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2001119"73 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />A tract of land comprising a part of Lot Four (4) , island, and <br />part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest <br />Quarter (W 1/7 SE 1/4 SW 1/4) , .11. In Secl:ion Twenty -- Three (23) , <br />Towr:ship Eleven (11) North, R: -►r:qe Nhie (9) Wes .L of the 6th P.M., <br />ir) Ilall County, MAJE=rsk:a, p.,rl::.i(,-t:1..-rr.).y clr•.sr_ra.ber_1 as follows- <br />Beginning at a point. on the south 1.lrre of said Section <br />Twenty -Three (23), said point I:)el.rig Seven hundred Sixty Fourth <br />and 'Twenty - Eight: 11midredt:hs (764.203) feet east of the southwest <br />corner of salcl Section Twerity -'rhr. er. (2:3) ; thArrce easterly a.iong <br />the south line of said Section 'twenty- Three (23), a distance of <br />One Thousand Two Hundred Seventeen and Four Tenths (1,217.4) feet <br />to the southeast corner of sn1.d W 1/2 S" 1./4 SW 1/4; thence <br />r)ort:hr.,r-.l.y nlonq I.he Him cif snkl W 1/2 f,F: 1./4 5W 1/4, a <br />distance of Severn 1R.rndred ThIr.•1-y ;even mild Forty-Four Hurldre.dt.hs. <br />(737.44) feet; thence deflecting left 671131313'1" and running <br />northwesterly a dlsl-ance of Four Ninety Seven arid Nine <br />Tenths (497.9) feet; therice d(-flect:lriq r:tyht 94 044'24" acid <br />running rror.ther3st:cr.l _ y a d.lsl :ranre ()f 't'wc) Hunrlr_-ed Severity Two rind <br />Thirteen llundr.edths (272.13) feet; 1:herire def.l.ectirig left: <br />169039'25" and running southwesterly a distance of Fifty 'Three <br />and Five Hum1redl:hs (53.05) feel; tlren(.'e deflecting right <br />31 °49' 30" artcl r..urrrrLraq snut:hweSl :(. r:l.y n ca a.r; lance of One Hurrclr.P(- <br />Eleven and Nine Tenths (111.9) feat:; thence c.lrfa.ect. i.rrq Left <br />17 011'30" and running southwesl.:erly a distance of 'Three 11undred <br />Sixty Four and Fifteen Hundr.- ecit:l)s (364.1.5) feet; thence <br />deflecting right: 02°25'26" E)ncl 1:urn�ing southwesterly a distance <br />of '.l'hrr'e Ht.indr:r'd 'T.'w!nnl:.y F:lUhl: r,n(1 F sot <br />- F:101: Hundr.edl-hr, (3211.5fl) <br />feet-; thence deflect-big r.iyhl-. U7 "01l' i0" .-rind rtulr) sot.rt.hwe,l :erJ.y <br />a distance of Four Htuult:ed 'i'(-.ra �ancl :31.x1:y -ti.ix Ilurrdredths (410.66) <br />feet, to the place of beginrr:irrg <br />