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O1/03/2004 12:38 1- 308 - 382 -7782 GI ABSTRACT,ESCROW PAGE 05 <br />2004O1O84 <br />FILE: 03 -2SS3 200309310 <br />EXMBIT "A" <br />A tract of land comprishg a part of the East One Half of the Northwest Quarter (El /2 NWi /4) of <br />Section Twenty Eight (28), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th PJW, Grand <br />bb"d, Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast <br />cornier of said East Half of the Northwest Quarter (E1/2 NWl /4); thence running North along the East <br />line of said East Half of the Northwest Quarter (Ei/2 NWi /4) a distance of One Hundred Ninety Five <br />and Four Tenths (195.4) Feet to the Southeast corner of Riverdale Subdivision; thence running West <br />Along the South line of Riverdale Subdivision a distance of TWo Hundred Five and Nine Tenths (205,9) <br />Feet to a point on the East line of August Street; thence running South along the prolongation of the <br />East Roe of August Street a distance of One Hundred Ninety Three and Five Tenths (1935) Feet to a <br />Point on the South line of said East Half of the Northwest Quarter (E1/2 NW1 /4); thence East along <br />the South line of said East Half of the Northwest Quarter (EI /2 NW1 14) a distance of Jvo Hundred. <br />Seven and Thirty Five Hundredths (20735) Feet to the point of beginning. <br />pap x Porn 0001 rz. by MMOM 6d put <br />�raara,rrK. t- aao.�aao -lzee <br />� <br />