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<br /> '•+ ,:,,, ,r,,� It�r�by aaip��to L�ndK th�wnb ol NN Prop�ty provld�d tlwt 8onowM lhall,Prlo►to�tMiltion un1NP aph 1!
<br /> ti�,. S�; Mr�of w�bmdawn�nl ol q�Pr .h�w tM-ripM b colNd�nd nfain wah►�Mib a�Itwl►b�aonM du�md�lnbw•
<br /> ^ •,:.�' � U �e c N�t b n u n d�rp�ra�1 6 h K�o f o r�ndawr�t of tlyprop�y.Lmd�►.In p�rson,tif►�M a bf►l�+d���Y
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<br /> . �r_ ` ..� : "'G: ,: p�pp�si�rinCludin�MtONOutdus.Allnr►bCa1NCbdby L�tsdKOHh�ao�iwr hldlb��pplMdNrilbWY�nfUf�cwtaol _-�--� ���"-
<br /> m�nsp�nwnl of th�PropMN and eoN�adon of nnb.foaludlrq,but nol Umibd to.nelewr's 1N'�,P�una on ncMwr'�
<br /> ,�,,.a.�:� bonds�nd r�uoruibN�ttome�a Na,and th�n to Ih�wmt wcuad by thb�Md at Tnat.L��d�t�nd 1h�nwivK sh�ll b�
<br /> .�-1. r•;:'�r.]�' II�W�to�ICCOYM ally IOr 1110s�rellls aop�llr r�CNwd.
<br />���e,..�� �- Z1. Fub�A�hane�s.UponrequatofeonowW�l.end�r.atLsnd�'�opdon�PrlorbfullreCOnwyanc�ollh�PreP«hb1►
<br /> Y;:.k:,�`�' Tru�lwto8arowK.m�ymqc�FuWreAdvenc�atoBorrowsr.8uchFutunAdvanca,wffhintaeatd�non.�llb�aaurod -
<br /> �� ••,.:::�. by thl�t�d of Trud wh�n svldonaed by promissory notes sbtinp th�t sald noUs�ue s�nured 1►KMy.M no d�shall fh� i�s.�:,s�,;?_.y.:---
<br /> . ° pdnclpal�mountolthsindebtedneaaeeau�adbY�fsOssdolTruat,notincludinpsumsadv�na�dln$caord�ne�h�nwNhtn �.,�,��.--.---
<br />.�P'»� ::��:,=.:y..." prot�ct 1M s�aurlty of this DMd of Tni�R�xcwd ths oripfnel�mount ot th�Not�Plus US i - . �_.
<br />� "`-T".�, . ': �. p�eonwyane�.Uponptymentof�IleumiaecuredbythisDeedofTnistl«+dersiwllroquaiTrustaeW�aconveyths
<br /> �� '���f `.' n . .. .. �-.a�u��.�
<br /> �"a,�: PropKry and�hall surnnd�r this DNd of Tru�t and ell noDe�evidsnainp k�d�bMdns�s Mcund by thl�D�sd ol Trost to
<br /> .�'� � . wilhout warran �nd without charp�q 1h�p�'san or p�sons IpNty�ntfWd
<br /> � '•' TrustN.Tnnlee ahafl rrconWy M�P�av�b tY �,,,�•
<br /> t_:�F ;��'.`.� � tl��to.3ucA psraon or pKwnt�hau WrY ap c�ot rscortlatlon�if any. �,,,,�:_.
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<br /> , `r•:.; � conv�anasollhsProp�b.RlNSUCassortrusfMahallsucca�dtoallUt�Ml�.powKanddudaco►�fsrnduponMwTruaw --
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<br /> �`'`"�' �� � h�raln�nd by appficabis i�w- -�.
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<br /> '• ��rR�.• �,, .. , Z�. Rpwsllar NaMeM.8or�ower requesb Mad aopia ot tla noUce ot delsuN and natlns of wl�bs aW b Bonow�r'! �---
<br /> . ,� .. addrps whlch is 1tN Prop�rty Addrosa �� '�
<br /> �t'�!�,4;;:.
<br />'. '. :.; r .r�. . IN WITNESS YYFNERE�F�80HROWER h�s wncutad this Daed ot Trust t
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<br />�=-- .�sr,t:;l..r},r,.--, STATE OF NEBRASKA, ii��ll Counfry tw: PubIIC `�'' ����:'r:':`�
<br /> ..�'S-�� On thia 2nd day of Mav ,19�-.beloro ma.the undorslynsd,a Nofary
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<br /> � .. . duly commipioned�nd quaUfled 1or aafd counry,pereonelly came ' J,� `t.,�
<br /> John K. MaYer and Lisa R. MaYer ,to me known to bp the a�:.,:--
<br /> ���'. , MeMicelperaon(8�whosenametelereaubscribedtothetoropoinpfnstrumentandaoknowledpedthaexeCWb�the►eoftob� ':,�"3°��`_-
<br /> ;,, ..+� �':,=-
<br /> their valuntary act and deed. �;.�`;�:,,,
<br /> `�'�� Witness my hand and notarial s�al at Grand I sland in�aid couMy.ths - ~-�a�'•
<br /> " ."� , �,�`�g-,� date eforaaald. ,:: .,. 1�i�"';�;.
<br /> .. G I�
<br /> ,� . ,; ��: ,. • MY Commfsafon exPk 6ENElilll�IARY•SbbMR� �- „ ,.
<br /> ° � ° ' &HARON M.NICKB. ' `�Si;r��--- .
<br /> , " f ,.;�� �v Canm.E�p.1+�.90.1li1 � �`�=r,=--:_..
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<br /> ..y .;K� . ,• REQUEST FOii RECONVEYANCE
<br /> . _. �'1i.YI'(. o�...n .. -�"lJ.n,�.-�,-
<br /> - ,'.i. a%:,:r.. , .'.. • . .
<br /> ' . •� .:• .J'��,�".. TO TRUSTEE: t-
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<br /> `�;i.:�'S� TheunderoiqnediathehdderofthenoteornoteasecuredbythisOeedofTrustSaidnoteornotea,topetherw►thallother .•r�t�• ��s�s��
<br /> �� ? � "<�,�:�'��,� Indabtedneas aecured bythis Deed of Truat,have been pald in full.You are hereby dfrected to cancel aefd note a�otes and � � _-
<br /> •` " ' the Deed of Truat whicn ere delivered hereby,and to reconvey,without wa��anty,all the estete now held by you under 1hfs ��� �
<br /> ���;�. - �� Dwd of TruN lo the pe►son or persons lepally endded thereto. ��='_`_:,:,.: ,_,__
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