiva�le eY B�om��tcc, during the k�an appliration prcKeys, guvr ntuleriolly t'al.r or
<br />- ' •�:;� � inaccurate inl'um�ation or.tatements�o Le�J�er a�x iaii�td t�provide Lrn�k r wi�h nny materiul infortnuiian�in rnnnectian wi�h ' %7��:
<br /> 'ati:,:,_�.�.:_'. no lemited to. rr rc>cnwtion. conceming Bom�wer;�xcupuncy ol' the ���?'i�_
<br /> - - - . , thc lciaa e:•it...4'.".t:'�hy 14!t ti+.�t�. includin�_ hut t P
<br /> _ .. . , pmpeny a.a principul re�i�irnre. If'this Security Instrurnc•nt ic on u lea,rhald.Bnm�wer,hall c��mply wi�h ail ihe pnw„wn+ h,: _
<br /> '�' . . � ot�h�:lea.e. Ii Burrower acyuirc+i'ee iidc to ihe Pn�pci�y.the leuuhold and�h�I'c�lille tihull n��t mer�:e unlc:�s l.ender•rgnx� •f. ';�:;;{. '�
<br /> tW t11e�tte[g�r io w�'iling. � ���i`
<br /> .����,,' �. p�qertNm ��f l.endcr's ItiRhts io the Property. If Borr��w cr t'ail,�u �xrtiinn ihr c�►veni�nl� and a�rcemen�. '�• '°� . -
<br /> :s�- �'. � � canloined in thi. Securiry Intitrumrnt. �x thenr i,u Icgal pnxceJing e�,;u muy .ignilicanUy ulfec� LenJer: righh in �hr 1' ,
<br /> :. �,.�...'� •.�__�°�-
<br /> � � ,a � Propert}•��urh as u pnxecJing in bankruptcy.probulc.li�r cunJrmnution ur li�rtciture�►r to entiircc luw.nr regululion.l.�hrn -- '
<br /> � � . L.rnJer muy do and puy tia whaicvcr i.ncccx�ury to protc�.l thc vuluc ul'ihr Piv�pcny anJ Lcndcr; rightti in thc Pro�xny. ��1�,Q,
<br /> �i �'' ;,'•�; •�� � Lender's uctions muy include paying,my+uni��rcuRd by a licn w•hich huti priarity ovcr�hi.Srcurity In+trument.up�xaring '.�_���'�:
<br /> � � in cuun.puying rca+onaMe anumry+ tec.imJ emenng un Ihe F'm�xny tn mukc rrpair+. AllhiwEh l.ender muy Wkr uction r. .�•••„�,,; __
<br /> •�'�•�,-� ,;-,
<br /> ' . , ���;��. under thi.paragraph 7.Lrndcr d�x,nat havc w do.o. ,;rkr.
<br /> . . 's ,�.. '' r;�.,;,' ��'��j'•.:� Any amount�di,bur�cJ By l.�ndrr unJcr thi+puragraph 7 .hall t+�comc additionul drM ol 8orn►w�r Kcurcd hy �hi+ ��.
<br /> Y �. • t�',tit, ?�.�''''�' Sccurity Imuumrn�. Unlr„Rurn,HCr und l.endrr a�rre lu ulher tenn,ot'payment.�hek amount..h:+;t heur intere,t irom Ihe ;,�,�.T�.
<br /> ��t� �'�! , ; � dute ut'di,hunemenl at�he Nuie ratr unJ�hall ix payahlc.with inlen+t,u�x►n nuticr ia�m Lcnder tu Barmwrr n:yur+tin� . � �_�
<br /> . �'��fii�,: , • payment. �' �
<br /> • f • �• . S. MoN�s�Re Inwrunce. It'LrnJcr rcywred mongage imur.mc� a� a condniun��t making �he luan+ecurcd by thi� � .,:„�`�-
<br /> �..�.:�.-
<br /> � , Securiry In�lrument. &irr��w��,hall pay thr prrmium+rryuireJ lu �u:untain ihc mnnguge in,uraa« in rffect. If. liir;u�y �; :•,�.,�,:_,--
<br /> .,;.:-:
<br /> � � reuwn. the m��rtgugc in,urrnre coverag� nyuircd hp Lendrr lup,c+ �tT Cl'AK♦ lo Ix in rfl'era. �Tnuwer ,hall pay ihe ;,�,
<br /> . a ' pmniium, required tu�►btuin co��eragr ,uh.rrntially equi�alrnl ��� th� mun�ugr in,urunce pre��.,u.l} in efl'�ci. at u co�t x:•:.�,�:,.. . ._,_.
<br /> 1 . � , ' ,uhvlantiull} eyuival�rx�o ihr cu,t w Borr��uer�,1[he mun�a�r imurance rrvi��u,ly in elf�ct.6���m an altemule mortga�r ��,�•.;;:'���- ..
<br /> E �- r ,�,,.,...., r.y"-
<br /> -. insurcr nppmvcd by Len�er. If,uB,iantiall�cyui�alrnt mungagc inwr.��xc ruvcrag.i.�„�:�caii:iE+le.Horrowcr+h:�l l puy tu �.,�.,;,:,;,y__,.,
<br /> _ ��..- � -ne
<br /> Lcn�er ear�t month a,um cyual t�i�mr-Iwclflh oi'�h�ycarl}•morlgugc in+ur.incc rrvmium i+riny p:+id by B�xmwer w•hen Ihc �/!{� �,.',_-::
<br /> ' � ' , . •. ._ti.� insurance�a+��crage I:►p�ed ur cru.rd lo tK�in cl'fect. Lrndrr«ill arrrpt.u.e and rcuun ihe.c pa��ment.a.a I�i,.nurve in licu 5{�=��-_-.-
<br /> �6�..�J.;, -
<br /> ., ,•:1':1�;� o(mongagc in.ur:uur. l.o,ti n�rrvc paym�nt. muy ni�kaiper ix rcyuinJ. at ihe uptiun ul Lrndcr. �f mixtgagc insur.�ncr �',� _
<br /> • • , ` rover�ge!in�hc amount anJ tiir thc�x ri�xi that Lcndrr myuircti►providrJ b�• an in.ur�r uppru��c�E�hy Lender aguin Ixcame. •);;;:;1� �,-- -
<br /> . available anJ i,��btaincJ.Borrow�r�hall p:�y ihc�mium,rryuircd tu muinti►in mun�aEr in.uranc�in�fl'ccL ar to pro�•iJc a Z'::.�.
<br /> • . ' . lu+s reseR•�.until Ihr rcyuirenxnt li�r murtga�:�in.urancr end.m uccuniuncr �vi�h um•��•rillen agRemonl hetKCen Borcou•cr ;g�.;r::;, :
<br /> �����;�,.
<br /> . " • und LrixkK.��:►pplicabl�law. ,
<br /> • ..'' 9. laSpertian. LriiJer ur il.agcnt rnay malc rca�unaNlc en�rie. u�x►n an�l inyxc�ium ol�.�. Prop.m. I.�nder.hall
<br /> . � O. �
<br /> � y'" ���e BYICC4T\t;r n�uirr a�tlir ii�n.��I ur pri��r Iu an in.�xr�i�►n,�xcil�m�rca.nnuhlc�au��tiir Ih�io�,rrr���,n.
<br /> .'i��;,�'
<br />' • '•��''!';: N. CundrmavtMm. fhc pr�Krcd.ut:m� :n�ard�,r rlaun li�r damtig�,.Jircci nr a•n,�.�ucnuaL ue c��nn�a•i�uro wi�h un� ;
<br /> ,� i
<br /> ��� • f�;...
<br /> • �} , , �m*Irinmd� F'unnk�lieFreddi��lur111FtIN\11\%'I'R111t:\I �•:id��m�i'.��;naiu. 9,W1 •�r;; ' ,rr��ti�yr�� .
<br /> . .1;�1� . Gf•�,�1 LUr.tlur�n•.h.r!n.Id � ��.( .,� .
<br /> � � ` �..�a.��JII 7�i4�n1M•ANfI'I F4ti 41U491•11 tl � .�:;',?r,�.
<br /> ' .. '\ I''1;.
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<br /> _�^^___�' ' . " � , . . _ ' ' . . .. . ..
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