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> <br /> � � 99- ��4s�z <br /> DEED OF TRUST <br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST is made as of the 6th day of May, 1999, by and among <br /> JASON UMMEL and AMY UMMEL, huaband and wife, (TRUSTOR"), whose mailing address <br /> is: P. O. Box 1194, Grand Island, NE 68802; <br /> and DUANE A. BURNS, Attorney at Law, ("TRUSTEE"), whose mailing address is: <br /> P. O. Box 2300, Grand Island, NE 68802; <br /> and TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT CO., INC. , a Nebraska corporation, ("BENEFICIARY"), <br /> whose mailing addreas is: P. O. Box 488, Grand Island, NE 68802. <br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Trustor irrevocably transfers, conveys, and <br /> assigna to Trustee, IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, for the benefit and security <br /> of Beneficiary, under and subject to the terms and conditions of this Deed of <br /> Truat, the real property located in the City of Grand Island, County of Hall, <br /> State of Nebraska, and legally described ae follows: (the "Property") : <br /> Lot Four (4) in Block Fifty-Two (52) in Packer and Barr's Second <br /> (2nd) Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> TOGETHER WITH all rents, easements, appurtenances, hereditaments, interests <br /> in adjoining roads, streeta and alleys, improvements and buildinga of any kind <br /> situated thereon and all personal property that may be or hereafter become an <br /> integral part of such buildings and improvements. <br /> The property and the entire estate and interest conveyed to the Trustee are <br /> referred to collectively as the "Trust Estate". <br /> FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING: <br /> a. Payment of indebtedness in the total principal amount of $55,000.00, <br /> with interest thereon, as evidenced by that certain Promissory Note of even date <br /> (the "Note") with a maturity date of May 15, 2024, executed by Trustor, which has <br /> been delivered and is payable to the order of Beneficiary, and which by this <br /> reference is hereby made a part hereof, and any and all modifications, extensions <br /> and renewals thereof, and, <br /> b. Payment of all sums advanced by Beneficiary to protect the Trust <br /> Estate, with interest thereon at the rate of twelve (12$) percent per annum. <br /> This Deed of Trust, the Note, and any other instrument given to evidence <br /> or further secure the payment and performance of any obligation secured hereby <br /> are referred to collectively as the "Loan Instruments". <br /> TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF THIS DEED OF TRUST: <br /> 1. PAYMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS. Truetor ahall pay when due the principal of, <br /> and the interest on, the indebtednesa evidenced by the Note, charges, fees and <br /> all other sums as provided in the Loan Instruments. <br /> 2. REAL ESTATE TAXES. Trustor shall pay each month, at the time principal <br /> and interest payments are made, one-twelfth (1/12) of the estimated annual real <br /> estate taxes. Beneficiary shall then pay the real estate taxes before the same <br /> become delinquent and shall provide Trustor with evidence of payment of the same. <br /> In the event that the real eatate taxes should increase, the Trustor agrees to <br /> make an additional payment sufficient to cover payment of such taxea. <br /> 3. INSURANCE AND REPAIRS. Trustor shall pay each month, at the time <br /> principal and interest payments are made, one-twelfth (1/12) of the estimated <br /> annual premium cost for fire and extended coverage insurance, insuring the <br /> buildings constituting the trust estate, for an amount no less than the <br /> replacement value of the buildings. Beneficiary shall pay the premiums for <br /> maintaining such policy and shall provide Trustor with evidence of insurance <br /> premium payments each year. Such insurance policy shall contain a standard <br /> mortgage clause in favor of Beneficiary and shall not be cancelable, terminable, <br /> or modifiable without ten (10) days prior written notice to Beneficiary. Trustor <br /> shall promptly repair, maintain and replace the Trust Estate or any part thereof <br /> so that, except for ordinary wear and tear, the Trust Estate ahall not <br /> deteriorate. In no event shall the Trustor commit waste on or to the Trust <br /> Estate. In total, at the present time, payment of principal, intereat, real <br /> estate taxes and insurance shall amount of $640.00 per month, which is subject <br /> to change based upon the increase or decrease of real eatate taxes and insurance <br /> premiums. <br /> In addition to casualty insurance, Trustor shall pay the annual premium on <br /> comprehensive liability insurance covering each premises and protecting the <br /> Beneficiary and Trustor from all claims, demands, lawsuits, and judgments arising <br /> out of injury to persons or damage to property occurring on each property. The <br /> coverage shall be in an amount of not lesa than $300,000 single limit for bodily <br /> injury and property damage. <br /> 4. ACTIONS AFFEGTINa TRUST ESTATE. Trustor �hall appear in and cont.ot <br /> any action or proceeding purporting to affect the security hereof or the righte <br />