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<br /> "'�� TppgfHgR WITH all the Impravemanl�now or hercsdter erected on Iha prapenY.+md all eASemente.eppurtenance�,
<br /> ,��,i�� uid fiatur�ei naw or hercaftcr a part of�he propertY. All rcplwcetnenle and additions shdl A1so be wvot'dt by thi�SeauPiq'
<br /> ,�,.�� In�dument. All af the forcgoing is refcrted to in this Secudry In�trument as�he"PropeAY."
<br /> BORROWER COV�NANTS that Domower is lewf'ully�eised ai the estwte hercby convcyed and has the ri�ht�o�tant
<br /> - and ca►vey tF�e Pro y and ihAt tho Property is unencumbened. eacept Por encurnbrances of record. Bartower warrarut wid
<br /> •_,.� pert
<br /> :'- will dePend generalfy the�iUe to the PonpeAy agafnst all cloim�rnd demw�dc,subjen to any encumbnnca�uf racoN.
<br /> . - -- -- --�
<br /> ---� - -----
<br /> THIS SEC'Uttfl'Y IN��KUMENi' cumbi�ro� uuit'wm cavrnunts t'or natfon�! u•°.e snd non•uni�►rm cavaunt� w �_-
<br /> ,' limited varietions by ju�icdicUon to conctllute a uniform secu�iry im�rument cov�rine rcxl propeny.
<br /> -'- - UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrower und Lender cavenant and agree as folbws: —
<br /> - _.�-�,��:� when due tho
<br /> = 1. Payment ot Principal and Interect;Prepaymcnt and 4wte Charge�. Borrower shall promptly pay
<br /> �=�;;:'.-`;�"��-� principal of and interest an the debt evidenced by the Note and nny prepayment and late charges due under thc Notc.
<br /> �y-�' ''�-"�� 2, F�ade tor'ihxes and Iaw�oe. SubJect to opplicublr law or to a written wuiver by I.ender.Barrower shali pay w
<br /> ��u:�C+.`�t� .
<br /> _.__ • .;;y.;..-f:+; Lender on the day monthlY PAYments are due under the Note,u�dl the iVote is pdd in full.a sum("4��")for:(�?�y h�yold R-
<br /> �.�=:����t�4.:,;:�'•. taxes rnd xssessments which may attain priority over this Secwrity Instrume�t as a tien on the RopenX:lb)Y�y
<br /> - _ -• PAYments or ground tents on the P e o p etty, if any: l�) yeauly h�z.ard or prapen�r insurance prenuums: (dl Yearly i1ooA �
<br /> _-- �rs� ��'� iasurance premiums.if any; t�e).�+esuly moriguge insur.uice p�emiums, if un�r; aira t1'►pny sums p►ryubte by 8artvw$r•!n n -
<br /> _..•, `'t `�t4�; ��« Lxnder,in accardance wlth ihe provisions of paragt'uph 8,in lieu af the paymeau c�t moA�u�ie insurance p�em�ums. 7lwese , . �.....
<br /> f�'., }"t��,, e��'�1�,,`aW items ue cuDle�"E.verow•ltems.' Lenaler may.at any time,colleet saicl��1d F1m�cis i�ur�mnount�x to exceed Uie matsalum
<br /> -- , 4��+'i �'tu"� 1'.:,•!.
<br /> ,ti{�t�.E �i•�'. �IIIOUfII A ICiK�Ci FOr A i�deralCg �la{ed moragAge loan �lal► tc�uire for Narrowe�fi es�-ra� accasrt ainder tlie federal�AI
<br /> �; �� ��`�Na`�'�'�°i�4,1 i.phf,.::u3;� Estaae Settlament Procedures Ar�af 1�►74 s�.+amendr.�from time to time. i2 U.S.C,�2(�i►1 er�e .f"RESPA"),unless a�wther
<br /> �.n��;«! ��, ,�.,wfi
<br />--:.,�;s r ,����,,,x�r.��s���:��{,.;,;.ti a�w iiiat applies ta thc Flinds secs p".ess:r amount. If so,Lender may,et any time,cc�liect and ho d Funds in an amount not to _
<br />'.,;,srf.; � � �� � .,,� ,•,,,}i���,ca.�;,.,�. exceed the lesser amount. Lender may esHmate the amount of Flmds due on the baeis of current data and rea:anable ___
<br /> �:}`;,' ��.,�; t. `�� est�motes of eapenditur+es of future Escrow Items or othenvise In accordance with appllcable law.
<br /> •,T�.� � .,y�;,�,�;,� .. 71ic Funds shall be held in an iastitution whosc deposUs nrc insured by a fcdemi ngency, instNmentnlity, or entily
<br /> - (including l..ender,if Lender is such an instftution)or in tu►y Federal Home Loun Bc�nk. Lendor shall s►pply Ihe F1mds to pay
<br />-•,�r , ,'•� � ; � U�e Escrow Item�. I.ender may not churge Borrower for hald ing and applying ihe Fundx,annually aoalyzMg�he escrow
<br /> '`_:`.'�., • ' accoun4 or verlfying the Escrow items, unless Lender puys BaROwer inlerest on the Funds und applicable law permils
<br /> _._"=--.`"- `� �.'? Lender ro mAke�uch u charge. However,L.ender muy require BoROwer to pny a ane•�ime chorge far an independem real
<br /> �°-_ ' 't'.Y� � e+wte tax reporting xervice used by Li:nder in cannection with thia loan,unlexx uppI iwblc luw pmvldes athenvisce. Unlesx an _
<br /> - - �.-��r-��•�,r.�•,tiq, Asrcemem ia madc ar upplicublc Inw requi�cx intere.t tc►bc pAld.Lcndcr ahull not be rcyuircd to pay Burrawer Any interert or _
<br /> •�;;37�.,. ,._:�;�,-., euming++c►n the hlnds. Barmwcr and Lender muy agrec in wdling,howcver,lhut Intcre.rt+�hull be puid on the Fund�. Lcndcr �
<br /> ��•.�=-:i1� • ' xhall give to BoRawer,wilhout chorgc,un annuol uceaunting of ihe Funds,xhuwing crcdith und debiln ta the Fwxis and tho �
<br /> .c.., .;. . .
<br /> ��-_;,..r.:;..�,,.:. purpc►se far which c�h ckbit to�he Funds was mude. The Flind�ure pledged us aclditiwwl securily for all sumx secured by
<br /> � --= th�s�ec�nry Iagtrumcm. �"_.
<br /> i �'�" If' tho FLnds held by Lender exceed �he umuunts �rmi tted tn be held by applicable law.Lender shull accouM �o __._
<br /> ..r.�,�7��..►�:; _
<br />-��� �• -��." ' BoROwe�for the excesa Funds in accordunce with�he reyu�rement�of applicubk Iww. if the umount of the Funds held by �
<br /> �N'::; � Lender at any time is nol sufficient to pay the Escrow I�emx when due,l.ender may w nutify Borrowcr in w�iting,and,in ==-
<br /> :r.;,,.; .,�, such case Borrower shall pay to l.ender the umount necessary lo muke up the deGciency. Bomnwer stwll make up �he �.
<br /> �"' deticiency in no more thon�welve monthly paymems,ut Lender 5 sole discretion. __.
<br />- • : . Upon payment in iull of ull sums sccured by this Security Instrument,Lender�hall promptly refund to Borruwer uny —"�.
<br /> � ,�,: ' ;,. FS�nds held by I.ender. If,under parngmph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Propeny,Lender,prior ro the acquisition or —.�-�
<br /> ;,�;1e,,,,,,;,;,, . .,�; sttle af the Property,shall upply any Funds held by Lender at �he lime of ucyulsition or sale as a credit against the sums -
<br /> - '-.,,.,...,,-....... :'� secured by lhis 5ecurity Instrument. �'�
<br /> � ' ►.��. +. : . 3. Application ot Payments. Unless Applicable IAw provides atherwisc, all payments rcceived by L.ender under : �
<br />;;�i;...,; . y:u . ' paragmphs 1 and 2 sht+ll be upplied:fint,to any Mepayment charges due under the Note;second,to Amounts payabk under ,:
<br /> , '' ,r � ' .;�'1. paragraph 2;third.to interest due:founh,to principal due;nnd 1 asi,to any late char�es due under the Notc. ''•,.�':
<br /> i�4 � ��� • ��:.,
<br /> '•'�'; r•% }`� � � 4. Char�ee; Lieas. Bomower shnll pay all tuxes, assessmemx. charges. fines and impositions attribul�ble to the
<br /> ���.:.�'i�� �n`- , ' Propetty which mny attain priority over this Security Instrumern,nnd leasehold paymcnts or ground rent+,if uny. Borrower �f`.•.4
<br />"-".i.:s�;`; ��t.� ;, �; ,��� shall pay Ihese obligations in the manner provided in parngcaph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Horrower sh�ll pay them on y;;
<br />�-• �;�� , ' time dlrectly to the person owed payment. Bortower sholl promp�ly fumish to Lender ull notices of umounts to be paid under ,;;;�
<br /> '`�� ;� � this parugrnph. If Honower makes these payments direcUy,Borrawer shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing {��'.;
<br /> :,�,t7 .� �, .. . , , ,., the payments. �:�'.
<br /> ..t.. �' �'� Borrower shall promptly discharge uny lien which has priority over this Security Inslrument unless Borrower:(al agrees ._
<br /> ..u.,..
<br /> f,•',-'' ! �::•,, .
<br /> ; n:. :�• ,'•,: :. in writing to the payment of the obligntion secured by the lien i�a mnnner accep�abk to Lender,(b1 rontests in gaai faith Ihe �,_.
<br /> ��•��.`: � '. lien by.or defends ngalnst enforcement of the lien in,legul proceedings which in the Lendcr's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> =' � �7 ,'�' ,` �5 ' ' enforcement of the lien:or(c)securex from the holder of the lien an agreement seiisfuctory to Lender subordinating the lien '�•`��
<br />��,`'� ',, '%r••���"� .", to thls Sxu►1ry Inswment. If Lender determines�hAt any part of thc Propeny is tiubject to u lien which may attain prioriry +��°
<br /> ' ��� ••�• ,; ��,,, over this Securiry Instrument.Lender may give Borrower a not ice identifying the lien. Borrawer shall satisfy the lien or take �•,'
<br />._�:7.:•'i {�};�.
<br /> ':� ; . ',:.� • '.,:na;�i' one or more of the actions set forth ubove within 10 days of the giving uf notice. �.
<br /> �G�'�``� 5. Htu�rd or Property Insurance. Borrawer+hall kcep the improvements now existing or herenfter erected on the �
<br />, • , j��. . ,..
<br /> = „�,:�.' •�'?�;•;i,;;,'�. . Property insured aguinst loss by fire,hnzurds included within t1xterm"extendedcovernge"und any other hazards, including
<br />- � �,:•;,. iloods or tlooding, for which Lender reyuires insurance. 'Ihis insurunce shull be maintnined in the amounts and for Ihe
<br /> �"•.
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