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°-� ' r', � �i-�",,,���;��w ew�c!�i ur�-.��*- <br /> i� •�,A�_� - - ' . .�� . °�' .,. �w .+.r.�vs:i ,.1.�_ �+.� _ _ . <br /> � , . • -i ..«..i't'c�hv� �-�--•r:�- <br /> ' . n ..,. " ' ` - • � � q � �H.��'-,�_-- <br /> . �. _ ,r� �Y`r��+Jy.Y�w�r- _ <br /> - 3 _ "_ -_' —'� r�suLw�� � , YA��}���� .. -�_`_ <br /> .. .. �����'� ��. ����'�■ ����.� �ut.._.r':.�.�._..• <br /> ������7�~ ' ��`1?4r._,:r���.. <br /> . �1�wt�, Aq dIM�Iofy�iil�Ndlo � . . . .„- <br /> . 801�RprVelt �Mf�IIMt Sarower b I��A�My�11 d IM MtM�1�'r aonw�sd�IMt�M d�t M�■1 � <br /> ., adoo�w��b ����n�dllht da lrop�erty l�aMnownb�d�s�o�pt fbr aiownlrosp�ur noad. Sanuw+R Manrii�t�YN <br /> M�M1�����Mt1s w dN ProMety�pinrl�1101��nd d�n►aid��wl�ea w an►aio�dr�noM d�roa�d. � . <br /> 'l1�19 SBCURPi'lf INS7RU1►�N'P camb�►ea unikrm oanrenMua !hf�rMtia�i we and �oa-unillon� oowoMa wl� , <br /> Ipn[Md v�tiRt�aat by Juri�dktioa ro oonpltMe�wdfan�rucurity ioNruniwt wvaria��ra!property. <br /> UNIPORM COVBNAM'9. Borrowei aid l�erda covan�nt�rdyroe u tallo�rs: .. <br /> 1. hyaratt d Prhdpd sM MhrMi�M1�t wI 1.M�CMwM� Bamw�r�lull p+on�t19 P�Y MUan dw dM., <br /> �d�nd intaest on the debtevlda�cad bY Ihe Now md anY PRP�9�and We ch�r�a due undar tbe Nwa. <br /> FV�ad�tbr 7yuo�s a�d Iawr�soR.�blect a law ar w a wriqa�wdver by Ladeq Bonovver�hdl p�y a <br /> I.ender on 1Me dny mo�lbiy p�Urman�iu�e due w�da'tbeN e.uadl the Note i�pdd in(WI.�ium("Firtd�"j for.(�)ye�rl�r <br /> puces aid�asesea�ets w�fiki w�qr�etain p�doKlty ovar Ihi�Secuti In�onm�a�t as�Uea o�drc�opa1�;,lb)yady MMaMold <br /> pymena ar pwod reNa a.tlio Propert�r. if�n�, (c) Y�Y� a ProP�nY �Q P�"°�f�)�1� �0°'� <br /> imuranoo pR�a�i�rm,c.d�ny:k)�w1Y�� inaunu�c°pemiwn�.if+ury: wd(t��Y ww�P�lrabb bY ,9aro�a <br /> L.enaar. ir�000na.dcc witn a�o pto+ri�tioas W pr+l�r+�pti 8.m uw of the p�a�aat a����°P'�°� '�'� <br /> ikaa��ne aliod"F�xow Items." I.aider a��aiy tin�a.coi{ect�od boW Fi�od�ia an�nount ncK W��ceed d�e m�cisuo <br /> amoiur a knder ior a fedaally �ud mo�t�e lo�o m�Y�[ar Ban�awarl�esaow aocamt w�der d�e fadei�R�eal <br /> Brtato Sddement Prueedun�s Act ot 197I as a�aoded fram dmo�o haae.l2 U.S.C.!2601 etseq ("RE:SPA7.wsk�s aootM,v <br /> la�r tWt�pplia w th�iiu���ks�a anrourw. !t sur�.a�der m��oy time.collect�nd hold fiuda in aa�nouait na�to <br /> __' exoeod the lesser aroauN. Lentkr NaY ca�c ebe aaooua!w tuauis dn.^,or+i�:�asis csf"�� �i k� - <br /> eslia�tes of expcndiWUes of fuWm Ercio�v Itcros ar dlip'wise in acco�nee wilb applicable Isw. <br /> �n.e ti�uidc slau be new in�n tnst�twion wnose aepo�i��e ias�uoa b�r �ceaerat.geACy.jnWuma�auty.or eatfry <br /> (including Lrende�.ii I.ender ia such an insdwdon)or in any Feder�al Home L.oan Banic. Len�leet ahW�pply the R�ada W P�Y <br /> �-- the E.scROw Items. Lcn�ler m�y not ctur�e Aarower far hoWing�nd applying tba Eiuds.�nnwipy amlyzlag tde e:suow <br /> aocaunt,ar verifying the Bscrow Itans, unkss I.a�dcr PaYs Borrower int�neat on the fi�nds md �pplipibla law paaiits <br /> L,enda� to make such a cherge. Howavtr.Lender may iequire Barower to pay a one-time chatge far ap independeru�al <br /> �tan ropaKing service used by L.erider in connecdon with this(wn.unless applic�able law provide:otherwl�. Un1w aa <br /> - a�is m�de or applicable law requires inte�es[w be paid.Le�der shall not be r�equircd to pay Bar�owu aay lnteres�a <br />;;.':,: exn��m the f�nds. Borrower and L.ender may agre8 In wcidng,lawever.that iaterest sFwll be pa�id on t6e Iiaids. L.aida' <br /> " �h�.it give to Borrower.without ch�rge.en�nnu�l accounting�if the ii�nds.showing c�edits and debita to the Iiuda aqd tha <br /> :'i purpose ta wh[eh eaeh debit to the A�nds was m�de. The F►u��re plod�od pc�dditioaal sxuritY fa all sumt ,ca�w�)M' <br /> Ihis Securiry lns[cume_nt ' ' <br />�-=;b�.__� If the PUnds�held by Lender excoed.11ie n►nou�ta permiaed to be i�id �iy p�iitaisle Isu:; �.�s�r�ttt!! � u! ..�; <br /> �� Borrower for the excess�unds in accoNancc wUh the r+equirements of�ppYicable IAw.•If ihe•s�onoiont af the Hhnd�held by �:� <br />.'�" 1.end�r at nny ume is not suRclent a pay the Escrow Items when due.l.ender mAy �ai�i�jr BOttow�r���8•�+� . <br />}.ti; such case Barower shall pay tv I.ender�he amount necessary to make up•the deYicie.-rcy. Barower dwll maka up the .�'s;�, <br /> deflciency in no more than twelve monthly I.cnder'�sole discaetion. •.•;';;.� <br /> _'`'' Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrufie�t,Lender shall promptly tefund to Barower any � • <br /> T%'.4 Ponds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21.Lendcr shall acquire or scll Ihe Pmperty.l.ende�.Prior W the�xluiaitian or � . <br /> `��� sate of Ihe Prope�ty, shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the tinte o!acquisition or sale a�a credit ag�inst the wtn� ' � <br /> ' seeured by this Security Inswment. <br /> , a. App11c��1on of payq�ents, Unless applicuble luw provides o�herw�se.all paymenta received by LendeQ a�ndu <br /> ,' � pacng�aphs 1 and 2 shall be applied: first.w uny prepayment eharges due under the Note;second to amounts payable,+�ndCt <br />,,�.::•;; ` � paragraph 2;thirca,�o intcrest due;fouRh, to principal due;und lust,to any Qate charges due under tht Note. ', <br />���{'`° ;`� 4. CharQesi Lkns. Borrower shall pay c+ll la�:es, assassments,charges,fines and imposiUons auributable to the <br />`:}t.' 'r proporty which may uttam prioriry over tl�is Security Instmment.and IeASehold pvymenta or ground rents,if any. Borrower '� <br />��1�`) k;';'}.�r' . I yh�ll pay Ihese obligations in�he manner provided in paragraph 2.or if nat pnid in t0aa¢munner.Borrower shall pay them on � ,t� ' <br /> ,.��: t,.;�fl , <br />�r:� ,� � �_ 1ir�e direcUy to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to l.ende�all notices of amounts to be pa►d under <br /> �:;�.,:y . ` a. � . . <br /> ���,:. ,�,�,o,_,�.v.,R, thi;paeagcaph. tf Borro�ver mslces these payments direedy,Borrower qhall prnmptly fumish to Ixnder�eceipts evidene g <br /> ,';:•r r�,,, .., . , thepayments. <br /> ••'�` ��w;�••<•��•�'" Bortower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority ov�r this 5ecurity Instrument unless Bornower:(a)agrees <br /> A '�`�:��� - i�o writing to the payment of the oWi�ation secured by�he lien in a manner ucceptable to Lender.(b)contests in gaod fafth the <br />``• , `����;�Lr. � �lie�n by.a defends against enforcement of the licn in,legal proceedings which in thc Lender's opinion operate to prevent the — <br /> ��'.,� .�-„,�y : enfr�rcement of'the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien un agreemem satisfactory to Lender subordinatin�the lien <br />:, ' "<<�'•. to this Sauriry inswment. If Lender de�ermines Ihut any pan of the�opeKy is su'�jeci lo n lien which may attaia priority <br /> I;�;i�� ; A �, „' � over this Secu�ity Inswmen4 Lender mny give�orrower a nntire i�enti(}in�t'he lien. Horrower shall satisfy Ihe lien or teke <br />��i';�.�y` •.�:::. ; one or more of the uctions se�fonh above within IU duys of the givin�t al'notice. <br /> ;T•; ; %�^:;�;. �� 3. H�zard or Property Ipsuran�e. Barrower shall keep the improvements naw exis�ing or hereafter crecled on the <br /> �� � i�J`.�+;`' - '• ! Property insured aguinst loss by tire.huzruds inclucied wi�hin the term"extended cove�age"und any other h:unrds,ineluding <br /> � ��-�� .��,�'�:;�•.,. .., � I floods or tloodinF, for which Lender requires insu�wxe. This insurnnce shull be mr�intained in the amoums nn:J fot the <br /> - -� <br /> :;. . . — <br /> �• h:�j . <br /> .�',���; . .. , ForM 3028 9f90;d pu�¢e.t� <br /> 'ru. — <br /> '�:�. . . _ <br /> - ' '�. <br /> '` .. - - . � ... J .�Ti:7T,`.��_.�. ._ -_ . . � � • . � _ ' ' _ ' '.r� t/ ���`_r�1�_�M .. � • r� . <br /> ... _,. .. � .:5 � ' ' . . . ' . •:` ,. . � � •t . . � <br /> ;K. . . . �. , , . _ . . .� _ . . . .. <br /> . w. � <br /> . �• �-� � � . . . . . ' <br />'_�.a . , r�y••-.' i � . <br /> ` ..�r::•_. <br /> . <br /> "' ---- - --- -°----"-'-.. .. . ... . _ . .. . . '- ' '-� - - - <br /> �f�.!•� � � �,�. . r• � � �. . •� ' . . ._._ . <br /> 1:��I ��, ..{J� , <br /> :.v �::� -- - ----- - - - .._ . . , <br /> `i� : � , . ' . <br /> �:' . . <br />:.;Rjt� ^ : .. • •: . <br /> --u'��' � pilii;;t�?��:: . , � ' ' „ . . _ • .ii.�.'.. , ..,'�,�t . . <br /> i.� i (i, i� � � ...�. <br /> ''j;;' �`',t5';4;:! • , . ' '���i�. . <br /> f. ..i�� ( <br />.(��� t .� .. t � ` . -- ? <br /> . � <br /> .,r } _ • - --- <br />