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<br /> _ �� �, , ..:..k�' -
<br /> ,:., � �. �y 2. 1986 , �� .. '.�:�;:.:'-.�
<br /> �, Plat of a trsct of laad comprieing s psrt of tbe Nortbeaa¢ Quarter , �'��. ���:`_
<br /> � of the Boutbaast Quarter (NE� SE�) of Section Tweaty Ei�ht (2&). Toara�bip . ;��v �_�--
<br /> •,` � Elev�n (11) �orth. Ran�e Niae (9) Weot af the bth P.M. in Grsnd I�laitd• . . ___{-
<br /> ,.� ,� , N 11 Couuty. N�brssks. mose particularlq d�scribsd so follaass �; . -��'�="
<br /> ;; ;: . � BeQinnia� at a po�at on the we�t liae of ssid NE� SE}, oaid point � -� , -=_
<br /> ' i�. 4 b�iaa Oae Thounaad Ztiivo Hundred Seveaty Three and Eighty Five Hundsedths � �°'�
<br /> ��>�r; � , :;: --
<br /> , b. (1.273.85) f��t �outh ot the nortbweat corner at R.W. Raamuooen Subdivisioai ; ; _J
<br /> � . lbenc• •outherly alon� the weot line of �aig NE� SE�. a diotaacs of Sev�nty ti ,', f:,,;�:�1-_A:.
<br /> '� Five (75.0) f�eti theace deflectiaQ left 90 00' sad u�unnina osatsrlq. � "'''!�����•;;.�,
<br /> •I'.',,.":.,' : � .,,.
<br /> s di�tsace of Ei bt Hundred Niaety Ssver� and Fifty Six Hundr�dtha (697.56j �����a_
<br /> '�'�;t,� 'n � fi�;�.�..
<br /> feet to tbe west line oi Woodland Firot Subdivicions th�nce northerly � �:,,.�":_;
<br /> � aloa� tlie weot line ot �aid Woodland Firot Subdiviaion. a di�tance ot , .��:.
<br /> I�': Niae Hnndr�d T+veaty EiQh! sad Ninety Six Huadredtha (928.96) f�et to tbe ; _�_..
<br />' ' aortb�ve�t aorns: of Lot Ei�ht (8). Woodlaad Eirst Subdivioioni thenee � . � ��
<br /> � � defl�ctin� left 108° 10' 10" •ad runnia� aouthwesterly aloaQ the aontherly � .,:�;;,.
<br /> ��. lia� ot Amerneaa L��ion Add3tfba. a �istaace of Fif�y and Ninsty Ni�ae "
<br />� , � .�;!�';:�..; � ,';: Nundredtbs (�0. 99) teet t thence def lect in� ri�ht 10 34' 10" and rucwiA� � , •
<br />; � •,;:�;;�:,�,��;,'.'''� south�re�lerl y aloa� said Addition. a di�taace of Tao Hua�rcd Ei�hty Three
<br /> • snd S�v�a T�nth� (283.T) feett thence deflectiag leg+t 25 �9' 50" an d
<br /> � . ,. ; �,'�;,�,� ruaaiag soulbv�oterly along eaid Addition, s diatance of Fnfty Six aarY
<br /> Sisty Five liundredtho (56.65) feet to the southeaot cornes $� Lot Six
<br /> � . '�%"''.`�,') W. y�a�mu��dn Subdivioiont thence deflecting right 29 56' S0• and
<br /> ;�r:i'.�� •� .,.�1 �6�. R.
<br /> '-'•''; � • �� rua�nfe�� •aut�weoterLq alon� �aid Subdivision. a di�tance of Oao Honclred
<br /> � ����«`'�"� ' , Sizt� Pdina sad One �eath (169. 1) feet; theace deflecting ri�h! 25 00
<br /> � �,:�,. ' • ' � 40" and ru�n�n� northwe�terIly. a di�tance ot Seventy Seven snd Thirty
<br /> • � �� Thra• Huad*ecltlaa (77.33) fset; thence detDectinQ left 111° 5Z' 19" aad
<br /> � suunin� •outherly parall�l ta the �+est 1�iae of oafd NE} SE�. a di�taace
<br /> of Sev�n Hundred Eighty Nioe and Trenty Two Husidredths ( 789.2Z) feet:
<br /> � •�._...._ a.s�...�i.+d riaht 9a 00� and runnina weetarDy� a distsace of Ta�ro
<br /> = ------ --. --o---
<br /> � � Hundr�d�Ei�hty (280.0) feet to t6e place of be�innia� aud cont�inin� ii.6i�
<br /> • acr�s mor• or l�ao.
<br /> I hereby certify that to the be�t of my knowledge and beli ��
<br /> � ' accomp�aqin� plat i• from aa actur�te survey of Lhe de�cribed o , E*�
<br /> made uad�r my oupervioiun. � 4''p
<br /> � ���/�s
<br /> �
<br /> � ��tr1/ ���Ea�Q.
<br /> ar e� . eer . � ,
<br />