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__ _ _______ �.�� . <br /> . „_ .. . , ..�,..-:.,�::�:� . . .�..�„ ,..,,,,.T„�,.��..,�,:,.M..y, , _. <br /> , � . � . � ' '�i ��+� �`. <br /> . 'iL �e �MI �riau lwrit�t M Mwrd WM17� C�a1i�. '11N omronrna a�d��p�ew�a111eM <br /> .- _._ �,,;,,,,r �d �bene!!t�e��o�t'I,w�r-�fl���r�r.���!'��at...-:::.:� <br />� . �i!.►. 8aro�'i aavawM�wd�a�II M joi�t�p•�en►+1+�1• Aay sanowa'�a oa+Ip��+L� : <br /> }�t��t wt�no�ex�ou�e ti»tinM:(�)U ooil�niM d�is l�rit� l�a�only�o a�o�twe�p�t a�d aa�w4►�t. <br /> �n�wer's i�at in Ib PIO�eAy M6R IMs 1�d t!�'Jea�iqr 1�M:lb)it not p�nomlly ab1i�M�d b 11n wmt ,; <br /> MC01�d 6Y IJIIt SOOY1�Irl(r01�i Md(C�yf�M{1���/�M��I�rf BOfiO'MOf�I,{000(0 Q1�MMI.IrO�I�,�OfbMr Qf � <br /> ���►�000lIMII01�M�I�d b I�i M�O���y �1�d Of�1r010 M�IOMf fw�OIR1N�0[��OOIMOIM. <br /> 13.NMior.My autioe ea sor�o�er po+id�br ia d�Seo�ty�Mnna�aa��WI ba�ivm by deltra�ia�k a bp o�ili�a� <br /> h by nwt dar eril udeu�pplla�le IaN►roc�dro�we of�ndher atetMl. 'fie notice ihl!be dirocted�o the Prope�ty Add� <br /> or ony au�aaanas eor�u� eodoe eo t�eMer. M�y nodoe to t�uer�bau be fiMen by snt el� aru a <br /> I�ende�'s�ddnaa�qted hai0in ar tby ddrou 1.aMer daf�ta by aoUoo to Borrower. Aay nodoe pnovlded tor la t!�Seauity <br /> Imt�ua�e�at�11 be deeored w hwe baen�iven to Boirower or t.ender w�lian�ivan�u provided ia�Mi�p�nipapb. <br /> 14. Got�tB� i��r; SeYas6plty. TbiR Sacutity I�cuum�mt �ll bo Qovanod by taderal Unv ead tbe I�w of t6e <br /> j�i�dlction in which�ire Peopdty u foc�ted. la tdo avau th�t aay pmvicion or clauce af tb�Socurity Insuuaowt a t6e Note <br /> 000fikts wWi�pplicaAle M�r.a�ch aoaflia�hall not aff'xt other prvri�ba�e of thi�Seaniry Insqumau or We Noto wliicb an be <br /> �ve�eiyect rMhort die omflic�povidoa.To thit a�d We pwrkioa�aiP�is Saudty lawumm�t aod We No�e aro deel�ned <br /> q se�c+n�xabia. � <br /> , �.���.F�a�cr s�.�FE Gs�Ivi�oue cva!'�u�i w�r��r'�S�y 3�ss�. <br /> � r�. Aa�er.r t�ew.eam�ar w�ona�tiomuy.�i�e ana�w t,e�ali tMe�aa r�.�t.e��mes or t�e <br /> Pmpaty.Bon�swAo�i�aes l.errler ar A.�cuwier'i a�eats�oolle�x We�s aad�rawa ud b�di[octs a�c3e re�t of�ho <br /> �Propeity lo pay die n�ts b Lender or L.e�der's ageets.41a�er��r.Pwr ld I�CadhPfi�r�dti�e to Borrower of 9atms'e�r's b�each of <br /> �ny eovawnt or a�oema�t ip the Soarity Insuuma�t.Banvrar smtl�bdlect+�ct re►�ive dl�mts and r�.waqex v1i u0�e Prvpe�tUr <br /> � tn�staa far the benefit of I.rnder and Borrower. 'Ibis acsisnmadt d rp�u aonctipua aa ab�oluta aidignmd�t and oot �. <br /> �rti�nmeot for additiaul ieairity only. <br /> If l.a�der givcs notioe of btwdi to Bormwer. (a)nll�aits rooeived by Bouower slLll be held by Bormwer as hus�ae for <br /> benefit of L�aider be applied to the suauc�ea�ted by the Securiry Instn�ment:(b)I.ender�UWI be endtied w oolkct siod <br /> iae�ivts�il uf tlw naitr'of d�c F�i.�uty:wd i�)i�te�ni of tfx}Properiy siwii psy�i1 �dus and u�afd ia!��. <br /> La�det's�gaU on I.ender'o wrltta�demwnd to lhe taWnt. . � <br /> 8orrower hsa not exavtod any prior nssignnwmt of tbe�ts and tus not and will not perform gay act thqt would provmt <br /> [aoder firom exercicing its dghts undcr thi�pa�wph 16. ' <br /> [,ender shall not be rmquirod to enter upon,take rnntrol of�r melntein the Property beforo or efter giving tatice of bm�cb <br /> 0o Bomower.Hawever, L,ender or a judiciWly appointed rcoeiver may da w at any time thene is a breach. My application of <br /> mnts shall not cura or w�ive any defaull or invalidate any wher right or rcmedy of I.ender. This acsig�unent of�+ents of the <br /> Propetty shall ternii�nte when tho debl sceurod by the Security Instrument is paid in full. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bomower and l.ender further covenant and agree as tollows: <br /> 17.Forecbw�r Pno�odu�e.I[Lender requlres immaUAte pAyment in t1�ll under paraQraph 9,lRnder may invoke tbe <br /> power ot ask a�d aoy otder remedies permUted by applicable law. Lender sl�ll be entitled to coNect All acpenses <br /> incuned in pursuing the remedi�under t6tc paragrapY�17, tncludidg,but not IMnited to,rea�onable attoraeys'tees aad <br /> aoets ot dtle evidenoe. <br /> lt tUe power ot xale Is iavoked, Tn�stee s�lwll recMrd u notice of defwult in ench county ia wbkh Any rwrt ot tLe <br /> Propaty Is lac�ted And slu�ll mail copies ot such notice i�i the munaer prescribed by npplicable Ipw to Borrower aad W <br /> the otl�e�persons prescribed by applicAbk law.Alte�tt�e lime required by applkable law.Tn�ctec sUall give publlc ootice <br /> of sale to the pe�soav and in tbe manner prescribed by applicAWe law.Tn�stee.witqout dempnd on Borrnwer,shall sdl <br /> the Prope�ty At publk audion to the bighest bidder ot the time and plqce pnd under the te�ms designnhd in tbe ootke ot <br /> Swle io one or more par+aLv and in any oMer Tivstee determMes. 7Y�stee mpy pnstpone ss�k ot all or ony p�ral of the <br /> Propaty by publk announcement at the Nme and place of nny pcevbusly scheduled sale. Lender or its de�ee awy <br /> (wrcl�a�e tbe Property at any ale. <br /> �-�RINE) vap�e o�e <br /> ��� �Y ;,.� . <br /> t b .� '.F�:'^�r -r.—.Ll-z.�.n�r.-�y� . .•+Y, ' ! � <br /> _ _ ���` � • '. .� ,; ." r ..�{>�`�u.. � , ..i. -�.l`��'t'"'rS.�7+�"�',Tt�7i��i�__ <br /> - __ .s . - � a '� i Y � .��'�."iin�el•..9aL�•:�;ti�p_a�t.�.�`,�.',;V�,,:r: h ��r.t'_.�� # �.`.. <br /> .5+ •_titi.v�aU.�;m` ? ��..•i.t:tx�.:�.�4�����{v�n. rsn•�.�Re�ygfi4f�.��t.srlS:tr�t�fyl.ig; <br /> -_-- -�z -- <br /> , <br /> .- ���)y�� L_ � . I1 . - '_ _ _-__ . . '__ ___-_ _ _� T-__ --_ —_-_____ -__" _- .____ _- _ ___ . _ <br /> ('W �� - , . ._. ' . <br /> -- -`'�`7'�� x�.�$: ._,t,:�• " . . .. '{� :a.�.;.. �'�rF:.r.�. . _`__1 <br /> -� ---�,i�,.."IIZ•� _�' . _ ._ ___--. . -,_ <br /> :iS� w> • .. ��o:.7..'±... - ' ' ' . , � . . �.;11L`. `"_-, Y s+ .. . � <br /> —„` 3�Ji Q. �.. 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