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99-104851 <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed: <br /> 1. Incorporation of Future Advance Ri�hts. From and after the date of the execution <br /> of this Deed of Trust Modification Agreement,the indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust <br /> described hereinabove shall secure advances made concurrentlylierewith and future advances in <br /> accordance with the following provision which shall hereafter be deemed to be a part of such <br /> Deed of Trust: <br /> Future Advances. Upon request of Borrower, Lender may, at its option, make additional <br /> and future advances and readvances to Borrower. Such advances and readvances, with <br /> interest thereon, shall be secured by this Deed of Trust. At no time shall the principal <br /> amount of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust,not including sums advanced <br /> to protect the security of this Deed of Trust, exceed the original principal amount stated <br /> herein, or$ 65,000.00 , whichever is greater. <br /> 2. Continuing Effect. Except as specifically modified by this Deed of Trust <br /> Modification Agreement, all other terms and provisions of this Deed of Trust hereinabove <br /> identified shall remain in full force and effect. <br /> 3. Effect on Other Security. All real estate mortgages, deeds of trust, assignments <br /> and security agreements heretofore or concurrently herewith to be granted shall remain in full <br /> force and effect to the extent not inconsistent with this Deed of Trust Modification Agreement <br /> and sha11 continue as security for Borrowers remaining indebtedness previously existing until <br /> such sum shall be paid, as well as any future indebtedness owing from Borrower to the Lender <br /> for future advances and renewals in respect to all sums owing from Borrower to Lender. <br /> 4. Additional Documentation. Borrower further covenants to and with Lender that <br /> Borrower shall, and will, at any time, now or later, upon request, make, do, execute and deliver <br /> all such further and other acts, deeds and things as shall be reasonably required to effectuate the <br /> intention of this Deed of Trust Modification Agreement and to insure and confirm to the Lender <br /> all and singular the property, securities and rights described, and intended to be conveyed, as <br /> security so as to render the same, and all portions,whether now owned or later acquired, subject <br /> to these terms,provisions and conditions according to the true intent and purposes expressed. <br /> 5. Waiver. The failure of the Lender, at any time, to require the performance by the <br /> Bonower of any of these terms, covenants and agreements shall, in no way, affect its rights to <br /> enforce the same; nor the waiver by the Lender of any breach of any term, covenant or agreement <br /> be taken or held to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of any such term, covenant or <br /> agreement, or as a waiver of the term, covenant and Agreement itself. <br />
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