.t .t,7�[V� .lp�nr.: 'l '.•yr,•p�$". �' :�rd,'(Y'Y!li' r. :C!•'4V.• �:'' .S; .•i.e r.tr 'r'�...�•��C': - .I. ,.�� { {[ sif.
<br /> 1 r( �. :1': �o r.;� .'f� h� f ,r} ,�' .'y a� � {� 1.,tct;:� ;�G
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<br /> �,Fa: �-• S -� �r. {' yif H: _•c 1.L7',�•'' ::F,�u;: kt- 'i?�ft`�y;�1 {4.� i ��. J :� .a -
<br /> -�� � ' .�1. ,f� '� J�.:-.�..!;r�;f��� � ,�i �,. .��.• l.;.� 1 •<i.''.SY.t(�IYYl1��h.4��Jr.�i:�rS�i.41�i_
<br /> '���1 *'i� �t '•:�� � '�'!I::,e.�i'3•d;�. .�:i'.r;�y��G!;��?!i''.?'���u{��h'�s..�i;}rir+�,..ayer�atvf.l, I /�r�,.�:� �l';'V�Gi,vV��e... �r� 1,':t t�: -
<br /> . �F 'I �tit.�. f'l�� 1�.•i��:�� t�f� ��,�, 1���'�� �rJ�.:'... v.M4Yitf+�t�i't!`����'�_�I.�li4*7�'�''�':.i3-��r�- . ±)I}�ry.Y� -.!' n<. _i. - � , }-,tY7T'• � i�� �'!�)Y
<br /> �.-r� � 5.,� {f,a;,_, _ . , . � �j.:, hr,:�,t... . . �hr4'1.P1�. �� .
<br /> � �si�a�rlrt�r,KY��M��� �,�� �a 1 � � ,.. . . . ,,,;.� .
<br /> i..� "M�„•k+�.ir„t., . ,. � 1 t<''tii:� _ �t�.•-'
<br /> _ �3 . . ... . -'".�..�....._._.., . jr �
<br /> d
<br /> ;'�,��t� a
<br /> , L
<br /> '�vr.' '
<br /> �1 .'�-
<br /> �.i ,. . � - -- '--�- ...__ ---
<br /> �Y� .._- - -- - ---.._._----'. "
<br /> ..._..- - -'-�-�......rr..+........r.._. .... ...�
<br /> '7._�'—'..—� _—__
<br /> nwR�m�ae -- 1028'77 _ �r�-:�
<br /> ������� . . 91 �ry-�---:i.:tiLW��
<br /> �, �.
<br /> ����, .�'�`,1' � _.Ny��----
<br /> ',�x�,.�w . .�.�i�' ,�M�������a�� �ra,t�ic4 � 0'Hara and Debra A. O'Nara_ 4::2;s_�.
<br /> ,`r �:___
<br /> . husbend and wife (b�erin"Mort{qor")�nd •�,r;:cti=z'::,`-
<br /> �. � Flve Poi�ts B�nk. Grand Isla�d. Nebraska (h�nin•'Maey+e••••l "_. .` � .,'�:�.
<br /> .r � .�:i••',_.
<br /> � Yort�yor b ladebkd to Mortp�ee la N�p�lncipd wm ot i t n�0o�_00 ,Md�nad py Moryqor'�note �: _ - ��._
<br /> r��Me�► 9, 1991 (r�le"i�olt")/torlrly�a Vq►menu ot prisel�l�nd IaMtnt�vllh tla b�hna ot eM — _--- _
<br /> I�drbpdnw,lf�ot��r p�W�dw�nd ay�bU on- M�v 9. 20 i i . - . __.. ----.
<br />-� . . �'=�;�.-�:�,
<br /> '�b�w t!�pypr�t ot Uie Nok�witli Itln�at r prorlMd tM�reln.th�prymtnt ot tll nth�►�unu�wltA iat�n�t.
<br /> t!�
<br /> � Mwnae b'Y Yo�b P�K�Msnelty ot t�i�Mo�t{w.�nd Hw�rfonu�ncr of tM cownan4 and yn�if►m4 of ;�
<br /> UN �io�l/�a+ eoaWpM Mer�la, Motl�yor doa M�tbY �eo�tp{e�nd ooarty to Moe{�� Nt followlu�dMeeib�d •.:,.:--.:�::��.. :�_: ._ '
<br /> ' • ��y lonud ie Hall County.N�pmiu: n ` ��. •,�,, -�:�`•�
<br /> � .
<br /> } A tract of land In Lot Four (4), Island, Section Elevsn (11) and In the � �'�� �"' "�
<br /> Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Querter (SWkNW4), Island, Sectlo� Eleven ' •" ---�"'--�`
<br /> ,' (11), 7ownship Ten (10), Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., Hell County, � '�''�`
<br /> �� ' Nebreska, more particularly described as follows: eeginning at the Weat � �
<br /> . � Querter corner of said Section Eleven (11), thence No degrees 18' 10" East � . _ _
<br /> � along west Ilne of the Northwest Quarter (NW�C) of said Island, Section Eleven !F, - - --
<br /> (11), a distance of 622.74 feet; to the point of beginning; thence continuNng No �'
<br /> degreas 18'20" East a distance of 498.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees il'q0" . ��`��-
<br /> Eas! a distance of 875.17 fest; thence 50 degrees 18'20" West a dista�ce of °� -
<br /> 498.00 feet; thence Narth 89 degrees 41'40" 'Nest a di5tance of 875.17 feet to �' ' �"°�
<br /> , . the poi�t of beginning; said tract contai�ing County Road Right-of-Way and � %�t'���
<br /> excepting a certain tract deeded to Hall Cou�ty b;� �Yarranty Deed recorded as � . ���
<br /> Document No. 78-007606 also excepting a certain tract as recorded in Warranty �'' ��" •��
<br /> , Deed recorded in the Register of Deeds Office �+s Document No. 66-101173. „
<br /> -— . � �'".r,
<br /> — To�ether�Ith W bulldfn�s,impmvements.tix3uzes,str:eu�dley�.puujeM�ys. ewmQnts,d�bts,pdvU�Q�s and �'? - -'
<br /> appurun�nces located th�reon or fn anywix peAalninQ t�h*nto.md+t�he tenu,l�sues �nd protlts,RV,�Rlons�d rcm�inders � ..,�wti�
<br /> � • thtreot;includioQ,but not I l m fte d to.Aea dn��n d c o o l i n Q e q u f p m v rr t�n d i u c h p e e s o n v p ro p e rt y t h�t 1��teubed to the �; . :�•.,;
<br /> � ienprovemeots w�s to constitute�QYture;�!1 ot wAfch, includinQ��placements md�ddltlons the�mzo,i�benby declared .
<br /> tp be�put of the�ed e�bte�tcured by the Ilen ot this Mott.�a�e and�II ot the tore�ofn�bein�nferred co herein as the ,. .•�,� "'•���:���
<br /> r .
<br /> ..�P�KY��• +:. • .
<br /> � Mort�gor turther convenmts�nd a�reec,with MortQ�Qee.as tolJows: ' �� ,
<br /> � . i
<br /> �.. 1. P�3�m�nt. To pay the indebtedne�md the intereu theteon a�provided in tbi�Mort�a�e�nd tht 1'Vote. F a
<br />� : .�. �. Ticle. Morcaqor��she o.mer or�he�opercy,has the ri�ht and�uthority to mortQa4Q the Propert�,md ',s�
<br /> ' �.'•,, �nrsaa4 tMt the Ifen cn�ted hereby is a tiRt md prior lien an the Property,�xapt a�nuy othenvlsv Oe wt forin herein. , •��_.
<br /> i, 0�e Roperty{�wbject toa Mlorip�e wherefn�i�" �'�in*c RA.,1� • :.;;
<br /> ,( ; ! ,t '� x;
<br /> ��:•�, is tAe NIot3���ee,tecorded�t Hook ,P�e ot the�rlort�e Aecotds ot Ha�� Count}•.� �'�.• � v
<br /> " 1W�rat�cw�which 11orl�a�e i��Ifen pdor to the Ikn cr��ted hemby. •
<br /> '� • .
<br /> • � �Oth�t pdo�Ifen�or�ncumprance::
<br /> � ,�
<br /> ',;, , ,
<br /> .��'���- . , � 8. Tasa,Aw�nkn4. To pry Mh�n due tll tuc�s,qprc�a3 tue�smmes�nd dl other cRu�n a�afns�t the Ropem•
<br /> •� ' �n�,npon�rtitten dem�nd by More�a�ce,to�dd to Ne p�ymenw regul�ed under tAe Note�ecured hereb��,:ucA wrao�aaic�
<br /> • �ry b�w(Acknt w�n�ble ehe Mort�ee to p�y tucb uns,u�enments or other char���el�ey become due.
<br /> ' �, loau�nce. To Iterp the Impro�ementt no�ot herp�ter loeaud on the red atate described h�re3n insured • • �
<br /> �pirut daroa�e by�re'aud wch other Awrdo�t MorytQee m�y nquire.in unounts md with compu►i�s s�ec+epts+b��to the
<br /> �lottps+e.and with lo� p�y�ble W tbe I�ort��ee. In cae o!1ok under tueh pollcia the Yonq�e���u�odzed to
<br /> �dju�t, eollect �nd oomproa�e.ln Ifs dl�efrdon,vl cWnu t1K�eaader at fts wle optlon, ��tPeaeu3weitAer�ppl�ihe
<br /> popedt to We resWratlon ot the hoperty ar upon the Indebtedne�r wcund heeeby,but p�y�aealt A�truader rbdl con•
<br /> qnw untll th�wms�vred h�eeby ue p�ld fn tull.
<br /> 6. O Fiemw Fa�T�tcs wd laruranee. Notwitlut�ndinQ�nythln�cont�ln�d in puap�phs 3�nd�henot to the
<br /> eontnry�Yorep�or�b�ll pay W th�Morl��ee�t the llnie of p�yine the monthly Installmenls ot princfpal�nd intenst,
<br /> aa�-t�r�IM of the yeuly laxes,we�anwnu,hwrd {nsurmce premfums,�nd pound e�nb(it �ny)w'h�ch m�y�ttafn �
<br /> ..�..dw.....��a fleru,r..vl.i euson�blv e�tlduted horo tia»w time ey the Mortp�e.71ie�mounls w pald:hall be
<br /> . �..�.., ---- -... .
<br /> Mld by tl�e Yortppe without interest�nd�pP�fed to the p�ym�nt ot Ne ft�nu in re�prct to�rhich sucA�mounta w�re
<br /> dtppdted.'!be�umt puid to Morip�ee h�reunder�er P�ed�ed�a�ddltiowl�ecurity tor tAe indebt�dnets aecuted by tAis
<br /> I{ariN�e.Mortp�oT tlull p�y to Mwtp�tAe nnount ot any deficfency setween the�ctu�wce�.�csessmenu. fiuunnce
<br /> pemluna aad poand�n4�nd tAc depwits heteunder �►Ithle 10 d�y��fter demand is ao�de upon Mon�or t�quattnQ
<br /> pym�at tbereof. ,
<br /> �, MpNr�Maintenat�ce wd We. To prompUy repRir,rettore or rebufld any bufldfn�t or improvemenu now•or
<br /> Maqttet on tAe Property:to te�p tbe Property in�ood eondiUon�nd repNr,w�ilhout w�te,and fiee trom mecEmic'�or
<br /> otlktlism not exprenly�ueordln�ted b the Ikn Aereof;not to nuLe,wtter or pennit�ny nuisu�a to e�lst,nor to d�m�n•
<br /> Yb a impalr the�nlue ot N�e troperty by �ny act or omiwon to�ct;�nd W comply with vl eequitementc of I�w� xnth
<br /> trapct to tbe Roperty.
<br /> J _
<br />