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_,�_ _ _ _ �_ <br /> .. . ..._ <br /> � _ ,, .�....,Q,++n��,� ..,•.. �" :s_.-� <br /> _ . _ <br /> . "Srr��s. _ <br /> . ., _ ------_ _--- <br /> .. . . � . • - . .lSli.•. ; '�y�l'�! �'j '' s i is r,�T'.f .'�"�r...._..._.-.-�,.n v_,_._�a-- - <br /> � ,.' _� �.�� �l . � t��� .AM���e+♦ •p� '�� <br /> I <br /> � _,.,....:�:�l�:u,.. .... � � � �a M,_ <br /> _'_ _—_'—_' _ __'_ - __-',�-- Y1"� . , ---_-..._.. . � _"' _ "' . . <br /> ., . � rJr,r�.�nto�rNa�,lwiww..c«�r . � <br /> � ��� �Tn�fYlrw A�! i.l1�Ei. �rD.1� ' , . , <br /> TIRi �t0�l�iliT u� fii�� �D AD1Ti (tbi� , <br /> MJ►�siqe�l�nl��. a�d� �� o� t!N i�th d�X b! 11�rs1, 3!!�, mry <br /> 1111Tioi1AL 11tlTO/�C�iTOP�• �MQ., s D�sirwsti vorporat2 lina�� . <br /> havinq an adtli'y11 1�s0 *114� OoZ: �oa4� �ph�l�b�rg <br /> d0i96 ("J1ssi�or") to C�ItIC�1L WIX. u C411atrra� 14q1u�t tox <br /> th� L�nd�s's, t�l� HwirqliM Lr�dur, tt� i�ronti�q 9�nk a1b Ch�' <br /> au�io�r Kot� p�roh�w�a. h�,vinq azs o!liaa at Z70 8ark Av�nu�, <br /> � Ns�r Yosk, Nw York 10017 (*J1�aiqn�o�") (stah ot tb� lor�qoiYq <br /> capit.�lis�d t�x�as and eill oth�►r a�pitwiis� t�ra� wod �t <br /> not othts�►is� d�t�n�d h�ni�f �hali �uv� th� r�sp�ativ� <br /> afa»i�9s 91v�n to th� in t�u 1�ortqaq� (as bar�i��tt�r <br /> dttia�d)). <br /> iilR'I�iBS88�1'N TN71Ts - <br /> 1►ssigaor is tba o`mer o! certsin raal prop�rty, <br /> with tl�e i�provea�ents, certain fix�uras and pa�caonal <br /> property located thor�on, t2i� location ot wbicti r�a1 � <br /> property is aore parEiaularly dasaribed in 8xbibit MAN ' <br /> annaxsd haroto and a+nds a part bersoi (ail o! suah propsrty <br /> �La aollsativ�ly ths "Proparty"). ,� • <br /> ' Fursuasst to ths ���it �gree�nt and pur�uant to � . � <br /> the 3enior Note Purahas� Aqreeme�nts, (a) 1lssignee, the <br /> �� Lenders, the Swinqline Londer and tbe Franting Ban1c have . <br /> 'loaned or egread to loan or iesue to the 1►saigr�or (i) on a <br /> � ��tera baeia by bhe isnders, Ter�a Loans in an aqgregate <br /> principal a�mount not to exceed 570,000,000, (ii) on a __ <br /> revolving basis by the Lendore, Revolving Loans nt any time , <br /> and from time to time prior to the filth ant�iversery a! tho <br /> date hereol, an aggregate p=incipai amount (subject to � <br /> reduction pursuant to the terras and provisions o� the Craciit <br /> Agraement) not in excess ot $30,000,000 (leae the �mount o! � <br /> any swinqline Loans and T.etters o! Cre�9it), (iii) on a <br /> ravolving baaie by tha Sw3ngli�ne Ler�dax, Swingline Loana in <br /> an aggregate principai amount at dny time outatandinq not to <br /> exaeed $3,000,000 and (iv) Lattera ot Credit by the Fronting <br /> Bank., upon terms and subjQCt to ths rsonditiona o! thQ Cradit <br /> - Aqreement, in ae aggreq�te Pa�ae aaount at any ti�e <br /> outstandinq not in excess oP S15,OOO,000, and (b) the senior <br /> Note Purehasers have aqreed to purchese $65,000,000 in <br /> aggraqatie prinaipai amount o! Senior Notes. <br /> [6700-127(Nebra�ka)/ASSIGN.WPF/4755/II� <br />