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<br /> � ,( i�H71A�k�� =-i.. ti�w=.�y.,.-.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANT8.8orrower end Lender covenantend aprae aalollowe: � '•"�''�"- __
<br /> � � �, p�ymq��p�pNne�pd�nd U1t�rM1, BorrowYr shell promptly pay when due the princlpal of�nd interest on the _ _ . _
<br /> � md�btWnossevld�ncedbytheNote,prop�ym�nte�dlatocharpesasprovld�dinthoNoU,endthopdncipdol�ndlntontton �-�_ _
<br /> • � any Futura Advantes aecured by the Deetl of Trusf _ - �
<br /> Z. Fund�IaTaxN�nd Imwu�e�•SubIect lo app��cable law orto awriflen weiver by Lender,Borrower shal�WY to�e�der � + � �■
<br /> i on the dwy manlhly Insqllments of princlpal end i�tereatare payable underlhe Note,until the Note i3puNf in full,a sum(hsrein ��_�- _
<br /> � "Funda")equal ta ane•twelflh of the yeady texes and assessments which may erialn priority avw�thit Deed o1 Trust,and �' � ��'�=x-:-=�;
<br /> . . ...� t� 'rf----`_.t�:.-
<br />_ . proundrentsonlhePrope�iy,llany,pluaone-twelfthof yeariypremfuminatellmenfaforhazardfnaurence,plueoae-twslfthot � ��
<br /> � yeariy premium inftelNnents for mort�sge inwrance, il any,all aa reasaneblY o+timated fnitfally and Irom time to tima by � . .Ly�.�".,N����
<br /> l.ender on the basis ol assesemenb endbllla and�easonade estfmates thereoL ''''`F��
<br /> TheFundsahallbeheldinaninstltutionlhedepaaltaoraccauntaolwhichareinsuredorguareMeed,byeFedaralo�atale �":�A�::==—
<br /> agency pncludfng Lender it Lender ie auch an inslltutlon).Lender ehall apply Ihe funds tope y eaid taxes,aaseasmenri, � � :::;ri-�—
<br /> insurance premiums and ground►ents.Lender may nat charga tor so holdin0 and applying the Funda,analyzinp eald eccount � :'�-_:_.^
<br /> or verlying end campiling seld essesamente and bille,unlasaLender paYs Borrower Intarest on the Funds andappliaable law , '' _ _
<br /> permits Lender to make auch a charge.Borrower and I.ender may apreein wribnp et the time o1 execudon of Mfa Daed ot Truat
<br /> ' that Interest on the Funda ehell be paid to Borrower,and unleas such agreement ia mede or appIlealbe law requUea such ,�. .`.' �<.•;�'•,Yi;:•�=
<br /> interest to be paid.Lender ahall not be requirsd to pey 8orrower any Interest or earnings on the Funds.Lender shall glve to � ; �:^: _,
<br /> Bar�ower,withaut cherg�e,an annuel aeeounting o�V+�Fands ahowing credits end de6Ra to the Funda and tl�e Fwr D�o�' ,-,.� r ,�:e�.:•:�
<br /> @} wr
<br /> . whlch�ch dabft to the Fund�wes mado.Th�e Fu�dsare P�edSed�S edditlons�l secu�ity lor the oums securod by�his . r,r.:•z,..-�
<br /> TruYL ,`�':._
<br /> ft the aenouc►t of the lunds held bK I�ender,toQether wit�the futu�e mo�thly fnstallmenta of Funds payabte Rrior to 1he due
<br /> ��.t�:_
<br /> defea c>i Qax�s,assesements,Inauraace p:em�urns en�gi�►►d�'eMs,aheM exceed the emount reQUf►6d to PaY sa�d tixes. � ' ���.•�°'"'�"'�
<br /> � asaessmec�9�.msurance premlums and ground rents as tlie�!1a11 due, such exCesa shell be,at�orrower�option,eilAev :,-�-:__
<br /> � ' pramptly iepaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monihly instellments ol Funds.If the amou�t of the�un¢1.!held by �M���^_; _
<br /> : LendershallnotbesutficieMtopaytexea,assessments,insurancepremiumsand groundrentsastheyfalldue.�or�owershall , � ��
<br /> � pay to Lender any emount necessary lo meke up the deficiency withln 30 days from the dete notice is mailed by Lender to `� ':.� �;
<br /> ! Bonower requesting payment thereof. ' � °`��
<br /> Upon pAyment In full of all aums secured bythis Deed of Trust,Lender shell prompUy refund to$or�awer any Funda held by ;,.,�_
<br /> � Lender.Itunderparagrephl8he�eolthePropertv�ssoldorthePropertyisotherwiseacquiredbylender,Lendershellapply. , •�t ~ s�'_
<br /> no later the�Immediately pnor tc the sale ot the Property or its acqulslt�on by Lender,and Funds held by Lende�at the rime of
<br /> � � appUcatbn as a credit apainat the sums secured by thls Deed of Trual ,
<br /> %:���. ! 3. Appllc�don ot P�ym�nu.Unless applicable law provldes otherwise,all paymenta recefved by Lender under the Note "
<br /> I end paragraphs 1 and 2 hereot shaU be applied by Lender first in payment of amounta peyable to Lender by Botrower under �� __
<br /> 1 paragraph 2 hereof,then to Intarest payable on the Note,then to the principal ot the Note,and then to inlerestand principal on , ;
<br /> � any Future Advancea. ' ' %
<br /> I 4. Chs►yp;U�n�.Borrowerssfiallpayalltexes,asaessmentsandotherchorges,flnesandfmpositlonsettributebletolhe , `
<br /> � Prope►ry Hrh±eh mey nna�o epriarltv over ihls Deed of Trust,end leasehold payments or ground renta,lf any,in the manner , �
<br /> � � provided under peragraph�hereo�ar,it not paid in�uch menner,by Borrownr meking payment,whan dus,dlreclly to the► ,s
<br /> payee Ihareof.Borrower ahall promptly lurnlsh to Lender all notfces of amounts due under thls paragraph,end fn the evenl
<br /> !1 Borrower ahall make paymenl directly,Borrower ahall promptly turnish to Lender recefFts evldencing auch pay�ot be
<br /> �:•�i�. Borrower ahaU promptly discherge any Ilen which has priorlty ove�ihis Oead of Trus�provfded,thet Borrower ahell
<br /> � � requiredtodiachargeany auchl�ensolongesBorrawershellagreeinwritingtothepaymentoftheobligetfonaecuredbysuch :
<br /> •, ' lien in a manner acceptable 10 Lender,or shell in good latth contest such Ilen b or defend enforcement of euch Ilen In,legal '�,
<br /> 'I�'•�`,� � p�oceedings which opRrate to prevent the enforcement of the Ilen or fo�felture of the Properly or eny pah lhereol. `
<br /> ,�� �: �� 5. M�tard Insurancs.Bor►ower ahall keep the�mprovemen fs now e x l s ti n g or hereaRer erected on the Property inaured ��
<br /> ageinat loss by tire,hezards included wlthin the term extended coverage",end such other hezards ae l.ender mey requlre
<br /> ' ;�; ;�,� and in such amounts and tor auch periods es Lender mey requlre:provided,that Lender shall not r u�sL that the amouM of 'Y'
<br /> such coverage exceed that emoum nt coverage requfred to pey the sums secured by thfs Deed of� ��
<br /> ' •.'.',i �� . This Insurance carner providing the insurance ahall be choaen by Borrower aub�ect to approval by Lender;provided,thut
<br /> • such approval shell not be un►eesonsbly withheld.All premluma on fnsurance policfea ahell be pald in the manner provfded
<br /> ' • under pa�a�raph 2 hereof or.if not paid�n such menner,by Borrower meklny payment,when due,directly to the Insurance __
<br /> �� �'•� carrler. �
<br /> All insurance policies and renewals Ihereof shaN be in form acceplableto Lender and shell include a standard moR ege
<br /> • ' �' clauae In favor of and In form eccepteble to Lender.Lender ahall have the rlghl to hold the polfcfesand renewals thereo�and .
<br /> �•' �� ' 8orrower shell promptly lurniah to l.ender all renewal noticea andall rece�pts af Pald premiums.Inthe eventof lose.Bonower
<br /> ' ,�'�� •'� '• shallglvepromptnoticetotheinsurancecarrierandLender.Lendermnymakepronloilossifnotmedepromptlyby8orrower.
<br /> ' '� ' UnlessLenderandBorrowerolherwiaeagreefnwrN►ng,�nsurancearaceedsaheltbeappUedtorestoratfonor►epairotthe
<br /> .' ,�:,', Property damaged,provided such restoration or repafr la economically feasible and the securlty ot thla Deed of Trust la not .
<br /> thereby impalred.li�uch reatoratfon or repalr is�ot economically teasible or It the aecurity of Ihls Oeed of Truat would be
<br /> � .�"��:"��` impaired.the insurence proceeda ehall 6e appliedto the sums secured by this Deed ot Trust,wNh theexceas,if any,paid to
<br /> �•�'"-�.•? Borrower.II the Property fs abandoned by Borrower,or fi Borrower lails to respond to Lender wllhin 30 days from the dete
<br /> notice Is mefled by Lender to Borrower that the insurence carner oHers to setlle a clalm for insurance benetlte.Lender is
<br /> �;•�,, . authorized to collectend apply the insurance proceeds at Lend�r:upt�on e�ther to res�oratian or repair of the Property or to
<br /> the sums seCUred by this Oeed of Trust. �
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwice agree m wriUng,any such applicallo�01 p�oceeds to principel ahell not extend or
<br /> ,� p�s tp�e��e'd�e�de pa A g1 rephl8 hereot the Property 5 acqu red by L�ende8,ell�r d 1,tltle and lnte esl o18oa ow6r In end t0
<br /> i
<br /> ��' enyfnaurancepolioiesendinandtotheproceetlsthereofresulbngfromdamaaetat ePropertypnortothesalearacQuleltio�+
<br /> Shell pass to Lender to the extent ot the sums secured by this Deed o1 Trust�mmediately pri0r to such sele ot acqui�ltion.
<br /> ' � 8. Pr�s�rvatlon pr�d Mafnl�nance ot PropsNy;Lea��holds;�ondomMlums;Pl�nned Unll O�v�lopm�nb.Borrower snalt
<br /> keep Ihe Property in good repair end shell not commit waste or permit impaument ot deter�oration ol the Properry and ahall
<br /> ' comply wilhlheprovisionsotany�easeifthisDeedofTrustisonaleasehold.Ilth�sDeedotTrustfsonaunftlneCOndominium
<br /> ; 4 or a planned unit deve{opment,8orrower shall portorm all of 6orrowor's oUl�gations u�der the declaratlon or Covenanfs
<br /> creet�ng or governing the condominwm or pinnned unit developmunt,the by-lews and regulaUOns ot the condominium ol
<br /> ,?��.; � planned unit development.and constituent documents.lf n condomirnum or pianned unft development rfder fs excuted by
<br /> � •; Bprrpwer and recordod tngether with this peed ol Trust,the covenants and agreements ot such nder shell be incorporeted
<br /> - , mto and st�all emend end supplement the CovenAMS and agreemenls oltnis Qeed ol Tru81 as d the nder were a part hereof.
<br /> � y � 7. Prol�eUon ot L�nd�t'�S�curlty.II 8orrpwer lals to pertarm the covenants and agreements conla�ned m this Deed of .
<br /> , : I Trusi,or if any action or praceed+n4 is commencEd with metenally eHects Lender's i�terdat irt ine Property,including but not
<br /> I�m�ted to,eminent domain,inso�vency.code enforce ment.or arrangements or praceetlmgs mvow�ng a bankrupt or decedenL
<br /> � then Lander et lender's optfon,upon nouce to Borrower,may make such appearances,disbur!e such sums and take such
<br /> actionasisnecessarytoprotectLender'sinterest.inc�ud�ny,butnot��mrtedto,disbursementofreasonableattorney'sfeesand
<br /> entry uponthePropertytomakerepa�rs.IlLenderrequ�redmortgageinsuranceasaconditlonofmakmgt�hel�ensecuredby
<br /> the Deed ot Trust.Borrower shall pay Ihe premiums reqwred to maintam such msurance in eHect untit such tlnte as the
<br /> �..�...�....�I.........�........enrofnrminalc.n�nACCOIdHfICB Wllh BOffOWBf 3Bnd L@fldB�S Wf111@f18e�6@�1@11�Of Bp�I�C�Ib@IBW.
<br /> �eywnv...u�......................�..__._.-- - �
<br /> � 8orrower ehall pay the emount ot ell mortgage insurance permiuma in lhe manner prowaeo unaer pera �uN�����o�w�.
<br /> Any amounls d�sbursed by lender pursuant to this paragreph 7, w�th interest thereon, shell �ecome additlonal
<br /> fndeblednea8 of Hprrower seCUred by thfs Deed of Trust.Unless Rorrower and Lender agree to Other terma of payment,such
<br /> amounts shall be payab�e upon notice Irom Lender to Borrowor requesting payment hereot,and shalt beer interest from the
<br /> dateofdisburaemertatthera/epayablefromt�metotimeonoutstand�ng pnnc�palunderlheNoteuniesspoymentofinterest
<br /> at such rate would be co�trary to appl�cabte law, in which event such amounts shall bear fnterest at the h�ghest rate
<br /> permfsaible under epplicabte�aw Noth�ng conta�ned�n th�s paragraph 7 shall reqw�e Lertae►to incur�ny expense or takeeny
<br /> actfon hereunder
<br /> p. Insp�cdon.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonabie entnes upon antl�nspect�ons ot the PropertY.P�owGed
<br /> that Lender shall gwe Borrower not�ce pnor ro a�y such�nspect�on spec�tymg reasonab�e ca�setnere�o�e re�ated io LenCer's
<br /> mtereat in the Property
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> �• �
<br /> ' � __ �
<br />