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<br /> 9�.-�- � 1oa8'7�! _---
<br /> �I ,' . -
<br /> , .� > >�� � !or letic . Trureee h�nby c�qu»t� � c�Py oi�n�notie� o[ A�t�ult wd th�t�►7
<br /> .F�.. �" nntia� oi�a � Ns�uad�s b til1�/ to Tewtoe �t tlui Naru� ��t torth fe tlw tir�t P�rqr�pA o[ thl� �+s+�-__
<br /> t �' jp.: p��d ot ?�wt.
<br /> +�� M"" • 16. �ppoiawne ol 8uec���or'[ewt��. II��flelrry �y. lra� ti�e to tlr. br vcitt�n inuruMne
<br /> � � ��paut�d �od acla�ovldgd by Nn�Llcirry� w�il�d to Tsu�tar ard raao�ded !n th� County !a vhich th� _
<br /> , ••� �5�.�,: psop�rty i� loc�t�d md by oth�rvla� ca�plyin� vith eh� pruvi�lon� o[ t6� applic�bl� lm ot tlr Bt�t• __
<br /> , �;' , o[ N�br�k�. �ub�titut� R�ucc��wr or �uec��wr� to eh� Trwto�naMd h�r�in or �cefn� h�t�ub�r.
<br /> i,4�i�" , 17. 8uca�nan �ad b�lan�. Thir D�sd o[ Trust appliee t�Rnd inure� to t h� b�n�t i t o f w d b l a d� �_ ____ _ _ _ �
<br /> •11 p�etio� h�r�to. eh�lr h�i��� 1�{�t���� �ol����. PK�on�l r�pr���ntatlw�� �ucc���oe� an� ���llt��•
<br /> � '[h� urw "Il�n�tieiaty" �h�ll Man eM o+m�r a►A holdoe ot ti+ nat�. �fi�th�r �r not a�d �� Nn�tinl�ry
<br /> ',�: � . h�[�fa. —
<br /> �' ''�'''�� y,�i ; 16. 4an.fioi�r9'• Pow��• Olehout �f[�atinR eh� li�biliky oi any oth�e p�nan li�bl� tot eh� p�Y� - ..v.�
<br />�''� � ;y���� �' , . aa�t o[ arp ob11Q�tlon benin rntionad. ��d vithout oll�ceing the 1l�n or ci�rd� ot thi� Ds�d oi Tru�t +
<br /> •, ��u_,�..;,_..,,_,,::
<br /> ' �, . . - a�11 u�psid oD2l�ation�• d�nofi�iary..r��ero,��ci�cta�tiwr utd�vitl�out•eotia�tfor th� full paqaNt►t ot �R-
<br /> '. _�,��-.. __
<br /> , :;;x' .. .. • (�) relewu �ny per�m• m 11abl�i I!S_��.�����_�:_s--_-
<br /> -ai.�c � ' te.:�:�..... �_ -_ -- ---
<br /> '�� (b? �xt�nd th� �aturity or •1Nr �u►y o! th� t�ea� o[ any �uoh obli��tioe{ _
<br /> . -. (c) tr�ns oeh�e lndul��c��i —
<br /> . . ' " .. (d) swl�ue or r�-coav�y or nresl c�stia►los■all otrtM p��«ri �y �"='" -
<br /> � ��' .,�Ii .�. �.,..•,� . tlw� �t MwileLrY• cPtioo. aa7 W � P = _.._
<br /> ,,,. o,- • y --.
<br /> ;';;; _nr. ,��...�.i'�-' --- -- - -
<br /> ,� .,...: -1,;:,;�� (e) take oe r�l�w� an7 otA�r oc addi�loa�l s�eueiq tor war obliption '�
<br /> '•i:;. �a;� i.. , h�r�la�atiaa�d: or �
<br /> ,:.j.i ` ' ' �! �r,��i�r'���;Pk (f) Mlc� eawpo�itiw� or oth�r wnanR�wane� vith d�ltor� in sel�tioo th�rwto. ;,.` K ��' x _�
<br /> ,t.ti .,•�•i, � - �t:1�,.��.
<br /> i;'� ; ��+r` t '�L�:'_.' �•' 19. Cov�rnin¢ Uv. Ili 1e Aeed of Trwt �h+ll ba governed by t6e luv� of tfi� St�t� of Nsbrw�lu +md, ` y.` ����
<br /> t�� ,ii; '�•���;�/;{� �� � jr, �•.'�.ir in the everL any on� or uorR of th� FY��i�a ccneal�d ia thte L)eed of Truat. or eh� note or an7r �thes ��e„ti,'__
<br /> ;i��,'.��-�; i kr���1��;,�"{f� � • sECUrity inatr�mient giveu in co�eetion vith thie traneactiaR ehn�i ba fat any re�so� 6e held to be in- � _
<br /> � ' valid. 111�ga1 or un�nfareeable !n anq reapect, auch inv�lld�Yy, illegality or unenfarae+�l�ility eht�ll ,�������
<br /> ,. .•-� . , �,�.,w.-;�__
<br /> .�+;��:�:;�:;', ,�,;,;�;;'�•'• • ' �.• �ot atfect any other provlaia�* ot thla Daed o[ Truet, but the Aeed of trust ■lull be coaatrwd a� if =-- _ _
<br /> f..,` , �{ ��•�,',' � .,j•, aueh involid, illea�l or miorc��ble psoviaioo had nevet been cantainad h�rein or th�r�in. �� f��_�����
<br /> ����'��'+' j+'n:1�;;;;��1�,�••.';'"• '2p, Efiacc o! Forhearaaee. Anp fosba�rance by Heneficiary or Tswtee in ex�rcieing +uty right or • �.�, ._
<br /> ' ,.��•'•:'� ,�'I,�,�i:r� �� ,�{ ,�•,• P a�.t�,t:%;�'��.,`;n:�::
<br /> r•E�.l•;;:�R�i.,,;:,,•�r,.,, ra�edy h�r�under, or othan�ri�e atlordec] bq applic�bie lav� ehell twt be a aaiver of or reclude th� a�er— , ,,� ,, „�
<br /> .�- � � ,r.:i:E� 1 Y `s r
<br /> �� �,�t� 7,•.ti �r.� cite oP u�y euch right or resedy hereunder. T.ikeviee. the Waiver 6y Beneficiury or Truatea o[ any d�fault 1 i;�. I
<br /> •f;..�,f}�,:;'''' • o[ th� Truator a�d�r ehi�D�ed of Tru�t shall not b� d�aNd to be a wpivas of anq othar or oi�ilar dr f'��i�
<br /> - -�'*�":""— '� fault rub��quieaily octuTtisag. �- -;r,���,
<br /> 21. Ra-convaY�nce b�Trwto�. Upan veitten reque�t of tMe Beneficiery �tating thst all �w� �acue�d : �,�
<br /> n '
<br /> hereby h�v� baen p�id� and upon eurrender of thie D�ed of Trwt and the �ote to the Tru�tee [or c�ncal-
<br /> t + lation and retention �nd upon p�Y�nt by Trw+tor ot Trueteo'e Leee, Teuatea ehall re-convey to Truetor, ;
<br /> oe tMe p�r�on or pereone legslly �ntieled theceto, vithout verr�nty. eny portion ot th� prop�req ehan
<br /> � • ' held h�reundtc. R�cit�l� in euch re-canvayanco ot eny �ttare or tacts �hsll b� conclu�tv� proot o[ th� � � ^���
<br /> ' eruth[ulaess thereo[. Gnntae� t� the r�-canvayanct w�y b� dacciMd �o "the per�on or per�on• 1�Rally • �
<br /> �ntitl�d eh�r�to."
<br /> ' 22. Acc�ptsnca bY Ttuetee. Trustee accepte ehte tru�t wh�n ch!• D�ed ot Trwt, duly •:�cut�d a�d L „�,,,.,���
<br /> F
<br /> } „ �cta�owl�dg�d. i• wd� • public reeord a� provided by l�v. ,-�rs��••-�
<br /> IN pITd88g MqERBOF. Tcwtor h�s executed thi• Deed o[ Tru�t on ely drte tir�t eot�d sbm». �- � :,��� •��•_.� �
<br /> � � � � .�,.,�, ._
<br /> . u..�
<br /> � T�me: � _ �� - __.
<br /> i ^;:�,-
<br /> . ! ''` ��� ; , Time: �inda Robb , .:,;�;.:..��
<br /> �•';�.' : STATE OF NEBRASKA ) , - -_----
<br /> ' "�; ' � COUHTY HAI�I, � ee: ' 'is�--,-�
<br /> ,`... , . . OF ) �`�� �` �,.
<br /> �,,..,{.�;� � , . .,
<br /> - ' '' - ' - On thi� gth d�y of M�y , 19a91 . before me, the underolE�ed, • Notary , •,;,��;;'�';,� L:
<br /> raonnll caneD011glBS D. i{Hhll & L1qda. RObb �Iahtl ',.!i�;��;i.�s�^°-
<br /> " ' � Public duly coani�sioned and qwlifled tor eatd County. pe Y .. , a�`Fiu�
<br /> to �e knor+n to be the identical pereon(e) who�e name(n) are eubecribed to the Eoregoinq in�ttuwant � ��,,,,,,�
<br /> '% �nd �clmovl�dged tha e�ceeution thQreaf to be their vnl�mtary nct and deQd. ' �",°"''"'
<br /> ..r.�; ► '-
<br /> , .,. ..�I:" .
<br /> � ' Witness �y h�nd �nd Notari�l Seal ec Gr1nd Island. � ln sald County, the date � ••
<br /> n ••.
<br />; r , afora�aid. 1 '
<br /> ����«�1 i
<br /> y Hy corission expireo �
<br /> My01ra Ep�IIIM,lR 1191 . .
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