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�11���e¢` ;-rm��-r�.=`-=-:-� . .. - '!k1%tiL+�f :.x� _t r-,.—�-- -- <br /> . . .6' • . , ;• � , ... �. �y�;�,i., t�.1'+'.3EN.Itc�+.aay:�n�-�� �i��,.rF=.;=- __ _ <br /> ' �� �' • ' • U .. ��.. . .. - <br /> 5 <br />: �,��/�pM�lr.�M�,�o�,o.r iil Y�ru fi■�n+��M . �Ili . . <br /> � � <br /> -- �,.�s- ._.�u�:r�; .:_ i....� Loliiii��1.�. — � - — <br /> iiwl�ir. ZNe'�iw;�'w i�i���IS Md.M+M�Mio1�*t ��ir NVri�i. <br /> � b�d�t i�iMr�w+�.r.a��t+�r.,�l�r row i�.�Mwa«�6�w1�r A.ea�d.�iw�o..y floo�,a��rt <br /> raryi�l b die�e�r. 1111 i�n�a iW��tr hnMd�riA aa�p�ihs qiP'owd by 1.widut.Tla Mwn�eKS Polki�'�i�r <br />� t�nwi�b�ll 0s I�M Iy►l��r+wd iifl ieqir�a lo�r pyiiiN�ti�wt i�bwor o%�d W�brw�oo�w1�M a.twit• <br /> �iTw w�at ot'tow.uw��war�!1�lve l.oa�r trtlp�edl�te aottoe Oy mW. Leadcr may a�fCe pmof of Mas if nat terAe <br /> ro�pdy b�r Dawrowa: Q�ob�+a ao�►aonoertbd i� I�aid�r�uda�i#�d�ad di�xled w nrloe piqrtNent f1x�aob ioN <br /> dfrec�w I.aider.itMted af 10 Ba���d w La+der joiatly.A�or�ny pat ot the inina�oe prooeed�a�y bs�P'P���7► <br /> t�adr►� sit ia opllnn,dther(�1 to�he�ed�ctba ot N�e indeMedne�s under d�e Nae ad tbis Seauity la�nnnaat�fine a an�► <br /> deUn�ue�t aemu�appped!a tiia oralr�ip p�r�h 3.�nd d�ea w pepyrne�of pirc3ql.a N)to�be naAOnulan o�np�i� <br /> oi die dMnqod PiropeAy. Aay�pplialioo of the pmaeMs b tbe prb�cipRl �II aot exoaid or palpone the due dMe of Na <br /> �Y PoY�+afiid�iue rotu�od to in p�r�raph 2.or c�o�e tha nt�ouiu af ssods�aqrm�Aeq�e:aesa insur�aoe proae�d� <br /> ovx�a nnoont �eqai�od to pq�li aa�l�ndiaR iadebta��wo�d�er the idafie ad.dic Sea�ifqr Iwtraamrt�IWI be p�W to ILe <br /> eodtY M�dl�r a�titlotl thaoto. � <br /> L IMe avael ot Imeclowro oF d�is Security 1�or aha n�fer af titla b We P�opeity d�t e�ctinpd�ba tla <br /> i�deb�nl�eu.ail ri�Lt.title nd iye�t ot 9onto�ia ad 10 iwwra�acc policieF in fa�oe s6dl p�s to We pu�. . <br /> •• �* � � � � Y1Y IIf6��. ��++T�C! y�.'f AO.•.in�n 7�� �.�j <br /> f �4.�...��� <br /> �. �Of1�tME1'i�lfu QO�Y��Ii�l��Y60{�IC PlOppty�t�7Ip1V�l���1��f�1Vj1�1 dRlj1�� <br /> 1�1E lxEl�Ofl Of f�i.SOLalf�ly�di9.lFA�pld i�M��OOIk11M10 W dOCY�►1�1C pf�OQEYiy A�i�QC'o00WCf�f�IIC��Ibij�lllCO fGf��l <br /> uee yar atka tde date of ooa�p�ncy. uNess the Secl�etary dd�s Ihis requi�K ysi19 auso uodue hmds6ip for Bormwror. <br /> or unkss extaw�dn� ci� aci�t �uhic6 am 6eyad Bormwa's owarol. Borrower ab*!R qotify l.enden of ay► <br /> �ai drcum:tances. �omowcr s4W1 not c�oaunit waue or dauoy.damr�e or wbstantWly dt�C3e tbo Pmpa'ty or�Ilow <br /> the Property w�sonsbk waur ad tear exee�p�xl. ler�der may in4pax the fkopaty�f tba ProQaty is vacant or <br /> abmdoned or the lan is in defwlt. L,a�der may take m.�wm�ble octloa to protect and praerve �uch vaamt m ab�rdoaod <br /> propaty.ilomuwer tJ�ll dw 6e�defwlt if Bormwer.dori�Urc lo�application p�oas4.g�ve mue�lly filse or i� <br /> iafornatioa ur statemrnte to l,e�der (or fiiled to provide Lenda wi11e Au?r m�terial infortnatlon)in oonoecdan wltb the Iwa <br /> evlcler�aed by�he Nute..including, but na limited to, repraaitAtioas uonoeraing Sorrower's acwp�ncy of�ha Pmperty ss� <br /> �prfacipat nesidence. if�is Secnrity Latnunent is on a ie�sd�oid,Homawer rlwii cqr�qpiy wrth tirc pmris�xa�ni i8c k�t'ie. ff <br /> Ilonower�cquira fa t�tb w tha PropMy,the leasclald sand t'ea dqo�hall not be�er,�o�t vuless Lender�roa w/he ma�er ia <br /> wripng. • ' <br /> 6. CbaRes W Borruwer aad Antation of t�ender's Ri�s In t6e Propdty. Borrower shai0 pay all govemmental or <br /> municlpal charges, fines ard impositlons�hat are not includad in paiag�ph 2. BorroWu shall pay these abligatlons on time <br /> dlroctly w the aufty which is owed the p�yment. If failure to pay would adversely afQ'ect iLender's intercu in tho Property,upon <br /> Lender's roquest Borrower ciwll PromptlY furnish w Lender roceipts evlde�cing tt�esc pa�ments. <br /> Ii Borrower fails to make tiKSe �yments or the payments rcquired 6��p�graph 2,or fails to perform any otl�er covenuNs <br /> ard agneanents containod in thia Secudry Instrumem,or therc is a legal proeeeding t@�at may significantly affoct Lender's rights <br /> in the Propetty(such as a ptnceeding in twnkn�ptcy,for oondemnation or to enforce law�or rcgulations), then l.ender may do <br /> and pay wMuever is nacessary to protoct U�e value of the Propeny and Lender's�ights in the P�vperty,including payment of <br /> �axe�.I��d insuranoe and attier itorm mentianod in parageaph 2. <br /> Any arravnts disbursod by Lerder under this paragraph stiell bocome an additional debt of Borrawer and be securod by <br /> this Secur�ty Insuument.Tt�ese amounts shall bear intercst from 1he dxte of the Note rae.aM at the option of <br /> l.ender. slwll be immediotely due wnd payable. <br /> 7. Condemn4tton. The proceeda of any awar+d or cl�lm ior damages. direct or rnnsequential. in connectbn wflh any <br /> condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property.or for rnnveyunce in ploce of rnndemnation,arc hereby assigned wd <br /> shall be paid to I.eader to the extent of the full umount of the indebtednecs that rermins unpaid under the Note and this Secur�ty <br /> Insaument. Lender shall apply such proceeds to ttie reduction of the indebtedness unde�the Nnte and this Security Instnunent. <br /> fl�at .to any delinqucnt amounts applied in the order prc�vided in paragraph 3, and then to pr�epuyment of principal. My <br /> ap lieation af ciie proceeds to the principal shall not extend or postpone Ihe due date of ttie monthly paymenta, which aro <br /> �-ARIN61 vw.a a a <br /> • M � ' <br /> 91� +�� 1 ��• ;pjr�qL��iT'y)PlR�' — . <br /> . —�f.n .#,at . 'r� .li. V� ' ���r��!'���! l l.� t.��j`��jt.{ � i u '1T ¢I''� 1'4�+�i��r!?7r��-�ir������ "h�... <br />�__ = ��lSt�,s Y�.'::�Fit:. � :{' ��a:rc. _�� ..�..�i��t:•;::.� .�aJl � � c2 A �, } ��1�'{�1���yr1�iy�.�',! <br /> tS ..l' . ,�.,)�{i��Mi{ _ .: � . � . .!i �ki '• �, t i}� c,.7 � � �� � ��'���� � -, rf}�`IU.�+ tV'�a'e..7`�-. <br /> �m r� ,�1`�;. �ti+-�i ta� A�4A1t,�L•'.�ilax��{�+r:i,� t���!� �� S' r���,C� 1 i,�i - f�� '�' 'F' <br /> �t,i r»�1 f)R"��e�s�icw,.ur{1tiif��ffif�'� bin+•fYlll�ta.:aG..:.-.�r-an,.�-�--a�„� � <br /> -----.e..,�r . . - --�1 --�� -- <br /> __ � � • �_-� �T,(��ff� �, _��?E�S�1j�n ... . .°��r„ li���+s----�- - - - - it tli.��7'�ir�C� �.._ -k��v�..i.a� = . <br /> �- ���A�,3y�( �!}�y't�ft�NS�d���� ij �-j���'9 r� �i�.:�7�h�(.�1 j j�. :7 t�A.r1�Jf' t�...: . •i 1r . � �� .. 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